Didn't see it in this thread, but Italy shipped the US 500k Coronavirus testing kits yesterday:

Pretty cool stuff, but also kinda sad that we're requiring help from Italy of all places.
Edit: Maybe they were just shipped from Italy, and not from the Italians. Can't quite tell from the story.
Pentagon spokesman Jonathan Hoffman confirmed the shipment on board an Air National Guard aircraft. The plane carried "swabs" that are used in the COVID-19 testing process, he said during a Wednesday afternoon briefing at the Pentagon.
"There's multiple parts to testing," Air Force Brig. Gen. Dr. Paul Friedrichs, the Joint Staff surgeon, said at the same briefing. "The first is the swabs that are used to collect the sample from the individual who's being tested, then there's a liquid that you put the swab into. That's what composed what we brought over from Italy."

Pretty cool stuff, but also kinda sad that we're requiring help from Italy of all places.
Edit: Maybe they were just shipped from Italy, and not from the Italians. Can't quite tell from the story.