I had flu symptoms two weeks back (2/23-2/27) and went to a 24 hour clinic. Flu test came back negative but the attendant said that was normal and I probably had strain-C since the test only works for A & B strains. Headaches, weakness, cold sweat, joint pain, slight dry cough but no runny nose. Sucked, but over and done in 3-4 days.Exsurge Domine said:JJMt said:
You may well be right. I was skeptical of such claims at first, but a good friend reminded me that he and his entire family got something in late December while traveling from Maryland to Arizona. His description of their symptoms was exactly the same as coronavirus: high fever, dry cough, lasted about three weeks, and totally kicked their butts. His kids got it also but the symptoms were dramatically lower for them.
Yep, my daughter came down with a bug that was again negative for strep and flu two weeks ago. Lasted for a few days and she was fine.
BTHOthatguy said:
You ever try to get an old person to do something they don't want to do?
Mordred said:I'm not sure what you're referring to, and your Emoticon suggests you're joking, but please don't spread the disinformation that this is man-made. It's only going to make fear and panic worse, and we don't need more of that.law-apt-3g said:
Permanent scarring of lungs, virus ability to re-infect after recovery, maybe this is manmade due to these odd characteristics of concern.
If so, somebody knows exactly how effed up the virus actually be.I can post more authoritative sources if you like.Quote:
No evidence suggests that the virus is man-made. SARS-CoV-2 closely resembles two other coronaviruses that have triggered outbreaks in recent decades, SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV, and all three viruses seem to have originated in bats. In short, the characteristics of SARS-CoV-2 fall in line with what we know about other naturally occurring coronaviruses that made the jump from animals to people.
Yep. I had the flu at the end of December and tested negative.Bingo Bango Bongo said:
The rapid flu test has a high false negative rate. Up to 50%. So lots of "i felt terrible like I had the flu but the test was negative" cases are still the flu
Appreciate these stats. Wow only 36 in the US. You would think there'd be three or four more zeros after that number with all the hysteria.lead said:
---New deaths over the last 9 days in chronological order (WHO numbers)----
China: 38, 31, 30, 28, 27, 23, 17, 22, 11, 7. Total China deaths at 3180. China topped out at around 150 daily deaths.
Not China: 48, 53, 69, 78, 71, 202, 186, 258, 310, 335. Total 1775.
US: 4, 3, 1, 1, 0, 0, 8, 6, 4, 7. Total 36 (WHO numbers).
New Italy deaths: 28, 27, 41, 49, 37, 132, 97, 168. 196, 189. Total 1016.
You gotta go back for the rest of the pandemicC@LAg said:i did costco yesterday:Marcus Aurelius said:
Just got back from liquor store. Unreal packed. Shelves almost empty. Man unprecedented times. Lucky to nab a 175 Titos.
Of course it shares characteristics... it's a coronavirus. Isn't it kinda weird that it apparently shares the best of those characteristics? It's like a coronavirus greatest hits. 4 hours in the air, most only minutes. Asymptomatic transmission of over a week possible, hours or days for most others. Longer incubation than most... yadda yadda yadda.Mordred said:I'm not sure what you're referring to, and your Emoticon suggests you're joking, but please don't spread the disinformation that this is man-made. It's only going to make fear and panic worse, and we don't need more of that.law-apt-3g said:
Permanent scarring of lungs, virus ability to re-infect after recovery, maybe this is manmade due to these odd characteristics of concern.
If so, somebody knows exactly how effed up the virus actually be.I can post more authoritative sources if you like.Quote:
No evidence suggests that the virus is man-made. SARS-CoV-2 closely resembles two other coronaviruses that have triggered outbreaks in recent decades, SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV, and all three viruses seem to have originated in bats. In short, the characteristics of SARS-CoV-2 fall in line with what we know about other naturally occurring coronaviruses that made the jump from animals to people.
How is that relevant? We still had people streaming on in from the hot spots in Europe not even checked.who?mikejones said:Shanked Punt said:
Haiti seems to be able to screen people much more effectively at airports than we do.
How many airports? How many flights in a day? How many total passengers are we talking here?
What type of test? Swabbing? Temperature?
That last you this weekend right?C@LAg said:i did costco yesterday:Marcus Aurelius said:
Just got back from liquor store. Unreal packed. Shelves almost empty. Man unprecedented times. Lucky to nab a 175 Titos.
Shanked Punt said:How is that relevant? We still had people streaming on in from the hot spots in Europe not even checked.who?mikejones said:Shanked Punt said:
Haiti seems to be able to screen people much more effectively at airports than we do.
How many airports? How many flights in a day? How many total passengers are we talking here?
What type of test? Swabbing? Temperature?
it's completely relevant and you know how that isShanked Punt said:How is that relevant? We still had people streaming on in from the hot spots in Europe not even checked.who?mikejones said:Shanked Punt said:
Haiti seems to be able to screen people much more effectively at airports than we do.
How many airports? How many flights in a day? How many total passengers are we talking here?
What type of test? Swabbing? Temperature?
Mordred said:Jesus. WTF is it with this clown show? I was honestly a little impressed that they were finally getting things right.CDub06 said:
Oh. https://www.theverge.com/platform/amp/2020/3/13/21179118/google-coronavirus-testing-screening-website-drive-thru-covid-19Quote:
Contrary to Trump's claim, Google is not building a nationwide coronavirus screening website
Instead, Verily is building a triage website just for the Bay Area
Welcome to conservatism!TCTTS said:Mordred said:Jesus. WTF is it with this clown show? I was honestly a little impressed that they were finally getting things right.CDub06 said:
Oh. https://www.theverge.com/platform/amp/2020/3/13/21179118/google-coronavirus-testing-screening-website-drive-thru-covid-19Quote:
Contrary to Trump's claim, Google is not building a nationwide coronavirus screening website
Instead, Verily is building a triage website just for the Bay Area
How can people continue to defend these kind of blunders? (I would call them "lies" but I get scolded when I do). For days and weeks now, this guy can't get through a single appearance, speech, or press conference without announcing things that aren't even remotely true or cause massive confusion. I genuinely do not understand how information is mismanaged this poorly. Further, I don't understand how people continue to have faith in an administration that, time and again, gets the messaging *this* wrong. If they're this bad at the messaging, how are we supposed to have faith in their execution?
C@LAg said:i did costco yesterday:Marcus Aurelius said:
Just got back from liquor store. Unreal packed. Shelves almost empty. Man unprecedented times. Lucky to nab a 175 Titos.