China Coronavirus Outbreak Spreads; Hundreds Infected As Human-To-Human Transmission

3,370,292 Views | 21819 Replies | Last: 19 days ago by ttu_85
Sid Farkas
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the last of the bohemians said:

You can't really close the southern border though. Those coyotes have an economic incentive to find a way across.
A pandemic will negatively effect all businesses including illicit ones. Ill bet latin americans will generally hunker down rather than mass migrate north...specially if theyre sick.
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I think Monday is setting up to be a record drop in the stock market.
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Sid Farkas said:

the last of the bohemians said:

You can't really close the southern border though. Those coyotes have an economic incentive to find a way across.
A pandemic will negatively effect all businesses including illicit ones. Ill bet latin americans will generally hunker down rather than mass migrate north...specially if theyre sick.

And Trump won't play around if the illegals crossing the border are a pandemic threat, I'd suspect military patrols
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the last of the bohemians said:

You can't really close the southern border though. Those coyotes have an economic incentive to find a way across.
Yes you can. Hungary and Israel are good examples.

If you have a will to do it, it can be done.
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It is, by far and away, the toughest it's ever been for the wet's to get across (although you wouldn't know it by the bluster bandied about). The prices charged by smugglers are sky high and lots of folks get caught, getting across the border is probably only 50% of the challenge, getting past the checkpoints is a lot tougher now than in the past and thus the physical aspect of most treks would be really hard for even a mildly sick person.

I would think that what would probably go on, and what would probably spur this to happen is having lots of BP and LEO people being sick too, is that Trump issues a real harsh serious absolutely no BS threat to the Mexicans and the Mex's in turn militarize their side and shut it down like the could have all along.

The amount of food stuffs and other products coming in from Mexico, not to mention going into Mexico (corn & pork, gasoline among many), makes "shutting down the border" almost impossible for both countries.

What I can see happening is the Mexicans being forced, under severe duress, to not mess around and tighten things way up and the US getting hyper serious about health screening at the border on all coming in.
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daggertx said:

the last of the bohemians said:

You can't really close the southern border though. Those coyotes have an economic incentive to find a way across.
Yes you can. Hungary and Israel are good examples.

If you have a will to do it, it can be done.
Those are completely different situations that what really exists on the US/Mexican border. And one major caveat is the fact that neither Israel nor Hungary have extremely wealthy criminal organizations that operate on both sides of the border and which can, and regularly do, financially corrupt, albeit a minority, those that are tasked to stop them. Military included.
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RGV AG said:

daggertx said:

the last of the bohemians said:

You can't really close the southern border though. Those coyotes have an economic incentive to find a way across.
Yes you can. Hungary and Israel are good examples.

If you have a will to do it, it can be done.
Those are completely different situations that what really exists on the US/Mexican border. And one major caveat is the fact that neither Israel nor Hungary have extremely wealthy criminal organizations that operate on both sides of the border and which can, and regularly do, financially corrupt, albeit a minority, those that are tasked to stop them. Military included.
Please, its about WILL.

The situation in Israel is a lot different, they have a horde of people trying to KILL THEM. They are not digging tunnels to funnel drugs, they are digging tunnels to wage a war of genocide.

Using the military and a no go zone of patrols, mines, fencing, and death.
JD Shellnut
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Man it up like the DMZ in Korea. No coyotes will get through that!!
Snap E Tom
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foleyt said:

Interesting thread suggesting the latest WA case could have originated from the first US case in WA 6 weeks ago. They already sequenced the genome for the latest case and both WA genomes contain a variation that only 3% of the Chinese genomes contained

So, I guess this is kind of good news. Coupled with the death announced today and the two cases announced last night, which came completely out of the blue, it's likely we've had this thing floating around the Seattle 'burbs for the last six weeks.

I can attest there aren't bodies lying in the streets and mobile cremation stations driving around as OldAg89er would like you to believe. Hell, I've spent the last 6 weeks running near that high school 3/4 times a week. I'm also the worst at not rubbing one's eyes.

I don't think it can be stressed enough. If you're sick, stay. the. eff. home. We have this ridiculous mentality in the US that if you're not providing face time, you're not productive. I've worked for a couple of 100% remote companies in my life, and the whole "show up or you're not a good employee" mentality is nonsense. At my last job, despite it being IT, we had managers that were leery about letting employees WFH one day a week.

I've encountered many underperforming, idiotic a--holes that would show up despite being sick because they think it shows that they're better than they are. If you suck, you suck, and showing up in person is only going to prove you're an a--hole who sucks.
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I fear Washington State is just a week or two away from this situation.
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Gui Duck revenge!
Snap E Tom
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TheCougarHunter said:

Snap E Tom said:

Welp. I'm effed. Jackson High School is about five miles away from my house. The kid doesn't have a history of travel, either. It's in the community.

Time to treat this like like a Texan - get out my AKs and shoot the virus if it comes on my property. Castle Doctrine and all.

Godspeed my friend
Thank you, sir.
JD Shellnut
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VaultingChemist said:

I fear Washington State is just a week or two away from this situation.

So 1662+898=2560. So all of the confirmed cases but 9 are hospitalized or waiting to be hospitalized? That just seems crazy if 99% of confirmed cases are so severe that they need to be in a hospital.
Snap E Tom
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VaultingChemist said:

I fear Washington State is just a week or two away from this situation.
We have a few things going for us, not just in Washington, but in the US.

First, we have a lot of hospitals that are well spread out all across the metro area. 900+ additions will be taxing, but not breaking. Second, we are far less dense than Asian cities. Looking at Wikipedia, Daegu has a density of 2800/sq km. Seattle metro is 250/sq km. Quarantine will be more effective as long as people actually do it.

Hopefully this will put an end to the nonsense density housing laws the leftists are trying to put in place, but I doubt it.
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Drifter. said:

VaultingChemist said:

I fear Washington State is just a week or two away from this situation.

So 1662+898=2560. So all of the confirmed cases but 9 are hospitalized or waiting to be hospitalized? That just seems crazy if 99% of confirmed cases are so severe that they need to be in a hospital.
I think some of that info may not have been translated correctly. Probably 898 required hospitalization, and the other 1662 cases were mild enough to be treated at home. But that still calculates to be a very high complication rate.
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Drifter. said:

VaultingChemist said:

I fear Washington State is just a week or two away from this situation.

So 1662+898=2560. So all of the confirmed cases but 9 are hospitalized or waiting to be hospitalized? That just seems crazy if 99% of confirmed cases are so severe that they need to be in a hospital.

The issue is that many people who have/have had it are never confirmed. For young healthy individuals they experience it like many other viral infections and the symptoms run their course. For older individuals and those with underlying health issues the symptoms are more severe, complications more likely. These are the people presenting for treatment and, resultantly, being Dx'd.

My bet is that this is far more widespread, and has been since December-ish. We're just now aware of it and are able to test for it. Most likely there are far more folks worldwide who've been running around with "cold/flu" that is in fact COVID-19 and it's now making its way around to more vulnerable individuals.
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I am still of the opinion that this virus will be much bigger hype then damage. HOWEVER, if this thing gets into the drug infested homeless population of Seatle it is going to wreak a lot of havoc on them.

Same could be for SF or anyother major city that has rampant drug and alcohol induced homeless.

Also please note where the CV outbreaks are being reported, these are strong TDS centers. And in reality it is not really TDS, It is a fear of what is going to happen if Trump wins this election and takes the congress. The swamp and it's massive allies, including China, Iran, Ukraine, and Soros and others like him. Obama and co, the courts will take such a hit it will set their agenda back some 30 years. And that is what this really all about!

They will do anything, I mean anything to stop Trump from winning this next election and gaining congress. ANNNNNYTHHHHHIIIIIING!

They would have no problem eliminated a few million, starting a war, destroying the economy. No problem whatsover as they know they will survive it.
"only one thing is important!"
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I've been out and about around LA and Southern California all week taking vacation. Aside from a few stand up comedians jokes about the virus, it's like nothing is even happening. I've been too busy the past two weeks to keep track of the fine details of this virus. Flying LAX to ATL tomorrow, not too worried about it yet. I do believe it will spread but it's not an event you can just bug out and survive. It'll be around for months, a few cases of water isn't going to make much difference. Some services may be disrupted but no one is going to weld your door shut with you inside here in the US.

Are people really expecting to run out of water? I think those fears are premature at this point. I stocked up on zinc and elderberry a month ago to last me a few months. I think it's the best course of action to take these supplements that are proven to reduce viral infection severity and duration. Also slow the spread with sensible hygiene and behavior.

Panic and shutting down business is going to cause more chaos and disruption than necessary. Though I do agree with restricting international travel to reduce risk of geographic spread.

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It's all about perspective....

Your account vs Daily Mail's.

Obviously both have bias. But which is the truth? It probably lies somewhere in the middle. People are obviously concerned but you could good to any Costco on a busy Saturday and take pictures of what looks like panic.


Coronavirus panic grips California with anxious shoppers stocking up on bottled water, canned food and Clorox wipes as the state becomes a virus hot spot

California residents hit the shops on Saturday to stock up on essential supplies as their state becomes a Coronavirus hot spot
Locals loaded up on toilet paper, bottled water and canned food amid fears of a possible lockdown
More than half a dozen Californians have been diagnosed with Coronavirus in recent days, with two contracting the disease from an 'unknown origin'
On Saturday, Santa Clara County - which is home to Silicon Valley - confirmed a fourth resident had tested positive to the disease

I'm sure the blonde in black loves having a picture of her and her boxes of tampons front and center.....

This is the only unusual pic IMO from the story. Who lines up early to get into Costco?? The rest of the pictures look like any normal busy time during a Saturday.
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Looking at the Costco Lines and chatter of my friends - and my friends knew about this virus - none of them prepared for anything until this weekend? This weekend is a great weekend to get out and spread the virus amongst everyone - cheers America

I bought my stuff 4 weeks ago now probably and bought stuff for my parents and a couple do nothing friends then so no one would have to be out in mass public if they didn't want to be.

Lordy we live in strange world
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Ok I have been hesitant to speak about my own personal living environment but will now.

I live in Bahrain, we have now 41 CV patients. Bahrain has a pretty heavy Shia population and therefore a number of folk who go to Qom for their religious trips.

So Bahrain has handled this very well.

1. They first monitered and shut down travel to China and tested every one coming of the flights and logging where and when etc.

2. They begin to do the same when the Iran infection became know. So far all our cases are Iran based.

3. As soon as we had a case and when it was found out he was a bus driver, they shut down all schools and U's and proceeded to monitor and quarantine all contacts that had any symptons and ask those who who did test positive or were asymptomatic to self quarantine and are monitered.. They are now going back through anyone who was in Iran from the dates of the first and have contacted all and have caused all to self quarantine.

4. They shut down all schools and U's for at least two weeks,

5. They have blitzed virus prevention tactics and opened up an emergency hotline.


Results: We have 41 cases, ZERO PANIC, ZERO RUN ON GROCERY STORES. We still met for church and other things. People are taking it in stride, some wear mask most don't. Other than kids being at home (not for us ours are grown) everything is pretty normal, It's chill!

EVALUATION: Bahrain has more cases than the US at this time, we live on Island about half the size of Maui, HI. and we are not acting like this is an apocalyptic world ending event. Life is going on pretty much as normal with the exception of the schools shut down to keep the potential spread to a minumum in large groups.

I am confident that this will not be a mass death major crisis here and I am quite sure it won't be in the US either!

Finally, I was a lead pastor/elder for a fellowship in Kyoto Japa for 7 years from 1994 to 2001, the point?

The flock was primarily post grad students in STEM, specifically biology and virus's etc. Kyoto University is well known for this. Over 50 of them were mainland Chinese! Many are top level researchers around the world, in the US, China, Singapore, Hong Kong, and even Europe and some stayed in Japan.

I have asked their take on this. Here is a text I received from Wu, originally from China, one of the top viral researchers in a major US university that is well known for this field. Her take kind of sums up the consensus from my gang, some of which are world class "Nobel peace price" type in thier field which include Virology.

"I feel that this virus was leaked P-4 lab by accident or poor practice/ management whether it was altered or not. I have been praying that truth to be revealed quickly, not 20 years later.

I think The Lord has prepared the antidote beforehand, the Remdesivir by Gilead (Jeremiah 8:22) is working most likely, and the vaccine is on its way, no need to worry in the long run.

I am glad that I am able to share the goodness of the Lord with my family and friends in China through wechat during the plague. Hope all of the chaos will be over by this Easter. Wu"
"only one thing is important!"
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On the bright side, high stress and poor sleep resulting from TDS actually weakens immune system.
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I am so buying options on Costco their 1st QT earnings... Hell Houston Bunker Hill was a madhouse on the water yesterday. I saw people picking up 10+ cases because of the water boil and I assume some bunker types. Canned meat, rice, beans, and macaroni were still there
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A small group of students and employees at Rice University have been asked to self-quarantine because of an employee's possible exposure to the Wuhan Coronavirus during overseas travel, according to university officials.

A Rice University press release states that the employee's travel was not on the CDC's restricted travel list and the university's Crisis Management Advisory Committee made the decision Saturday out of an abundance of caution.
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spadilly said:


A small group of students and employees at Rice University have been asked to self-quarantine because of an employee's possible exposure to the Wuhan Coronavirus during overseas travel, according to university officials.

A Rice University press release states that the employee's travel was not on the CDC's restricted travel list and the university's Crisis Management Advisory Committee made the decision Saturday out of an abundance of caution.

The fact that they made this public and included that they are working with Harris County public health and then left out details such as the actual country, whether the employee is symptomatic or not, timing of the visit, etc. seems strange. I appreciate that they want to inform the public, but if you're gonna inform us, give us more info.
BMX Bandit
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1. They first monitered and shut down travel to China and tested every one coming of the flights and logging where and when etc.

2. They begin to do the same when the Iran infection became know. So far all our cases are Iran based.

3. As soon as we had a case and when it was found out he was a bus driver, they shut down all schools and U's and proceeded to monitor and quarantine all contacts that had any symptons and ask those who who did test positive or were asymptomatic to self quarantine and are monitered.. They are now going back through anyone who was in Iran from the dates of the first and have contacted all and have caused all to self quarantine.

4. They shut down all schools and U's for at least two weeks,

5. They have blitzed virus prevention tactics and opened up an emergency hotline.


Results: We have 41 cases, ZERO PANIC, ZERO RUN ON GROCERY STORES. We still met for church and other things. People are taking it in stride, some wear mask most don't. Other than kids being at home (not for us ours are grown) everything is pretty normal, It's chill!

EVALUATION: Bahrain has more cases than the US at this time, we live on Island about half the size of Maui, HI. and we are not acting like this is an apocalyptic world ending event. Life is going on pretty much as normal with the exception of the schools shut down to keep the potential spread to a minumum in large groups.

If schools in US shut down for at least 2 weeks due to Coronavirus, I guarantee you there will be runs on grocery stores and mass hysteria in that city.
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This is a good read on why so many Iranians might be catching the virus.
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If schools in US shut down for at least 2 weeks due to Coronavirus, I guarantee you there will be runs on grocery stores and mass hysteria in that city.
Oh I am sure there would be, there is enough of it going on now even without that.

That is my point. I live on very small island with more confirmed CV cases then the US and with a chance for a number more because of the interation with QOM Iran and yet, even with the school shut downs for caution and prevention, we are living without all the drama.

So whats the difference? The media hype and we live under some sort of threat most the time, whether it be from Iran, the Muslim brotherhood, some flu or whatever.

We know that going all nuts about this is really not going to lead to anything good.
"only one thing is important!"
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Agreed. Here's the full Rice press release:


Coronavirus alert - 2/29/2020

Saturday, February 29, 2020 - 11:01pm
Out of an abundance of caution, the Crisis Management Advisory Committee today has asked a small group of Rice employees and students to self-quarantine because of a Rice employee's possible exposure to the coronavirus while on overseas travel (to a country not on the CDC's restricted travel list). The university is taking all necessary precautionary steps and working closely with and at the guidance of Harris County Public Health.

At this time, we are not planning to suspend campus operations, events or classes. Going forward, we will follow the guidance of Harris County Public Health. We ask that all members of our community take steps to ensure that we all stay as healthy as possible, including:

Wash your hands often and thoroughly with soap and water, especially before eating or preparing food, after going to the bathroom and after you have been around someone who is sick. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer if you are unable to wash with soap and water.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
Avoid sharing dishes, glasses and utensils.
Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue and then throw it away.
Stay home and do not go to class if you are sick. If you live in one of the undergraduate colleges, contact the senior operations manager for your servery to make arrangements for your meals to be delivered so that you do not spread germs in public dining areas.
Students, please contact Student Health Services (located in the Rich Student Health and Wellness Center next to the Brown College magisters' house) if you are sick. Student Health Services is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. To make an appointment, call 713-348-4966. If the office is closed, you can find a list of nearby urgent-care centers on the website. Dr. McKelvey will also be available tomorrow (Sunday) from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. to answer any questions students might have (call 713-348-4966).

Rice EMS is always available for on-campus emergencies, 24 hours a day. The phone number is at 713-348-6000.

We would like to remind any student, faculty or staff member who travels for personal reasons to any country on the CDC's level 2 and level 3 warning list that they must self-isolate and stay away from campus for two weeks after returning to the U.S.

As a precaution given the fluid global situation, we're also requiring everyone in the Rice community who travels outside the U.S. to register their travel at this website: You'll need to log in with your NetID, but it's a simple process. If you have questions about using the application, please contact the help desk at 713-348-HELP (4357) or email

We understand that the Rice community will be rightfully concerned. The Crisis Management Advisory Committee will provide a further update within the next 24 hours or sooner as we know more. The safety and wellbeing of our students, faculty and staff are our highest priority. Visit for all updates and related information.

In the meantime, you can find information about the coronavirus at these websites:
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So think about this, what if there were 41 cases in San Fran and they shut down schools to mitigate the spread of CV. IT WOULD BE AN ABSOLUTE ZOO as, seen from some of the photos, it already is in CA.

We are an extremely pampered, spoiled and entitled people.
"only one thing is important!"
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Ya wouldn't it be great if the US was more like the Middle East. Good lord.
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Worlds most famous art museum (arguably) closed temporarily due to CV.
Shanked Punt
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12 more positive cases announced today in the UK
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Now in chicago

HHS Secretary Azar says new coronavirus case appears in Chicago

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