China Coronavirus Outbreak Spreads; Hundreds Infected As Human-To-Human Transmission

3,369,409 Views | 21819 Replies | Last: 16 days ago by ttu_85
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scottimus said:

I suspect we will follow the South Korean model...Hell, we are provably telling them what to do.

When did they first identify their first case? About 1-2 weeks ago?


Jan 20th 1st case.

On February 18th they had 31, today (Thursday) so far 1,595.
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BTHOthatguy said:

So I'm a type one diabetic. Thanks to changes in insurance I'm only allowed 30 days of insulin at a time.

Thoughts on paying out of pocket to stockpile?
See what kind of discount you can find on GoodRX or SingleCare.
"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." - Sir Winston Churchill
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BTHOthatguy said:

So I'm a type one diabetic. Thanks to changes in insurance I'm only allowed 30 days of insulin at a time.

Thoughts on paying out of pocket to stockpile?
With or without this virus : a Type I or Type II diabetic should always have 90 days of insulin and testing supplies in their homes. You can buy inexpensive insulin at Wal-Mart over the counter without a prescription. My father was diabetic -- and this is what he did.
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PJYoung said:

scottimus said:

I suspect we will follow the South Korean model...Hell, we are provably telling them what to do.

When did they first identify their first case? About 1-2 weeks ago?


Jan 20th 1st case.

On February 18th they had 31, today (Thursday) so far 1,595.
But it stands to reason that, at the time, there were far more than just 1 case considering the cult/church?

Even conjecture that they were intentionally spreading it?

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The COVID-19 virus can re-infect a person who once tested negative. When it re-infects the person -- that person almost always required critical medical care and often dies.

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moses1084ever said:


The COVID-19 virus can re-infect a person who once tested negative. When it re-infects the person -- that person almost always required critical medical care and often dies.


"It's highly possible to get infected a second time," one of the doctors, who declined to be identified, told the outlet. The physician said that medication used to treat the virus can have negative side effects on patients' heart tissue, making them more susceptible to cardiac arrest.

"A few people recovered from the first time by their own immune system, but the meds they use are damaging their heart tissue, and when they get it the second time, the antibody doesn't help but makes it worse, and they die a sudden death from heart failure," the doctor said."

"Philip Tierno Jr., Professor of Microbiology and Pathology at NYU School of Medicine, said: "Once you have the infection, it could remain dormant and with minimal symptoms, and then you can get an exacerbation if it finds its way into the lungs."

He said much remains unknown about the virus. "I'm not certain that this is not bi-phasic, like anthrax," he said, meaning the disease appears to go away before recurring."

Get the part it can behave like anthrax?

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OldAg89er said:

BTHOthatguy said:

So I'm a type one diabetic. Thanks to changes in insurance I'm only allowed 30 days of insulin at a time.

Thoughts on paying out of pocket to stockpile?
With or without this virus : a Type I or Type II diabetic should always have 90 days of insulin and testing supplies in their homes. You can buy inexpensive insulin at Wal-Mart over the counter without a prescription. My father was diabetic -- and this is what he did.
Novo Nordisk-manufactured human insulin can be purchased at Walmart stores without a prescription for $24.88 a vial.

If you don't have the money -- let me know -- I'll get it to you.
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I have the money and great info. I'll call my endo tomorrow and get a secondary prescription.

Probably go ahead and stockpile on old school test strips.
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Well ***** I was just getting optimistic. Then I run across the autopsy of a patient that succumbed to the Wuhan Flu. ;


Coronavirus (COVID-19) Autopsy Report is analyzed in this video by Dr. Mike Hansen.

Coronavirus or more appropriately its new name SARS-CoV-2 is the virus responsible for the Covid-19 outbreak. Wuhan, China has been the epicenter of this epidemic, but some experts, like Dr. Anthony Fauci, are now saying that we are on the verge of a pandemic.

Before I get to the autopsy results of a patient with Covid-19, its important to understand the context of the numbers of total people infected, total people with coronavirus pneumonia, number of people who developed ARDS, and the total number of deaths.

When looking at the numbers, we should realize that they are almost certainly being underreported in China, and there are multiple reasons for that, which I won't get into right now.

Although these are not concrete numbers, its what we have to go by at this point. The percentage of people.

Also, up to this point, there has not been any pathology reported on this disease because of limited access to autopsy and biopsy results.

But finally, we now have a new case report study in Lancet Respir Med, published Feb 17, that has autopsy results for a patient who died from Covid-19.

Pathological findings of COVID-19 associated with acute
respiratory distress syndrome

The patient is a 50-year-old man from China, who visited Wuhan Jan 812. On Jan 14, he developed a dry cough and some mild chills, so this is day 1
of illness). However, he did not initially seek medical attention and kept working until Jan 21. He then went to a medical clinic on Jan 21, because by that time, he had developed worsening symptoms. He had fever, chills, fatigue, cough, and shortness of breath.
On Jan 22 (day 9 of illness), the Beijing Centers for Disease Control (CDC) confirmed by reverse real-time PCR assay that the patient had COVID-19.

He was immediately admitted to the isolation ward and received supplemental oxygen through a face mask.

He was given several different medications, which included the inhaled version of interferon alfa-2b, lopinavir plus ritonavir as antiviral therapy, and
Moxifloxacin, to prevent secondary bacterial infection.

He was also given a steroid, methylprednisolone, to attenuate lung inflammation.

On day 12 of illness, after the initial presentation, his symptoms did not improve, other than his fever, which he received medication for.

His chest x-ray on day 12 showed progressive bilateral infiltrates. He repeatedly refused ventilator support in the intensive care unit repeatedly, apparently because he suffered from claustrophobia.

His oxygen saturation values decreased to 60%, and the patient had a cardiac arrest. At that point he was intubated with mechanical ventilation, he had chest compressions and epinephrine.

Unfortunately, they are unable to revive him.

An autopsy is done, and biopsy samples were taken from the lung, liver, and heart.

The heart tissue was essentially normal.

The liver biopsy of this patient showed moderate microvascular steatosis and
mild lobular and portal activity, indicating the injury could have been caused by either SARS-CoV-2 infection or as a result drug-induced liver injury.

Histological examination of lung tissue showed diffuse alveolar damage with cellular fibromyxoid exudates, along with the desquamation of pneumocytes and hyaline membrane formation.

These findings are consistent with acute respiratory distress syndrome.

Interstitial mononuclear inflammatory infiltrates, dominated by lymphocytes, were seen in both lungs. There were multinucleated syncytial cells with atypical large alveoli characterized with prominent nucleoli, consistent with viral cytopathic-like changes.

These pathological features of COVID-19 greatly resemble those seen in SARS and Middle Eastern respiratory syndrome (MERS) coronavirus infection.

Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome ( ARDS )
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Sounds totally legit.....
FTAG 2000
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OldAg89er said:

Only a complete imbecile would believe that there were only 411 infections in China today out of 1.6 billion people, or that the number of infected is going down.

Complete imbecile.

Here are the facts:

The COVID-19 virus can live up to 9 days on surfaces.

The COVID-19 virus can infect someone without them showing *any* symptoms for up to 4 weeks. During this time the infected persons themselves are contagious.

The COVID-19 virus is a military grade weapon that escaped from the BSL-4 lab in China. It was constructed to hide, spread, and attack using a number of weapons -- including HIV-like RNA (this was reported by researchers 2-3 weeks ago). Thus, the attacks on the infected's system are time-released from a few weeks to a few months. Goal is to wreck havoc on the enemy and consume their resources while culling the numbers.

The first reports of HIV-like RNA engineered into the COVID-19 virus was met by scorn (but no countering facts) by governments. However, now doctors in the United States are using HIV related medicines to treat COVID-19 patients in critical condition.

The COVID-19 virus can re-infect a person who once tested negative. When it re-infects the person -- that person almost always required critical medical care and often dies.

Scientific research has determined that the RO for COVID-19 is between 4-7.

The death rate in China is believed to be above 13%, with over 400,000 dead. Thus, the incinerators are burning 24x7 with 40 more industrial incinerators having been brought in to aid the effort of burning "medical waste" as they call it.

China has quarantined over 1 out of 10 of its population. Drastically impacting its economy - both in the short term and in the long term. They have welded people shut in their apartments to suffer the fate of the disease. Hundreds of critically sick patients are brought into each of the "temporary hospitals" during the day, the same number are taken out at night never to be seen from again.

The Internet has been shut off. Those reporting how bad it is in China have disappeared never to be seen or heard from again.

Every country. I repeat - *EVERY COUNTRY* that has any significant COVID-19 cases immediately forcefully quarantines the sick. Other countries restrict travel to said countries. Austria stopped all trains to/from Italy in the wake of the infections in Italy. South Korea is forcefully quarantining citizens and soldiers alike who are infected. Dr. Nancy Messonnier of the CDC privately texts her friends that, "it's worse than what is being said on social media and nation wide news" while the CDC has performed exactly 445 tests for the virus nationwide, and refuses to let states do their own testing.

Governments do not take such actions for a mild cough or fever. They do so when they know it is very bad, and they are keeping the public dumb to what is going on.

Meanwhile, in the United States - our CDC is purposely refusing to perform wide range testing. Again, they have done exactly 445 tests in a nation of 360,000,000 people. Are you freaking kidding us?

They are refusing the alert the American people as to the true dangers of this disease in the name of not panicking the cattle.

So, go ahead, be that guy. The complete imbecile who believes the world is locking and closing itself down due to a virus that is less dangerous than the casual flu.

Again -- 9 days on surfaces, spreads by respiratory droplets, urine, feces, body fluds. 1 person will infect up to 7, those 7 will infect up to 7 more, this will go on for weeks undetected as it did in China until the health system is overwhelmed with the sick and dying and it, too, collapses.

Researchers were releasing facts about the virus being engineered until they were forced to shut up -- or conveniently died or threw themselves off tall buildings. Don't believe me -- google it.


That article you linked to has been withdrawn because a crap ton of scientists reviewed it and destroyed the hypothesis of the authors. You can even read their thoughts on the comments at the bottom of the article.

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scottimus said:

Well ***** I was just getting optimistic. Then I run across the autopsy of a patient that succumbed to the Wuhan Flu. ;


Coronavirus (COVID-19) Autopsy Report is analyzed in this video by Dr. Mike Hansen.

Coronavirus or more appropriately its new name SARS-CoV-2 is the virus responsible for the Covid-19 outbreak. Wuhan, China has been the epicenter of this epidemic, but some experts, like Dr. Anthony Fauci, are now saying that we are on the verge of a pandemic.

Before I get to the autopsy results of a patient with Covid-19, its important to understand the context of the numbers of total people infected, total people with coronavirus pneumonia, number of people who developed ARDS, and the total number of deaths.

When looking at the numbers, we should realize that they are almost certainly being underreported in China, and there are multiple reasons for that, which I won't get into right now.

Although these are not concrete numbers, its what we have to go by at this point. The percentage of people.

Also, up to this point, there has not been any pathology reported on this disease because of limited access to autopsy and biopsy results.

But finally, we now have a new case report study in Lancet Respir Med, published Feb 17, that has autopsy results for a patient who died from Covid-19.

Pathological findings of COVID-19 associated with acute
respiratory distress syndrome

The patient is a 50-year-old man from China, who visited Wuhan Jan 812. On Jan 14, he developed a dry cough and some mild chills, so this is day 1
of illness). However, he did not initially seek medical attention and kept working until Jan 21. He then went to a medical clinic on Jan 21, because by that time, he had developed worsening symptoms. He had fever, chills, fatigue, cough, and shortness of breath.
On Jan 22 (day 9 of illness), the Beijing Centers for Disease Control (CDC) confirmed by reverse real-time PCR assay that the patient had COVID-19.

He was immediately admitted to the isolation ward and received supplemental oxygen through a face mask.

He was given several different medications, which included the inhaled version of interferon alfa-2b, lopinavir plus ritonavir as antiviral therapy, and
Moxifloxacin, to prevent secondary bacterial infection.

He was also given a steroid, methylprednisolone, to attenuate lung inflammation.

On day 12 of illness, after the initial presentation, his symptoms did not improve, other than his fever, which he received medication for.

His chest x-ray on day 12 showed progressive bilateral infiltrates. He repeatedly refused ventilator support in the intensive care unit repeatedly, apparently because he suffered from claustrophobia.

His oxygen saturation values decreased to 60%, and the patient had a cardiac arrest. At that point he was intubated with mechanical ventilation, he had chest compressions and epinephrine.

Unfortunately, they are unable to revive him.

An autopsy is done, and biopsy samples were taken from the lung, liver, and heart.

The heart tissue was essentially normal.

The liver biopsy of this patient showed moderate microvascular steatosis and
mild lobular and portal activity, indicating the injury could have been caused by either SARS-CoV-2 infection or as a result drug-induced liver injury.

Histological examination of lung tissue showed diffuse alveolar damage with cellular fibromyxoid exudates, along with the desquamation of pneumocytes and hyaline membrane formation.

These findings are consistent with acute respiratory distress syndrome.

Interstitial mononuclear inflammatory infiltrates, dominated by lymphocytes, were seen in both lungs. There were multinucleated syncytial cells with atypical large alveoli characterized with prominent nucleoli, consistent with viral cytopathic-like changes.

These pathological features of COVID-19 greatly resemble those seen in SARS and Middle Eastern respiratory syndrome (MERS) coronavirus infection.

Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome ( ARDS )

If you are into science/medical need to watch this. 100% oxygen given....wasn't getting into his blood due to viral infection of the lungs.
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OldAg89er said:

Only a complete imbecile would believe that there were only 411 infections in China today out of 1.6 billion people, or that the number of infected is going down.

Complete imbecile.

Here are the facts:

The COVID-19 virus can live up to 9 days on surfaces.

The COVID-19 virus can infect someone without them showing *any* symptoms for up to 4 weeks. During this time the infected persons themselves are contagious.

The COVID-19 virus is a military grade weapon that escaped from the BSL-4 lab in China. It was constructed to hide, spread, and attack using a number of weapons -- including HIV-like RNA (this was reported by researchers 2-3 weeks ago). Thus, the attacks on the infected's system are time-released from a few weeks to a few months. Goal is to wreck havoc on the enemy and consume their resources while culling the numbers.

The first reports of HIV-like RNA engineered into the COVID-19 virus was met by scorn (but no countering facts) by governments. However, now doctors in the United States are using HIV related medicines to treat COVID-19 patients in critical condition.

The COVID-19 virus can re-infect a person who once tested negative. When it re-infects the person -- that person almost always required critical medical care and often dies.

Scientific research has determined that the RO for COVID-19 is between 4-7.

The death rate in China is believed to be above 13%, with over 400,000 dead. Thus, the incinerators are burning 24x7 with 40 more industrial incinerators having been brought in to aid the effort of burning "medical waste" as they call it.

China has quarantined over 1 out of 10 of its population. Drastically impacting its economy - both in the short term and in the long term. They have welded people shut in their apartments to suffer the fate of the disease. Hundreds of critically sick patients are brought into each of the "temporary hospitals" during the day, the same number are taken out at night never to be seen from again.

The Internet has been shut off. Those reporting how bad it is in China have disappeared never to be seen or heard from again.

Every country. I repeat - *EVERY COUNTRY* that has any significant COVID-19 cases immediately forcefully quarantines the sick. Other countries restrict travel to said countries. Austria stopped all trains to/from Italy in the wake of the infections in Italy. South Korea is forcefully quarantining citizens and soldiers alike who are infected. Dr. Nancy Messonnier of the CDC privately texts her friends that, "it's worse than what is being said on social media and nation wide news" while the CDC has performed exactly 445 tests for the virus nationwide, and refuses to let states do their own testing.

Governments do not take such actions for a mild cough or fever. They do so when they know it is very bad, and they are keeping the public dumb to what is going on.

Meanwhile, in the United States - our CDC is purposely refusing to perform wide range testing. Again, they have done exactly 445 tests in a nation of 360,000,000 people. Are you freaking kidding us?

They are refusing the alert the American people as to the true dangers of this disease in the name of not panicking the cattle.

So, go ahead, be that guy. The complete imbecile who believes the world is locking and closing itself down due to a virus that is less dangerous than the casual flu.

Again -- 9 days on surfaces, spreads by respiratory droplets, urine, feces, body fluds. 1 person will infect up to 7, those 7 will infect up to 7 more, this will go on for weeks undetected as it did in China until the health system is overwhelmed with the sick and dying and it, too, collapses.

Researchers were releasing facts about the virus being engineered until they were forced to shut up -- or conveniently died or threw themselves off tall buildings. Don't believe me -- google it.


I think you misunderstand the definition of the word "facts".
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Definitely interesting but I'm going to try not to draw conclusions on one data point. After all I've seen reports of people surviving 44mag shots to the head...
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Earlier post was in response to this.
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Reports that B.C. schools may have been exposed by latest positive case.


Fraser Health last week sent letters to multiple school districts about the new coronavirus last week.
A new patient had some kind of contact with people connected to a local school district.
That was it. Because Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows and the Tri-Cities were the first areas to release their letters to parents, it was assumed that the patient had some contacts there. But in fact, identical letters went to Langley and other districts as well.

Fraser Health has done this, most likely, to avoid localized panic, but their policy has had the opposite effect.

B.C. health officials won't identify the schools potentially affected by students' contact with B.C.'s sixth coronavirus virus out of concerns about privacy.

That's the explanation given Tuesday at a press conference, when Dr. Bonnie Henry, the provincial health officer, said health care workers have already been in touch with anyone who has been in close contact with the 30-year-old woman who arrived in B.C. from Iran. Identifying the school could make people a target, Henry said.

Incompetence is inciting panic.

Lots of parents are considering withdrawing their kids from those schools.

What would you do?
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scottimus said:

Well ***** I was just getting optimistic. Then I run across the autopsy of a patient that succumbed to the Wuhan Flu. ;


Coronavirus (COVID-19) Autopsy Report is analyzed in this video by Dr. Mike Hansen.

Coronavirus or more appropriately its new name SARS-CoV-2 is the virus responsible for the Covid-19 outbreak. Wuhan, China has been the epicenter of this epidemic, but some experts, like Dr. Anthony Fauci, are now saying that we are on the verge of a pandemic.

Before I get to the autopsy results of a patient with Covid-19, its important to understand the context of the numbers of total people infected, total people with coronavirus pneumonia, number of people who developed ARDS, and the total number of deaths.

When looking at the numbers, we should realize that they are almost certainly being underreported in China, and there are multiple reasons for that, which I won't get into right now.

Although these are not concrete numbers, its what we have to go by at this point. The percentage of people.

Also, up to this point, there has not been any pathology reported on this disease because of limited access to autopsy and biopsy results.

But finally, we now have a new case report study in Lancet Respir Med, published Feb 17, that has autopsy results for a patient who died from Covid-19.

Pathological findings of COVID-19 associated with acute
respiratory distress syndrome

The patient is a 50-year-old man from China, who visited Wuhan Jan 812. On Jan 14, he developed a dry cough and some mild chills, so this is day 1
of illness). However, he did not initially seek medical attention and kept working until Jan 21. He then went to a medical clinic on Jan 21, because by that time, he had developed worsening symptoms. He had fever, chills, fatigue, cough, and shortness of breath.
On Jan 22 (day 9 of illness), the Beijing Centers for Disease Control (CDC) confirmed by reverse real-time PCR assay that the patient had COVID-19.

He was immediately admitted to the isolation ward and received supplemental oxygen through a face mask.

He was given several different medications, which included the inhaled version of interferon alfa-2b, lopinavir plus ritonavir as antiviral therapy, and
Moxifloxacin, to prevent secondary bacterial infection.

He was also given a steroid, methylprednisolone, to attenuate lung inflammation.

On day 12 of illness, after the initial presentation, his symptoms did not improve, other than his fever, which he received medication for.

His chest x-ray on day 12 showed progressive bilateral infiltrates. He repeatedly refused ventilator support in the intensive care unit repeatedly, apparently because he suffered from claustrophobia.

His oxygen saturation values decreased to 60%, and the patient had a cardiac arrest. At that point he was intubated with mechanical ventilation, he had chest compressions and epinephrine.

Unfortunately, they are unable to revive him.

An autopsy is done, and biopsy samples were taken from the lung, liver, and heart.

The heart tissue was essentially normal.

The liver biopsy of this patient showed moderate microvascular steatosis and
mild lobular and portal activity, indicating the injury could have been caused by either SARS-CoV-2 infection or as a result drug-induced liver injury.

Histological examination of lung tissue showed diffuse alveolar damage with cellular fibromyxoid exudates, along with the desquamation of pneumocytes and hyaline membrane formation.

These findings are consistent with acute respiratory distress syndrome.

Interstitial mononuclear inflammatory infiltrates, dominated by lymphocytes, were seen in both lungs. There were multinucleated syncytial cells with atypical large alveoli characterized with prominent nucleoli, consistent with viral cytopathic-like changes.

These pathological features of COVID-19 greatly resemble those seen in SARS and Middle Eastern respiratory syndrome (MERS) coronavirus infection.

Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome ( ARDS )

I'd be interested to see the percent of patients who develop ARDS with covid-19 vs SARS/MERS. A high percentage would be concerning because ARDS has a pretty high mortality rate overall.

Keep in mind with the case discussed in the video, the patient refused intubation (essentially getting a breathing tube and being put on a ventilator). ARDS is no joke, but you have a better chance of survival I'd you allow the docs to incubate earlier.
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AG 2000' said:

OldAg89er said:

Only a complete imbecile would believe that there were only 411 infections in China today out of 1.6 billion people, or that the number of infected is going down.

Complete imbecile.

Here are the facts:

The COVID-19 virus can live up to 9 days on surfaces.

The COVID-19 virus can infect someone without them showing *any* symptoms for up to 4 weeks. During this time the infected persons themselves are contagious.

The COVID-19 virus is a military grade weapon that escaped from the BSL-4 lab in China. It was constructed to hide, spread, and attack using a number of weapons -- including HIV-like RNA (this was reported by researchers 2-3 weeks ago). Thus, the attacks on the infected's system are time-released from a few weeks to a few months. Goal is to wreck havoc on the enemy and consume their resources while culling the numbers.

The first reports of HIV-like RNA engineered into the COVID-19 virus was met by scorn (but no countering facts) by governments. However, now doctors in the United States are using HIV related medicines to treat COVID-19 patients in critical condition.

The COVID-19 virus can re-infect a person who once tested negative. When it re-infects the person -- that person almost always required critical medical care and often dies.

Scientific research has determined that the RO for COVID-19 is between 4-7.

The death rate in China is believed to be above 13%, with over 400,000 dead. Thus, the incinerators are burning 24x7 with 40 more industrial incinerators having been brought in to aid the effort of burning "medical waste" as they call it.

China has quarantined over 1 out of 10 of its population. Drastically impacting its economy - both in the short term and in the long term. They have welded people shut in their apartments to suffer the fate of the disease. Hundreds of critically sick patients are brought into each of the "temporary hospitals" during the day, the same number are taken out at night never to be seen from again.

The Internet has been shut off. Those reporting how bad it is in China have disappeared never to be seen or heard from again.

Every country. I repeat - *EVERY COUNTRY* that has any significant COVID-19 cases immediately forcefully quarantines the sick. Other countries restrict travel to said countries. Austria stopped all trains to/from Italy in the wake of the infections in Italy. South Korea is forcefully quarantining citizens and soldiers alike who are infected. Dr. Nancy Messonnier of the CDC privately texts her friends that, "it's worse than what is being said on social media and nation wide news" while the CDC has performed exactly 445 tests for the virus nationwide, and refuses to let states do their own testing.

Governments do not take such actions for a mild cough or fever. They do so when they know it is very bad, and they are keeping the public dumb to what is going on.

Meanwhile, in the United States - our CDC is purposely refusing to perform wide range testing. Again, they have done exactly 445 tests in a nation of 360,000,000 people. Are you freaking kidding us?

They are refusing the alert the American people as to the true dangers of this disease in the name of not panicking the cattle.

So, go ahead, be that guy. The complete imbecile who believes the world is locking and closing itself down due to a virus that is less dangerous than the casual flu.

Again -- 9 days on surfaces, spreads by respiratory droplets, urine, feces, body fluds. 1 person will infect up to 7, those 7 will infect up to 7 more, this will go on for weeks undetected as it did in China until the health system is overwhelmed with the sick and dying and it, too, collapses.

Researchers were releasing facts about the virus being engineered until they were forced to shut up -- or conveniently died or threw themselves off tall buildings. Don't believe me -- google it.


That article you linked to has been withdrawn because a crap ton of scientists reviewed it and destroyed the hypothesis of the authors. You can even read their thoughts on the comments at the bottom of the article.

The article is being edited to address suggestions made by other researchers. A normal part of the peer review process.

Yet, even the critics admit that HIV RNA is present in the COVID-19 Virus. So, the key central finding stands.

You need to learn the difference between editing in peer suggestions and disproving a key finding.

Furthermore - you can read a number of news articles where HIV drugs are being used on COVID-19 patients. In fact, a TexAgs poster revealed that they have personal knowledge of such treatment.

COVID-19 is a military grade bio weapon.
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ccaggie05 said:

OldAg89er said:

Only a complete imbecile would believe that there were only 411 infections in China today out of 1.6 billion people, or that the number of infected is going down.

Complete imbecile.

Here are the facts:

The COVID-19 virus can live up to 9 days on surfaces.

The COVID-19 virus can infect someone without them showing *any* symptoms for up to 4 weeks. During this time the infected persons themselves are contagious.

The COVID-19 virus is a military grade weapon that escaped from the BSL-4 lab in China. It was constructed to hide, spread, and attack using a number of weapons -- including HIV-like RNA (this was reported by researchers 2-3 weeks ago). Thus, the attacks on the infected's system are time-released from a few weeks to a few months. Goal is to wreck havoc on the enemy and consume their resources while culling the numbers.

The first reports of HIV-like RNA engineered into the COVID-19 virus was met by scorn (but no countering facts) by governments. However, now doctors in the United States are using HIV related medicines to treat COVID-19 patients in critical condition.

The COVID-19 virus can re-infect a person who once tested negative. When it re-infects the person -- that person almost always required critical medical care and often dies.

Scientific research has determined that the RO for COVID-19 is between 4-7.

The death rate in China is believed to be above 13%, with over 400,000 dead. Thus, the incinerators are burning 24x7 with 40 more industrial incinerators having been brought in to aid the effort of burning "medical waste" as they call it.

China has quarantined over 1 out of 10 of its population. Drastically impacting its economy - both in the short term and in the long term. They have welded people shut in their apartments to suffer the fate of the disease. Hundreds of critically sick patients are brought into each of the "temporary hospitals" during the day, the same number are taken out at night never to be seen from again.

The Internet has been shut off. Those reporting how bad it is in China have disappeared never to be seen or heard from again.

Every country. I repeat - *EVERY COUNTRY* that has any significant COVID-19 cases immediately forcefully quarantines the sick. Other countries restrict travel to said countries. Austria stopped all trains to/from Italy in the wake of the infections in Italy. South Korea is forcefully quarantining citizens and soldiers alike who are infected. Dr. Nancy Messonnier of the CDC privately texts her friends that, "it's worse than what is being said on social media and nation wide news" while the CDC has performed exactly 445 tests for the virus nationwide, and refuses to let states do their own testing.

Governments do not take such actions for a mild cough or fever. They do so when they know it is very bad, and they are keeping the public dumb to what is going on.

Meanwhile, in the United States - our CDC is purposely refusing to perform wide range testing. Again, they have done exactly 445 tests in a nation of 360,000,000 people. Are you freaking kidding us?

They are refusing the alert the American people as to the true dangers of this disease in the name of not panicking the cattle.

So, go ahead, be that guy. The complete imbecile who believes the world is locking and closing itself down due to a virus that is less dangerous than the casual flu.

Again -- 9 days on surfaces, spreads by respiratory droplets, urine, feces, body fluds. 1 person will infect up to 7, those 7 will infect up to 7 more, this will go on for weeks undetected as it did in China until the health system is overwhelmed with the sick and dying and it, too, collapses.

Researchers were releasing facts about the virus being engineered until they were forced to shut up -- or conveniently died or threw themselves off tall buildings. Don't believe me -- google it.


I think you misunderstand the definition of the word "facts".

I think you have four fingers pointing back at you. The key finding of the research still stands. They are simply editing in peer suggestions to dot i's and cross t's.

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COVID-19 is a military grade bio weapon.
Prove it.
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OldAg89er said:

AG 2000' said:

OldAg89er said:

Only a complete imbecile would believe that there were only 411 infections in China today out of 1.6 billion people, or that the number of infected is going down.

Complete imbecile.

Here are the facts:

The COVID-19 virus can live up to 9 days on surfaces.

The COVID-19 virus can infect someone without them showing *any* symptoms for up to 4 weeks. During this time the infected persons themselves are contagious.

The COVID-19 virus is a military grade weapon that escaped from the BSL-4 lab in China. It was constructed to hide, spread, and attack using a number of weapons -- including HIV-like RNA (this was reported by researchers 2-3 weeks ago). Thus, the attacks on the infected's system are time-released from a few weeks to a few months. Goal is to wreck havoc on the enemy and consume their resources while culling the numbers.

The first reports of HIV-like RNA engineered into the COVID-19 virus was met by scorn (but no countering facts) by governments. However, now doctors in the United States are using HIV related medicines to treat COVID-19 patients in critical condition.

The COVID-19 virus can re-infect a person who once tested negative. When it re-infects the person -- that person almost always required critical medical care and often dies.

Scientific research has determined that the RO for COVID-19 is between 4-7.

The death rate in China is believed to be above 13%, with over 400,000 dead. Thus, the incinerators are burning 24x7 with 40 more industrial incinerators having been brought in to aid the effort of burning "medical waste" as they call it.

China has quarantined over 1 out of 10 of its population. Drastically impacting its economy - both in the short term and in the long term. They have welded people shut in their apartments to suffer the fate of the disease. Hundreds of critically sick patients are brought into each of the "temporary hospitals" during the day, the same number are taken out at night never to be seen from again.

The Internet has been shut off. Those reporting how bad it is in China have disappeared never to be seen or heard from again.

Every country. I repeat - *EVERY COUNTRY* that has any significant COVID-19 cases immediately forcefully quarantines the sick. Other countries restrict travel to said countries. Austria stopped all trains to/from Italy in the wake of the infections in Italy. South Korea is forcefully quarantining citizens and soldiers alike who are infected. Dr. Nancy Messonnier of the CDC privately texts her friends that, "it's worse than what is being said on social media and nation wide news" while the CDC has performed exactly 445 tests for the virus nationwide, and refuses to let states do their own testing.

Governments do not take such actions for a mild cough or fever. They do so when they know it is very bad, and they are keeping the public dumb to what is going on.

Meanwhile, in the United States - our CDC is purposely refusing to perform wide range testing. Again, they have done exactly 445 tests in a nation of 360,000,000 people. Are you freaking kidding us?

They are refusing the alert the American people as to the true dangers of this disease in the name of not panicking the cattle.

So, go ahead, be that guy. The complete imbecile who believes the world is locking and closing itself down due to a virus that is less dangerous than the casual flu.

Again -- 9 days on surfaces, spreads by respiratory droplets, urine, feces, body fluds. 1 person will infect up to 7, those 7 will infect up to 7 more, this will go on for weeks undetected as it did in China until the health system is overwhelmed with the sick and dying and it, too, collapses.

Researchers were releasing facts about the virus being engineered until they were forced to shut up -- or conveniently died or threw themselves off tall buildings. Don't believe me -- google it.


That article you linked to has been withdrawn because a crap ton of scientists reviewed it and destroyed the hypothesis of the authors. You can even read their thoughts on the comments at the bottom of the article.

The article is being edited to address suggestions made by other researchers. A normal part of the peer review process.

Yet, even the critics admit that HIV RNA is present in the COVID-19 Virus. So, the key central finding stands.

You need to learn the difference between editing in peer suggestions and disproving a key finding.

Furthermore - you can read a number of news articles where HIV drugs are being used on COVID-19 patients. In fact, a TexAgs poster revealed that they have personal knowledge of such treatment.

COVID-19 is a military grade bio weapon.
So an article comes out, as fact, and then gets corrected by other researchers? As part of peer review? How do you know the peer review "suggestions" aren't FOS and require editing for further suggestions?
Nuclear Scramjet
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Lmao a flight attendant had it and was repeatedly making flights to LA.
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OldAg89er said:

COVID-19 is a military grade bio weapon.

There is no reputable study or evidence that this is the case. Stop spreading this **** as fact. You can believe it's true but that doesn't mean it's backed by evidence.
Nuclear Scramjet
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C@LAg said:

Nuclear Scramjet said:

Lmao a flight attendant had it and was repeatedly making flights to LA.
ZOMG. The hundreds he/she/it infected each day!!!!!!!!!!!

America will fall in less than 4 weeks!!!!!!!!

She probably did infect a lot of people given the asymptomatic transmission.
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Nuclear Scramjet said:

Lmao a flight attendant had it and was repeatedly making flights to LA.
I think this may be same flight attendant mentioned on pg. 206.

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ccaggie05 said:

OldAg89er said:

COVID-19 is a military grade bio weapon.

There is no reputable study or evidence that this is the case. Stop spreading this **** as fact. You can believe it's true but that doesn't mean it's backed by evidence.

You left off the 54E signature... how can one take statements as fact without it...

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C@LAg said:

Nuclear Scramjet said:

She probably did infect a lot of people given the asymptomatic transmission.
I am not worried.

With how impeccably clean the major airlines keep the cabins and seat back areas between flights, I am sure they would have prevented the spread of anything.
FYI, UV-C light can sterilize surfaces.


This travel-ready handheld UV-C light comes in wand form, allowing you to wave it over your target in places like hotel rooms or bedding, hair brushes, bathroom counters and so on. The company claims it kills 99.9 percent of bacteria, like the others. Since UV-C light might harm your eyes, this wand has an automatic shut-off when overturned to keep your sight safe.

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VaultingChemist said:

Nuclear Scramjet said:

Lmao a flight attendant had it and was repeatedly making flights to LA.
I think this may be same flight attendant mentioned on pg. 206.

I wonder if they have been able to track down all of the passengers that she "serviced"
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It is for personal use on your airline seat and any surface you contact such as cell phone, laptop, hotel bed, etc.
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For clarification, can one get the coronavirus from riding in a tractor in ones bathing suit; a la gonorrhea ?
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