will25u said:
JB!98 said:
MetoliusAg said:
It's a poll. The MT does it periodically and has done so for many years. Nothing nefarious.
Then why post it? You understand that there is an actual undercurrent of complete discontent in some within the general populous. We look to those that have taken an oath to the Constitution to defend us and our Liberties. I am not going to make this post into some fantasy about some civil war, but damn. Ya'll seem to keep wanting to throw gas on the fire.
What I don't think you understand it that you and your ilk have awakened people who have never paid attention to politics in their lives. They can see through the charade.
I am one of those, but it wasn't the lefties that brought me to politics, it was something else.
Until 2 years ago, I really could care less about what was going on in Washington. Now, I actively post here, and since 2016 have voted in every election I was able. Before that, the last time I voted was probably 2000. I have voted in county/city elections, and most importantly the Presidential election in 2016.
I recently donated my first ever $ to a politician. President Donald J. Trump. And could not be more enthusiastic about what he is doing for this country. Lefties and all.
Yeah, I am opposite. I remember my socials studies teacher in 1980 having her class over to watch the election results. I was hooked since then. (She was one of the ugliest women you could have imagined so no) I got two degrees from A&M, Business and Poli Sci. What I find interesting is that people like my wife, 11yr old, brother, dad, cousins, who I have never talked in depth politics with are really PO'ed by this crap.
Where I am driving with this, I also have friends in Virginia that I have not talked to in 20+ years, that have recently called me. These folks are Patriots, but not very sophisticated. I am really concerned with the rhetoric that is being pushed. I think it is a powder keg. Hint: Its not all about guns for these Virginians. As unsophisticated as they are, they still have an understanding of what is going on.
People like Met do not understand that certain folks play for keeps and they keep pushing.