Gary Johnson said:
Been reading Hayek and Mises.
Still can't find the chapter where they advocate abusing public office for corrupt personal gain.
This is not an ideological question Rs, D's, or Ls disagree on, everybody agrees it would be wrong. It's a matter of fact and partisanship coloring beliefs about if it happened or not.
They don't.
But in defending Comey, Brennan, Biden, and their leftist associates, you most certainly are advocating Orwellian bureaucracy, Stalinist surveillance, and Boss Tweed-style abuse of office for corrupt gain.
Do you believe Rothbard would be as impressed as you are with the behavior of the DoJ/FBI towards an opposition political party and their candidate for office?
Do you really think Hayek would pine, as you do, for the use of a phony dossier to overturn a legal election result?
Do you actually think the likes of Friedman and Van Der Rohe would endorse the use of taxpayer dollars to spring the corrupt son of a corrupt official from the consequences of his association with an utterly-corrupt corporation?