Wrong, he can keep confirming Federal Judges at warp speed!!4stringAg said:Patentmike said:Umm, not constitutionally she doesn't. If the Senate says "trial starts on X date", it may well be that's the date whether Pelosi is ready or not.4stringAg said:Patentmike said:Interesting. I'm wondering if she actually has that choice. Isn't the schedule for trial entirely up to the Senate?TacosaurusRex said:
She has to appoint the House managers who will present the case to the Senate. She hasn't named them and can take her time.
Politically the country is tired of this **** so she's taking a risk to string this out and Trump and Republicans will be howling that this is the equivalent of being indicted and not allowed to defend yourself in court.
Watching Fox News now and one of their experts is basically saying the ball is in Pelosi's court to send the articles, appoint the House Managers, etc. saying that she can withhold the articles as long as she wants. That McConnell can't do anything other than work on possible rules and procedures in the Senate until he gets the articles. Essentially saying Pelosi still has the power here until the articles leave the House and can use the media to portray a non-impartial Senate as the reason for holding them up.
So, guess it remains to be seen what happens. This is largely uncharted water in our times. Sad and pathetic really.
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