He's not sending Rudy. Sekulow? Cipollone? That would be OK right?
Sekulow is good on TV but he's a trial attorney, not a Constitutional scholar. Not that familiar with how Cipollone comes across on camera. My preference would be Dersh but doubt he'd agree to do it.
Although Tribe has lost a step and some of his marbles by now (he sucks at twitter and says really dumb things), he is still The Expert as his hornbooks are still in use. I consider Dersh his equal who could go toe to toe with him.
But I guess my overall question is the strategy here. Use a dry yet brilliant lawyer to spar with them over minutiae that no one outside of lawyers have a clue what is going on, bores them to death and channels get changed?
Or fireworks with explosive moments, like a good reality TV show?
I can see advantages and drawbacks to either approach. (I'd be fine with Andy McCarthy too but his gig with Fox may get in the way.)