Everything liberals believe is bait.
He brought a complaint against the President because he was worried that Trump was shifting US policy away from providing offensive weapons to the Ukrainian government!
Gary Johnson said:Quote:
He brought a complaint against the President because he was worried that Trump was shifting US policy away from providing offensive weapons to the Ukrainian government!
Objection. Not true at all that Trump was "shifting policy". He wanted to give them the $400M, he would have given them double that of other people's money.
He wanted them to give him something naughty first.
Lol. Yeah, Tucker tried to walk it back at the very END of his show, after it was posted all over twitter & long after he said it. Unfortunately for Tucker, it was crystal clear in the video segment that he meant what he said. And it is 100% consistent with other statements he has made.titan said:You actually quoted that? Tucker even then went on to say it was a trap phrase that would be mis-used by the Left. Bait. Hannity even joked about it as they cut to his segment. Happened to see it tonight because Tucker was talking about the Syria gas possibly being a fraud (which is something suspected)MetoliusAg said:
Wow. Trump supporter / rightwing Fox News tv show host Tucker Carlson on Fox News Channel tonight:And:Quote:
Why do I care what's going on in the conflict between Ukraine and Russia? And I'm serious, why do I care? And why shouldn't I root for Russia, which I am.Putin couldn't have written a pro-Kremlin / anti-NATO / anti-Ukraine script for Tucker any better.Quote:
I don't live in Western Europe, I live in DC and I don't care.
Will Trump publicly denounce Tucker Carlson tonight or tomorrow? Jmho, Trump has to, even if he privately agrees with Tucker.
Are you insinuating that Tucker too, is a `Russian asset' ??? Tucker, who if anything, is rattling the cages of both Dem and GOP elite in his bringing up the real neglected domestic topics in a manner closer to the way Ron or Rand Paul might do so?Quote:
Lol. Yeah, Tucker tried to walk it back at the very END of his show, after it was posted all over twitter & long after he said it. Unfortunately for Tucker, it was crystal clear in the video segment that he meant what he said. And it is 100% consistent with other statements he has made.
Gary Johnson said:
Got eem! When does Romney get sworn in?
You truly don't know or don't care to know how Washington works.Gary Johnson said:Quote:
He brought a complaint against the President because he was worried that Trump was shifting US policy away from providing offensive weapons to the Ukrainian government!
Objection. Not true at all that Trump was "shifting policy". He wanted to give them the $400M, he would have given them double that of other people's money.
He wanted them to give him something naughty first.
The "deep state" doesn't make foreign appropriations, Congress does.
Sorry bud but congress doesn't wipe their ass without getting reports and recommendations from the agencies which makes them vulnerable to agencies agendas. But you knew that. There is a deep state but you don't want to accept it because it would kill your derangement.Gary Johnson said:
Sorry bud. Doing exactly what Congress mandated after he got caught isn't 4d chess or "shifting policy".
That's exactly what he was doing. He wasn't joking. He was serious, and he said exactly what he meant, and it mirrors perfectly the short-sighted, juvenile MAGA worldview: To hell with NATO, the UN, Worldbank, and all the other US-led institutions of the post WW2 international hegemony. All I care about is myself, my needs, my stock market account, and what affects me.titan said:Are you insinuating that Tucker too, is a `Russian asset' ??? Tucker, who if anything, is rattling the cages of both Dem and GOP elite in his bringing up the real neglected domestic topics in a manner closer to the way Ron or Rand Paul might do so?Quote:
Lol. Yeah, Tucker tried to walk it back at the very END of his show, after it was posted all over twitter & long after he said it. Unfortunately for Tucker, it was crystal clear in the video segment that he meant what he said. And it is 100% consistent with other statements he has made.
no, they will just claim that Trump is too slippery and blah blah blah......we've got to stop him from nominating anymore judges and the people have to stand up to him at the ballot box.backintexas2013 said:
So what happens if the house decides not to impeach? Will people admit they were wrong? What about when the Senate votes not to remove from office?
Just curious because after Kav hearing a bunch of libertarians and concerned moderates ran away and never admitted they were wrong. After Mueller report others disappeared. Now they are all back with new usernames. What's the next move?
MetoliusAg said:That's exactly what he was doing. He wasn't joking. He was serious, and he said exactly what he meant, and it mirrors perfectly the short-sighted, juvenile MAGA worldview: To hell with NATO, the UN, Worldbank, and all the other US-led institutions of the post WW2 international hegemony. All I care about is myself, my needs, my stock market account, and what affects me.titan said:Are you insinuating that Tucker too, is a `Russian asset' ??? Tucker, who if anything, is rattling the cages of both Dem and GOP elite in his bringing up the real neglected domestic topics in a manner closer to the way Ron or Rand Paul might do so?Quote:
Lol. Yeah, Tucker tried to walk it back at the very END of his show, after it was posted all over twitter & long after he said it. Unfortunately for Tucker, it was crystal clear in the video segment that he meant what he said. And it is 100% consistent with other statements he has made.
I got news for you, bro...there isn't going to be an impeachment vote...Gary Johnson said:
Odds bets:
Trump brags about the ratings during the impeachment trial where he's the star. The Apprentice never got 70% share.
You mean that topic came up twice? I only saw the portion handing over to Hannity and didn't realize he was reflecting back to an earlier mention. (I was in a restaurant and they started talking about Syria gas attack being a possible fraud as regards blaming Assad (no surprise) and so moved over closer to hear what was being said.MetoliusAg said:That's exactly what he was doing. He wasn't joking. He was serious, and he said exactly what he meant, and it mirrors perfectly the short-sighted, juvenile MAGA worldview: To hell with NATO, the UN, Worldbank, and all the other US-led institutions of the post WW2 international hegemony. All I care about is myself, my needs, my stock market account, and what affects me.titan said:Are you insinuating that Tucker too, is a `Russian asset' ??? Tucker, who if anything, is rattling the cages of both Dem and GOP elite in his bringing up the real neglected domestic topics in a manner closer to the way Ron or Rand Paul might do so?Quote:
Lol. Yeah, Tucker tried to walk it back at the very END of his show, after it was posted all over twitter & long after he said it. Unfortunately for Tucker, it was crystal clear in the video segment that he meant what he said. And it is 100% consistent with other statements he has made.
I don't know. Barr can be pretty persuasive and if he is recommending that the Privilege be asserted for the good of the Presidency??? Consistent with his speech the other day.BMX Bandit said:
Wait, people actually believe that?
n theory, it shouldn't, I agree. And in days past it likely wouldn't. Nixon was in no danger from the Pentagon Papers being published but he fought it anyway.BMX Bandit said:
a waiver of privilege by Trump (which he should not do), has no bearing on a future president's ability to assert privilege. You know that.
aggiehawg said:
Impeachment hearings begin in Judiciary December 4.
Sorry best I have found so far. Still looking for a better image.will25u said:aggiehawg said:
Impeachment hearings begin in Judiciary December 4.
Your pictures are potato quality. Can't read them.
So I guess minority witness rule was denied.