titan said:
Zemira really cut to the chase, which seems so hard for the pro-impeachers to grasp:Would add, in what world, would letting them kangaroo trial Trump to enable their agenda make the slightest sense?Quote:
So even if Trump has done something criminal in what world am I actually going to believe the MSM or the Democrats. After the **** show and TDS we have had the last 3 and a half years how can you believe a word that comes out of their mouths? Or an article printed? It's all propaganda for them to sow seeds of doubt in the American public and to get them to drink the socialist liberal kool-aid. We are in the middle of a dystopian tragedy and half the country has bought it hook, line and sinker.
It's really not that hard--Liberals are evil. It's on full display everyday. They'll say they have facts, evidence and proof. Nobody should ever waste their time and give any amount of consideration for anything they say because they are known liars. It's plain logic.