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It was a total accident in the Flynn case. People make mistakes like that all the time. Nothing to see by Bob's team of elite people.
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So etcetera has no comment on the Bill Taylor nothing burger?
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Giuliani again today saying he was operating as a defense attorney, while all the testimony and the White House Chief off Staff is saying he was working as a part of the state department. On top of that, he had personal business dealings too.

None of that individually seems like a problem, all of it together could create a problem you don't want to be involved in.
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FireAg said:

So etcetera has no comment on the Bill Taylor nothing burger?

And nothing on the "mistake" team Mueller made.
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FireAg said:

So etcetera has no comment on the Bill Taylor nothing burger?

What were you reading? Bill Bureaucrat Taylor easily proved Trump is guilty of "super-extortion" and "mega-bribery".

Its basically a hate-crime on the same level of genocide.
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will25u said:

The tweets are piling up on Zaid. A few more get unearthed and he might just find himself being a fact witness in a conspiracy with Schiff, Ciaramella, Vindman, Eager and Taylor. Throw in Fiona Hill and Tim Morrison for good measure.
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aggiehawg said:

will25u said:

The tweets are piling up on Zaid. A few more get unearthed and he might just find himself being a fact witness in a conspiracy with Schiff, Ciaramella, Vindman, Eager and Taylor. Throw in Fiona Hill and Tim Morrison for good measure.

How can this nonsense be acceptable in our country?
FTAG 2000
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backintexas2013 said:

It was a total accident in the Flynn case. People make mistakes like that all the time. Nothing to see by Bob's team of elite people.
Yes, what is it the left says about Trump all the time?

Only the best people /libs
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How can this nonsense be acceptable in our country?
Using lawyers as cut-outs for political skullduggery is as old as the Constitution. Other than Hillary, today's Dems are just bad at it. Social media will out them much easier.
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FireAg said:

So etcetera has no comment on the Bill Taylor nothing burger?
He just talks. He obviously never listens.
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MetoliusAg said:

Spotted Ag said:

MetoliusAg said:


What an unfortunate tweet from Ciaramella's lawyer. Sounds like he's more than willing to be part of a conspiracy, should the opportunity present itself.
A tweet from 2017 means Zaid is part of a conspiracy? The thread you want is here: link
With respect...Are you actually, in real life, this blatantly dense? C'mon man. It establishes a basis for motive and it shows that he is a democratic activist much the same as Peter, Lisa, Clapper, Brennen, Vindman, Acosta, Comey, etc
The majority of Americans don't believe the Deep State Coup conspiracy theory because there's been so little evidence supporting it. If your side ever offers proof, then we'll reexamine it.

The majority of Americans also didn't fall for the Qanon conspiracy theories, the Seth Rich one, the HRC / pizza restaurant / pedo ring conspiracy theory, the Clinton / uranium one, the Jade Helm one, the Sandy Hook / paid child actors conspiracy theory, the 'Obama was born in Kenya' one, and the Vince Foster one. For some strange reason, the majority of folks who did fall for those seem to mostly be rightwingers. RWM and GIGO Principle are probably why.
Do you ever read and digest your own propaganda. You realize that most all of us are college educated, logical people, who hold down regular jobs that have a somewhat high level of responsibility. I always wondered what would posses someone to be a sky screamer and so devoid of reason that they would believe some of the stuff you spout. I also at times wondered, through history what made someone a "True Believer". Someone that would act on ideology alone and commit atrocious acts in the name of their ideology. You are either a "True Believer", or a troll. I am leaning towards troll, but if not seek some sort of help.

I also do not think you represent a "majority" of Americans. You are a minority, as I believe I am also a minority in my beliefs. Most folks could not care less about this stuff. They vote with their feet and with the pocketbooks. Look at your liberal enclaves. Are people rushing to get there? That would be a negative.

My family and I just want to live our lives with minimal government interference. We don't want to play this game unless we have to. You guys are pushing us to choose sides and it will not turn out well for you or for us.
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It's hilarious to me that people have moved the goalposts so far.

"Taylor didn't hear it from Trump directly so it isn't true."

Has no one worked in a company before? Is every task you're given given to you directly by the CEO? Every statement we've been given confirms there was extortion. Sondland even revised his testimony once he realized he was being set up to be the fall guy.


Q: And when you say that, this was the first time I heard that the security assistancenot just the White House meetingwas conditioned on the investigation, when you talk about conditioned, did you mean that if they didn't do this, the investigations, they weren't going to get that, the meeting and the military assistance?
Taylor: That was my clear understanding, security assistance money would not come until the President [of Ukraine] committed to pursue the investigation.
Q: So if they don't do this, they are not going to get that was your understanding?
Taylor: Yes, sir.
Q: Are you aware that quid pro quo literally means this for that?
Taylor: I am.
It must be really weird to live in a world where you believe that career public servants, the media, purple heart recipients, the intelligence community, and democrats all came together and crafted some master plan to take down DJT.

He's a reality TV star with a loud mouth, not some messiah.
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No one was extorted
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BeardedBear said:


It must be really weird to live in a world where you believe that career public servants, the media, purple heart recipients, the intelligence community, and democrats all came together and crafted some master plan to take down DJT.

He's a reality TV star with a loud mouth, not some messiah.
It must be really weird to live in a world where you deny that all of the above you laid out is precisely what has happened for the last three years.
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Yeah man, they must have all got together at the illuminati meetings and laid out their master plan.

Isn't it much easier to believe that Trump is a narcissistic loud mouth that has no real idea what he's doing and keeps getting himself in trouble?

The GOP could have run a piece of poster board that said "lower taxes" and beat Hillary, instead we got Trump who will accomplish nothing but pushing moderates toward voting Democrat.
Silent For Too Long
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If the Ukrainians were being extorted why didn't they know about it?
Joe Exotic
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BeardedBear said:

Yeah man, they must have all got together at the illuminati meetings and laid out their master plan.

Isn't it much easier to believe that Trump is a narcissistic loud mouth that has no real idea what he's doing and keeps getting himself in trouble?

The GOP could have run a piece of poster board that said "lower taxes" and beat Hillary, instead we got Trump who will accomplish nothing but pushing moderates toward voting Democrat.

So he's another McCain and Romney then?
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Has no one worked in a company before? Is every task you're given given to you directly by the CEO? Every statement we've been given confirms there was extortion.
What Biden did was extortion. What Trump is accused of is not extortion. Nor was it bribery.

Why? Biden got everything he demanded, then released the money.

Trump got nothing, released the money AND the Javelins anyway.

If that's extortion or bribery in your mind, Trump absolutely sucks at it.
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Oh joy, another liberal who rarely if ever posts here decides to slink over from another part of the board to post the same crap we've already heard from our usual seminar posters.
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"I now recall speaking individually with Mr. (Andriy) Yermak, where I said resumption of U.S. aid would likely not occur until Ukraine provided the public anti-corruption statement that we had been discussing for many weeks," Sondland said in his revised testimony.

The Ukraine needs our aid. If I were them I wouldn't bet on removal of Trump, so why would they stick their neck out? Seems like playing dumb is the safest recourse.
Silent For Too Long
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Honestly, I think Trump took a good look at the way the Obama administration (and basically every administration before him) handled their foreign affairs and thought this was business as usual (because it is).

You could certainly make the argument that he was being naive thinking he could skate pseudo ethical lines and the Dems and their partisan cronies wouldn't make a big deal about it. Or maybe he knew exactly how they would react and was eager for the opportunity to clean house.

Either way, outside of their rabid and loyal fan base, the whole operation is proving to be a great success for DJT. He's cleaning house. The American people are turning on the Dems. Schiff et al continue to look like partisan hacks that have no intent on actually governing and every intent on milk the tax payers while the pursue a never ending line of pointless investigations.

This is not turning out how the left wanted at all.
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BeardedBear said:

Yeah man, they must have all got together at the illuminati meetings and laid out their master plan.

Isn't it much easier to believe that Trump is a narcissistic loud mouth that has no real idea what he's doing and keeps getting himself in trouble?

The GOP could have run a piece of poster board that said "lower taxes" and beat Hillary, instead we got Trump who will accomplish nothing but pushing moderates toward voting Democrat.

It doesn't take a master plan, it just takes liberal sycophants all doing their best to #resist.

It takes one placed CIA agent to file a "whistleblower" complaint to start an impeachment on nothing.
It takes a few leaked memos from one fired FBI director to start a special counsels investigation on nothing.
It takes one willing Journalist to launder information so the FBI can use partisan research to spy on Trump

Every activist journalist in the media will scream at the top of their lungs for the next 5 years.
Every activist employee at twitter or facebook will do their best to censor conservatives

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Bo Darville said:

BeardedBear said:

Yeah man, they must have all got together at the illuminati meetings and laid out their master plan.

Isn't it much easier to believe that Trump is a narcissistic loud mouth that has no real idea what he's doing and keeps getting himself in trouble?

The GOP could have run a piece of poster board that said "lower taxes" and beat Hillary, instead we got Trump who will accomplish nothing but pushing moderates toward voting Democrat.

So he's another McCain and Romney then?
Yeah man, pick one and the GOP probably gets a lot more done while achieving the same milestones (tax cuts, lower regulations). Without the circus that comes with Trump, and the rebound vote that could lead to some harmful democratic policies.

Cruz, Rubio, or Kasich would be cruising into a second term right now.
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aggiehawg said:


Has no one worked in a company before? Is every task you're given given to you directly by the CEO? Every statement we've been given confirms there was extortion.
If that's extortion or bribery in your mind, Trump absolutely sucks at it.
Trying to kill someone and failing is still a crime, but yeah par the course for Trump sucking at achieving his goals.
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Gary Johnson said:

That's pretty funny, and believable.

Withheld the money, tried to hold them over the barrel, and got nothing but words back.
Joe Exotic
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Kasich is a ****ing Democrat and had the nerve to suggest Kavanaugh should have backed out.
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Rapier108 said:

Oh joy, another liberal who rarely if ever posts here decides to slink over from another part of the board to post the same crap we've already heard from our usual seminar posters.
Bat signal went up that today was a very bad no good day for Dems on this thread. Extortion and bribery fiddle faddle is the dead giveaway.
Silent For Too Long
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They already got the aid.

Your argument makes absolutely no sense.

They are lying to protect an administration that just extorted and that a very powerful contingent of this country is eager do dispose of if they could just sink their teeth into some actual evidence to substantiate their witch hunt? The Ukrainians could provide that very evidence, and yet they choose to protect the administration that is extorting them.

Brilliant strategy.
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BeardedBear said:

aggiehawg said:


Has no one worked in a company before? Is every task you're given given to you directly by the CEO? Every statement we've been given confirms there was extortion.
If that's extortion or bribery in your mind, Trump absolutely sucks at it.
Trying to kill someone and failing is still a crime, but yeah par the course for Trump sucking at achieving his goals.

Trump ordered murder of the leader of ISIS. Was that a crime?

When he extorted Turkey to release the imprisoned American pastor. Was that a crime?

Trump set up a quid pro quo with Mexico to allow "asylum" seekers to stay in Mexico to apply. Was that a crime?
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Lawyers for lawfare/"whistle blower" Ciaramella beclowned themselves tweeting about impeachment month of and coup in January 2017. (These are not top notch lawyers)

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Rapier108 said:

Oh joy, another liberal who rarely if ever posts here decides to slink over from another part of the board to post the same crap we've already heard from our usual seminar posters.
If thinking Trump is guilty makes me a liberal then I guess you got me! busted...

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Trying to kill someone and failing is still a crime, but yeah par the course for Trump sucking at achieving his goals.
The billionaire President of the United States hasn't achieved his goals? LOL. Dear Lord!

ETA: And can't overlook Melania. He achieved that goal too.
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BeardedBear said:

Rapier108 said:

Oh joy, another liberal who rarely if ever posts here decides to slink over from another part of the board to post the same crap we've already heard from our usual seminar posters.
If thinking Trump is guilty makes me a liberal then I guess you got me! busted...

No, you are just wrong.
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