Is she a true believer or just ignorant of the fact it would crush our economy and we can't abandon fossil fuels?
BothPrognightmare said:
Is she a true believer or just ignorant of the fact it would crush our economy and we can't abandon fossil fuels?
Not to derail, but Happy and prosperous New Year to you and yours Titan. Your posts are informative and educational and as I've slowly adopted your style of discourse, I've had significantly fewer bans.titan said:
All in the name of what is clearly junk science. Who bears responsibility for her wrong ideas more you think--- the mainstream media, or the university system?
Prognightmare,Prognightmare said:Not to derail, but Happy and prosperous New Year to you and yours Titan. Your posts are informative and educational and as I've slowly adopted your style of discourse, I've had significantly fewer bans.titan said:
All in the name of what is clearly junk science. Who bears responsibility for her wrong ideas more you think--- the mainstream media, or the university system?The same well wishes for ttu_85 as well.
Pumpkinhead said:
She is a 29-year old woman who was waitressing at restaurants not too long ago, who has a bunch of people (haters or lovers) now following her, including the people on this thread spreading her tweets around. Somebody compared her to sort of a Dem version of Trump and they are kind of right. She surprised the established Dem incumbents by being a lot more skillful political operator than they saw coming, partly by throwing a bunch of provocative comments out there and social media taking it from there. Regardless of whether people are saying good or bad things about her, the more people are talking about her is just more feeding the brand that she is building.
She may well prove dangerous once old enough because foolish ideas in this environment gain alot of traction due to the Leftsreamed academy and MSM.BVAg85 said:johnnyblaze36 said:
This broad is becoming far less amusing and flat out dangerous with each passing day.
She says she wants a federal job guarantee. I bet she also favors people sitting back and receiving benefits and not having to work if they are able bodied.
As soon as someone on Twitter tells her the new free thing they want, she automatically supports it.Quote:
She has ideas about everything it seems. It would be interesting if any includes the MSM bias for the old guard of the Democratic Party. As a socialist muckraker, that should be on her agenda. Hmph.
Tony Franklins Other Shoe said:
Well hell yeah on the student debt. My daughter will get a free Vet License courtesy of the populace + student debt forgiveness. Git Er Done Cortex!!!
Or will this only apply to select Northern European Romance Novel Majors and other worthless degrees?
Transfer the Puerto Rico debt to Hollywood and DNC-CNN-NBC.TexasAggie_02 said:
cancel their debt and cut them loose
On second thought, that is probably the best course. They are trending socialist anyway.FrioAg 00 said:
I'm perfectly fine with cancelling their debt if it involves moving them into a fully independent country said:
She is a 29-year old woman who was waitressing at restaurants not too long ago, who has a bunch of people (haters or lovers) now following her, including the people on this thread spreading her tweets around. Somebody compared her to sort of a Dem version of Trump and they are kind of right. She surprised the established Dem incumbents by being a lot more skillful political operator than they saw coming, partly by throwing a bunch of provocative comments out there and social media taking it from there. Regardless of whether people are saying good or bad things about her, the more people are talking about her is just more feeding the brand that she is building.
Yep, there are 435 members of the House and look how much inordinate attention she is already receiving as a freshman member at age 29. Such that she gets long threads all over social media on obscure message boards like this one (this thread has like 450 posts!), has people bothering to try to dig up dirt on her like this article you mention, etc. She is already becoming one of the few members of the House who has some national name recognition. Whether gathering lovers or haters, she certainly has been successful in building a brand as a politician and getting plenty of publicity.Socially liberal NPC 888 said: said:
She is a 29-year old woman who was waitressing at restaurants not too long ago, who has a bunch of people (haters or lovers) now following her, including the people on this thread spreading her tweets around. Somebody compared her to sort of a Dem version of Trump and they are kind of right. She surprised the established Dem incumbents by being a lot more skillful political operator than they saw coming, partly by throwing a bunch of provocative comments out there and social media taking it from there. Regardless of whether people are saying good or bad things about her, the more people are talking about her is just more feeding the brand that she is building.
She used to go by the name "Sandy" in high school where she tried to make herself look as white as possible. Her entire modern personality is a complete fraud.
Democrat, embrace her completely.Pumpkinhead said:
She is a 29-year old woman who was waitressing at restaurants not too long ago, who has a bunch of people (haters or lovers) now following her, including the people on this thread spreading her tweets around. Somebody compared her to sort of a Dem version of Trump and they are kind of right. She surprised the established Dem incumbents by being a lot more skillful political operator than they saw coming, partly by throwing a bunch of provocative comments out there and social media taking it from there. Regardless of whether people are saying good or bad things about her, the more people are talking about her is just more feeding the brand that she is building.
She is the same economic illiterate monster as Bernie Sanders that almost won the Dem nomination. Sad that so many people have become conditioned to her's, Beto's and Bernie's insanity.BVAg85 said:Pumpkinhead said:
She is a 29-year old woman who was waitressing at restaurants not too long ago, who has a bunch of people (haters or lovers) now following her, including the people on this thread spreading her tweets around. Somebody compared her to sort of a Dem version of Trump and they are kind of right. She surprised the established Dem incumbents by being a lot more skillful political operator than they saw coming, partly by throwing a bunch of provocative comments out there and social media taking it from there. Regardless of whether people are saying good or bad things about her, the more people are talking about her is just more feeding the brand that she is building.
I think she's just a spoiled brat who has a chip on her shoulder for some reason.
And here we are on pins and needles expecting you, a liberal poster to a fault, could explain this insanity.sts7049 said:
why does she want to cancel PR debt? just to toss her old homies some love now that she made it big?
The only way to pay for the green new deal and medicare for all is to triple or quadruple the current taxes. Lot Y level of economic understanding she has.Prognightmare said:
They're going after corporate tax cuts and on the wealthy. They need the money to spend on the green new deal and medicare for all.
I would bet that people in the general NYC area claiming to be from the historically s---hole sections of the city, are just the yankee equivalent of how almost all white families in the south claim a backstory which either includes:Socially liberal NPC 888 said: said:
She is a 29-year old woman who was waitressing at restaurants not too long ago, who has a bunch of people (haters or lovers) now following her, including the people on this thread spreading her tweets around. Somebody compared her to sort of a Dem version of Trump and they are kind of right. She surprised the established Dem incumbents by being a lot more skillful political operator than they saw coming, partly by throwing a bunch of provocative comments out there and social media taking it from there. Regardless of whether people are saying good or bad things about her, the more people are talking about her is just more feeding the brand that she is building.
She used to go by the name "Sandy" in high school where she tried to make herself look as white as possible. Her entire modern personality is a complete fraud.