Pumpkinhead said:
If I had been advising Dr. Ford, I think I would have maybe advised her to just let this go. Even if what she has reported did happen, it is just a huge length of time since the incident that the probability of anything conclusive being found that can get beyond a 'he said/she said' situation seems extremely low. Meanwhile, for every supporter that she may have out there, there is going to be a hater. The personal cost of getting ripped apart in public and getting sucked into eye of the Dem/Reb political fight has to be tremendous, and the chances of Kavanaugh eventually getting confirmed regardless seems pretty high.
Of course, too late now.
Your faulty assumption is that the allegation is not merely a partisan hit job. Most likely that is exactly what it is.
This was planned out months advance to give max impact to her pathetically weak allegations... Drop the bomb after his hearing. Scrub her Democratic-activism social media. Dig up "therapist notes" that supposedly give validity (they don't). Perform a "lie detector" test (which has exactly zero merits: could have been a biased administrator, lie detector tests aren't reliable anyway, or maybe she believes it happened in error), research high school friends of Brett that were supposedly there (wait she remembers names of those guys there but doesn't remember the year it happened, where it happened, other very relevant details, etc)...