So Gorsuch was the second shooter, behind the Grassy Knoll?VaultingChemist said:
Gorsuch was a sophomore when Kavanaugh was a senior at Georgetown Prep.
Blasey was an alcoholic cheerleader........
So Gorsuch was the second shooter, behind the Grassy Knoll?VaultingChemist said:
Gorsuch was a sophomore when Kavanaugh was a senior at Georgetown Prep.
Blasey was an alcoholic cheerleader........
captkirk said:
Grain of salt and whatnot
When I first saw the twitter post in this thread, I figured it was just something random.VaultingChemist said:
Gorsuch was a sophomore when Kavanaugh was a senior at Georgetown Prep.
Blasey was an alcoholic cheerleader........
Just more swamp nepotism.wyoag93 said:
Wow, and Gotsuch attended the same prep school at about the same time. Good school.
Objection: relevance.Fenrir said:Just more swamp nepotism.wyoag93 said:
Wow, and Gotsuch attended the same prep school at about the same time. Good school.
U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh hired attorney Beth Wilkinson to represent him in an upcoming hearing regarding allegations of sexual assault ahead of Thursday's nomination proceeding.
Kavanaugh hired award winning lawyer Wilkinson of Wilkinson Walsh + Eskovitz to represent him according to multiple sources, CNN reported Monday.
Wilkinson has been lead counsel in over 50 jury trials and litigated scores of significant cases for the Army. She also played a major role in prosecuting the Oklahoma City bombers, according to her website.
captkirk said:
Grain of salt and whatnot
Anytime you're accused of a crime, it is good to have outside council, even if there can never be a criminal prosecution.tsuag10 said:
U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh hired attorney Beth Wilkinson to represent him in an upcoming hearing regarding allegations of sexual assault ahead of Thursday's nomination proceeding.
Kavanaugh hired award winning lawyer Wilkinson of Wilkinson Walsh + Eskovitz to represent him according to multiple sources, CNN reported Monday.
Wilkinson has been lead counsel in over 50 jury trials and litigated scores of significant cases for the Army. She also played a major role in prosecuting the Oklahoma City bombers, according to her website.
captkirk said:
Grain of salt and whatnot
Objection sustained. This issue has nothing to do with this thread.Fenrir said:
It shouldn't be surprising that a super rich kid school where the parents are already typically entrenched swamp rats graduate relatively large numbers of future swamp rats when nepotism is the name of the game in Washington DC. And yet people will applaud this nepotism so long as they identify as the correct tribe.
Plot twist:VaultingChemist said:
Gorsuch was a sophomore when Kavanaugh was a senior at Georgetown Prep.
Blasey was an alcoholic cheerleader........
Fenrir said:
It shouldn't be surprising that a super rich kid school where the parents are already typically entrenched swamp rats graduate relatively large numbers of future swamp rats when nepotism is the name of the game in Washington DC. And yet people will applaud this nepotism so long as they identify as the correct tribe.
Fenrir said:
It shouldn't be surprising that a super rich kid school where the parents are already typically entrenched swamp rats graduate relatively large numbers of future swamp rats when nepotism is the name of the game in Washington DC. And yet people will applaud this nepotism so long as they identify as the correct tribe.
My guess is you are wrong.OlSarge92 said:
My guess (not a stretch), this was planned and orchestrated for months. They likely expected this response and 100s of other possibilities. Someone has a decision tree / playbook they are following or being directed to follow.
This has the fingerprints of Hillary and Obama all over it.
Its a cold civil war w/o question. They can't get rid of trump but they can try to steal the bench.
So, the allegation is legit, not contrived, authentic, organic, substantive, and not for purposes of delay?etcetera said:My guess is you are wrong.OlSarge92 said:
My guess (not a stretch), this was planned and orchestrated for months. They likely expected this response and 100s of other possibilities. Someone has a decision tree / playbook they are following or being directed to follow.
This has the fingerprints of Hillary and Obama all over it.
Its a cold civil war w/o question. They can't get rid of trump but they can try to steal the bench.
etcetera said:My guess is you are wrong.OlSarge92 said:
My guess (not a stretch), this was planned and orchestrated for months. They likely expected this response and 100s of other possibilities. Someone has a decision tree / playbook they are following or being directed to follow.
This has the fingerprints of Hillary and Obama all over it.
Its a cold civil war w/o question. They can't get rid of trump but they can try to steal the bench.
etcetera said:My guess is you are wrong.OlSarge92 said:
My guess (not a stretch), this was planned and orchestrated for months. They likely expected this response and 100s of other possibilities. Someone has a decision tree / playbook they are following or being directed to follow.
This has the fingerprints of Hillary and Obama all over it.
Its a cold civil war w/o question. They can't get rid of trump but they can try to steal the bench.
Yes, lying under oath could really hurt her.Aggie97 said:
Is she scared to go before the committee? I guess she never thought she would have to testify under oath?
BenFiasco14 said:Plot twist:VaultingChemist said:
Gorsuch was a sophomore when Kavanaugh was a senior at Georgetown Prep.
Blasey was an alcoholic cheerleader........
Neil Gorsuch changed his name when he turned 21. His name before....?
Take a wild guess!tehmackdaddy said:How should I know?aggiehawg said:
The accuser has not agreed to show up at the hearing as of yet, despite her lawyer's caterwauling to the contrary all over cable news yesterday.
Why is that?
The left will not let this end. They will keep this **** show up until they get the majority. Thats why the GOP needs to end this and confirm Kavanaugh.lead said:
Could Trump end this by Tweeting his runner up SCOTUS pick?
My guess this is all part of the delay tactic, if it is one. Wait until the last minute (e.g. Sunday), accept the invitation, and force the committee hearing back further.Aggie97 said:
Is she scared to go before the committee? I guess she never thought she would have to testify under oath?
That would be unwise. So would be pulling the nom. If Kavanaugh goes down in a Senate vote over this accusation, Trump has a midterm election mantra to gin up turnout for the GOP base.lead said:
Could Trump end this by Tweeting his runner up SCOTUS pick?
Agree. the spiteful part of me wants to see him yank Kavanaugh and nominate someone that makes Kav look like Bernie, but the wise part of me says to play this out, flip the victim card, and use it to help energize the base to get out and vote in the midterms.aggiehawg said:That would be unwise. So would be pulling the nom. If Kavanaugh goes down in a Senate vote over this accusation, Trump has a midterm election mantra to gin up turnout for the GOP base.lead said:
Could Trump end this by Tweeting his runner up SCOTUS pick?
She likely has Soros money backing her. Going to jail and losing her job part is real, though.Old Tom Morris said:
Easy to write a letter. But when it gets to testifying under oath before Congress on a matter that could get you, prosecuted, sued for slander, and left destitute, that's an awfully big risk to prevent something that in reality is never going to affect your life (i.e. whether Kavanaugh gets confirmed or not).