aggiehawg said:
Hmm. All I can say is if Durham has been investigating since April 2017, he's either pretty incompetent or he's building a huge conspiracy case involving a lot of people.
Actually, you bring up a good point. I've seen some twisting of words on this topic. I think the leaking was from April 2017, but I'm not sure when Durham is actually alleged to have been investigating.
- U.S. Attorney John Durham started his Spygate-related investigations--likely related to the leaking campaigns engaged in by the plotters--in April, 2017.
I know Cates is saying April 2017, but I've also seen that's when the leaking occurred. I'm guessing it's unlikely Durham was tasked with investigating something the month it happened.
ETA: Also, a little bit of advanced Twitter searching turned this up...
I remember there being a document that basically laid out the fact that Durham has been active since a few months after the inauguration, but I'm still unable to find that.