Any/all educated responses welcome. TIA!
Be careful what you wish for, as I'm hardly wise, but I do have some thoughts.
Since Durham hasn't interviewed Biden, Chalupa, Jarrett (I guarantee you she's involved), Obama, or either Cinton, you can expect all people except those folks to be written about very harshly and even indicted.
I still think they're trying to figure out what charges to bring, whether it be conspiracy, RICO, process crimes, etc. The good thing about the conspiracy/RICO charges is they can get many folks with a single indictment. So, I DO expect it to happen, in lieu of a few posters here. I also said I believe they'll indict Biden, but I think it will be after the election, no matter who wins, which I believe the Dems know.
I'm sitting here blowing off steam watching the Kentucky Derby. If I want to watch, or read, politics, I know exactly where to go. I don't want to F'N see it on Derby Day. As long as those NBC *******s are busy lionizing people, they can lionize the STL 29 year old BLACK cop who was murdered last week and had 3 children, but I haven't heard about that.