Legal discussion regarding Flynn's case & the conflict of interest involving his previous legal counsel, something that Aggiehawg pointed out long ago.
The moment it came out that Flynn's (now former) Covington lawyers had been going back and forth with government (administrative not criminal) regarding the contents of the FARA filing in January-February of 2017, I sensed the lawyers were in an untenable position to thereafter also serve as his defense counsel.
To be more blunt, Flynn was subsequently to be charged for something his lawyers had actually done regarding the FARA filing. So any plea deal that omitted a FARA charge benefited his counsel tremendously from a potential malpractice case.
To be fair, FARA cases until Mueller had been handled as administrative penalties, not criminal matters. So his Covington counsel may have been slow to see the emerging conflict of interest until after Mueller's appointment. But once Mueller, Van Grack and Co. came calling screaming about FARA, they should have immediately sent Flynn to other criminal counsel and offered to testify (with Flynn's assent) for the defense.
Also in today's pleading from Powell, she notes that Van Grack has been playing hide the 302s in massive document dumps which as late as last month included
Brady material that was not previously produced. I hope Sullivan takes acute notice of that and gets angry that his orders have not been followed by the prosecution.