Earlier today I posted an article by Professor Cleveland where she went after Mueller, basing her argument upon Horowitz's Report, including direct quotations:
https://thefederalist.com/2020/01/06/inspector-general-report-shows-special-counsel-replicated-fbi-abuses/Please read the above first if you haven't. Cleveland's article prompted a blog post by a former FBI agent, & he has picked up several relevant issues in addition to Cleveland's findings. See below:
.....Second, the OIG report discovered something that, if it didn't exactly shock me, definitely caused me to sit up and take notice, to even involuntarily raise my eyebrows:
... after June 2017, "an agent from the Special Counsel's Office became Ohr's final point of contact through November 2017." Thus, Mueller's team made a concerted decision to continue to use Ohr to obtain "intel" from Steele -- a decision the IG condemned.
In fact, the special counsel's use of Ohr appears even more problematic than the FBI's prior mishandling of their meetings with Ohr: At least prior to Mueller's appearance, the FBI documented the details of their conversations with Ohr in FD-302 forms, but as the IG report noted, while Ohr continued to communicate with Steele through the end of November 2017 and passed on the details of those conversations to the FBI, "the FBI did not memorialize any meetings its agents had with Ohr after the Crossfire Hurricane investigation was transferred to the Special Counsel's Office in May 2017."
Further, while the special counsel's team continued to meet with Ohr during this time, no one from Mueller's group informed DOJ leadership of Ohr's involvement in the investigation nor his meetings with Steele until "after Congress requested information from the Department regarding Ohr's activities in late November 2017."
I had previously thought that, once the 302s of Joe Pientka's contacts with Ohr stopped, so did the contacts. Not so!
Remember how Crossfire Hurricane was predicated on the idea that there was a de facto "enterprise"--an informal but cohesive entity--operating within the Trump campaign to collude with Russia? Uh, looks like there was an illegal enterprise of sorts going on within the FBI and DoJ--and Team Mueller! All FBI investigation must be documented. FBI agents are not allowed to operate what we referred to as "hip pocket sources." This is a huge no-no. Pientka has to be in deep, deep, doo-doo. As with Clinesmith, I find it non-credible that Clinesmith and Pientka undertook these patently illegal actions totally on their own. Who knew what, when?.....
That's just the first bomb. Continue reading the article and you will learn about a second bomb -- it's a little more detailed but it involves Weissmann & cohorts hiding their discussions/plans/scheme from their supervisors, another huge no-no. The author then makes a concluding statement:
A separate enterprise within DoJ? Sure looks like that to me.
Need I remind you about a Strzok-Page text message referencing a 'secret society'?