Mueller dismisses top FBI agent in Russia probe for anti-Trump texts

7,512,138 Views | 49272 Replies | Last: 5 days ago by will25u
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A federal judge rejected Roger Stone's bid to have the criminal charges against him dismissed, but will allow the Trump ally to see some redacted portions of former special counsel Robert
Ellis Wyatt
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Larry S Ross said:

I suspect rino senators told turtle he wouldn't get their votes for confirmation.
McConnell hates conservatives, too. They're a threat to his power.
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We all are. We won't get justice with Barr at the helm. His connections to the OSS, Mueller, spy schools, and Epstein are just too great. I'm not sure what has to happen, perhaps military intervention as Q has hinted.
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Tibbers said:

We all are. We won't get justice with Barr at the helm. His connections to the OSS, Mueller, spy schools, and Epstein are just too great. I'm not sure what has to happen, perhaps military intervention as Q has hinted.
Not anywhere close to being there on Barr ... and never will be on military intervention. Barr has been on the job less than 6 mo's, Durham about 3 mo's, and the Horowitz report is imminent. Patience.

If you want to panic ... we're in the hole for $22 Trillion and doing almost nothing to control the budget deficit.
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He is trolling. Just ignore.
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Tibbers said:

We all are. We won't get justice with Barr at the helm. His connections to the OSS, Mueller, spy schools, and Epstein are just too great. I'm not sure what has to happen, perhaps military intervention as Q has hinted.
Stop sniffing glue
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captkirk said:

Tibbers said:

We all are. We won't get justice with Barr at the helm. His connections to the OSS, Mueller, spy schools, and Epstein are just too great. I'm not sure what has to happen, perhaps military intervention as Q has hinted.
Stop sniffing glue
No! Let him sniff. You go dude! I'm sure plenty of posters will ensure you don't run out.
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He's just trying to get the thread deleted.

Just ignore and flag the troll posts. The mods have been good about keeping them out of here.
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Okay, I'm officially very confused about the Comey memos. Of all people, Andy McCarthy partially defends Comey.


First, no one is better suited than Barr to weigh the pros and cons of prosecuting alleged government misconduct. He has prioritized the importance of resisting the politicization of law enforcement and he grasps the stakes involved. He is also a big enough boy to tune out the noise from the TrumpComey feud: the president's nonstop depiction of Comey as the reincarnation of Lavrentiy Beria, and the former director's worn-thin moralizing about how "Trump eats your soul in small bites" including Barr's own. The attorney general is not going to authorize a prosecution in the absence of clear evidence of a serious crime.

Second, I do not believe that Jim Comey would willfully leak classified information. Unless and until someone can show me he did it, I am going to continue assuming he did not.


That said, the classified-information facet of this episode has been exaggerated. There were seven memos in all, totaling 15 pages. Our understanding is that Comey tried to avoid putting classified information in them, and believed he had succeeded. Yet after obtaining and accounting for all of them, the FBI designated two of them as "confidential," the lowest level of classification. We do not know at this point (or, at least, I don't know) whether the memo leaked to the Times regarding the February 2017 TrumpComey discussion of the investigation of former national-security adviser Michael Flynn was one of the classified ones.

But we can easily deduce that Comey neither intended it to be classified nor thought it was. At one point in the memo, Comey wrote, "NOTE: Because this is an unclassified document, I will be limited in how I describe what I said next."

Sooo, if Comey was too smart to put classified info in the memos he leaked, why is DOJ arguing in court yesterday that the memos contain sources and methods and thus cannot be made public?


The DOJ has filed a response motion requesting a reversal of a prior court order that would have forced unredacted release of the "David Archey Delcarations"; detailed descriptions of the James Comey memos. Detailed Backstory

In their latest filing (full pdf below) the DOJ and FBI are falling back on the familiar "sources and methods" justification to block DC Circuit Court Judge Boasberg's earlier ruling.

Within that courtroom fight Mueller's lead FBI agent David Archey wrote a series of declarations to the court describing the content of the memos and arguing why they should be kept classified.

The FOIA fight shifted; and the plaintiff, CNN, argued for public release of the content of the FBI agent's descriptions, now known as the "Archey Declarations".

After a lengthy back-and-forth legal contest, on June 7th Judge James E Boasberg agreed to allow the FBI to keep the Comey memo content hidden, but instructed the DOJ/FBI to release the content of the Archey Declarations. The DOJ is seeking to reverse that order.

I understand Andy's quibbling about exactly what was and wasn't leaked from the memos being classified. But still his handling of them, removing them to his home is still a crime. As the author who put in sources and methods, he knew damn well they should have been classified, even if he, as the Director of the FBI, didn't officially designate them as such.

Barr has declass authority yet his DOJ is doing cartwheels in court to keep the Comey memos out of the public domain but not because of harm to an on-going matters* but on the classified nature of the sources and methods.

*I'd feel better if the announced reason was harm to ongoing matters as it would reinforce that Comey is not out of the woods (pun intended) yet.
Some Junkie Cosmonaut
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i have a feeling between this thread and the q thread there's going to be a lot of disappointed folks.
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Everyone keeps saying 'be patient'. How much time do ya'll think we have?
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Actually, from the 30,000 foot POV, I suspect it was just another opportunity to delay and obfuscate The longer it takes to receive anything, and everything, then the bigger possibility for Trump to be gone in Nov of '20. Right now, it's not likely, but things change.

There were a couple of things back in the Clinton fiasco that were kind of like that (the one in the '90's). I'm sure Bill's fingerprints are all over this.
Hate is how progressives sustain themselves. Without hate, introspection begins to slip into the progressive's consciousness, threatening the progressive with the truth: that their ideas and opinions are illogical, hypocritical, dangerous, and asinine.
This is backed by data.
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Two tiered Justice System is no longer a form of sarcasm. It appears we've joined the club among 3rd world despots. Is everyone dirty in DC...neck deep in the muck...a member of the team and on the payroll??? Why else would they let everyone off the hook??? Apparently they can't see/prosecute the corruption through their own corrupt lens. Disgusting!
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ruddyduck said:

i have a feeling between this thread and the q thread there's going to be a lot of disappointed folks.
Maybe. Leaving the Q stuff aside, too much and too different of material there but so much of the Mueller stuff is in the public domain now that the two-tiered justice system is evident.

Between the complete botching and direct sabotage of the Hillary email case*, the now obvious scheme by Team Mueller to manipulate Trump to obstruct justice and create a crime, the public's perception of our justice system has been incredibly damaged. The fact that there was no one at either the FBI or the DOJ screaming "foul" from the rooftops is deflating, to say the least.

*Those immunity agreements with Mills and Samuelson were anathema to the law.
Swollen Thumb
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The pace of activity has really picked since the Mueller report. A lot of political and legal positioning has been going on throughout. But they have been more on offense of late it seems. You also have powerful folks on the other side that are desperate and have no plans of rolling over. Make no mistake, Trump and white hats are fighting a very tough war against an entrenched opponent. No room at all for tactical mistakes legally or politically if they truly hope take the swamp down. Measure twice, cut once. So yes, it's going to take some patience.
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I sometimes wonder if they didn't actually find some dirt on Trump and both sides agreed to keep this crap going with nothing actually happening
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GreyhoundDad said:

I sometimes wonder if they didn't actually find some dirt on Trump and both sides agreed to keep this crap going with nothing actually happening

No way. The Dems would sacrifice Comey and everyone else to take down Trump.
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GreyhoundDad said:

I sometimes wonder if they didn't actually find some dirt on Trump and both sides agreed to keep this crap going with nothing actually happening
I think the opposite when it comes to Comey. He's acting too much like the late J. Edgar Hoover. Every President since Eisenhower wanted to get Hoover out of the FBI but were too afraid of him.

Comey is threatening graymail is my thought.
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backintexas2013 said:

GreyhoundDad said:

I sometimes wonder if they didn't actually find some dirt on Trump and both sides agreed to keep this crap going with nothing actually happening

No way. The Dems would sacrifice Comey and everyone else to take down Trump.
Agreed, they would give their first born for any dirt on Trump...of course with their stance on abortion that really isn't saying much but you get the gist.
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At the time comey sent the memos they were not deemed classified. They were only retro actively classified by the FBI. Therefore, comey didn't disseminate classified material. That's what I am hearing.
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Tibbers said:


At the time comey sent the memos they were not deemed classified. They were only retro actively classified by the FBI. Therefore, comey didn't disseminate classified material. That's what I am hearing.

I am sure you have a link?
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Tibbers said:


At the time comey sent the memos they were not deemed classified. They were only retro actively classified by the FBI. Therefore, comey didn't disseminate classified material. That's what I am hearing.
That's not how it works. Thats not how any of this works. Info/Data is classified. A document is created and tracked according to the data in it. Then document is trued up to the most classified item.

If Comey wrote a memo, and it contained classified data, it's instantly classified. He knows this. Anyone who actually understands data management knows this.

A person can not write classified data down and then give that to someone unauthorized and claim it wasn't classified at the time.

Stop Trolling and leave.
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If Comey wrote a memo, and it contained classified data, it's instantly classified. He knows this. Anyone who actually understands data management knows this.

A person can not write classified data down and then give that to someone unauthorized and claim it wasn't classified at the time.
Exactly. If he's writing down names and code names of sources, he knows that is classified information irrespective if he writes "Secret," or "Classified" at the top.

But note that the court fight has moved on from memos themselves to just a description prepared for the court of what they contain. Even the descriptions contain sources and methods according to DOJ. If one can't give a Cliffs Notes version of the Comey memos without using references to sources and methods, then there's more than just a tiny bit of classified material in there.
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Tibbers said:


At the time comey sent the memos they were not deemed classified. They were only retro actively classified by the FBI. Therefore, comey didn't disseminate classified material. That's what I am hearing.
You need better/more factual sources.
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aggiehawg said:


If Comey wrote a memo, and it contained classified data, it's instantly classified. He knows this. Anyone who actually understands data management knows this.

A person can not write classified data down and then give that to someone unauthorized and claim it wasn't classified at the time.
Exactly. If he's writing down names and code names of sources, he knows that is classified information irrespective if he writes "Secret," or "Classified" at the top.

But note that the court fight has moved on from memos themselves to just a description prepared for the court of what they contain. Even the descriptions contain sources and methods according to DOJ. If one can't give a Cliffs Notes version of the Comey memos without using references to sources and methods, then there's more than just a tiny bit of classified material in there.
Correct. meta-data about data is often still classified.
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.....James Comey was fired at approximately 5:00pm EST on Tuesday May 9th, 2017. That means Rosenstein first contacted Mueller about the special counsel appointment less than 15 hours after James Comey was fired....

Detailed complicated read by Sundance piecing the puzzle together.
IMO, Rosenstein has been fooling a lot of people with a false front. He's a black hat.

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Haven't read that yet but if that is true, Mueller committed perjury.
Sarge 91
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Tibbers said:


At the time comey sent the memos they were not deemed classified. They were only retro actively classified by the FBI. Therefore, comey didn't disseminate classified material. That's what I am hearing.
Not Hawg, but the handler of later classified material is deemed to have knowledge of its potential classification at the time he handles it. A material is classified not because of the label that is applied, but because of the content of the material itself.

That said, later classification diminishes criminal intent, as opposed to administrative discipline.
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Precisely and when you read the reasoning by the DOJ as to not prosecute, it's in relation to intent. But please continue to tar and feather me.
pagerman @ work
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Tibbers said:

Precisely and when you read the reasoning by the DOJ as to not prosecute, it's in relation to intent. But please continue to tar and feather me.

But is it really possible to seriously contend that the highest ranking person in the DOJ was unaware that the information was classified?

That seems to me to be admitting to gross incompetence, to the point of being too ragingly stupid to hold the position.

Like booger-eating moron stupid.

But I am open to being corrected by the lawyers here.
“Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy. It's inherent virtue is the equal sharing of miseries." - Winston Churchill
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That said, later classification diminishes criminal intent, as opposed to administrative discipline.
Statute requires only gross negligence, not criminal intent.

The point here is that DOJ cannot take directly contradictory positions o the memos. Either he mishandled classified info, or he did not. Either all or most of the Comey memos contained classified info about sources and methods, or they don't. Either his leaks of same were criminal or not.

Maintaining he did not commit a crime, means the DOJ position in the FOIA case is a lie to a federal court. Repeated lies, in fact. No manner to resolve that disconnect.
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Tibbers said:

Precisely and when you read the reasoning by the DOJ as to not prosecute, it's in relation to intent. But please continue to tar and feather me.

But that's not what you said. You Comey didn't distribute classified info. That is 100% wrong. And Comey did it's willfully and with intent but mostly with contempt.

You have been wrong so many times already. Wow.
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No, its not possible
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That said, later classification diminishes criminal intent, as opposed to administrative discipline.
Actually that is a bit disingenuous as the head of an Executive Agency such as State, has the exclusive power to declassify. That was never Hillary's defense but it is Comey's defense.

Both are BS as no one else will ever claim a post publication designation as "classified" as a defense when it is the head of an agency. If the Sec of State and the FBI Director don't know what is classified information and what is not, we have much more serious problems.
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Please stop replying and quoting the troll.
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