Mueller dismisses top FBI agent in Russia probe for anti-Trump texts

7,511,723 Views | 49272 Replies | Last: 5 days ago by will25u
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Comey's such a pious wanker!

That is all.
Hate is how progressives sustain themselves. Without hate, introspection begins to slip into the progressive's consciousness, threatening the progressive with the truth: that their ideas and opinions are illogical, hypocritical, dangerous, and asinine.
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The EU has morphed from a trade association to a quasi European government that has no provision comparable to the Tenth Amendment respecting the rights of the member states. The EU is becoming tyrannical as evidenced by their actions against Hungary trying to assert control over their borders and not allow open immigration. EU is taken Hungary to deny them that right.


The Tenth Amendment is completely an United States construct, that the raw text of the Constitution obligates the Gov't to do certain things, and the BoR restricts what is possible for them to do.

The 9th and 10th Amendments were thrown in at the last to emphasize what belonged to the people and the States...

Remember, Europe grew from a feudal society with royalty, we spawned from a society of individuals, pilgrims and adventurers, who grew to resent ALL authority, but agreed to allow a central government some authority over them, but many more obligations to the people.

My $0.02 anyway...
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SeMgCo87 said:


The EU has morphed from a trade association to a quasi European government that has no provision comparable to the Tenth Amendment respecting the rights of the member states. The EU is becoming tyrannical as evidenced by their actions against Hungary trying to assert control over their borders and not allow open immigration. EU is taken Hungary to deny them that right.


The Tenth Amendment is completely an United States construct, that the raw text of the Constitution obligates the Gov't to do certain things, and the BoR restricts what is possible for them to do.

The 9th and 10th Amendments were thrown in at the last to emphasize what belonged to the people and the States...

Remember, Europe grew from a feudal society with royalty, we spawned from a society of individuals, pilgrims and adventurers, who grew to resent ALL authority, but agreed to allow a central government some authority over them, but many more obligations to the people.

My $0.02 anyway...
Not disputing anything you stated. It is just that EU was sold as a trade association that would benefit all members with the increased power of the combined market share. It was never supposed to morph into solely governmental functions such as having its separate court system for subjects other than trade disputes.
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I think it was always intended to be government, that is just not how it was sold to the people.
Ag In Ok
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K188Ag said:

I think it was always intended to be government, that is just not how it was sold to the people.

Funny how that is the underlying theme within the Democratic Party.
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You know, I have no doubt it that was the case, but is there anyone in the world who ever pays attention to history? I ask, because what has happened, is what ALWAYS happens, every single time.

As humans, we just can't seem to help it.
Hate is how progressives sustain themselves. Without hate, introspection begins to slip into the progressive's consciousness, threatening the progressive with the truth: that their ideas and opinions are illogical, hypocritical, dangerous, and asinine.
This is backed by data.
pagerman @ work
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K188Ag said:

I think it was always intended to be government, that is just not how it was sold to the people.
It was always generally going in that direction.

It was born out of World War 2 and it's objective was to tie the countries together economically so that it would make no sense economically to have another continental war, having had 2 over the span of only 30 years.

It had to be gradual as the various economies had to rebuild (rationing didn't end in the UK until 1954), and the passions of war still lingered for a long time.

Despite not being officially formed until 1993, the European Union's foundations actually reach further back to 1957, when the European Economic Community was established. The EEC was formed out of a previous group called the European Coal and Steel Community - which had its own start in 1951.

Among other things, the EEC was designed to help break down trade barriers between countries in Europe, protect from private trade agreements that could diminish competition, and establish common agricultural and trade agreements and standards. The countries that comprised the EEC included Ireland, the United Kingdom, Denmark, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, France, West Germany (and later East), Italy, Portugal, Spain and Greece.
While it wasn't officially always the EU, it was generally headed that way since the end of the war. The end of the Cold War offered an opportunity for political alignment that would have been seen as provocative to the USSR, while even if a post-USSR Russia didn't like it, they couldn't do a thing to stop it.
“Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy. It's inherent virtue is the equal sharing of miseries." - Winston Churchill
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aggiehawg said:

Not disputing anything you stated. It is just that EU was sold as a trade association that would benefit all members with the increased power of the combined market share. It was never supposed to morph into solely governmental functions such as having its separate court system for subjects other than trade disputes.
I've suspected for quite some time that hardliners against the Brexit movement in Britain were the ones that colluded with Hillary in hopes of trading favors within the respective governments. Trump was very outspoken during the Brexit vote in support of leaving the union. I don't have any hard evidence, I'm just connecting dots.
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hawk1689 said:

aggiehawg said:

Not disputing anything you stated. It is just that EU was sold as a trade association that would benefit all members with the increased power of the combined market share. It was never supposed to morph into solely governmental functions such as having its separate court system for subjects other than trade disputes.
I've suspected for quite some time that hardliners against the Brexit movement in Britain were the ones that colluded with Hillary in hopes of trading favors within the respective governments. Trump was very outspoken during the Brexit vote in support of leaving the union. I don't have any hard evidence, I'm just connecting dots.
Obama had publicly warned Britain he wouldn't do any special trade deals with the UK if they left the EU. Something about putting them at the end of the line. Hillary would lkely signal she would follow that same policy. Trump, OTOH was saying the opposite.

So yes, Theresa May's government might have been more amenable to spying on Trump for that reason.
Some Junkie Cosmonaut
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fasthorses05 said:

You know, I have no doubt it that was the case, but is there anyone in the world who ever pays attention to history? I ask, because what has happened, is what ALWAYS happens, every single time.

As humans, we just can't seem to help it.

hell...ask socrates about in the clouds. because it was in a play, people bought it hook, line and sinker without bothering to educate themselves with any research (sound familiar to modern msm?).

speaking of that time, do a little research on sophists and tell me if that sounds familiar.
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Secolobo said:

So did these get released?
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Prosperdick said:

Secolobo said:

So did these get released?
Not that I have seen. Congressman Collins from Georgia was the one who was releasing transcripts and the House is not in session right now. <sigh> Tired of the delays here.
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aggiehawg said:

Prosperdick said:

Secolobo said:

So did these get released?
Not that I have seen. Congressman Collins from Georgia was the one who was releasing transcripts and the House is not in session right now. <sigh> Tired of the delays here.
You and me both.
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Prosperdick said:

aggiehawg said:

Prosperdick said:

Secolobo said:

So did these get released?
Not that I have seen. Congressman Collins from Georgia was the one who was releasing transcripts and the House is not in session right now. <sigh> Tired of the delays here.
You and me both.
My biggest fear? Is that the "bombshells" for many in the country are going to be the same crap we have been discussing here for a year and a half that we already knew.

The only "bombshells" I am waiting for are indictments and perp walks.
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aggiehawg said:

Prosperdick said:

aggiehawg said:

Prosperdick said:

Secolobo said:

So did these get released?
Not that I have seen. Congressman Collins from Georgia was the one who was releasing transcripts and the House is not in session right now. <sigh> Tired of the delays here.
You and me both.
My biggest fear? Is that the "bombshells" for many in the country are going to be the same crap we have been discussing here for a year and a half that we already knew.

The only "bombshells" I am waiting for are indictments and perp walks.
Absolutely...if no indictments and just another IG report with no accompanying teeth I'll be devastated (and yes, I know they don't have the power) but we can't let a coup d'etat go unpunished.
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Absolutely...if no indictments and just another IG report with no accompanying teeth I'll be devastated (and yes, I know they don't have the power) but we can't let a coup d'etat go unpunished.
I understand how slowly the justice system works but the crimes here are soooo obvious and easily provable to at least get indictments and then go to trial, that I am very confused as to what is really taking so long.
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aggiehawg said:


Absolutely...if no indictments and just another IG report with no accompanying teeth I'll be devastated (and yes, I know they don't have the power) but we can't let a coup d'etat go unpunished.
I understand how slowly the justice system works but the crimes here are soooo obvious and easily provable to at least get indictments and then go to trial, that I am very confused as to what is really taking so long.
It's beyond infuriating. Actually, it's becoming suspicious!! Either we're a country of laws...OR, we're not????

ETA - It's sad. I served this country during Viet Nam. Today...given DC politics (apparent corruption) and if I were 'of age', I'm not sure I would do so again.
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Does this really surprise anyone?

No doubt this is Wray protecting Comey.
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diGenova was just on Lou Dobbs. Not a peep about declassification of documents.
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drcrinum said:

diGenova was just on Lou Dobbs. Not a peep about declassification of documents.
As expected. Just can't believe a word out of the guy's mouth anymore. He's the Avenatti of the right.
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drcrinum said:

diGenova was just on Lou Dobbs. Not a peep about declassification of documents.
Someone's foot is hard on the brake.
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whatthehey78 said:

drcrinum said:

diGenova was just on Lou Dobbs. Not a peep about declassification of documents.
Someone's foot is hard on the brake.
Coats and Wray.

Coats is out, but Wray is doing everything he can to protect the deep state.

It might not be very good politically, but Trump may have no choice but to fire him as well.

If he does, I'd like to see him bring in an outsider such as the head of the Texas Rangers.
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Interesting finding by Techno_Fog.
His question arises from the footnotes of Page 66, Volume 2 of the Mueller Report. If you read Page 67, it tells you that Tashina Gauhar wrote notes on 5/16/17 about Rosenstein's meeting (presumably dictated by RR) with the President on 5/16/17 (see footnote 436), & therefore the notes included Rosenstein's recollection of his meeting with the President on 5/8/17. So the answer to the question is 'yes'....RR was covering his ***.

But notice that Gauhar was calling Strzok & Page on 5/16/17 per the S-P text messages, even calling Page at 11:30pm. Mueller was hired the next day, 5/17/17.

Note the text by Strzok saying that Gauhar had passed on a couple of points that RR wanted 'us' to know. one of those points was that Rosenstein was going to appoint Mueller as SC.

I still believe Rosenstein was a black hat.
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I still believe Rosenstein was a black hat.
Opportunist weasel. He would go with the flow regardless of direction. Zero principles nor backbone.
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The Justice Department's chief watchdog is preparing a damning report on James Comey's conduct in his final days as FBI director that likely will conclude he leaked classified information and showed a lack of candor after his own agency began looking into his feud with President Trump over the Russia probe.

Inspector General (IG) Michael Horowitz's team referred Comey for possible prosecution under the classified information protection laws, but Department of Justice (DOJ) prosecutors working for Attorney General William Barr reportedly have decided to decline prosecution -- a decision that's likely to upset Comey's conservative critics.

Prosecutors found the IG's findings compelling but decided not to bring charges because they did not believe they had enough evidence of Comey's intent to violate the law, according to multiple sources.

The concerns stem from the fact that one memo that Comey leaked to a friend specifically to be published by the media as he admitted in congressional testimony -- contained information classified at the lowest level of "confidential," and that classification was made by the FBI after Comey had transmitted the information, the sources said.

Although a technical violation, the DOJ did not want to "make its first case against the Russia investigators with such thin margins and look petty and vindictive," a source told me, explaining the DOJ's rationale.

But Comey and others inside the FBI and the DOJ during his tenure still face legal jeopardy in ongoing probes by the IG and Barr-appointed special prosecutor John Durham. Those investigations are focused on the origins of the Russia investigation that included a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant targeting the Trump campaign at the end of the 2016 election, the source said.

"There are significant issues emerging with how the FISA was handled and other conduct in the investigation, and everyone involved remains under scrutiny," a second source said....

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aggiehawg said:


I still believe Rosenstein was a black hat.
Opportunist weasel. He would go with the flow regardless of direction. Zero principles nor backbone.

That's my impression of him, too.
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Prosecutors found the IG's findings compelling but decided not to bring charges because they did not believe they had enough evidence of Comey's intent to violate the law, according to multiple sources.
What a load of crap. Comey is on record under oath saying he did it on purpose!!!!!!!!

There is no doubt of intent.
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There's no problem with another prosecutor deciding to charge though right?
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Good take or nah?

Ag In Ok
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will25u said:

Good take or nah?

Oh the irony of not prosecuting Comey based on the lack of intent. If only he threw out some crap line dancing around negligence.
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Hogties said:

There's no problem with another prosecutor deciding to charge though right?
Up to Barr as to whether that is even possible.
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Solomon was just on Hannity discussing this. IG referred for prosecution, AG declined prosecution. He thinks they're passing on this because they have him on bigger things (a fraudulent FISA application).

Lindsay Graham then came on and said he trusts Barr. Talked about two approaches - 1) throw everything you have at them, and 2) hit them with your best shot. He's assuming Barr is using approach 2 and has something bigger on Comey.

Edit: He also noted Mueller overcharged on everyone and he appreciates Barr showing some discretion.
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VegasAg86 said:

Solomon was just on Hannity discussing this. IG referred for prosecution, AG declined prosecution. He thinks they're passing on this because they have him on bigger things (a fraudulent FISA application).

Lindsay Graham then came on and said he trusts Barr. Talked about two approaches - 1) throw everything you have at them, and 2) hit them with your best shot. He's assuming Barr is using approach 2 and has something bigger on Comey.

Edit: He also noted Mueller overcharged on everyone and he appreciates Barr showing some discretion.
Y'all, I want to be really angry-like it would do any good-, but it all comes down to two things: 1. Do ya trust Barr, Durham, and Horowitz? Don't know, and this isn't a good start, but my understanding is Barr can stil choose to indict. 2. IF Barr is going to delay, which is fine, then he better by god be sure there's thunder coming with the FISA abuse.
Hate is how progressives sustain themselves. Without hate, introspection begins to slip into the progressive's consciousness, threatening the progressive with the truth: that their ideas and opinions are illogical, hypocritical, dangerous, and asinine.
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fasthorses05 said:

VegasAg86 said:

Solomon was just on Hannity discussing this. IG referred for prosecution, AG declined prosecution. He thinks they're passing on this because they have him on bigger things (a fraudulent FISA application).

Lindsay Graham then came on and said he trusts Barr. Talked about two approaches - 1) throw everything you have at them, and 2) hit them with your best shot. He's assuming Barr is using approach 2 and has something bigger on Comey.

Edit: He also noted Mueller overcharged on everyone and he appreciates Barr showing some discretion.
Y'all, I want to be really angry-like it would do any good-, but it all comes down to two things: 1. Do ya trust Barr, Durham, and Horowitz? Don't know, and this isn't a good start, but my understanding is Barr can stil choose to indict. 2. IF Barr is going to delay, which is fine, then he better by god be sure there's thunder coming with the FISA abuse.
Wish I could reassure you but that is not the way prosecutors work. Those are the relatively minor charges (less jail time, unless sentenced consecutively) that are used to leverage criminal defendants. Wave those potential charges as leverage to get cooperation on bigger crimes against others. Only way he passes on the leverage is that he already has what he needs and wants for other purposes. And I don't pretend to have any ideas as to what that might be.

Will say I am not a happy camper right now.
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