Mueller dismisses top FBI agent in Russia probe for anti-Trump texts

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Have any of y'all wondered about Coates?

I've been familiar with the guy since he went to the Hill, but never really knew where he stood on policy issues, etc.. It's possible he may be a Paul Ryan type. I thought Ryan was a good man, but seemed to be staggeringly naive, on the level of Jimmy Carter. Coates never had to approve of Trump, his family, or even his policies (hard to imagine), but how could a Republican/conservative not see the necessity of releasing the classified docs to help resolve this situation?

I completely understand the national security issue, and support it, but are there folks on the Right who can't see what's been going on for the last 2 1/2 years?

Just wonderin'.
Hate is how progressives sustain themselves. Without hate, introspection begins to slip into the progressive's consciousness, threatening the progressive with the truth: that their ideas and opinions are illogical, hypocritical, dangerous, and asinine.
This is backed by data.
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Stat Monitor Repairman said:

I will give truepundit credit though ...

They were the first one to publish something on the FBI agent's arkancide in Austin last week. Eventually some other media caught on but they were the first to put it out there. (5 days post incident, but they were the first).
Have to confess that story is so convoluted, other than the fact the guy is actually dead and buried, it is hard to ascertain what really happened there.
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ACLJ Obtains Obama DOJ's Immunity Agreements with Hillary Clinton Lawyers Cheryl Mills and Heather Samuelson to "Dispose" of Evidence and Refuse to Comply with Federal Law

I'm off to bed, but I'll leave this here for Hawg and the rest of our legal eagles to read through.
Some Junkie Cosmonaut
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saw that earlier. how is this not a bigger deal?
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Rapier108 said:
Dont read this if you're near anything combustible.


According to the DOJ's immunity agreement with Mills:

As we have advised you, we consider Cheryl Mills to be a witness based on the information gathered to date in this investigation. We understand that Cheryl Mills is willing to voluntarily provide the Mills Laptop to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, if the United States agrees not to use any information directly obtained from the Mills Laptop in any prosecution of Cheryl Mills for the mishandling of classified information and/or the removal or destruction of records as described below.
And, according to the immunity agreement:

To that end, it is hereby agreed as follows:

1. That, subject to the terms of consent set forth in a separate letter to the Department of Justice dated June 10, 2016, Cheryl Mills will voluntarily produce the Mills Laptop to the Federal Bureau of Investigation for its review and analysis.

2. That no information directly obtained from the Mills Laptop will be used against your client in any prosecution under 18 U.S.C. 793(e) and/or (f); 18 U.S.C. 1924; and/or 18 U.S.C. 2071.

3. That no other promises, agreements, or understandings exist between the parties except as set forth in this agreement, and no modification of this agreement shall have effect unless executed in writing by the parties.
The agreement was then executed by Cheryl Mills. The immunity agreement with Samuelson reads the same.

Mills and Samuelson Were Granted Immunity From Prosecution Under Multiple Felony Statutes for Anything Found on Their Laptops.

The Espionage Act. The first criminal statute as to which Mills and Samuelson were expressly granted immunity are felony provisions of the Espionage Act, found at 18 U.S.C. 793(e). The immunity agreements arguable would also cover the Espionage Act's provision concerning conspiracy to violate the Act, under 18 U.S.C. 793(g).

To summarize, these Espionage Act sections makes it a felony for a person with unauthorized access or possession to convey the information to an unauthorized person, or for a person with authorized possession to negligently allow it to be removed from its proper place, delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, lost, stolen, or destroyed; or failing to promptly report such an act.
Removal of Classified Information by Public Officers and Employees. The next criminal statute as to which Mills and Samuelson were granted immunity is a felony statute found at 18 U.S.C. 1924.

To summarize, this criminal statute makes it a felony for a government officer or employee to, knowingly and without authority, remove classified information with the intent to retain the information at an unauthorized location.
Records and Reports. Mills and Samuelson were also granted express immunity from prosecution under both subsections of 18 U.S.C. 2071.

To summarize, this criminal statute makes it a felony for a person to willfully and unlawfully conceal, remove, or destroy a government record or document, or where someone has custody of any such record, they willfully and unlawfully conceal, remove, falsify or destroy it. Further, a person convicted of doing the latter "shall forfeit and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States."

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ruddyduck said:

saw that earlier. how is this not a bigger deal?

Because a large portion of our society is fully stupid and willfully ignorant.
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And most glaringly frustrating......our national media will not cover it. I am hoping that there is indictments for conspiracy on the horizon for all the media top dogs. Sure, you can always go after the foot soldiers.....but I find that going for the head of the snake is most effective.
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bkag9824 said:

ruddyduck said:

saw that earlier. how is this not a bigger deal?

Because a large portion of our society is fully stupid and willfully ignorant.
That and the complicit media has absolutely no interest in any investigation into the D's.
"And liberals, being liberals, will double down on failure." - dedgod
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....The FBI's July 10 court filing speaks volumes about Director Christopher Wray's efforts to thwart the public understanding of what really happened in the FBI's now-debunked Russia collusion probe......
On its face, the FBI's behavior in the Citizens United case isn't about protecting national security secrets. It's about protecting the bureau's reputation from revelations its agents knew derogatory information about Steele and his work before they used his dossier to support a surveillance warrant targeting the Trump campaign and failed to disclose that information to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC)......
To better illustrate the folly of the FBI's fight, let's examine one document the bureau is fighting to keep secret in its entirety.
It's a five-page memo that Kavalec downloaded from Steele from an internet storage site after meeting with him on Oct. 11, 2016. She sent it to then-FBI section chief Steven Laycock, now an assistant director, two days later.
The document, according to my sources who have seen it, lays out a theory that Steele and some liberals spread late in the 2016 campaign that unusual computer pings between a Trump Tower server and Alfa Bank in Russia might be a secret communication channel by which Trump and Vladimir Putin were hijacking the election.
The theory has been written about in the media. Kavalec downloaded the file from Steele via a commercial internet download service and transmitted it to Laycock on non-classified email.
Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.), who reviewed the document recently, wrote Attorney General William Barr last week saying the memo was "based on open source media reporting" and that the FBI's claim that revealing it would harm sources and methods is "completely unfounded."
In other words, it's not the stuff intelligence laws were designed to protect......
My sources say it's because the State Department included notations on Steele's five pages of research strongly calling into question his Alfa Bank theories before sending it to the FBI. In other words, they challenged the veracity and quality of Steele's intelligence.
Under the FBI's human source rules, a U.S. government's negative assessment of an informer's information would constitute "derogatory information" that would have to be disclosed to the FISC if Steele's work was being used to support a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant

Another instance where Kavalec provided info from Steele to the FBI where Kavalec questioned the accuracy of Steele's intel.
Wray is a Swamp creature.
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How the $&&% is that immunity deal enforceable or even lawfully made if their testimony was never used in a prosecution?!?

Immunity isn't a gift, it is a contract deal where both parties are supposed to produce and in good faith AND in the interest of the public. If the government never intended to pursue prosecution, it had no right and authority to make that deal.
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Another instance where Kavalec provided info from Steele to the FBI where Kavalec questioned the accuracy of Steele's intel.

Wray is a Swamp creature.
Yep. And I don't understand why Barr is letting him get away with it. (Unless he's giving him enough rope to hang himself, that is.)

From all appearances Wray should have been completely free from any complicity in the Hillary email fiasco and the Muh Russia investigation as he was confirmed Director of the FBI after Mueller had been appointed and taken it over. Nearly all of the malefactors at the FBI and DOJ directly involved are gone. Logic would dictate that Wray has no motive to continue to thwart FOIAs related to those former employees' acts.

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Christopher Wray starring in Honey I Shrunk the Kids
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Schiff4brains strikes again. Asserting Executive Privilege is now a crime.
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Yeah thought that was a Babylon Bee headline at first.
I think that, to be very honest with you, I do believe that we should have rightly believed, but we certainly believe that certain issues are just settled.

- Kamala Harris

Vote for Trump.
He took a bullet for America.

Sarge 91
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captkirk said:

In other news, criminal defendants will be charged with obstruction for speaking with an attorney and asserting attorney/client privilege.
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Another thread identifying Coats as the obstacle to declassifying documents.
pagerman @ work
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aggiehawg said:


Another instance where Kavalec provided info from Steele to the FBI where Kavalec questioned the accuracy of Steele's intel.

Wray is a Swamp creature.
Yep. And I don't understand why Barr is letting him get away with it. (Unless he's giving him enough rope to hang himself, that is.)

From all appearances Wray should have been completely free from any complicity in the Hillary email fiasco and the Muh Russia investigation as he was confirmed Director of the FBI after Mueller had been appointed and taken it over. Nearly all of the malefactors at the FBI and DOJ directly involved are gone. Logic would dictate that Wray has no motive to continue to thwart FOIAs related to those former employees' acts.

Bureaucracies exist to protect and perpetuate themselves. I'm sure he is being told by all the people around him how absolutely crucial it is to protect the Bureau and the agents so that their investigative "process" won't be harmed for future investigations. I would imagine there is also some concern about how showing some malfeasance in FISA filings might impact other cases.
“Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy. It's inherent virtue is the equal sharing of miseries." - Winston Churchill
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aggiehawg said:

Schiff4brains strikes again. Asserting Executive Privilege is now a crime.
So, can we quickly toll the statute of limitations on Obama's assertion of executive privilege and charge him with a misdemeanor?

Whens lunch
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VegasAg86 said:

aggiehawg said:

Schiff4brains strikes again. Asserting Executive Privilege is now a crime.
So, can we quickly toll the statute of limitations on Obama's assertion of executive privilege and charge him with a misdemeanor?

Would that mean we can send him back?
Not when I'm done with it.
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DNC loses again.


A federal judge in frank terms has dismissed a lawsuit by the Democratic National Committee (DNC) against key members of the Trump campaign and WikiLeaks over hacked DNC documents, saying they "did not participate in any wrongdoing in obtaining the materials in the first place" and therefore bore no legal liability for disseminating the information.

The ruling came as Democrats have increasingly sought to tie the Trump team to illegal activity in Russia, in spite of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's findings that the campaign in fact refused multiple offers by Russians to involve them in hacking and disinformation efforts.

The DNC asserted in court filings that the Trump team's meetings "with persons connected to the Russian government during the time that the Russian GRU agents were stealing the DNC's information" were a sign that they were conspiring with the Russians to "steal and disseminate the DNC's materials."
Dismissed with prejudice meaning it cannot be refiled.

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I think that, to be very honest with you, I do believe that we should have rightly believed, but we certainly believe that certain issues are just settled.

- Kamala Harris

Vote for Trump.
He took a bullet for America.

Ag In Ok
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I can't help but come to the conclusion the DNC intentionally leaked their info to the Russians by way of Imran, Hungarian billionaires, and the Ukraine in an attempt to tie it back to trumps campaign.

As for Hillary's emails, that one i still don't understand.
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AggieHawg? Would you take the AG job in Trumps next administration? Just asking for a friend....
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Can I go to sleep Looch?
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I guess I better get the popcorn ready. First diGenova and now Pap circling today as the day.
"And liberals, being liberals, will double down on failure." - dedgod
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Can I go to sleep Looch?
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Remember when I said that Mueller's sidekick, Zebley, who was present at his testimony as his lawyer, really did Mueller a disservice?


Worse yet, Mueller was reminded of Judge Friedrich's admonishments in this sharp questioning during the Judiciary Committee hearing. Even if Mueller could not comprehend the perilousness of continuing to claim IRA and Concord worked for the Russian government (after abandoning that claim in open court), he was flanked by his aide Aaron Zebley who, in theory, should have been present to prevent this misstep. Yet, within a few short hours, he cavalierly violated Judge Friedrich's order on national television, not once, but twice.

Why did the Department of Justice coach Mueller to obey the court order regarding pretrial publicity in the Stone case but not the Concord/IRA case? Mueller and his DOJ handlers have made a mockery of the restraint Friedrich exercised in response to the government's previous clear violation of rules prohibiting prosecutors from using the media as their courtroom. In front of millions of viewers, he directly challenged the authority of a presiding district judge to protect the fairness of the trial process.
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pagerman @ work
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aggiehawg said:

Remember when I said that Mueller's sidekick, Zebley, who was present at his testimony as his lawyer, really did Mueller a disservice?


Worse yet, Mueller was reminded of Judge Friedrich's admonishments in this sharp questioning during the Judiciary Committee hearing. Even if Mueller could not comprehend the perilousness of continuing to claim IRA and Concord worked for the Russian government (after abandoning that claim in open court), he was flanked by his aide Aaron Zebley who, in theory, should have been present to prevent this misstep. Yet, within a few short hours, he cavalierly violated Judge Friedrich's order on national television, not once, but twice.

Why did the Department of Justice coach Mueller to obey the court order regarding pretrial publicity in the Stone case but not the Concord/IRA case? Mueller and his DOJ handlers have made a mockery of the restraint Friedrich exercised in response to the government's previous clear violation of rules prohibiting prosecutors from using the media as their courtroom. In front of millions of viewers, he directly challenged the authority of a presiding district judge to protect the fairness of the trial process.
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Wait, so you're saying Mueller is an a-hole?
“Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy. It's inherent virtue is the equal sharing of miseries." - Winston Churchill
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Two of the most senior intelligence officials in the US and UK privately shared concerns about "our strange situation" as the FBI launched its 2016 investigation into whether Donald Trump's campaign was colluding with Russia, the Guardian has learned.
Text messages between Andrew McCabe, the deputy director of the FBI at the time, and Jeremy Fleming, his then counterpart at MI5, now the head of GCHQ, also reveal their mutual surprise at the result of the EU referendum, which some US officials regarded as a "wake-up call", according to a person familiar with the matter.
While Russia had previously been viewed as a country that would seek to interfere in western elections, the Brexit vote was viewed by some within the FBI as a sign that Russian activities had possibly been successful, the person said.
Their exchanges offer new insights into the start of the FBI's Russia investigation, and how British intelligence appears to have played a key role in the early stages......

Interesting that McCabe & his UK counterpart at MI5 were texting about the Brexit vote (June 23, 2016) & how perhaps the Russians had influenced the result. Sound familiar?

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Seems like parts of the British Law enforcement and FBI were strung along by British and American intelligence services like CIA and private political entities, plus maybe involvement from other European intel agencies, and they sure seem eager to find the Russians were involved and to blame. I can't tell yet if they were just biased and narrowly focused out of ignorance and presumption, or if they were just playing their part in a larger orchestrated narrative.
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Interesting that McCabe & his UK counterpart at MI5 were texting about the Brexit vote (June 23, 2016) & how perhaps the Russians had influenced the result. Sound familiar?
I still don't understand why there exists a presumption that being critical of the EU automatically makes one Pro-Putin. The EU has morphed from a trade association to a quasi European government that has no provision comparable to the Tenth Amendment respecting the rights of the member states.

The EU is becoming tyrannical as evidenced by their actions against Hungary trying to assert control over their borders and not allow open immigration. EU is taken Hungary to deny them that right.
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aggiehawg said:


Interesting that McCabe & his UK counterpart at MI5 were texting about the Brexit vote (June 23, 2016) & how perhaps the Russians had influenced the result. Sound familiar?
I still don't understand why there exists a presumption that being critical of the EU automatically makes one Pro-Putin. The EU has morphed from a trade association to a quasi European government that has no provision comparable to the Tenth Amendment respecting the rights of the member states.

The EU is becoming tyrannical as evidenced by their actions against Hungary trying to assert control over their borders and not allow open immigration. EU is taken Hungary to deny them that right.
The EU is morphing into the Fourth Reich.
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Judicial Watch received some docs from the FBI.


Judicial Watch announced today it received six pages of records from the FBI showing that in June, 2017, a month after FBI Director James Comey was fired by President Donald Trump, FBI agents visited his home and collected "as evidence" four memos that allegedly detail conversations he had with President Trump. One of his memos was written on June 6, a month after he was fired.

Comey was fired by Trump on May 9, 2017. The memos obtained by Judicial Watch were collected from Comey by the FBI on June 7, a month later, and are dated February 14, 2017; March 30, 2017; April 11, 2017; and one is dated "last night at 6:30 pm."

The FBI documents also revealed that Comey recalled writing two other memos after conversations with Trump that he claimed were "missing." The FBI visit and interview took place on June 7, the day before Comey admitted leaking the memos in testimony to Congress.

On June 7, 2017, at approximately 10:15 A.M., Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Special Agents (SA) [redacted] and [redacted] collected memorandums (memos) as evidence from James Comey at his residence at [redacted]. The memos collected described as follows:

    • One memo dated February 4, 2017, two pages;
    • One memo dated March 30, 2017, two pages;
    • One memo dated April 11, 2017, one page;
    • One memo dated "last night at 6:30 pm," four pages
Judicial Watch also received a newly declassified FBI document dated June 16, 2017, in which FBI agents describe Comey telling them that he had written two additional Trump meeting memos that he could no longer find:

Former FBI Director James Comey was interviewed at his residence at [redacted]. This interview was scheduled in advance, for the purpose of providing certain classified memoranda (memos) to Comey for review. After being advised of the identity of the interviewing Agents and the nature of the interview, Comey provided the following information:

After reviewing the memos, Comey spontaneously stated, to the best of his recollection, two were missing:

In the first occurrence, Comey said at an unknown date and time, between January 7, 2017, which Comey believed was the date of his briefing at Trump Tower, and Trump's inauguration on January 20th, 2017, Comey received a phone call from President Elect Donald J. Trump. The originating telephone number may have had a New York area code. Following the telephone conversation, Comey drafted and e-mailed a memo to James Rybicki and FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe.

In the second instance, Comey was on his way to a FBI leadership conference in Leesburg, Virginia (March 9, 2017) when he was diverted to Liberty Crossing to respond to a request from Trump to contact him. Comey contacted Trump from Liberty Crossing on a Top Secret telephone line. The conversation was "all business" and related to [redacted]. Comey is less sure he drafted a memo for his conversation but if he did, he may have sent it on the FBI's Top Secret network.
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