aggiehawg said:
RoscoePColtrane said:
good catch
Remember that Robin Williams and DeNiro movie Awakenings? Based on a true story on how seizures can cascade upon one another causing rigidity.
My late sister was not a Parkinson's patient but experienced a few seizures from other causes. Witnessed a few of them first-hand.
Not saying this is what it is, but it's a common misconception that seizures always induce a physical response. I have a son with epilepsy, and his seizures were always "
absence seizures". Picture zoning out. He could continue to stand, sit, etc., but mentally, he's gone. He would pretty much just stop and freeze. You could move him, but he wasn't moving himself. (Example, if he was sitting, you could put him on his feet, and he would begin to stand. But he wouldn't walk nor would he stand up on his own). Worst seizure lasted a couple of minutes and took him another 30-60 minutes to fully recover. Thankfully the med's are working and he's about 18 months seizure free now!
If she does have a medical issue causing seizures, this could be a possibility for the stare and would also explain sitting in someone's lap and having her hands held. The other individual is guiding her body.