Mueller dismisses top FBI agent in Russia probe for anti-Trump texts

7,485,765 Views | 49269 Replies | Last: 3 days ago by aggiehawg
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This Wohl story has unraveled faster than a ball of yarn being attacked by a cat high on catnip.
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Everyone knows it's bs. It's just about using the left's words about having to believe and guilty until proven innocent. Nobody I have seen believes any of this. Hell only one poster, who isn't the brightest, thought all the sarcastic comments were serious.
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Has Mueller Subpoenaed the President?


As we expected, he has gone quiet in deference to long-standing Justice Department policy that prosecutors should not take actions that might impact pending elections. Whatever he is doing, he is doing quietly and even farther from the public eye than usual.


...we may have stumbled upon How Bob Mueller Is Spending His Mid-Terms: secretly litigating against President Trump for the right to throw him in the grand jury.


But now, thanks to Politico's reporting (backed up by the simple gumshoe move of sitting in the clerk's office waiting to see who walks in and requests what file), we may know what Mueller has been up to: Since mid-August, he may have been locked in proceedings with Trump and his lawyers over a grand jury subpoenain secret litigation that could tell us by December whether the president will testify before Mueller's grand jury.

...on August 16th (the day after Giuliani said he was almost finished with his memorandum, remember), a sealed grand jury case was initiated in the D.C. federal district court before Chief Judge Beryl A. Howell. We know that on September 19, Chief Judge Howell issued a ruling and 5 days later one of the parties appealed to the D.C. Circuit. And thanks to Politico's reporting, we know that the special counsel's office is involved (because the reporter overheard a conversation in the clerk's office). We can further deduce that the special counsel prevailed in the district court below, and that the presumptive grand jury witness has frantically appealed that order and sought special treatment from the judges of the D.C. Circuit...

  • The parties and the judges have moved with unusual alacrity. Parties normally have 30 days to appeal a lower court action. The witness here appealed just five days after losing in the district courtand three days later filed a motion before the appellate court to stay the district court's order. That's fast.
  • The appeals court itself responded with remarkable speed, too. One day after getting the witness's motion, the court gave the special counsel just three days to respondblindingly short as appellate proceedings go. The special counsel's papers were filed October 1.
  • At this point an unspecified procedural flaw seems to have emerged, and on October 3, the appeals court dismissed the appeal. Just two days later, the lower court judge cured the flaw, the witness re-appealed, and by October 10 the witness was once again before appellate court. Thanks to very quick action of all the judges, less than one week was lost due to a flaw that, in other cases, could have taken weeks or months to resolve.
  • Back before the D.C. Circuit, this case's very special handling continued. On October 10, the day the case returned to the court, the parties filed a motion for expedited handling, and within two days, the judges had granted their motion and set an accelerated briefing schedule. The witness was given just 11 days to file briefs; the special counsel (presumably) just two weeks to respond; and reply papers one week later, on November 14 (for those paying attention, that's 8 days after the midterm elections). Oral arguments are set for December 14.


But is it the president? The docket sheets give one finalbut compellingclue. When the witness lost the first time in the circuit court (before the quick round-trip to the district court), he unusually petitioned for rehearing en bancmeaning he thought his case was so important that it merited the very unusual action of convening all 10 of the D.C. Circuit judges to review the order. That is itself telling (this witness believes his case demands very special handling), but the order disposing of the petition is even more telling: President Trump's sole appointee to that court, Gregory Katsas, recused himself.
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Does anyone really think that would be kept secret?
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We cannot know, from the brief docket entries that are available to us in this sealed case, that the matter involves President Trump. But we do know from Politico's reporting that it involves the special counsel and that the action here was filed the day after Giuliani noted publicly, "[W]e're pretty much finished with our memorandum opposing a subpoena." We know that the district court had ruled in favor of the special counsel and against the witness; that the losing witness has moved with alacrity and with authority; and that the judges have responded with accelerated rulings and briefing schedules. We know that Judge Katsas, Trump's former counsel and nominee, has recused himself. And we know that this sealed legal matter will come to a head in the weeks just after the midterm elections.
BMX Bandit
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Rapier108 said:

Does anyone really think that would be kept secret?

Things like that usually leak.

That story may be true, but it's a lot of suppositions stacked on top of one another
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That would be a big can of worms for Mueller to have opened up right before the mid-terms if he's trying to subpoena Trump before a grand jury.

Even Ken Starr didn't go that far.
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aggiehawg said:

That would be a big can of worms for Mueller to have opened up right before the mid-terms if he's trying to subpoena Trump before a grand jury.

Even Ken Starr didn't go that far.
The way I see Mueller, for better or worse, is that he uses every single legal avenue available, then bends, stretches, and tests those laws he sees useful to his case. He's probably seen as an absolute ******* by most folks, and just a hard ass by others.

However, I can easily see Mueller surpassing Starr, and that's saying something.
Hate is how progressives sustain themselves. Without hate, introspection begins to slip into the progressive's consciousness, threatening the progressive with the truth: that their ideas and opinions are illogical, hypocritical, dangerous, and asinine.
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fasthorses05 said:

aggiehawg said:

That would be a big can of worms for Mueller to have opened up right before the mid-terms if he's trying to subpoena Trump before a grand jury.

Even Ken Starr didn't go that far.
The way I see Mueller, for better or worse, is that he uses every single legal avenue available, the bends, stretches, and tests those laws he sees useful to his case. He's probably seen as an absolute *******, by most folks, and just a hard ass by others.

However, I can easily see Mueller surpassing Starr, and that's saying something.
I also seeing Mueller using extra-legal means, sadly.
Evening Time Joke Man
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Fox News is calling it disinformation from Politico and have POTUS counsel on the record that there has been zero litigation or meetings fighting a subpoena and no subpoena has been issued.
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Code 7 10-42
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RoscoePColtrane said:

Fox News is calling it disinformation from Politico and have POTUS counsel on the record that there has been zero litigation or meetings fighting a subpoena and no subpoena has been issued.
For Trump at least. Could still be one for others working in the White House, his Cabinet or Pence.

For all we know, it could be that Mueller is attempting to subpoena Sessions on the bogus firing-Comey-as-obstruction issue.
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Had to chuckle on that notion
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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RoscoePColtrane said:

Drain. The. Swamp.
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Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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Interesting thread on the origin of Crossfire Hurricane.

I long had been under the impression that the Australian Ambassador to the US, Joe Hockey, had passed info about Downer's meeting with Papadopoulos to the FBI in July 2016...this was incorrect, even though it was reported as such by Australian news media. I missed Kimberley Strassel's WSJ article debunking this story. This fact entirely changes the narrative on the origin of Crossfire Hurricane and deeply implicates Steele, UK intel & the US State Department.
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Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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This article explains the media's role in pushing us to this mess.


Over the last several years, there have been at least three major information operations run through the American media. There was the Iran deal, which premiered the echo chamber. Next was the Russia collusion narrative, using many of the same echo chamber figures, media and government officials, to try to topple Trump. The latest is Operation Khashoggi, which is both pro-Iran and targeting Trump.
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Do you think there was a separate FISA on Papadopoulos? I saw a tweet earlier saying that there was email contact between Papadopoulos and Page, and therefore Papadopoulos would have been swept up in the Page surveillance.
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drcrinum said:

Do you think there was a separate FISA on Papadopoulos? I saw a tweet earlier saying that there was email contact between Papadopoulos and Page, and therefore Papadopoulos would have been swept up in the Page surveillance.
There were 4 FISA warrants IMHO. Page, Papadopoulos, Manafort, and either Gates or Stone. They had to push those through to cover for all the FVEY spying they had going on all the way back to the summer of 2015. There was no way they could justify FVEY spying on the opposing candidate for POTUS. So they just invented one.

They first tried to get four warrants that were rejected. They turned their focus to 702 and the foreign banks that these four knuckleheads were dealing with, so they could go without a warrant and unmasked them through the backdoor. I know people question, why banks? Well by definition a foreign bank is considered a "foreign power" by definition. And they were abusing the backdoor search loophole. The NSA, CIA, and FBI are all permitted to search 702-acquired information with U.S. person identifiers (such as names or addresses). Critics have dubbed this the "backdoor search" loophole, because it enables the government to obtain information that would have otherwise required a warrant. The NSA and CIA can only query 702-gathered information with a U.S. person identifier after creating a "statement of facts showing that a query is reasonably likely to return foreign intelligence information." However, this restriction does not apply to the FBI. This is a real big problem and needs to be reined in.

Admiral Rogers caught them and slammed the door on it. What got them caught was the excessive unmasking going on under the names of Samantha Powers and Susan Rice. Then they went into panic mode to get the cover laid through the Title 1 FISA and used the Steele garbage and cutouts to set up their targets and completely blew off the Woods Procedures to push it through.

They did all this thinking Hillary would win and cover their backsides, and when she lost, the panic broke out to cover their asses and hopefully they could get Trump on something that would distract from all the illegal crap they were doing. Everyone has been distracted with the Pages warrants, they've completely missed that there were multiple warrants. I know Dixie and I both have always thought they had one on Manafort.
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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Someone retweeted a really strange video of Hillary, riding in that black van sitting in the lap of a secret service agent in the front passenger seat that was really strange, and I can't find it for the life of me. It was really bizarre.

Anyone seen this thing would you post it.
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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RoscoePColtrane said:

Someone retweeted a really strange video of Hillary, riding in that black van sitting in the lap of a secret service agent in the front passenger seat that was really strange, and I can't find it for the life of me. It was really bizarre.

Anyone seen this thing would you post it.
This probably isn't it, but was kind of funny.

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This would be it.

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I know Dixie and I both have always thought they had one on Manafort.
And likely Flynn and Papadop too.

I keep going back to that bizarre pre-sentencing report on Papdop that Mueller filed. The only reason I can think of that Papadop and Mifsud not being interviewed between the time Crossfire Hurricane was opened in July of 2016 and the following January 2017 is because they went the FISA warrant route instead. (Or the narrative that Papadop was the originating event for Crossfire Hurricane is a crock of s***.)

If I am correct, that would mean a FISA warrant on Papadop in August-October 2016 range. Would have expired around the time they finally did interview Papadop.
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Papadopoulos may have been under intel scrutiny before he joined the Trump campaign. His dealings in Greece, Cyprus & Israel regarding natural gas and associated positions regarding Turkey & Russia would certainly have been of interest to the Obama Administration. Papadopoulos wasn't exactly the novice that the MSM would have everyone believe, plus he was dealing with people higher up in the food chain.

Then that business about the $10,000 cash 'retainer' from Tawil and the subsequent surprise arrest in July 2017 when Papadopoulos stepped off the plane was clearly a planned sting operation or it could have been an arrest based upon intercepted intel of suspected nefarious dealings. What the $10,000 was about is still unknown, but Mueller knew about it ahead of time.
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That is strange.
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RoscoePColtrane said:

He just doesn't give a ***** He is quickly becoming a favorite of mine.
Zombie Jon Snow
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I'd have to see video of that - not a still.

Looks odd but a picture can catch any expression and sometimes it looks weirder than it is. Like in passing or a momentary thing.

But still holding the hands and however she is sitting is awkward.

a. she's a clone
b. possessed by the devil
c. alien abduction and control
d. secret gov't program keeping her programmed

B is the most likely.
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drcrinum said:

Papadopoulos may have been under intel scrutiny before he joined the Trump campaign. His dealings in Greece, Cyprus & Israel regarding natural gas and associated positions regarding Turkey & Russia would certainly have been of interest to the Obama Administration. Papadopoulos wasn't exactly the novice that the MSM would have everyone believe, plus he was dealing with people higher up in the food chain.

Then that business about the $10,000 cash 'retainer' from Tawil and the subsequent surprise arrest in July 2017 when Papadopoulos stepped off the plane was clearly a planned sting operation or it could have been an arrest based upon intercepted intel of suspected nefarious dealings. What the $10,000 was about is still unknown, but Mueller knew about it ahead of time.

And if Mueller knew, it was either a sting set up by Strzok who was on Team Mueller at the time or they picked it up on surveillance. If the bills were marked, then it was the former.
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mrad85 said:

This would be it.

That's it..... that is strange as hell
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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Zombie Jon Snow said:

I'd have to see video of that - not a still.

Looks odd but a picture can catch any expression and sometimes it looks weirder than it is. Like in passing or a momentary thing.

But still holding the hands and however she is sitting is awkward.

a. she's a clone
b. possessed by the devil
c. alien abduction and control
d. secret gov't program keeping her programmed

B is the most likely.
She's having a seizure and that's why her hands are being held. My .02. Not very unusual for Parkinson's patients.
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