aggiehawg said:
Yeah, I never bought the whole "James Baker is cooperating and singing like a canary" story.
The only thing that is surprising here is that Nellie was not just subpoenaed in the first place.
Problems with congressional subpoenas, both the chair and ranking members have to sign off on them.
Feinstein has refused every subpoena Grassley wanted to file. According to the BS rules they both have to sign.
To be fair Orrin Hatch did the same thing in 2004 when Feinstein was after documents from John Ashcroft and Alberto Gonzales.
The left knows they will block for them so they aren't going to sweat a subpoena.
I think Nunes did the same thing to Schiff this year for the translator, and over something last year as well.
I doubt Nadler is going to sign off on Goodlatte's subpoena
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42