Mueller dismisses top FBI agent in Russia probe for anti-Trump texts

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That deserves it's own thread
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agree GTFOH.

Clinton lawyer, supporter,...,..., Bought and paid for by the RUSSIANS!

All in plain, pubic view.
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Line Ate Member
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If you plea guilty to a crime, how long is it supposed to take for sentencing?
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Line Ate Member said:

If you plea guilty to a crime, how long is it supposed to take for sentencing?
Depends on when the next election is.
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As the Lanny Davis World Tour continues:


A CNN report in July that Michael Cohen has information that President Donald Trump was aware of the infamous Trump Tower meeting before it occurred got "mixed up" and was inaccurate, Cohen attorney Lanny Davis said Wednesday night.

"So Michael Cohen does not have information that President Trump knew about the Trump Tower meeting with the Russians beforehand or even after?" CNN's Anderson Cooper asked Davis.

"No, he does not," replied Davis, a longtime Clinton insider who started representing Cohen earlier this summer.

Davis said that the initial report was "mixed up" and that Cohen's legal team was unable to correct it because of an ongoing criminal investigation into the longtime Trump fixer.

"Well, I think the reporting of the story got mixed up in the course of a criminal investigation. We were not the source of the story. And the question of a criminal investigation, the advice we were given, those of us dealing with the media is that we could not do anything other than stay silent," Davis told Cooper.


Davis was asked about the Trump Tower report because of a statement issued on Tuesday by North Carolina GOP Sen. Richard Burr and Virginia Democratic Sen. Mark Warner, the leaders of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. The senators said in the statement that Cohen told the committee in October 2017 that he was not aware of the Trump Tower meeting until it was reported in July 2017. Burr and Warner said Cohen's legal team confirmed that the testimony was accurate.

Davis dealt another major blow to the allegations of Trump campaign collusion when he said in an interview with Bloomberg News that the Steele dossier's allegations about Cohen are "false."

"Thirteen references to Mr. Cohen are false in the dossier, but he has never been to Prague in his life," Davis said.
So, Cohen was about to get popped for committing perjury before the Senate committee and Davis has to retract that story. (Does anyone really believe he wasn't the source after all of his threats earlier today? I don't.)

BMX Bandit
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Lanny giving Rudy a run for his money on foot-in-mouth moments
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BMX Bandit said:

Lanny giving Rudy a run for his money on foot-in-mouth moments
Indeed. And it will get worse. Listening to MSNBC this morning reporting that Cohen is reaching out to all sorts of law enforcement and justice system personnel threatening to dish all on the Trump Organization and the Trump Foundation. Both of which were his clients.

I am uncomfortable that this is escalating into making overt threats. Michael Cohen isn't Sammy The Bull Gravano but he is acting like he is. If Davis isn't more careful, he'll get his own azz in a crack.
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Line Ate Member said:

If you plea guilty to a crime, how long is it supposed to take for sentencing?
You know this is actually a really good question that no one seriously addressed. Normally unless it is some huge trial where someone is going to be sentenced by a jury, where you go through a huge sentencing portion of the trial after the finding of guilty, normally it's not long after a finding of guilt. Especially in the case of a guilty plea. In most instances and trials at the state level, they have a pre-sentencing investigation by the probation department, so that in case you are given a probated sentence all the eligibility and pre-sentence investigation is all done in advance. There may be a little different procedure in the federal courts, but likely not much, someone with more experience in the federal courts may weigh in to clarify that.

What is going on with Flynn and Papadopoulos is very unusual I think. Look at the Alex van der Zwaan case, where he was charged the same as Flynn and Papadopoulos. He plead guilty and was sentenced the same day to 30 days in jail and a fine and it was over, wham bam thank you ma'am. FLynn is approaching a year as is Papadopoulos. Flynn was once again pushed back by the Special Counsel's office, Papadopoulos has a sentencing date coming up in a week or so, we will see if they delay him like they have Flynn.

Don't get me wrong there are some extenuating circumstances, with the whole Judge Contreras thing. He pled guilty to Contreras and then Contreras was either forcibly recused or voluntarily recused,, it's unclear which, and another judge took over and wanted to see the discover and went with the Brady disclosure. so that took a little time, but there is something else going on, because the Brady has been met and the presentencing investigation has been done, and yet the special counsel is still not ready for sentencing. I'm curious to why the judge is going along with it, but why is yet to be seen. But it seems to be very very unusual what is going on with Flynn especially.

Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
Austin Ag
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This guy should have been fired a long time ago!!!
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Well here's a new twist. Sarbanes-Oxley?? Really?


Outside of court Tuesday, prosecutor Robert Khuzami, deputy U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, said Cohen submitted "sham" invoices for reimbursement after acting at Trump's direction to pay $130,000 to Daniels and to broker payment of $150,000 to McDougal by the Trump-allied National Enquirer's parent company.

David Warrington, a Republican attorney who formerly worked with the Trump campaign, said he believes prosecutors may have sought Cohen's plea to the campaign finance counts to help special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation.

"Slapping on the campaign finance violation, maybe somebody in the prosecutors office thinks that helps them build a narrative in the Mueller investigation, even though this was done by the Southern District of New York," he said.

Warrington said he could imagine a legal theory from Mueller's team relying on the SarbanesOxley Act of 2002, a corporate accountability law that he said has been wielded by prosecutors because of a broad prohibition on creating false records.

"I could see the Department of Justice coming up with a theory that allegedly false invoices would amount to a violation of Sarbanes-Oxley, in conjunction with the Federal Election Campaign Act alleged violation Cohen did," Warrington said. "All of that is a stretch from a legal standpoint, but that doesn't necessarily stop the Department of Justice from investigating and charging someone under those theories."
Seems to me that would fall on Cohen. He falsified the invoices.

But here's the money shot:


Warrington also believes that the alleged campaign finance crimes aren't actually crimes, and questions the legal guidance of Davis.

"Lanny Davis had his client plead guilty to a crime that isn't a crime," Warrington said. "Who's Lanny Davis really working for, Michael Cohen or the Clintons?"
Indeed. Crappy lawyer getting crappier legal advice. All to score some political points but Davis is getting his client into more legal trouble than getting him out of it.

Article goes on the discuss the questionable status of campaign finance violations as applied to this situation HERE. This is not cut and dried at all.
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aggiehawg said:

BMX Bandit said:

Lanny giving Rudy a run for his money on foot-in-mouth moments
Indeed. And it will get worse. Listening to MSNBC this morning reporting that Cohen is reaching out to all sorts of law enforcement and justice system personnel threatening to dish all on the Trump Organization and the Trump Foundation. Both of which were his clients.

I am uncomfortable that this is escalating into making overt threats. Michael Cohen isn't Sammy The Bull Gravano but he is acting like he is. If Davis isn't more careful, he'll get his own azz in a crack.
Lanny appears like he's about to keel over from fatigue. He's been hitting the talk show circuit pretty hard, the flip flop starts at 15:00 mark roughly, what a shiit show this spin has turned out to be. Lanny just started referring to "His lawyers" as a third party now. Before he always acted like he was the attorney of record, now he's sounding like the spin doctor he is.

Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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Don't get me wrong there are some extenuating circumstances, with the whole Judge Contreras thing. He pled guilty to Contreras and then Contreras was either forcibly recused or voluntarily recused,, it's unclear which, and another judge took over and wanted to see the discover and went with the Brady disclosure. so that took a little time, but there is something else going on, because the Brady has been met and the presentencing investigation has been done, and yet the special counsel is still not ready for sentencing. I'm curious to why the judge is going along with it, but why is yet to be seen. But it seems to be very very unusual what is going on with Flynn especially.
It should be obvious from Mueller's actions that neither Manafort, Flynn, nor Papadop had anything of value to Mueller on Trump/Russia because none of the indictments nor informations filed thus far have laid a finger on Trump nor the Trump campaign. If they had anything, Mueller would have already used it.

But then he got Cohen and rightly discerned Cohen was a weak link and would say anything Mueller told him to say. He farmed it out to SDNY for the dirty work. Only this thing is about to backfire as Cohen's credibility is getting shredded by his own lawyer, Lanny Davis. That GoFundMe parade yesterday was pathetic and ridiculous and Lanny's over the top efforts to paint Cohen as some type of martyr/patriot went over like a lead balloon.

But back to why the sentencing keeps getting delayed? The mid-terms. He's stretching it out as it comes to Flynn. I have no idea what to make of that FOS sentencing report he filed on Papadop, however. That's a head scratcher.
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Austin Ag said:

This guy should have been fired a long time ago!!!

Mueller comes over like a bumbling idiots during this entire thing, Jesus he was suppose to be Elliott Ness, he sounds more like Mr Magoo....
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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Long read. You think you know about the FBI's investigation of the Weiner laptop & Hillary's emails. Hah! Read this. A very small subset of the 650,000 emails was reviewed by 3 persons, the entire effort lasting 12 hours. Comey lied major league. Did you know that HRC's emails on the laptop extended back to 2007, 2 years before she became SOS, and likely included references to how her server was set up...but these were ruled off limits and never reviewed. No one even knows how the laptop was programmed to receive HRC's emails. The favorite expression among all the parties involved at the main FBI in the laptop review was F*** Trump. It has to be one of the biggest coverups in our country's history. No one among the public even knows where the laptop is today.
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Here's the unsealed Manafort Transcripts broken down

Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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RoscoePColtrane said:

Austin Ag said:

This guy should have been fired a long time ago!!!

Mueller comes over like a bumbling idiots during this entire thing, Jesus he was suppose to be Elliott Ness, he sounds more like Mr Magoo....
Or Sgt Schultz. 'I know nothing."

I grow to detest Sessions, the imbecile elf, by the day.
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I grow to detest Sessions, the imbecile elf, by the day.
Sessions is the "insurance policy."
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Can you elaborate? I'm not following...
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This Russian agent is the current media darling to bring down President Trump.

This is how you modern coup.
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Just saw a quote in reference to Manafort...that "All of the counts he is guilty of occurred during the time he worked for Podesta group?...As in was he blackmailed and they passed over it before(deep state) but kept it in their back pocket until needed?

Suppose I was an idiot. Suppose I was a member of congress. But, I repeat myself.
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ttha_aggie_09 said:

Can you elaborate? I'm not following...
Sessions cannot be fired by Trump as the Senate will not confirm a replacement, leaving Rosy in charge of the DOJ (not that he already isn't) and will likely lead to Republicans calling for impeachment.

As long as Sessions is there and doing nothing but weed and immigration, then Rosy and the rest of the coup plotters are free to do anything they want. By doing exactly what he is doing, which is nothing, he is the firewall to protect the ongoing coup.
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Which is why he should resign, so that a replacement can be made.
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pedro_martinez said:

Which is why he should resign, so that a replacement can be made.
But he won't.
FTAG 2000
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pedro_martinez said:

Which is why he should resign, so that a replacement can be made.

He's been in DC a long time now, seems pretty obvious someone has the goods on him.
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Rapier108 said:

ttha_aggie_09 said:

Can you elaborate? I'm not following...
Sessions cannot be fired by Trump as the Senate will not confirm a replacement
Why wouldn't they?
Ellis Wyatt
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blindey said:

Rapier108 said:

ttha_aggie_09 said:

Can you elaborate? I'm not following...
Sessions cannot be fired by Trump as the Senate will not confirm a replacement
Why wouldn't they?
They have said they won't in order to keep him in place.
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blindey said:

Rapier108 said:

ttha_aggie_09 said:

Can you elaborate? I'm not following...
Sessions cannot be fired by Trump as the Senate will not confirm a replacement
Why wouldn't they?
Because most Republicans in the Senate want Trump gone as badly as the Democrats do. The only difference is they cannot publicly say it.

If the Democrats impeach Trump, then there will be probably 70-80 votes in the Senate to remove him from office which is more than enough.
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blindey said:

Rapier108 said:

ttha_aggie_09 said:

Can you elaborate? I'm not following...
Sessions cannot be fired by Trump as the Senate will not confirm a replacement
Why wouldn't they?

Swamp. Gonna. Swamp.
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blindey said:

Rapier108 said:

ttha_aggie_09 said:

Can you elaborate? I'm not following...
Sessions cannot be fired by Trump as the Senate will not confirm a replacement
Why wouldn't they?
Because Sessions is one of the Buddy-Buddy Club from the Senate and McConnell is protecting him.

But remember yesterday when I expressed concern about what may be lining up in left field? Well Cohen is reaching out to betray not only attorney-client confidentiality on Trump but also the Trump Organization and the Trump Foundation. The news this morning is he's contacting the NY State AG offering to dish dirt most likely in exchange for immunity.

As we have seen, Cohen wasn't the best of lawyers and likely cut many corners in the course of his representations for which he has criminal exposure.

Now Senator Burr has subpoenaed Cohen to testify again. The Cohen Dog and Pony Show continues.
BMX Bandit
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As we have seen, Cohen wasn't the best of lawyers and likely cut many corners in the course of his representations for which he has criminal exposure.
Thats like saying Carl Lewis wasn't one of the best national anthem singers.
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Gotcha. Wanted to make sure I was following along correctly.
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