With this new revelation of Oleg Deripaska and Steele, do any of you remember the "Wag the Dog" OP-ED he wrote in the Daily Caller? Sent the left into a tizzy and gave them fuel to their narrative that Russia was in the bag for Trump, and here this "Russian Oligarch" was defending him in a right wing media site. I remember thinking what in the world motivated this. Well now we know. This is Master Class level ass covering, and in the same instance fueling the Russia narrative, at the same time.
Not only is it strange the article came out, but even stranger is, why is it archived in the FARA offices?
This is 100% propaganda laid out in place on purpose. In one fell swoop Deripaska befriended the Breitbart crowd and gave the left a boogie man when in fact he is working with Steele against Trump. This is world class misdirection.
Not only is it strange the article came out, but even stranger is, why is it archived in the FARA offices?
This is 100% propaganda laid out in place on purpose. In one fell swoop Deripaska befriended the Breitbart crowd and gave the left a boogie man when in fact he is working with Steele against Trump. This is world class misdirection.
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42