Mueller dismisses top FBI agent in Russia probe for anti-Trump texts

7,482,326 Views | 49269 Replies | Last: 15 hrs ago by aggiehawg
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Prognightmare said:

Agreed, but this should help my new TDS thread.
Prog, you thread *****!!!
Hate is how progressives sustain themselves. Without hate, introspection begins to slip into the progressive's consciousness, threatening the progressive with the truth: that their ideas and opinions are illogical, hypocritical, dangerous, and asinine.
This is backed by data.
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But I thought that Manafort was a go-to man for the Republicans. Surely he wouldn't have any secret dealings with a Dem candidate.....or was he someone who followed money rather than a political ideology?
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fasthorses05 said:

Prognightmare said:

Agreed, but this should help my new TDS thread.
Prog, you thread *****!!!
Guilty as charged, sir.
Bird Poo
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So if Lisa knew this, you can bet your a$$ that most of Washington had an idea of the Mueller appointment and what it was intended to do. Want to know how your congressman looks at this situation? See below.

Email/facebook/call them to remind them of their "great" decision-making. This is an all out war against the deep state.


Past Statements By Republicans On Opposing Robert Mueller Being Fired By President Trump
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY):
"I have a lot of confidence in Bob Mueller. I think it was a good choice."The Hill: GOP Leaders Are Unified: Firing Mueller A Bad Idea (6/13/17)

Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-WI):
"I think the best thing to do is to let Robert Mueller do his job. I think the best vindication for the president is to let this investigation go on independent and thoroughly. That to me is the smartest thing to do, the best thing to do, hopefully it will happen." The Hill: GOP Leaders Are Unified: Firing Mueller A Bad Idea (6/13/17)

Representative Chris Collins (R-NY):
"At the end of the day it's ill-advised even if the president could fire Mueller. But best we can figure out, he couldn't anyway." Buzzfeed: Congressional Republicans Stand Behind Russia Investigator Amid Rumors That Trump Plans To Fire Him (6/13/17)

Senator Susan Collins (R-ME):
Firing Mueller would "certainly be an extraordinarily unwise move." Politico: Republicans to Trump: Hands off Mueller (6/12/17)

Senator Bob Corker (R-TN):
"I can't give credence to reports of firing Mueller, it's such an out-of-bounds thought. I can't imagine that anyone in the White House is seriously discussing that. So it's hard for me to even respond in a serious way. It's beyond possibility to me that anyone is considering taking that kind of action." Buzzfeed: Congressional Republicans Stand Behind Russia Investigator Amid Rumors That Trump Plans To Fire Him (6/13/17)

*****Senator John Cornyn (R-TX)*****:
Asked if he had seen anything that might warrant Trump firing Mueller, Senator Cornyn said "I've seen no reason for that." Asked if he trusted Mueller to run the investigation, he said, "I do." The Hill: GOP Leaders Are Unified: Firing Mueller A Bad Idea (6/13/17)

Representative Charlie Dent (R-PA):
Mueller is "a very distinguished man with impeccable credentials." Buzzfeed: Congressional Republicans Stand Behind Russia Investigator Amid Rumor That Trump Plans To Fire Him (6/13/17)

"Let Mr. Mueller complete his work. Less is more. Say little. There's nothing to say about this if I were president." The Hill: GOP Rep: Let Mueller Do His Job (6/18/17)

Representative Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA):
"Bob Mueller is not biased, nor is Jim Comey. They're good men and they're professionals and they're going to do their job." The Philadelphia Inquirer: As Mueller comes under fire from Trump, two Pa. Republicans defend him (6/16/17)

Senator Jeff Flake (R-AZ):
"I think there's a lot of confidence in Mueller around here. We've all dealt with him." Politico: Republicans to Trump: Hands off Mueller (6/12/17)

Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC):
Firing Mueller "would be a disaster. There's no reason to fire Mueller. What's he done to be fired?" Politico: Republicans to Trump: Hands off Mueller (6/12/17)

Representative Peter King (R-NY):
"I think Bob Mueller's as good as you're going to find. I don't see any reason to remove him now. I think it would taint the investigation more to remove him now." Politico: Republicans to Trump: Hands off Mueller (6/12/17)

Representative Adam Kinzinger (R-IL):
Firing Mueller "would obviously be a bad move. I don't think he's really pondering it." Buzzfeed: Congressional Republicans Stand Behind Russia Investigator Amid Rumor That Trump Plans To Fire Him (6/13/17)

Senator John McCain (R-AZ):
"He's a very much trusted individual and had an outstanding record as head of the FBI." Politico: Republicans to Trump: Hands off Mueller (6/12/17)

Representative Pat Meehan (R-PA):
"I know Bob Mueller personally. He has impeccable integrity." The Philadelphia Inquirer: As Mueller comes under fire from Trump, two Pa. Republicans defend him (6/16/17)

Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL):
"I believe he is going to conduct a full and fair and thorough investigation that we should have confidence in. I'll continue to believe that based on his reputation and years of service to our country unless there's any evidence to the contrary." The Hill: Rubio: "We should have confidence in" Mueller's investigation (6/18/17)
Senator Marco Rubio says that the possibility of President Trump firing Mueller and Rosenstein is "not going to happen." CNN "State of the Union": Rubio: Trump will not fire Mueller, Rosenstein (6/16/17)

Representative Mark Sanford (R-SC):
"I think firing Mueller would be a form of political suicide. If you fire one guy, then you fire another, all of a sudden it begins to look like you're trying to hide something, look like you have a reason to want the investigations to go away. It doesn't pass the smell test. I think people would go nuts." The Hill: GOP Leaders Are Unified: Firing Mueller A Bad Idea (6/13/17)

Senator John Thune (R-SD):
Mueller "is a man of integrity and he needs to be able to do his work. And I think it's better for all of us if that work continues. It's obviously he is going to get to the bottom and he is going to find the facts, and I think that's his role. And I think we ought to let him continue to do that and I assume at some point there will be an end to all this. He'll have done his investigation and there will be whatever findings there are." MSNBC: GOP Senator: Mueller is a Man of Integrity (6/15/17)

Past Statements By Republicans Supporting Robert Mueller As Special Counsel
Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-WI):
"My priority has been to ensure thorough and independent investigations are allowed to follow the facts wherever they may lead. That is what we've been doing here in the House. The addition of Robert Mueller as special counsel is consistent with this goal, and I welcome his role at the Department of Justice." Associated Press via Talking Points Memo: Ryan Deflects Questions On Trump Jr.'s Meeting With Russian Lawyer (7/12/17)

Senator Richard Burr (R-NC):
"The appointment of former FBI Director and respected lawyer Robert Mueller as special counsel for the Russia investigation is a positive development and will provide some certainty for the American people that the investigation will proceed fairly and free of political influence." Joint Press Statement From Senate Intel Committee Leaders, Senators Burr & Warner (5/17/17)

Former Representative Jason Chaffetz (R-UT):
"Mueller is a great selection. Impeccable credentials. Should be widely accepted." The Washington Post: Finally something Democrats and Republicans agree on: Former FBI director is right pick for special counsel (5/17/17)and via Twitter (5/17/17)

Representative Mike Coffman (R-CO):
"Smart move to appoint a former FBI director as a special counsel to lead the FBI Russian probe." The Denver Post: Colorado's delegation welcomes appointment of Robert Mueller as special counsel (5/18/17)
"Mueller has got a good background in terms of not being partisan and I hope he gets down to the bottom of what really is a growing list of allegations." The Washington Post: Finally something Democrats and Republicans agree on: Former FBI director is right pick for special counsel (5/17/17)

Representative Barbara Comstock (R-VA):
"With Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein's appointment of former FBI Director Robert Mueller as special counsel, the American people can have confidence in a fair and thorough investigation as well as confidence in the eventual outcome." Press Statement (5/17/17)
Mueller's appointment was the "right thing to do and the right choice." The Washington Post: Finally something Democrats and Republicans agree on: Former FBI director is right pick for special counsel (5/17/17)

Representative Rick Crawford (R-AR):
"As a former FBI Director of 12 years with a strong track record of independence, Robert Mueller is fully equipped to perform a credible investigation. Deputy U.S. Attorney General Rosenstein has picked the right man for the job." Press Release (5/18/17)

Senator Susan Collins (R-ME):
"The Deputy Attorney General made an excellent choice in selecting former FBI Director Robert Mueller to serve as special counsel. He has sterling credentials and is above reproach." Press Statement (5/17/17)

********Representative John Culberson (R-TX):
"Former FBI Director Robert Mueller is highly regarded, and he is an excellent choice to handle this investigation." Press Statement (5/17/17)

Senator Steve Daines (R-MT):
"That's why the appointment on May 17 of former FBI Director Robert Mueller to be the special counsel at DOJ is the right thing to do: he knows the Bureau, he knows the agents and he is above reproach." Press Statement (5/19/17)

Representative Charlie Dent (R-PA):
"Former FBI Director Bob Mueller is a strong and capable investigator with an impeccable character who I believe is perfectly suited to carry out the investigation in the Russian interference in our nation's 2016 election." Press Statement (5/18/17)

Representative Ron Estes (R-KS):
"I have confidence in former Director Mueller and the professionals at the U.S. Department of Justice to give us a full and fact-basedaccount of any possible efforts to undermine our election process." Press Statement (5/18/17)

Representative Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA):
"I fully support Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein's decision to appoint former FBI Director Mueller who I served under as an FBI Special Agent as special counsel." Press Statement (5/17/17)

Senator Cory Gardner (R-CO):
"I fully support the decision to appoint former FBI Director Robert Mueller to oversee the ongoing investigation into Russia. We need to get all the facts, and Mueller is the type of person who is respected and trusted by both Republicans and Democrats and will put country over politics." Colorado Politics: Colorado delegation applauds appointment of Robert Mueller as special counsel in Russia probe (5/17/17)
Mueller has "an incredible reputation. It's the right decision. Let's get the facts, let's get the information, and let us proceed with all haste." The Atlantic: Mueller Pick Meets A Rare Bipartisan Consensus (5/17/17)

Representative Bob Goodlatte (R-VA):
"Former Director Mueller is a well-respected law enforcement professional. I am confident that he will serve with integrity and professionalism, and will conduct a thorough and fair investigation." Press Statement (5/17/17)

Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA):
"Mueller has a strong reputation for independence, and comes with the right credentials for this job." Press Statement (5/17/17)

Senator Jeff Flake (R-AZ):
"I think there's a lot of confidence in Mueller around here. We've all dealt with him." Politico: Republicans To Trump: Hands Off Mueller (6/12/17)

Representative Andy Harris (R-MD):
"Mr. Mueller is widely respected, and I am confident that he will conduct a thorough and nonpartisan investigation into this matter." Press Statement (5/18/17)

Senator John Hoeven (R-ND):
Mueller's appointment "is a good choice." Press Statement via (5/18/17)

Representative Randy Hultgren (R-IL):
"The appointment of former FBI Director Robert Mueller to serve as special counsel on Russia's involvement in the 2016 election is a welcome addition to the ongoing effort to establish the facts. Mueller proved himself as a well-respected and professional law professional. Mueller's fair and even-handed approach will ensure he follows the evidence, brings forth the facts, and illuminates the truth." Press Statement (5/17/17)

Representative Darrell Issa (R-CA):
"I have faith that Robert Mueller will provide the independence necessary to be sure this investigation is conducted with the trust and confidence of the American people." Los Angeles Times: Republicans and Democrats in California's congressional delegation praise special counsel pick Robert Mueller (5/17/17)

Representative Adam Kinzinger (R-IL):
Mueller is "a well respected and trusted veteran of the FBI. This special counsel appointment is a step in the right direction on getting answers on the many questions we have with Russian meddling in our election and our democracy." USA Today: Rare bipartisan moment: Both sides embrace Robert Mueller as special counsel (5/17/17)

Representative Doug Lamborn (R-CO):
"I am pleased that the Trump Administration has appointed an honorable, respected, and capable man like former FBI Director Robert Mueller as Special Counsel. I know that Director Mueller will work hard to find the full and complete truth surrounding the allegations of Russian involvement in the 2016 election." Press Statement (5/17/17)

Senator John McCain (R-AZ):
Mueller is "highly regarded by Republicans and Democrats. All of a sudden now I see Republicans who used to praise him to the skies are now saying, 'Aw wait a minute. He's not." Where? How? Tell me what he's done that would in any way intimate that this guy is not one of the most trustworthy people in America." Wall Street Journal: John McCain: Firing Mueller Would Be "Explosive" video (6/13/17)

**********Representative Michael McCaul (R-TX):
"Robert Mueller is a man of utmost integrity and character. I believe his background and experience make him an excellent choice for the job. His professionalism will help ensure political bias is avoided during this probe." Press Statement (5/17/17)

Representative Martha McSally (R-AZ):
"Director Mueller is someone who is free of politics. He has a long and distinguished career in law enforcement and a tremendously in-depth understanding of the Justice Department and the Federal Bureau of Investigation." Press Statement (5/17/17)

Representative Patrick Meehan (R-PA):
"Bob Mueller is a man of integrity and I have every confidence he will pursue this investigation and follow the facts, wherever they lead him." Press Statement (5/17/17)

Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK):
Mueller is "an individual of uncompromising integrity. this [appointment] is a positive step towards restoring the public's trust." Press Statement (5/18/17)

Representative Devin Nunes (R-CA):
Mueller's appointment is "the right decision at the right time, and the right man was chosen for the job. Robert Mueller is a highly respected former FBI Director who has tremendous integrity, and I'm confident he will lead a credible investigation." Press Statement (5/17/17)

Representative Rob Portman (R-OH):
"The issue of Russian meddling in our election must be investigated fully and former FBI Director Mueller is well qualified to oversee this probe." USA Today: Rare bipartisan moment: Both sides embrace Robert Mueller as special counsel (5/17/17)

Representative Peter Roskam (R-IL):
"Former FBI Director Mueller is a man of the utmost integrity. I have complete confidence in his ability to conduct a thorough investigation, wherever the facts may lead." Press Statement (5/17/17)

Representative Ed Royce (R-CA):
"Robert Mueller is the right man to lead this investigation. He's a strong, independent leader who built an impeccable reputation over decades in law enforcement. And as special counsel, I'm confident he'll pursue the facts wherever they may lead." Press Statement (5/17/17)

Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL):
"Mr. Mueller is widely respected for his independence and professionalism. I have confidence that he will conduct a fair and thorough investigation." Press Statement (5/17/17)
Senator Rubio said he has "no reason" to question the fairness of Mueller's investigation. "His reputation is stellar." CNN: Rubio: Trump Firing Mueller "Not Going To Happen" 6/18/17

Senator Ben Sasse (R-NE):
Mueller "is a guy whose career is unimpeachable." The Washington Post: Sen. Ben Sasse: Mueller "is a guy whose career is unimpeachable" video (5/17/17)
"Robert Mueller is an exceptional public servant. His record, character, and trustworthiness have been lauded for decades by Republicans and Democrats alike." Press Statement (5/17/17)

Representative Steve Stivers (R-OH):
"Robert Mueller is a man of the highest integrity and intellect. If there's anyone who knows how to run a thorough investigation, it's him. Between his work and the work of the congressional investigations in both the House and Senate, the American people can rest assured that no stone will be left unturned." Press Statement (5/17/17)

Representative Scott Taylor (R-VA):
"The American people need to have the confidence that our most trusted public institutions are independent and objective arbiters of justice. Considering this decision was made by the Deputy Attorney General on the basis of public trust in our process, and not from pervasive partisan politics, I completely support it. Let the facts lie where they may." Press Statement (5/17/17)

Senator Pat Toomey (R-PA):
"I have every confidence that Robert Mueller will execute these responsibilities with integrity and professionalism." Press Statement (5/17/17)

Representative Steve Womack (R-AR):
"I have the utmost confidence in former director Mueller's ability to lead an independent investigation and give the people what they deserve the truth." Press Statement (5/17/17)

Representative Ted Yoho (R-FL):
"The selection of former FBI Director Robert Mueller is an outstanding choice to lead DOJ's investigation. His reputation in law enforcement and in the Department is impeccable." Press Statement (5/17/17)
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aggiehawg said:


And that may well be just a little slight of hand on his part
Did Mueller make a referral on Podesta? Too much time has passed for an indictment, nor would I see any reason for it to be sealed.

We are coming up on one year after the Manafort raid. Yet Podesta waited a few months before abruptly closing up shop, so something else spooked him.
Never saw any hint of it anywhere. When Podesta closed up shop it was like he was in witness protection, he just vanished.
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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RoscoePColtrane said:

aggiehawg said:


And that may well be just a little slight of hand on his part
Did Mueller make a referral on Podesta? Too much time has passed for an indictment, nor would I see any reason for it to be sealed.

We are coming up on one year after the Manafort raid. Yet Podesta waited a few months before abruptly closing up shop, so something else spooked him.
Never saw any hint of it anywhere. When Podesta closed up shop it was like he was in witness protection, he just vanished.
That was quite odd like he fell off the face of the earth whereas he had been a social gadfly for decades. And he announced he was stepping down the same day the Manafort/Gates indictment was released.

By November 21, 2017, POOF! The Podesta Group was gone. And he even stated that he was stepping down because of the Mueller investigation because he wanted to defend himself and not involve the company. Why Mueller allowed that to happen without a preservation order is fishy as well.

He was allowed to slink away.
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aggiehawg said:

RoscoePColtrane said:

aggiehawg said:


And that may well be just a little slight of hand on his part
Did Mueller make a referral on Podesta? Too much time has passed for an indictment, nor would I see any reason for it to be sealed.

We are coming up on one year after the Manafort raid. Yet Podesta waited a few months before abruptly closing up shop, so something else spooked him.
Never saw any hint of it anywhere. When Podesta closed up shop it was like he was in witness protection, he just vanished.
That was quite odd like he fell off the face of the earth whereas he had been a social gadfly for decades. And he announced he was stepping down the same day the Manafort/Gates indictment was released.

By November 21, 2017, POOF! The Podesta Group was gone. And he even stated that he was stepping down because of the Mueller investigation because he wanted to defend himself and not involve the company. Why Mueller allowed that to happen without a preservation order is fishy as well.

He was allowed to slink away.
Yeah and that shop was one of the richest and most active for years. And they just shut the door.

October 30, 2017 they unsealed the indictment of Manafort and Gates. the Podesta Group is mentioned in the indictment as one of the companies that "lobbied on behalf of the Ukrainian government" for Manafort and Gates. On that day, Tony Podesta stepped down as head of the Podesta Group, and the Group went away and Tony was a ghost.
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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He had been losing clients because all of DC knew about his involvement with Manafort/Ukraine/Uranium One/Rosatom/Sberbank, etc. They didn't want their crap being swept up in a Manafort style raid.
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That was when Republicans were buying the lies and deceptions and were sure Trump was going to be found to have problems with collusion and conspiracy with the Russians. Now they look like dumbasses for being led around by the nose by the media narrative and jumping to conclusions..
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Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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Mueller has subpoenaed Kristin Davis aka Manhattan Madam?

Betting money this is in relation to Roger Stone not POTUS
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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RoscoePColtrane said:

Dimtri wanted it to be Russians
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Sundance has some good work here

Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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RoscoePColtrane said:

Sundance has some good work here

I question whether Strzok et al ever actually reviewed any emails from the Clinton laptop. Comey obviously lied in his testimony, & since the emails could not be de-duplicated, I doubt Strzok et al ever reviewed any of them. The decision was made in April/May 2016 that HRC was going to be exonerated regardless of having classified emails on her private server. There was no 'intent'...whatever that means in double-talk.
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Follow the progression:
military cemetery memorial
war/attack/call to arms?

People are guessing on the interpretation of the latest: left facing eagle (left talon holding arrows) with open beak & missing the 'e pluribus unum' banner. Notice on the Presidential seal that the eagle faces right (right talon holding an olive branch) with a closed beak holding the banner. Prior to Truman, the eagle faced left but he changed it to the right in 1945; however, going further back into the 19th Century, there were other variations of right & left facing eagles as well as wing tips down rather than up, etc.

Edit: sorry, got my R & Ls mixed up.
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From today

Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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Trump says go for it. Not going to give the MSM any room that he's hiding something because of evoking privilege.

Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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I love Trump's in your face FU attitude.
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Manafort's attorneys should prevail on that motion in limine, in my view. Details of his work for Yanukovych isn't relevant nor probative on the precise crimes being tried in Virginia, tax and bank fraud and money laundering.

Manafort's attorneys assert in a footnote, Mueller is trying to get two bites at the apple by presenting evidence that are the subject of the DC case, not the Virginia case. That evidence then gets reported as "fact" and taints the jury pool for his fall DC trial.

Not only prejudicial to an extent but it is just irrelevant to the tax and bank fraud charges. Not to mention needlessly complicating what should be a pretty straightforward trial for those offenses.

Mueller's everything-and-the-kitchen-sink approach here won't sit well with Judge Ellis, IMO. This trial is going to be a media circus already without all of the extraneous stuff thrown in for good measure.

OTOH, since Podesta was heavily involved with the Ukrainian efforts of Manafort, should he be called as a witness, Team Mueller will have opened the door for Manafort's defense team to use texts, emails and other evidence pertaining to his potentially illegal actions, use immunity or no, it will be on record. As I have said before when Mueller throws dirt at Manafort, some of that lands on Podesta. Nice way to sabotage your own witness if Judge Ellis allows the evidence detailed in the motion to be admitted.

We'll see how he rules.
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RoscoePColtrane said:

Trump says go for it. Not going to give the MSM any room that he's hiding something because of evoking privilege.

So it was ruled to be subject to attorney client privilege by the Special Master?

Not going to hold my breath but a few people on the Cohen thread owe me an apology.
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And that likely was the entire reason for granting these use immunities to some of these individuals to try and talk about the very things they are trying to squelch in this motion In Limine, and to try any drag them out on the record in advance of DC, and to give Podesta (if it is indeed him) some immunity on parts of what he testifies about that they may have against him.

My bet is if Ellis rules in favor of this motion, that we never see two of those sealed witnesses. Likely the real for sealing them in case this backfires and they can't use them, and they haven't burned their snitch.
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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RoscoePColtrane said:

And that likely was the entire reason for granting these use immunities to some of these individuals to try and talk about the very things they are trying to squelch in this motion In Limine, and to try any drag them out on the record in advance of DC, and to give Podesta (if it is indeed him) some immunity on parts of what he may have against him.

My bet is if Ellis rules in favor of this motion, that we never see two of those seal witnesses. Likely the real for sealing them in case this backfires and they can't use them, and they haven't burned their snitch.
Agree. I guess Team Mueller was taking the nothing-ventured-nothing-gained approach but really could have come back to bite him in the butt and still might. Ellis could hand him the rope to hang himself and Podesta.

I just don't understand why these Dream Team lawyers go so far out of their way to needlessly complicate what should be a pretty cut and dried case. They aren't reinventing the wheel here, for heaven's sake. Smells more like personal animus than a logical legal approach to building a case for prosecution, to me.
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Podcast: An interview with 'The War Economy', an internet investigative researcher based in the UK who has periodically been sourced on our thread. Start at 29:30...about 30 minutes.

This is the most plausible account on the origin of SpyGate that I have encountered. Well worth a listen.

A few details: It all began in Estonia with an unverified bogus tape of Cohen meeting with the Russians (Estonia = pro Obama, anti-Trump), which found its way to Hannigan at GCHQ. Brits also suspicious concerning Flynn dinner meeting in Moscow in Dec 2015. Spring 2015, Trump viewed as National Security threat in Europe because he proposed cooperation with Putin while at same time telling NATO countries they were not paying their fair share. Papadopoulos dirt issue also made its way to Hannigan at GCHQ. Hannigan met with Brennan, latter started a task force...lead to FBI opening Crossfire Hurricane. Steele & the dossier entered the picture & used for the FISA. Steele didn't know there was a formal FBI investigation, that's how he got into trouble talking to the media. Etc.

Key is to uncover the details of the Hannigan-Brennan meeting. Now that Page has apparently flipped, perhaps Strzok will too, and that would expose the role of Brennan.
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Steele & the dossier entered the picture & used for the FISA. Steele didn't know there was a formal FBI investigation, that's how he got into trouble talking to the media. Etc.
I don't believe that to be accurate. Steele knew the FBI had the dossier, he even met with agents in Rome, IIRC. And he had contacts within GCHQ.
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aggiehawg said:

RoscoePColtrane said:

And that likely was the entire reason for granting these use immunities to some of these individuals to try and talk about the very things they are trying to squelch in this motion In Limine, and to try any drag them out on the record in advance of DC, and to give Podesta (if it is indeed him) some immunity on parts of what he may have against him.

My bet is if Ellis rules in favor of this motion, that we never see two of those seal witnesses. Likely the real for sealing them in case this backfires and they can't use them, and they haven't burned their snitch.
Agree. I guess Team Mueller was taking the nothing-ventured-nothing-gained approach but really could have come back to bite him in the butt and still might. Ellis could hand him the rope to hang himself and Podesta.

I just don't understand why these Dream Team lawyers go so far out of their way to needlessly complicate what should be a pretty cut and dried case. They aren't reinventing the wheel here, for heaven's sake. Smells more like personal animus than a logical legal approach to building a case for prosecution, to me.
And I think this right here is an easy answer to me. Weissmann and company are more focused on trying to make it look like it ties to POTUS than they are trying to get an easy conviction. The more they can stand in front of a jury and on the record and refer to Manafort "the former campaign manager of Trump" the more they laminate the left narrative that Trump did something nefarious to win this election. That's their whole premise at this point.

Manafort is their white whale if they screw this up there will be hell to pay. Notice how quickly they are handing off Concord, that baby is blowing up in their faces. If Putin marches legal counsel in on the last indictments, discovery is going to be ugly when no server is available, not even a ghost image of it.
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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Manafort is their white whale if they screw this up there will be hell to pay. Notice how quickly they are handing off Concord, that baby is blowing up in their faces. If Putin marches legal counsel in on the last indictments, discovery is going to be ugly when no server is available, not even a ghost image of it.
As to Manafort, I truly cannot imagine how he gets acquitted but then again I thought OJ would be convicted. Never know what a jury might do. Sometimes they just have a visceral dislike for one of the lawyers and dismiss most of the evidence they present.

Still unclear who is going to try this case, however, Weissmann or Asonye from the EDVA.
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aggiehawg said:


Manafort is their white whale if they screw this up there will be hell to pay. Notice how quickly they are handing off Concord, that baby is blowing up in their faces. If Putin marches legal counsel in on the last indictments, discovery is going to be ugly when no server is available, not even a ghost image of it.
As to Manafort, I truly cannot imagine how he gets acquitted but then again I thought OJ would be convicted. Never know what a jury might do. Sometimes they just have a visceral dislike for one of the lawyers and dismiss most of the evidence they present.

Still unclear who is going to try this case, however, Weissmann or Asonye from the EDVA.
Another thing I think also is, DC is only their backup plan. If they get a solid conviction and prison time in EDVA the DC case may just fade away. DC is tied to Podesta and it will be open season on FARA violators, as we know in the past they just looked the other way. And you can bet those 13 angry democrats all benefit from K street.
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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aggiehawg said:


Steele & the dossier entered the picture & used for the FISA. Steele didn't know there was a formal FBI investigation, that's how he got into trouble talking to the media. Etc.
I don't believe that to be accurate. Steele knew the FBI had the dossier, he even met with agents in Rome, IIRC. And he had contacts within GCHQ.
Didn't know there was a formal investigation. He didn't think the FBI was doing anything about the dossier. Hence, McCain & Kramer.
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Latest on Cohen, just a Special Master update

Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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Latest on Manafort DC

Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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I'm confused. That whole section about his "tax strategy" is relevant to the DC case?
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