And with a complicit and weaponized media they can quickly silence and neutralize the target (basic Alinsky tactics). In this case, hopefully it doesn't work.RoscoePColtrane said:
Okay lemme get this straight in my head.
A law firm was brought in to investigate the 30+ year old allegations that a Sport's doctor (Strauss) abused college wrestler's under his care. Strauss died in 2005, and it was ruled a suicide, and here in 2018 a couple of complainant's are making it public. So this law firm is brought in to investigate the allegation's. The firm is Perkins Coie, and immediately the narrative goes to Jim Jordan knew about it and didn't report it. The same Perkins Coie that has been lambasting in committee for their role as the money passthrough for the Fusion GPS/Steele Dossier Russia scam. The same Perkins Coie that can be connected to nearly every scandal in DC. Something like this just really adds to the madness
This is very interesting, sounds like multiple FISA warrants to meaggiehawg said:
Interesting article.
So the FBI assigned an expert in surveillance as the liasion to the Trump Transition Team? Meaning he was likely wired the whole time? If that is in fact the case, where are the tapes? And exactly who in the FBI/DOJ knew about it?
Solomon has a great track record in reporting so I tend to believe his article. Strange suddenly the FBI is giving up these emails and memos.Quote:
"At a minimum, that keeps the hurry the F up pressure on him," Strzok emailed Lisa Page on Oct. 14, 2016, less than four weeks before Election Day.
Four days later the same team was emailing about rushing to get approval for another FISA warrant for another Russia-related investigation code-named "Dragon."
"Still an expedite?" one of the emails beckoned, as the FBI tried to meet the requirements of a process known as a Woods review before a FISA warrant can be approved by the courts.
"Any idea what time he can have it woods-ed by?" Strzok asked Lisa Page. "I know it's not going to matter because DOJ is going to take the time DOJ wants to take. I just don't want this waiting on us at all."
Memos the FBI is now producing to the Department of Justice (DOJ) inspector general and multiple Senate and House committees offer what sources involved in the production, review or investigation describe to me as "damning" or "troubling" evidence.
These and other documents are still being disseminated to various oversight bodies in Congress, and more revelations are certain to occur.
Yeah wonder what's up with that. They've stonewalled Congressional oversight for the last 10 years so why the sudden change?Quote:
Strange suddenly the FBI is giving up these emails and memos.
akm91 said:Yeah wonder what's up with that. They've stonewalled Congressional oversight for the last 10 years so why the sudden change?Quote:
Strange suddenly the FBI is giving up these emails and memos.
Or trying to delay it.VegasAg86 said:akm91 said:Yeah wonder what's up with that. They've stonewalled Congressional oversight for the last 10 years so why the sudden change?Quote:
Strange suddenly the FBI is giving up these emails and memos.
Maybe getting them out ahead of the IG's FISA report.
Don't have to be wired when you always have a phone with you...aggiehawg said:
Interesting article.
So the FBI assigned an expert in surveillance as the liasion to the Trump Transition Team? Meaning he was likely wired the whole time? If that is in fact the case, where are the tapes? And exactly who in the FBI/DOJ knew about it?
By "wired" I meant secretly recording conversations. Or maybe he was a computer guy who put a back door in the GSA computers the Transition Team were using so their electronic communications could be reviewed by the Obama Administration in real time.Secolobo said:Don't have to be wired when you always have a phone with you...aggiehawg said:
Interesting article.
So the FBI assigned an expert in surveillance as the liasion to the Trump Transition Team? Meaning he was likely wired the whole time? If that is in fact the case, where are the tapes? And exactly who in the FBI/DOJ knew about it?
VegasAg86 said:akm91 said:Yeah wonder what's up with that. They've stonewalled Congressional oversight for the last 10 years so why the sudden change?Quote:
Strange suddenly the FBI is giving up these emails and memos.
Maybe getting them out ahead of the IG's FISA report.
Michael Cohen, President Trump's longtime fixer now under federal investigation, has hired ex-Clinton lawyer Lanny Davis to represent him as he distances himself from the president.
Davis confirmed his hiring to Fox News in an email on Friday.
"Like most of America, I have been following the matter regarding Michael Cohen with great interest," Davis said. "As an attorney, I have talked to Michael many times in the last two weeks. Then I read his words published on July 2, I recognized his sincerity."
Given how much fixing the Clintons have needed, I guess Cohen wanted someone with lots of experience.aggiehawg said:
So the Fixer hired a Clinton Fixer? Strange bedfellows.
Well, you gotta admit, there are certain attorneys near to the Clintons and Obamas who have a remarkable amount of success.aggiehawg said:
So the Fixer hired a Clinton Fixer? Strange bedfellows.
They (DC swamp creatures-Republicans and Democrats) all sleep in the same bed and yes, at the same time. The "game changer" is the new POTUS. Consider him a lit stick of dynamite that was pitched in the middle of their bed. All of a sudden, no one's feeling like a nap.aggiehawg said:
So the Fixer hired a Clinton Fixer? Strange bedfellows.
Were it me in a prison, I just might request solitary confinement rather than have to interact with the typical prison inmates.drcrinum said: