Mueller dismisses top FBI agent in Russia probe for anti-Trump texts

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Reservoir Dog said:

coyote68 said:

Crazy stuff. Brennan, Clapper and Comey devise a plan to entrap and take down Trump, but they forgot there was no crime. So with the whole world watching part of the plan requires a special council to find a crime where there is no crime. Good luck with that.

These 3 buffoons were head of 3 of our most important intelligence agencies. I'm not impressed and I don't think the Chicoms, ruskies, Persians, or North Koreans are intimidated by the 3 stooges.

It is hard to imagine where we would be if hildog had won.

What really intrigues me is... what would have happened if Hillary DID win the presidency and all of this nefarious activity against candidate Trump was discovered?!?

Can an election be nullified? Why should I feel compelled to pay my taxes to a government that was falsely elected?
That is extremely dangerous ground when you start walking into the notion of nullifying an election after all the results have been certified and accepted by congress. Nullifying opens up a can of worms that you really don't want to go to at the presidential level. It opens up all future elections to legal scrutiny, subjective interpretation of the law, and a possible unrecoverable constitutional crisis.

There are legal mechanisms in place for congress to remove a POTUS, and they should be strictly adhered to. Nullification is nothing but a nightmare scenario waiting to happen, and should be avoided at all costs. That Pandora's Box should always stay closed.
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
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Code 7 10-42
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So the FBI could use NSLs to secure phone call records (numbers) & e-mail addresses, and then they could use that info to go through the NSA databanks to obtain the actual e-mails and retrieve the phone calls.

BYW, thanks for that review!
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This is coup and people (many of them) need to swing.
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There's been a lot of push back on attempts to reign this open ended type of intrusive fact gathering. The New York Times, Jan 9, 2014. Quoting Director of the FBI Jim Comey as being opposed to proposed changes to NSL's because he believes they will make it harder to do national security investigations than bank fraud investigations.


March 5, 2013. Google gets permission from the U.S. Government to publish the range of times it has received National Security Letters, becoming the first company ever to do so. The NSL ranges are all from 0-999 for the years 2009-2012.


The New Yorker, June 28, 2013. Interview with Brewster Kahle, the founder of the Internet Archive and the Wayback Machine, who received an NSL in 2007. Khale discusses how he was not permitted to discuss the NSL with his board nor with his wife or son; rather he could only talk to lawyers for the Internet Archive. Khale is one of only three petitioners to have successfully challenged a National Security Letter.

Eric Holder actually sued people or entities that challenged his authority on NDL's. Typical weaponized branch of the government, no one should be surprised.

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Code 7 10-42
Reservoir Dog
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Very good points RPC... while I have your ear, thank you for your diligence to this thread. I have rarely posted but have read most of all 370 pages.

Simply fascinating to watch this thing unfold!
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This NSL is dirty business, there is a months worth of reading on it, just a simple NSL query brings up stacks of files on them in Gov archives.
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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Reservoir Dog said:

Very good points RPC... while I have your ear, thank you for your diligence to this thread. I have rarely posted but have read most of all 370 pages.

Simply fascinating to watch this thing unfold!
Other than my double post screw-up, I've decided that we kind of need to have one of your post of thanks every 25 pages, or so.

So gracias, we were due. This is the damndest thing I've ever seen unfold, and I do my best to keep the emotions in tact.
Hate is how progressives sustain themselves. Without hate, introspection begins to slip into the progressive's consciousness, threatening the progressive with the truth: that their ideas and opinions are illogical, hypocritical, dangerous, and asinine.
This is backed by data.
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It seems everybody on the talk shows claim they know who the FBI mole was but refrain from saying the name. Well I don't know. Did I miss something obvious (in my old age)?
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For those that don't have a media package I'm posting an archived version of the NYT article that's all over the twitterverse for all to read behind the paywall, it's a long article
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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Rockdoc said:

It seems everybody on the talk shows claim they know who the FBI mole was but refrain from saying the name. Well I don't know. Did I miss something obvious (in my old age)?
... - . ..-. .- -. .... .- .-.. .--. . .-. (Stefan Halper)
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RoscoePColtrane said:

For those that don't have a media package I'm posting an archived version of the NYT article that's all over the twitterverse for all to read behind the paywall, it's a long article

whew, all under control and not a witch hunt.
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drcrinum said:

The is a good read. It provides a practical guide for what is now going on regarding OIG Horowitz, what happens next, and how Horowitz's Report interacts with Huber.

It also gives you a good reason why Lisa Page & James Baker were 'dispatched' last week.
Thanks drcrinum. Great read. Several interesting facts in section 2 worth noting ... for example, the fire-wall and why the OIG report may be incomplete if a criminal investigation is in progress (Huber). Note to self - keep OIG report expectations in perspective.

The Last Refuge: Secondly, the IG report does not include criminal referrals. The final IG report is a statement of facts. The IG report only provides the facts to decision-making leadership, who then decide what to do with those facts. However, if the IG discovers evidence of unlawful or illegal activity during the course of his/her investigation, the IG has a legal and ethical responsibility to tell the head of the DOJ immediately.

The IG cannot keep evidence of unlawful conduct hidden until the release of the report.

This is important because Attorney General Jeff Sessions appointed U.S. Attorney John Huber to join IG Horowitz toward the end of last year (2017).

The federal attorney (Huber) then constructs a parallel investigation based on the evidence the IG has discovered.

However, as with all criminal investigations, Prosecutor John Huber would then fire-wall the IG from his own expanded criminal investigative inquiry.

It is critical to understand what happens when a U.S. Attorney joins with the OIG. The evidence flow only goes one-way. The IG is not participating in a criminal investigation. The IG is only looking at facts within his investigation and shares any pertinent investigative findings with the U.S. Attorney. The U.S. attorney does not provide the IG with findings from his criminal investigation.

IG Horowitz and U.S Attorney Huber might interview the same subjects. [In rare instances they might even interview the same subject simultaneously] However, Huber would not share his criminal investigative interview content/evidence with Horowitz. Therefore the content of a final IG report may contain outlines/evidence of criminal behavior, but there could be -likely is- much more evidence in addition to the IG report.

How the criminal prosecutions might proceed after the final IG report is released involves prosecutor strategy.

U.S. Attorney John Huber may wish to wait and see how the participants react to the facts outlined in the report; or he may use the IG report to expand his criminal investigation and conduct additional interviews of people who are outside government, and as a consequence outside of the IG investigative reach.

Huber may -likely does- already have this process, and a seated grand jury, well underway.
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The above tweet contains a segment from that infamous NYT article courtesy of an FBI contributor. If that sentence outlined in blue is somewhere in the EC for the counterintelligence investigation...whew!...It's a blatantly false statement. See below:


It's one of the enduring misconceptions of the Trump-Russia affair.

During the 2016 Republican convention, the story goes, the Trump campaign weakened a critical passage in the GOP platform to go easy on Russia. The Trump team acted, according to this narrative, as part of an ongoing conspiracy with Russian President Vladimir Putin to help Donald Trump win the White House.

But that is not what happened. In fact, an already-tough portion of the Republican platform dealing with Russia was strengthened, not weakened, at the GOP convention....

The original story stating that the Trump Campaign had tried to make the platform stance on the Ukraine more favorable to Russia was published on July 18, 2016 in the Washington Post. The headline for the story was: "Trump campaign guts GOP's anti-Russia stance on Ukraine". The author was Josh Rogin; it says he also works as a political analyst for CNN.
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Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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Anyone have Pacer to start searching for "Unsealing Orders"?

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Dang Roscoe, thanks for bringing up some very unpleasant memories.

Back in around 2003 when all these 'partiot acts' were going forward, I wrote an email letter to W and Ashcroft. I sent it to a family 'friend' who was close friends with W and part of the admin. (My family was pretty well connected as well)
I am pretty sure they got it. (W especially knew who my grandfather was). In that letter I basically urgently and vehemently begged them to not.

1. Kill the golden goose by knee jerking a 911 response.

2. Burn the haystack to find the needles\

3. Give a tremendous amount of power to un-elected and extremely powerful fed police and reg forces all in the name of finding terrorist and drug money.

4, I proceeded to 'prophesy' to them that if they passed these acts as is, (especially the international aspects of it) several things would happen and some immediately.

A. There would be major foreign investment and capital flight leaving the US? Foreign investors would look else where. And that is exactly what happened.

When did Dubai in the UAE have this big boom and why? It started around 2004 when the the International compliance and banking aspects of the 'Patirot-- any thing but patriot-- Acts' started kicking. All the foreign investment started pouring into Dubai. The capital flight out of US banks was tremendous. The 'Gestapo Acts' where the main reason for it.

B. That it would be just a matter of time before these 'Fed forces both monetary and law enforcement' begin to use and abuse those same acts. And that is exactly what they do with these NSLs.

C. That some vile Pres and admin would come into power and really use it to destroy and silence those who they saw as threats and basically reduce the US to fear and kill the middle class.

I can't tell you how much really good innovative start up tech coms have been shuttered and destroyed,by powerful elites in league with the Feds police, banking and regulatory authorities How many lives unjustly destroyed or imprisoned!! What Mueller is doing has been the norm since those acts.

Unfortunately everything I warned them about in my letter has happened. This mess we are now in, began with them. All in the name of 'peace and safety'.

Now I don't believe that either Ashcroft or W were corrupt. I would call them naive and I would also say they gave in to the pressure to "DO SOMETHING ABOUT 911" and bring justice to the perpetrators and 'secure us'!

Well Bin Laden's attack on us was so much more effective then most would ever know! We brought it on our selves, through fear and knee jerk reacting to the outrage of 911.

Hopefully part of draining the swamp will be cleaning up these ridiculous powers we have given to our alphabet agencies and banking regulators all looking for Money laundering, tax evasion and terrorist money.

We wave our gun in the air emphatically and shot ourselves in the arse!

"only one thing is important!"
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Relevant thread on Weiner's laptop:

Image summarizing obstruction of justice by Comey and FBI:

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I still want to know where in the statute dealing with classified information "intent" is a determination one whether or not a crime was committed. The Navy LT that took a selfie at his station, which was classified, didn't intend to divulge classified into. He got convicted and put in prison. I believe intent only determines if espionage is involved.

This line of answering from Comey is BS.
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Comey is so full of it.
Garrelli 5000
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Any person that has ever told a copy "I didn't mean to speed" or "I didn't know I was speeding" understands this is 100% complete and utter bulls***.

Resident libs will tell us they've never once attempted that excuse so they have no reason to doubt Saint Comey.
Staff - take out the trash.
BMX Bandit
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The speeding example doesn't make any sense. The statutes do not have the same wording

State of mine absolutely matters, which is why Comey went back and changed the words he used in his press conference to protect Hillary
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Is anyone following this Ronan Farrow who is a MSNBC regular and writes for the New Yorker, who has been rolling out Trump hit pieces monthly since Trump won the RNC nomination? He has started a narrative that there is a huge Cohen cover up taking place and he has the whistleblower that gave Michael Avenatti the SAR on Cohen. It's quite a piece of work he's been pushing for the last 12 hours.

Here's a thread reader that cover the BS he is shoveling

Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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drcrinum said:

The above tweet contains a segment from that infamous NYT article courtesy of an FBI contributor. If that sentence outlined in blue is somewhere in the EC for the counterintelligence investigation...whew!...It's a blatantly false statement. See below:


It's one of the enduring misconceptions of the Trump-Russia affair.

During the 2016 Republican convention, the story goes, the Trump campaign weakened a critical passage in the GOP platform to go easy on Russia. The Trump team acted, according to this narrative, as part of an ongoing conspiracy with Russian President Vladimir Putin to help Donald Trump win the White House.

But that is not what happened. In fact, an already-tough portion of the Republican platform dealing with Russia was strengthened, not weakened, at the GOP convention....

The original story stating that the Trump Campaign had tried to make the platform stance on the Ukraine more favorable to Russia was published on July 18, 2016 in the Washington Post. The headline for the story was: "Trump campaign guts GOP's anti-Russia stance on Ukraine". The author was Josh Rogin; it says he also works as a political analyst for CNN.

So the Russia investigation was started by Fake News?
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RoscoePColtrane said:

Is anyone following this Ronan Farrow who is a MSNBC regular and writes for the New Yorker, who has been rolling out Trump hit pieces monthly since Trump won the RNC nomination? He has started a narrative that there is a huge Cohen cover up taking place and he has the whistleblower that gave Michael Avenatti the SAR on Cohen. It's quite a piece of work he's been pushing for the last 12 hours.

Here's a thread reader that cover the BS he is shoveling

Sounds like a CYA for an illegal leak
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VaultingChemist said:

Relevant thread on Weiner's laptop:

Image summarizing obstruction of justice by Comey and FBI:

Comey is so FOS, stating that Huma and Weiner didn't know what they were doing was a crime and then later when asked about what Huma thought about sending documents to her husband, he says he doesn't want to get into what she thought... WTF?!
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It's extremely difficult to make any sane person believe there was any lack of intent, when you first lie about the existence of the server to begin with. Then you go through the amount of manipulations to conceal the existence, then attempt to deliberately filter this content through your attorneys, then bleach bit the hard drives after they have been subpoenaed for preservation, swear under oath you have turned over ALL the work related emails, only to be exposed later to be untrue, and continue to lie under oath to cover the original lies under oath.

It's just really really hard to buy the "I didn't intend to" excuse, when you went through all the painstaking manipulations to do exactly that.
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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It absolutely does sound like he knows he is soon to be caught by the UST OIG and wants to claim whistleblower status to seek immunity.
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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Many knew the ramifications of this double edge sword of the Patriot act, and the abuses that it opened John Q Citizen to their individual constitutional rights going up in flames. The knee jerk panic after 9/11 was an excuse for this deliberate act of killing personal privacy. The 4th amendment has been pretty much a joke ever since. Doesn't make it okay, in fact it does the opposite, but the fact remains the same, they threw the baby out with the bath water when they modified H.R. 3162 to the form it is in now. Originally it was to sunset in 2005, but when the Democrats took power in congress, those sunset provisions were made permanent and we are all now stuck with them, and they justify it with the broad excuse of "homeland security". And in 2011 Barry took it a step further really opening up PA 207 which directly covers FISA.
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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RoscoePColtrane said:

Is anyone following this Ronan Farrow who is a MSNBC regular and writes for the New Yorker, who has been rolling out Trump hit pieces monthly since Trump won the RNC nomination? He has started a narrative that there is a huge Cohen cover up taking place and he has the whistleblower that gave Michael Avenatti the SAR on Cohen. It's quite a piece of work he's been pushing for the last 12 hours.

BMX Bandit
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That's exactly how I imagined someone named "Ronan Farrow" would look
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drcrinum said:

RoscoePColtrane said:

Is anyone following this Ronan Farrow who is a MSNBC regular and writes for the New Yorker, who has been rolling out Trump hit pieces monthly since Trump won the RNC nomination? He has started a narrative that there is a huge Cohen cover up taking place and he has the whistleblower that gave Michael Avenatti the SAR on Cohen. It's quite a piece of work he's been pushing for the last 12 hours.

This smells of Preet Bharara and Michael Avenatti being culpable in all of this. Wasn't there a tweet posted a few days ago about Bharara snd Avenatti seen together in downtown manhattan? I'm going to have to search for that. Bharara would have the access, he is a "former LEO" and has been seen with Avenatti. I guarantee that bunch with Showtime that has been following Avenatti around with a camera crew know who it is, John Heilemann does for sure.

Found it

Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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BMX Bandit said:

That's exactly how I imagined someone named "Ronan Farrow" would look
Mia and Woody's spawn
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
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