aggiehawg said:Judge Ellis is the wild card here. If he is as fired up as it appears he is, at the next hearing he can insist that Mueller and not his lackeys appear in his court, even Rosenstein for that matter. Some judges do not appreciate it when the junior flunkies are dispatched to take the beating and possible contempt charges. (If that is where there this headed, that is.)RoscoePColtrane said:And what political flack is he going to take besides a bunch of crying? They cry all day every day anyway. When Mueller is fired for cause they'll get over it when they eventually realize there is nothing they can do about it. It you're worried about bad press that's laughable, it's bad 24/7Cepe said:RoscoePColtrane said:They just fire him on the spot. He was illegally appointed by definition. No crime was committed to justify it, and even Rosenstein said it himself he saw nothing criminal and appointed one anyway.Cepe said:
Even if sessions is replaced can the new person reign in Mueller? Is it as simple as rescinding the authorization letters or res coping with a new directive or has the train already left the station?
That is the most expedient way for sure but does that work politically? I think Trump would be hammered by the public no matter how justified he makes it.
It seems to date trump has stayed away from that solution because most of the electorate doesn't understand what's going on.
Ellis did throw Mueller a life-line, CIPA. Those procedures would not be in open court, instead ex parte in camera communications and the use of the SCIF in the courthouse. Doesn't mean Ellis couldn't sanction Mueller or Rosenstein, however, if he finds they have been less than candid in his court.
Hopefully the judge is not on the favor train and the ex-parte is an honest review.