Mueller dismisses top FBI agent in Russia probe for anti-Trump texts

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I suspect Comey and Mueller were in communication. I suspect this was all scripted out. The outing of Paige and Strozc has created a problem for Mueller and the script. Mueller was really incredibly stupid to hire all the Clinton partisans. He had to have known the dossier was paid for by Clinton. I have come to the conclusion these people's arrogance has greatly diminished their cognitive thinking skills.
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Exactly, I'm sure the American press has well placed sources in the Russian prostitute community and if there was any source there we would have heard from her by now in lurid detail.
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BQ78 said:

Exactly, I'm sure the American press has well placed sources in the Russian prostitute community and if there was any source there we would have heard from her by now in lurid detail.
Wall Street Journal has had a reporter in Moscow for over 20 years. He couldn't find anything to support the Shearer memo.
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Mueller is strictly a "Cleaner" make a few meaningless cases but make sure the trash left behind by the last bunch is cleaned up.

I just think they were caught off guard by Horowitz being so aggressive, Sally Yates slowed him down, but she kicked the hornets nest when she did, but really had no choice. Trump won, what none of them thought would ever happen, and they went into full blown sanitization mode and she needed to buy them some time. She was abruptly fired by Trump and they brought in the "Cleaner".

Mueller is G. Gordon Liddy
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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I'm just implying our press is like the hair club guy, they sell sex and they are clients too.

And my evidence is just as strong as theirs that Trump committed the awful, terrible, made up crime of collusion.
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BQ78 said:

I'm just implying our press is like the hair club guy, they sell sex and they are clients too.

And my evidence is just as strong as theirs that Trump committed the awful, terrible, made up crime of collusion.
This is so key. Some day when the left wakes up then realizes they were duped into believing that "collusion" is a crime to start with and that a POTUS can't fire a FBI Director without it being obstruction of justice, maybe they'll understand that this entire thing was built on a pile of crap. The it's like "But...but...but..."
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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Mueller is G. Gordon Liddy
Who went to jail, if memory serves.
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Yes, paroled after 4.5 years.

Fun fact:
40 years latter Liddy stated,
"So what were they looking for? In 1972, President Nixon was bracing for a re-election fight against Democratic Sen. George McGovern. While many believe the plumbers were looking for campaign secrets and strategies, Liddy said the break-in had a very different goal.

"The FBI was investigating not one, not two, but three separate call girl operations back then. The assistant United States Attorney who was in charge of that was a man named John Rudy. He testified that the FBI came to him and said, 'We have found a connection between (the DNC and) the call-girl ring that's being run out of the Columbia Plaza Apartments, which is across the street from the Democratic headquarters," Liddy said."

Seems many male politicians can't keep their pants zippered up.
Among the latter, under pretence of governing they have divided their nations into two classes, wolves and sheep.”
Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Edward Carrington, January 16, 1787
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So let me ask this, when Mueller was appointed there seemed to be a lot of non-partisan praise for him that he would be the guy to fairly look at this matter even many on this board applauded the appointment under the circumstances. What happened? Was his past history not known? Why didn't Gohmert scream about it then? I think there is no doubt now that Mueller is a black hat and always has been. How did he slip under the Radar and into the role of the Special Counsel from hell?
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That is a good question.

Personally, I saw people on both sides commenting on his "objectivity" and just took it for granted. Should have known better. Pretty sad state of affairs that if both sides of the swamp are "for" something, normal people and the truth are about to be screwed.

You know the media wouldn't have been digging into it because it runs counter to their narrative and would potentially expose their sins.
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BQ78 said:

So let me ask this, when Mueller was appointed there seemed to be a lot of non-partisan praise for him that he would be the guy to fairly look at this matter even many on this board applauded the appointment under the circumstances. What happened? Was his past history not known? Why didn't Gohmert scream about it then? I think there is no doubt now that Mueller is a black hat and always has been. How did he slip under the Radar and into the role of the Special Counsel from hell?
Black hats use whiteout, not to mention document shredders and as a last resort...erasers.
Alexander, Caesar, Charlemagne, and myself founded empires; but upon what foundation did we rest the creations of our genius? Upon force! But Jesus Christ founded His upon love; and at this hour millions of men would die for Him. - Napoleon Bonaparte
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They live in a confirmation bias reality. You will never convince most of them that some grand conspiracy doesn't unjustifiably exhonerate Trump when this Russia thing goes nowhere, or when all these bad actors at DOJ, FBI, and state start getting hit with indictments. They will presume it is Trump somehow pulling the strings and becoming more totalitarian, sans any evidence but what they manufacture to reinforce their comfortable self justifying delusions.

Exhoneration will not relieve Trump of most of the political pressure simply because the left will choose to believe it is false regardless of evidence.
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whatthehey78 said:

BQ78 said:

So let me ask this, when Mueller was appointed there seemed to be a lot of non-partisan praise for him that he would be the guy to fairly look at this matter even many on this board applauded the appointment under the circumstances. What happened? Was his past history not known? Why didn't Gohmert scream about it then? I think there is no doubt now that Mueller is a black hat and always has been. How did he slip under the Radar and into the role of the Special Counsel from hell?
Black hats use whiteout, not to mention document shredders and as a last resort...erasers.

Whiteout is soooo 70's... they have upgraded to hammers for smartphones.
Among the latter, under pretence of governing they have divided their nations into two classes, wolves and sheep.”
Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Edward Carrington, January 16, 1787
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Let's not forget BleachBit.
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If y'all need a laugh and a break from waiting on the texts to drop, go visit the Diamond and Silk thread, the videos are hilarious.
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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He did scream about it right away. I can't remember which radio show he was on, but he was quite vociferous about what a sorry guy Mueller was as soon as Mueller was appointed. He definitely has a low regard for the man and has expressed that regard on many occasions.
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Rudy Giuliani is a super competent guy and a great lawyer with substantial connections worldwide, but based on what has been revealed about this character Mueller, I am afraid Giuliani is going to fail in bringing this Witch Hunt to a fair conclusion. Mueller is evil. This is going to be a fight to the death !
Bird Poo
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RoscoePColtrane said:

If y'all need a laugh and a break from waiting on the texts to drop, go visit the Diamond and Silk thread, the videos are hilarious.
These are gold. No white lib is going to grandstand against these ladies after they chewed up and spit out the Johnson idiot.
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oysterbayAG said:

Rudy Giuliani is a super competent guy and a great lawyer with substantial connections worldwide, but based on what has been revealed about this character Mueller, I am afraid Giuliani is going to fail in bringing this Witch Hunt to a fair conclusion. Mueller is evil. This is going to be a fight to the death !
Don't lose track the Rudy was Mueller's boss for quite a while, back when Mueller was involved in a lot of shady stuff. I'll bet good money he has something on Mueller to use as leverage.
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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Possible, but if true why didn't trump hire him a long time ago? Something is not quite right.
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Betcha didn't know that Marc Elias (Perkins Coie) of Fusion GPS fame also represented Terry McAuliffe when he was under investigation for campaign finance violations.

Of course it's just a coincidence that all these scenarios were occurring around the same time frame: Fusion GPS involved in the Steele dossier, McAuliffe under investigation over campaign finance violations, & the McCabes meeting with McAuliffe to fund Jill's campaign...while 'guess who' was pulling strings at the FBI.

Business as usual at the FBI.
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Rudy gives Mueller a way out. What Mueller has been doing has not worked. He has not found collusion and is causing the leftists to lose in public opinion.

The left will move on to plan B or c. I suspect they are going to throw, McCabe, Comey, Lynch and some others under the bus. Some of the folks that were DOJ/FBI deep state are singing like canaries.

At some point Hilary is expendable. If the left fails to take back the house, Hilary will probably need some really good lawyers. She is destined to die a broke and lonely human.
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Rosenstein has his first SCOTUS argument today.

Scratching that off bucket list before stepping down

I didn't pay any real attention to the above comment at the time, but there may be something going on. See the following tweets and thread:

Perhaps there were some behind-the-scenes meetings and Rosenstein quietly decided to step aside. Hence, Trump sent him a gift of 'Donald Trump' cuff-links as a 'signal'; i.e., a get-out-of-jail free card.

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Thread worth reading

Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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RoscoePColtrane said:

Thread worth reading

I attempted to make a threadreader on it earlier today, but the thread is too old (February 4, 2018).
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Coincidence? All these on the same day.

Sessions says it's time for Mueller to wrap things up.

Giuliani says Mueller's investigation is garbage.

30,000+ texts between the lovebirds are released.

Jethro Gibbs taught me there are no coincidences.
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RoscoePColtrane said:

Mueller is strictly a "Cleaner" make a few meaningless cases but make sure the trash left behind by the last bunch is cleaned up.

I just think they were caught off guard by Horowitz being so aggressive, Sally Yates slowed him down, but she kicked the hornets nest when she did, but really had no choice. Trump won, what none of them thought would ever happen, and they went into full blown sanitization mode and she needed to buy them some time. She was abruptly fired by Trump and they brought in the "Cleaner".

Mueller is G. Gordon Liddy

For me I have to wonder who is the grand wizard / coordinator in this? It's not like they are all explicitly saying we are going to prevent trump from being elected by breaking the law and once he was elected they flipped to getting him removed from office / cover up mode by any means necessary the law be damned. Right? At some level some specific number of persons had to express out loud the plan and the present it to the people below them in a way that seemed legit. The idea of a conspiracy with everyone bought in from top to bottom is hard to believe.

So how many people are in on the wink-wink nod-nod development of this scheme? As so many have postulated above, Will it ever be believed by the public at large that some well placed people conspired to spy on the GOP Candidate for POTUS and then remove the POTUS / cover up their deeds whichever happens first?
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That's a lot of texts. When you add these with the other thousands, when did these people have time to work? Or eat?
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Or sc##
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Marc Elias' specialty is campaign finance law. And he routinely pushes the envelope. Looks like he ripped that envelope all to hell on the 84 a time when he was counsel for both the DNC and the Hillary campaign.

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Good read

The Double Standards of the Mueller investigation
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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How long before they leak?
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backintexas2013 said:

How long before they leak?

7 mins at most
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I think it likely started as oppo research to help Hillary but in a plausibly legal way, with the Obama top dogs casually prying. Then Poppy, Page, and later Manafort have them motivation to coordinate a bit more and exploit the FISA process. The Hillary server revelations and DNC hack are what kicked everything into overdrive, on top of Trump taking the nomination.

Those events created plausible threats to a Clinton victory that had to be mitigated against and I think that they were absolutely sure someone like Trump would have dirt to dig up that would knock him out easily. So, they were able to rationalize that they were conducting a legitimate investigation of team Trump because they were sure he had to have something to find, and what better way to explain their own political DNC primary fixing and collusion with Russia, Ukraine, etc away than redirect it towards Trump.

Trump was supposed to lose, and this all get buried. Then Trump won, and the really illegal stuff had to start happening in a desperate race to bury the evidence or maybe even smear or entrap or set up Trump well enough to render him ineffective or take him out completely. So they doubled down.

It was an organic conspiracy with some degree of communication and coordination that became less necessary as events progressed because these are intelligent and resourceful people that understood what he goals and stakes were and what they each might have to do to carry out their roles in the entirety of it. Most of them could simply be plausibly doing their own "jobs" as part of the process. Events basically took things where they had to go.
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