Mueller dismisses top FBI agent in Russia probe for anti-Trump texts

7,489,634 Views | 49269 Replies | Last: 6 days ago by aggiehawg
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And if a first year had come to me with whatever that first Manafort indictment was, I would have just told them, "start over and this time, at least pretend like you've got a law license."
In total agreement there. Made me think it was rushed for some reason. Definitely in early draft stage.
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Comey's lawyering up. You'll never guess who:


Fired FBI Director James Comey has retained former U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald as one of his personal attorneys, bringing in a heavy-hitting former prosecutor, close friend and longtime colleague to help him navigate his dramatic role as a potential witness in the investigation of President Trump's campaign and potential obstruction of justice.

Two Capitol Hill sources independently confirmed to TPM that Fitzgerald was serving as a lawyer for Comey.


Comey, then the deputy attorney general, was the man who authorized the special counsel's investigation into "the alleged unauthorized disclosure of a CIA employee's identity" in late 2003, the case that eventually led to Libby's conviction for perjury and obstruction of justice. His choice for special counsel, the prosecutor who got the guilty verdict on Libby, was none other than Fitzgerald.

Comey and Fitzgerald have been close friends for more than three decades, going back to their time working together in the Southern District of New York's U.S. Attorney's Office starting in the late 1980s, and knew each other even before then. Fitzgerald is the godfather of one of Comey's children. In a joint interview in 2008 about their tight bond, Comey described Fitzgerald as a "close friend" as they reminisced about the glory days working their first cases together.


At the very least, bringing on Fitzgerald as his attorney gives Comey more freedom to talk to his old friend, potentially giving their conversations attorney-client privilege. As someone intimately familiar with special counsel investigations, Fitzgerald could be a particularly useful sounding board for Comey, no stranger to those prosecutions himself.

Fitzgerald currently works in private practice at the white-shoe firm Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom.

Hhmm, that's interesting.
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I knew it was Fitzgerald before reading the article.

It was Comey who appointed Fitzgerald as special council to investigate the non-crime of talking about Plame. They're big buddies.
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In an unusual move, FBI agents working the Hillary Clinton email case had to sign a special form reminding them not to blab about the probe to anyone unless called to testify.

Sources said they had never heard of the "Case Briefing Acknowledgment" form being used before, although all agents must initially sign nondisclosure agreements to obtain security clearance.

"This is very, very unusual. I've never signed one, never circulated one to others," said one retired FBI chief.

An FBI agent currently on the job admitted, "I have never heard of such a form. Sounds strange."
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Rapier108 said:

I knew it was Fitzgerald before reading the article.

It was Comey who appointed Fitzgerald as special council to investigate the non-crime of talking about Plame. They're big buddies.
The Skadden Arps connection was what caught my eye, though. They were up to their eyeballs in the Manafort Ukraine activity. Greg Craig just left the firm because of it.
Long Live Sully
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Cow Hop Ag and Bayside both say they are conservatives.
Bayside admits to being pro choice.
Bayside calls Cow Hop Ag a liberal because he's a moral man.

/ Charpie 4-13-18
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Cow Hop Ag said:


Popcorn time!!!
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God bless America!
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This thread and the Q thread swerve at each other once again....
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blindey said:

This thread and the Q thread swerve at each other once again....
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Poorly worded. The reality of this thread and the supposed reality in the Q thread are converging again.
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...McCabe's stand-down order regarding Clinton's private email use happened after The New York Times first reported Hillary Clinton Used Personal Email Account at State Dept., Possibly Breaking Rules in March 2015 and before the official investigation was requested by the Justice Department toward the end of July 2015.

After The New York Times publication, the FBI Washington Field Office began investigating Clinton's use of private emails and whether she was using her personal email account to transmit classified information. According to sources, McCabe was overseas when he became aware of the investigation and sent electronic communications voicing his displeasure with the agents.

"McCabe tried to steer people off the private email investigation and that appears to be obstruction and should be investigated," said one former FBI official with knowledge of the circumstances surrounding the investigation. "Now if the information on the 'stand-down' order is obtained by the IG that could bring a whole lot of other troubles to McCabe."

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blindey said:

The reality of this thread and the supposed reality in the Q thread are converging again.
Almost sounds biblical.
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aggiehawg said:

Is Skadden, Arps trying to avoid a raid?



Greg Craig, the White House counsel for President Barack Obama, abruptly left his law firm as it has come under scrutiny from the special counsel's investigation.

A spokeswoman for Skadden Arps confirmed to The Daily Caller News Foundation that Craig is no longer with the firm. She did not address whether his departure is related to Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation.

Here is a threadreader that was never posted on this thread (it was on another thread but attracted little attention). It has to do with Mueller indicting Van der Zwaan and eventually leading to Podesta, HRC & the Clinton Foundation, & Pinchuk. It contains a segment about Craig & Skadden Arps that I though you would find interesting (of course the whole thread is interesting):


8. IMPORTANT (bombshells incoming!) : Alex van der Zwaan was involved in producing the report, BUT he was not the person engaged by the Ukrainian government. That was Greg Craig, a partner of the firm. And Clifford Sloan, another partner.

What are you NOT being told?
9. Well, looky here: Greg Craig had been WH Counsel to Barack Obama. WTF? Yes! But wait, there's more:

10. Even more significantly (IMO), Craig had served as assistant to the President and special counsel in the White House of (drum roll)...

President Bill Clinton.

There's more:
11. Craig directed the team defending Clinton against impeachment. Working with Clinton's COS, one John Podesta.

Yes you can get up off the floor. Actually, wait a sec, stay there. The other partner at Skadden responsible for producing the report? Clifford Sloan?
12. Well, how about that?

Clifford Sloan was Associate White House Counsel to President Bill Clinton. At the same time as Greg Craig.

These two guys are CLINTON people.


Ain't it funny what the media won't tell you? Anyway, let's move on.
13. The question : why would two Clinton stooges produce a report in 2012 for the pro-Russian government of Yanukovych? Can anyone guess?

Let's explore a bit, before we try and answer.
14. Who was SOS between January 21, 2009 February 1, 2013?

Hillary Rodham Clinton. Now when she took over as SOS, US policy toward Ukraine was clear - very much anti-Putin. Then came the infamous 'Russian re-set'....

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Thank you! Couldn't place exactly how the dots were connecting there, just instinctively felt something was way wrong.

Very much appreciated.
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Mueller is a filthy dirty RAT !
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drcrinum said:


...McCabe's stand-down order regarding Clinton's private email use happened after The New York Times first reported Hillary Clinton Used Personal Email Account at State Dept., Possibly Breaking Rules in March 2015 and before the official investigation was requested by the Justice Department toward the end of July 2015.

After The New York Times publication, the FBI Washington Field Office began investigating Clinton's use of private emails and whether she was using her personal email account to transmit classified information. According to sources, McCabe was overseas when he became aware of the investigation and sent electronic communications voicing his displeasure with the agents.

"McCabe tried to steer people off the private email investigation and that appears to be obstruction and should be investigated," said one former FBI official with knowledge of the circumstances surrounding the investigation. "Now if the information on the 'stand-down' order is obtained by the IG that could bring a whole lot of other troubles to McCabe."

Of course he did.

And if he hadn't, Lynch would have ordered him to. Just like she ordered Comey to shut down the reinvestigation.

McCabe and Lynch are obviously black hats (bad guys).

Comey, Rosenstein and Mueller may not be black hats but they are definitely a dark shade of gray (opportunistic dirt bags that went along with the bad guys).
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Art the key players engaging the law firms and lawyers they once colluded with themselves for their own questionable schemes in order to try to establish some sort of privilege shield pretext themselves or is it really just incestuous political friendships re-emerging?
Bird Poo
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MouthBQ98 said:

Art the key players engaging the law firms and lawyers they once colluded with themselves for their own questionable schemes in order to try to establish some sort of privilege shield pretext themselves or is it really just incestuous political friendships re-emerging?
Probably both.
Ag with kids
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MouthBQ98 said:

Art the key players engaging the law firms and lawyers they once colluded with themselves for their own questionable schemes in order to try to establish some sort of privilege shield pretext themselves or is it really just incestuous political friendships re-emerging?
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MouthBQ98 said:

Art the key players engaging the law firms and lawyers they once colluded with themselves for their own questionable schemes in order to try to establish some sort of privilege shield pretext themselves or is it really just incestuous political friendships re-emerging?
Both. But Mueller's raid on Cohen changed the calculus. And changed it in a big way. There are shredding sessions going on in the major firms as we speak. The Deep State was been "woke" that they aren't as protected as they have always been before.

Now, I don't think that Mueller intended that message at all. He's likely been assuring his Wilmer Hale colleagues that they are safe, through encrypted channels.

Unless a raid happens on a major firm that has been outed as complicit in multiple federal crimes, such as Perkins, Coie has been, then we know Mueller is FOS and was only appointed to protect his cronies.
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They're all dirty. HTH
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So is the Columbia prof going to take the fall for Comey on the leak?

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BQ78 said:

So is the Columbia prof going to take the fall for Comey on the leak?

Yeah, does this mean Comey didn't leak but the other guy did? Is that what they are trying to do?

That guy was busy - lawyer, friend of Comey, personal lawyer to Comey, professor, friend of newspaper reporters and now special job at the FBI.

Sounds like they are trying to find a title that makes Comey's leak of classified info ok where he doesn't get indicted.
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Yeah, does this mean Comey didn't leak but the other guy did? Is that what they are trying to do?

That guy was busy - lawyer, friend of Comey, personal lawyer to Comey, professor, friend of newspaper reporters and now special job at the FBI.

Sounds like they are trying to find a title that makes Comey's leak of classified info ok where he doesn't get indicted.
Ding! Ding! Ding!

Call me an intuitive, fortune teller... call me Jeanne Dixon or Edgar Casey but I'd wager Richman's "special status" occurred during 2016, under Comey's direction.
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Two immediate thoughts:

1) Richman could now be in big trouble -- he's no longer just a friend, he's implicated as a government employee mishandling/leaking classified accomplice in criminal behavior.

2) I wonder if Richman ever performed 702 Queries at the FBI? I think someone needs to find out if Richman was also a friend of Glenn Simpson at Fusion GPS or the former FBI chap at Crowdstrike.
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One level of insulation. I wonder if he realizes he's being set up?
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drcrinum said:

Two immediate thoughts:

1) Richman could now be in big trouble -- he's no longer just a friend, he's implicated as a government employee mishandling/leaking classified accomplice in criminal behavior.

2) I wonder if Richman ever performed 702 Queries at the FBI? I think someone needs to find out if Richman was also a friend of Glenn Simpson at Fusion GPS or the former FBI chap at Crowdstrike.
Number 2 is highly unlikely.

Number 1 earns him jail time. Well maybe not, because Hillary will get him to a country with no extradition treaty,
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Now if someone will just reveal who these people were.

Michael Isikoff of Yahoo News has to be one.
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Every damn day we find new "stuff" relating to this circus.
I'm at the point where I believe the FBI, DNC, Obama, and I'm sure quite a few others were all in on it together. It's so big, and runs so deep, there is no way anything will happen.
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mrad85 said:

Every damn day we find new "stuff" relating to this circus.
I'm at the point where I believe the FBI, DNC, Obama, and I'm sure quite a few others were all in on it together. It's so big, and runs so deep, there is no way anything will happen.

^^^ THIS ^^^

No way any major player will answer for any crimes. We may get Comey or McCabe or Lynch on some BS obstruction charge, but NOTHING will happen to any of the Obama or Hillary inner circle. I have ZERO faith in our judicial system. It's been weaponized.
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I wonder if Mueller ever interviewed Evelyn Farkas? I haven't even heard of her ever being called before congress. He little slip of the tongue on MSNBC trying to impress Mika was a bombshell admittance that just fizzled in a few days, after she went on every channel on cable and did an about face. If anyone needed to be under oath it was her. She was on the Hillary campaign team.

Or Mary Anne Marsh saying "Spring of 2015" and she was a Hillary PR rep for the campaign. Maybe it's just their own disinformation campaign, but they went on the record with it and should have been put under oath.

Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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aggiehawg said:


Yeah, does this mean Comey didn't leak but the other guy did? Is that what they are trying to do?

That guy was busy - lawyer, friend of Comey, personal lawyer to Comey, professor, friend of newspaper reporters and now special job at the FBI.

Sounds like they are trying to find a title that makes Comey's leak of classified info ok where he doesn't get indicted.
Ding! Ding! Ding!

Call me an intuitive, fortune teller... call me Jeanne Dixon or Edgar Casey but I'd wager Richman's "special status" occurred during 2016, under Comey's direction.

Does ot really change things for Comey though?

1. I highly doubt this guy was cleared to see the director's classified materials, just b/c you have clearance doesn't mean you are allowed to see anything.
2. Comey was a former employee at the time he shared the memos. Whether he had rights to them at all is a question, but there is no question that he had zero authority to share them with anyone.
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Mueller will look like an incompetent fool if he cherry picked only Trump people to interview. ( Evelyn Farkas ? etc ) I can't imagine he would be that stupid. But you never know !
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