Mueller dismisses top FBI agent in Russia probe for anti-Trump texts

7,489,893 Views | 49269 Replies | Last: 6 days ago by aggiehawg
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Trying to reshape the narrative

Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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How rich of them
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He better hope not, may need end of life decisions soon....
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RoscoePColtrane said:

This bunch of Marxist radicals spent 8 years dividing the country and the entire country is basically at war with each other. Family members no longer talk, people have ended lifelong friendships, we fight all day long on social media, even divorces have occurred over this and it's all because of a lie. It's all one big lie these traitors fabricated to continue the division since that crash test dummy lost to Trump. They propped up granny even when her head was bouncing off the pavement and she's thrown in the getaway van like a side of beef. But these traitors need to burn.
That is a pissy buncha people right there.
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RoscoePColtrane said:

Trying to reshape the narrative

So ridiculous. Just throwing **** at the wall now.

Aided by the media and stupid people.
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Just a reminder on how bad they were rooting against POTUS

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Brennan seems to be doubling down on the desperate collusion fabrication. Does he have any physical evidence? What is the chain of custody of this letter and the information contained therein? Can anyone corroborate his story?
Bird Poo
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SpreadsheetAg said:

Just a reminder on how bad they were rooting against POTUS

Is there any wonder why conservatives loath the media. The hubris displayed is simply insulting.
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RoscoePColtrane said:

Nice timeline from that article:


A Partial (but detailed) Timeline:
  • November 2015-April 2016 The FBI and NSD uses private contractors to access raw FISA information using "To" and "From" FISA-702(16) & "About" FISA-702(17) queries.
  • February/March 2016 Trump's securing of GOP nomination seen as probable.
  • Early March 2016 Fusion approaches DNC law firm Perkins Coie about being hired to continue opposition research into the Trump Campaign.
  • March 21 2016 Carter Page joins the Trump Campaign as an advisor on foreign policy.
  • March 28 2016 Paul Manafort joins Trump Campaign as campaign convention manager.
  • April 2016 National Security Agency (NSA) Director Rogers orders NSA compliance officer to run full audit on 702 NSA compliance.
  • April 2016 Fusion GPS hired by Perkins Coie on behalf of the DNC.
  • April 18 2016 -Mike Rogers shuts down FBI/DOJ contractor access to the FISA Search System.
  • April 18 2016 The FBI discontinues private contractor access to raw FISA information.
  • April 19 2016 Wife of Glenn Simpson (Fusion GPS) Mary Jacoby visits White House.
  • April 25 2016 Two WH meetings between FBI Counsel James Baker and Trisha B Anderson (FBI), Tashina Guahar( DOJ), John T Lynch (DOJ), John (Brad) Wiegmann (DOJ), Alan Rozenshtein (DOJ), Norman (Christopher) Hardee (DOJ), and Iris Lan (DOJ). DOJ attorneys Tashina Guahar, Christopher Hardee, Brad Wiegmann are FISA attorneys.
  • April 30 2016 DNC IT staff reports suspected hacking on its server(s) to FBI but refuses to grant FBI access.
  • Late April 2016 Clinton Campaign begins paying Fusion GPS.
  • April/May 2016 Surveillance of Paul Manafort possibly begins. FISA warrant issued?
  • April/May 2016 Fusion GPS hires Christopher Steele.
  • April/May 2016 Fusion GPS hires Nellie Ohr, wife of DOJ Assoc. Deputy AG Bruce Ohr.
  • May 2016 Trump becomes presumptive GOP Nominee.
  • May 19 2016 Paul Manafort promoted to campaign chairman and chief strategist for Trump Campaign.
  • May 23 2016 Nellie Ohr applies for a HAM Radio license.
  • June 2016 FBI Agent Peter Strzok and possibly DOJ's Bruce Ohr meet with Christopher Steel.
  • July 5 2016 Date that forensics indicate DNC emails were copied by an insider via USB and not hacked.
  • June 9 2016 Glenn Simpson (Fusion GPS) meets with Natalia Veselnitskaya beforeTrump Jr. meeting.
  • June 9 2016 meeting between Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, Paul Manafort, Rinat Akhmetshin and Natalia Veselnitskaya.
  • June 9 2016 Glenn Simpson meets again with Natalia Veselnitskaya after Trump Jr. meeting.
  • June 15 2016 FBI Agent Strzok changes wording of Clinton charges from "grossly negligent" to "extremely careless".
  • June 27 2016 AG Loretta Lynch has secret meeting with Bill Clinton on tarmac.
  • Late June 2016 First draft of Trump Dossier shared w/Fusion & possibly FBI's Strzok.
  • Late June 2016 First FISA 702 Surveillance Authority request made. It is denied. This event is now in question.
  • July 2 2016 FBI Agent Strzok interviews Hillary Clinton.
  • July 5 2016 FBI Director Comey exonerates Clinton.
  • July 8 2016 Andrew McCabe files financial disclosure but does not disclose Democratic PAC donations to wife's campaign.
  • July 19 2016 Trump officially becomes GOP Nominee.
  • July 22 2016 WikiLeaks publishes DNC emails that show an effort to prevent Bernie Sanders from winning the Democratic presidential nomination.
  • July 24 2016 Clinton Campaign manager Robbie Mook suggests Russian Government is behind release of DNC emails.
  • Mid/Late July 2016 FBI begins counter-intelligence investigation into Russia and Trump.
  • Late July Second draft of Trump Dossier shared with FBI.
  • August 2016 Strzok sends "insurance policy" text referencing Deputy FBI Director McCabe.
  • August 19 2016 Paul Manafort "resigns" from Trump Campaign amidst reports of foreign lobbying efforts.
  • August/September 2016 CIA Director Brennan meets with Gang of Eight suggesting Russia is helping Trump.
  • September 2016 Carter Page resigns from Trump Campaign after a Trip to Moscow in July.
  • September 5 2016 Hillary Clinton accuses Russia of interfering with U.S. election.
  • Late September 2016 Second FISA 702 Surveillance Authority request made.
  • September 23 2016 A Yahoo News article is published by Michael Isikoff based on leaks by Christopher Steele. The article is later used to corroborate the Steele Dossier.
  • September 26 2016 John Carlin, head of DOJ's National Security Division (NSD), admits to FISC that surveillance included Obama's political opponents.
  • September 27 2016 John Carlin, head of DOJ's NSD and involved with FISA requests, announces he is resigning. Mary McCord assumes his role.
  • September 28 2016 Comey claims decision to exonerate Clinton was not made until after her interview with FBI agents.
  • September 28 2016 Comey refuses to answer if FBI is investigating possible connections between members of the Trump campaign and Russia.
  • Late September/Early October 2016 DOJ's Bruce Ohr provides the FBI with his wife's opposition research paid for by the DNC and Clinton campaign via Fusion GPS.
  • Late September/Mid-October 2016 Trump Dossier shopped.
  • Early October 2016 Bruce Ohr meets with Dossier author Christopher Steele.
  • Early October 2016 Bruce Ohr meets with Glenn Simpson (Fusion GPS).
  • October 7 2016 Homeland Security and James Clapper, Director of National Intelligence (DNI), officially accuse the Russian government of hacking the DNC "to interfere with the US election process."
  • October 20 2016 NSA Rogers briefed by NSA compliance officer on 702 NSA compliance audit.
  • October 21 2016 NSA Rogers shuts down all "About Query" activity. Permanently. Reports activity to DOJ and prepares to go before FISA Court.
  • October 21 2016 DOJ & FBI sought and received a FISA probable cause order (not under Title VII) authorizing electronic surveillance on Carter Page from the FISC.
  • October 26 2016 NSA Rogers personally informs FISA Court of 702(17) violations.
  • October 30 2016 Steele discloses his relationship with the FBI in an October 30, 2016, Mother Jones article by David Corn. The FBI will terminate Steele for this violation.
  • Late October 2016 -Defense Secretary Ash Carter and DNI James Clapper recommend to Obama that Admiral Mike Rogers be removed as director of NSA.
  • October 2016 The Obama administration is now monitoring an opposing presidential campaign using federal intelligence services.
  • November 17 2016 NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers travels to see President-Elect Donald Trump.
  • November 17 2016 Trump Transition Team announces they are moving to Trump National Golf Club.
  • November 18 2016 Sen. John McCain told of the Russian Dossier. A copy is sent to McCain and key aides.
  • November 19 2016 Washington Post reports a recommendation made by DNI James Clapper in October that Mike Rogers be removed from his NSA position.
  • December 2 2016 Kushner discusses back-channel communications with Russian Ambassador Kislyak.
  • December 9 2016 The CIA tells Congress that Russia conducted hacking operations to prevent Hillary Clinton from winning presidency.
  • December 9 2016 Obama orders a full review of Russian-election hacking.
  • December 15 2016 James Clapper signs off on Executive Order 12333 changes impacting the NSA Obama's NSA Data-Sharing Order.
  • December 22 2016 General Michael Flynn speaks to unknown Russian officials regarding the Israel resolution.
  • December 29 2016 General Michael Flynn speaks to the Russian Ambassador.
  • January 3 2017 Loretta Lynch signs Section 2.3 of Executive Order 12333 Obama's NSA Data-Sharing Order.
  • January 6 2017 Comey briefs President-Elect Trump on existence of "salacious and unverified" Russian "Dossier".
  • January 6 2017 Within hours of Comey's meeting with Trump, existence of Dossier leaked by CNN (James Clapper named as possible leaker).
  • January 6 2017 Clapper and Rogers testify before Senate Armed Services Committee. Clapper reaffirms his belief that Russians hacked the election.
  • January 10 2017 U.S. intelligence chiefs Comey, Clapper, Brennan, Rogers brief Obama on Russian "Dossier" and attempts to "influence" Trump.
  • January 12 2017 The NYT reports on Loretta Lynch's signing of new NSA Rules and the increased latitude of the NSA to share intercepted communications.
  • January 12 2017 Mike Flynn's Dec 29 2016 call is leaked to Washington Post. The article portrays Flynn as undermining Obama's Russian sanctions.
  • January 12 2017 The DOJ's Office of Inspector General announces initiation of a review into actions taken by the DOJ and FBI in advance of the 2016 election.
  • January 12 2017 The Clinton Global Initiative announces it will close for good on April 15 2017 as donations dry up.
  • January 19 2017 The NYT reports that several agencies the FBI, CIA, NSA and Treasury are monitoring several associates of the Trump campaign suspected of Russian ties.
  • January 19 2017 Obama's top intelligence and law-enforcement deputies meet to talk about Flynn's conversation with Kislyak.
  • January 25 2017 The Department of Justice receives a detailed briefing on Flynn from the FBI.
  • January 26 2017 Sally Yates travels to the White House along with Mary McCord of the DOJ's National Security Division to discuss Mike Flynn.
  • January 27 2016 Sally Yates returns to the White House for a second discussion.
  • January 27 2017 President Trump has dinner with FBI Director James Comey.
  • January 27 2017 Former Clinton State Dept. representative George Papadopoulos interviewed by FBI, which results in his eventual indictment.
  • January 30 2017 President Trump fires Acting Attorney General Sally Yates for refusing to enforce the Travel Ban.
  • February 2 2017 Five House Democrat employees (Awans) come under criminal investigation amid allegations they accessed House IT systems.
  • February 8 2017 Jeff Sessions is confirmed as Attorney General.
  • February 9 2017 The NYT and the Post publish articles claiming that General Michael Flynn discussed sanctions with Russian ambassador Kislyak.
  • February 13 2017 Mike Flynn resigns/fired as National Security Advisor.
  • February 14 2017 House Intelligence Chair Devin Nunes says FBI must explain why Flynn was unmasked, recorded and leaked to press.
  • February 14 2017 The NYT quoting anonymous sources reports that members of Trump Campaign had "repeated contacts with senior Russian intelligence officials".
  • February 14 2017 FBI Director Comey has Oval Office meeting with President Trump.
  • February 14 2017 Comey supposedly writes memo claiming President Trump asked Comey to stop the investigation into General Flynn.
  • February 16 2017 President Trump gives solo press conference. Appears to admit to internal sting operation to identify leakers.
  • February 27 2017 House Intelligence Chair Devin Nunes says he has seen absolutely no evidence of Russia-Trump collusion.
  • March 1 2017 NYT inadvertently reports on why Obama Administration wanted last minute NSA Data-Sharing Order allowed for intra-agency sharing of globally intercepted personal communications.
  • March 1 2017 The Washington Post reports that Attorney General Jeff Sessions had contact twice with the Russian ambassador during the campaign.
  • March 2 2017 Jeff Sessions recuses himself from Russia Inquiry.
  • March 2 2017 The New York Times reports that Mike Flynn and Jared Kushner met with Sergey Kislyak.
  • March 2 2017 MSNBC interview with Obama's Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Evelyn Farkas. Farkas details how intelligence on the Trump Campaign/Team is being gathered and disseminated by the Obama Administration and intelligence agencies
  • March 4 2017 President Trump tweets his now infamous claim that Obama had him wiretapped.
  • March 5 2017 ODNI James Clapper states that he knows of no FISA Warrant approval for Trump Campaign. He would repeat this claim in September.
  • March 5 2017 FBI Director Comey asks the DOJ to refute President Trump's wiretapping claims. DOJ does not do so.
  • March 20 2017 Comey testifies that he intentionally withheld congressional notification of counter-intelligence investigation into Russia-Trump that began in July of 2016.
  • March 21 2017 Devin Nunes meets a classified source and is shown direct evidence of illegal surveillance on President Trump and Staff.
  • March 22 2017 House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes informs President Trump that he believes Trump and Staff were illegally surveilled and unmasked.
  • March 22 2017- House Intelligence Chair Devin Nunes demands that the CIA, FBI and NSA disclose the nature of the unlawful surveillance he had uncovered.

FTAG 2000
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MouthBQ98 said:

Brennan seems to be doubling down on the desperate collusion fabrication. Does he have any physical evidence? What is the chain of custody of this letter and the information contained therein? Can anyone corroborate his story?

He likely faces the firing squad for all this, can't blame him for trying g to throw mud to save his ass.
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Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
Long Live Sully
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Who in the world would want Howdy Doody for their lawyer?
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RoscoePColtrane said:

I'd bet anything that it is CNN.
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NBC. Meaning MSNBC.
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Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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That was from January 2017. What was your point?
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I missed the date on the article
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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RoscoePColtrane said:

I missed the date on the article

Happens to us all, dear. Don't sweat it.
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Side Bar

Trump flipped Rand Paul and Flake so Pompeo is going to be favorable in committee

Posturing until it got down to brass tacks
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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RoscoePColtrane said:

Is this "Boom" worthy?
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captkirk said:

Is this "Boom" worthy?
Priestap has been on flip-alert for quite awhile ... also likely Ohr, Strozk, and Page are cooperating. Wondering out loud if McCabe has anything to offer in exchange for being a cooperating witness. That would be a 'boom.'
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Washington, D.C. Today, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) and House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) released the following statement after reaching an agreement with Department of Justice (DOJ) Assistant Attorney General Stephen E. Boyd and United States Attorney John Lausch to review and obtain documents and information pursuant to the Committees' joint investigation into decisions made in 2016 and 2017.

"The Committees have reached an agreement with the Department of Justice to access the documents we have been requesting for months. We look forward to reviewing the information to better understand the decisions made by the Department of Justice in 2016 and 2017. Congress has a constitutional responsibility to preserve the integrity of our justice system by ensuring transparency and accountability of actions taken."

In October 2017, the Committees opened a joint investigation into the decisions made by the Department of Justice in 2016 and 2017.
In December 2017, the Committees sent a follow-up letter requesting documents and information regarding the FBI's decision making in 2016 and 2017.
On March 22, the House Judiciary Committee issued a subpoena to the Department of Justice for documents pursuant to the Committees' joint investigation.
On April 11, Chairman Goodlatte and Chairman Gowdy met with U.S. Attorney John Lausch to discuss the Committees' access to documents related to our joint investigation.

Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
BMX Bandit
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Rapier108 said:

RoscoePColtrane said:

I'd bet anything that it is CNN.

Rosenstein has his first SCOTUS argument today.

Scratching that off bucket list before stepping down?
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Long read but worth it. A comparison between the actual Watergate investigation and Muellers over the same amount of time.


The teaser:


Like Captain Ahab, Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller has spent eleven months frantically hunting a giant whale. So far, Mueller has harpooned a couple of cod and a few salmon. But these fish have yet to demonstrate that the huge, ocean-going mammal in question merits capture. And Mueller's barely productive odyssey is an enormous embarrassment compared with the mass ichthyocide that was the Watergate investigation, even at the equivalent stage in that long, national nightmare.
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RoscoePColtrane said:

I wonder if someone from the OIG's Office leaked him a note saying: "You are going to be fingered in the upcoming OIG Report."
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Washington, D.C. Today, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) and House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) released the following statement after reaching an agreement with Department of Justice (DOJ) Assistant Attorney General Stephen E. Boyd and United States Attorney John Lausch to review and obtain documents and information pursuant to the Committees' joint investigation into decisions made in 2016 and 2017.
And Rosenstein is thinking about leaving before the posse gets to town??

Think those might be, you know, connected??
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Rosenstein is probably leaving now to create some distance and to get big bucks to pay for his criminal defense lawyer !
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Got to create some income to pay the upcoming legal bills.
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Anybody else feel like we are watching a whole season's worth of episodes from Billions? Leverage, counter-leverage.

Chuck Rhoades was about to be fired by the Black female Attorney General (a few seasons ago) and he tasks his deputies to dig up possible cases against her enemies to curry favor to avoid being fired. After his psychiatrist wife tells him to do a 180, he then goes after one of the Attorney General's closest friends by feeding the press the story, officially refusing to comment per departments procedures. She can't fire him then without it appearing she is using her office to squelch an investigation against her buddy.

The gambit works but then they have to create a real investigation by lying to a stewardess on the target's private plane that she has committed an insider trading crime, threatening prosecution unless she agrees to get dirt on the target, which she does. Target is having an affair with the wife of his own executive. When he's presented proof of the affair, then he winds up agreeing to wear a wire to get the guy that *******ed him.

Yeah, it's fiction...or maybe not.

TexAgs filter really goes too far sometimes. Thought better about something I said directed towards staff.
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BMX Bandit said:

Rosenstein has his first SCOTUS argument today.

Scratching that off bucket list before stepping down?
Given that there's what....maybe 100 active lawyers that actually practice in the supreme court, you may be on to something. He can get his first oral argument under the belt and then sell that experience to whatever white shoe firm that wants a supreme court practice. They can bring him on as a full equity partner with no real clients because that line on his resume is a pretty easy sell.
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Given that there's what....maybe 100 active lawyers that actually practice in the supreme court, you may be on to something. He can get his first oral argument under the belt and then sell that experience to whatever white shoe firm that wants a supreme court practice. They can bring him on as a full equity partner with no real clients because that line on his resume is a pretty easy sell.
Indeed. That will start between 4-6 mil per and go up from there.
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aggiehawg said:


Given that there's what....maybe 100 active lawyers that actually practice in the supreme court, you may be on to something. He can get his first oral argument under the belt and then sell that experience to whatever white shoe firm that wants a supreme court practice. They can bring him on as a full equity partner with no real clients because that line on his resume is a pretty easy sell.
Indeed. That will start between 4-6 mil per and go up from there.
Just a matter of finding a firm with a DC presence (or a firm that wants one), signing up a lease somewhere close to the White House, and slapping his name on the door.
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Just a matter of finding a firm with a DC presence (or a firm that wants one), signing up a lease somewhere close to the White House, and slapping his name on the door.
Yeah, sadly. Althoug being a capitalist I cannot begrudge anyone taking advantage of opportunities as they present themselves, the revolving door for administration officials to lobbyists, or to lace stocking law firms and then back the government and then back to lucrative private practice gigs really has to be stopped. I just don't know how to do that with legislation (other than extending the lobbyist ban to ten years after leaving government service and including any type of "consulting" role for their immediate family.)
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