Mueller dismisses top FBI agent in Russia probe for anti-Trump texts

7,492,950 Views | 49269 Replies | Last: 9 days ago by aggiehawg
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It is giving them too much credit to assume they were good. They were already pursuing agendas harmful to the country.
Not according to their world view, was my point. Why was Comey so inimical to Trump from the first time he met him and "wanted to blend into the curtains"?? He hated him. Made sure that the fact that Trump was briefed on the dossier was leaked signalling the release of the dossier was now newsworthy because of the very fact that Trump was briefed on it. Gave it gravitas. That was quite deliberate.

Very Chuck Rhoades from Billions.
Lot Y Tailgate
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Ellis Wyatt said:

Lot Y Tailgate said:

Anyone calling this a coup is doing so because they don't have any arguments left.

I'd be banned if I typed what I actually think of you. I'll go with intellectually dishonest for now.

Of course you want to attack me, becuse you have nothing, it's not a coup, it is an investigation that has already turned up multiple indictments, because Trump surrounds himself with shady individuals.
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Kind of a troll comment, but does anyone else say "Mueller, Mueller" in Ben Stein's Ferris Bueller's voice while scrolling down, looking for this thread?
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ANd mueller's boy is Comey and he hired Pete the Cheat. Seems he and Trump deserve each other.
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Lot Y Tailgate said:

Ellis Wyatt said:

Lot Y Tailgate said:

Anyone calling this a coup is doing so because they don't have any arguments left.

I'd be banned if I typed what I actually think of you. I'll go with intellectually dishonest for now.

Of course you want to attack me, becuse you have nothing, it's not a coup, it is an investigation that has already turned up multiple indictments, because Trump surrounds himself with shady individuals.
How's that "collusion" working out for ya, troll?
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backintexas2013 said:

ANd mueller's boy is Comey and he hired Pete the Cheat. Seems he and Trump deserve each other.
And Strzok didn't want to take the job because he knew it was all BS. Said so to Lisa Page in a text. No there, there.

The one thing that I have always puzzled about was their continuing to text after they knew the OIG was on the Hillary email case. Of course we don't have those texts, just now. Just one where Page tells Strzok to never text her again.
Zombie Jon Snow
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Lot Y Tailgate said:

Ellis Wyatt said:

Lot Y Tailgate said:

Anyone calling this a coup is doing so because they don't have any arguments left.

I'd be banned if I typed what I actually think of you. I'll go with intellectually dishonest for now.

Of course you want to attack me, becuse you have nothing, it's not a coup, it is an investigation that has already turned up multiple indictments, because Trump surrounds himself with shady individuals.

hmmmmm......that Obama though.....clean as a whistle......

AG Eric Holder - first sitting Cabinet member indicted of contempt of Congress.

Former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich, friend of Obama, was arrested for attempting to sell Obama's vacated Senate seat and convicted on 17 of 20 counts of political corruption. He was sentenced to 14 years in prison.

President Barack Obama's chief of staff, then a congressman in Illinois, apparently attempted to trade favors with embattled Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich while he was in office.

Emanuel and Senior White House Adviser Valerie Jarrett were subpoenaed in the Blagojevich trial.

Tony Rezko, A Fundraiser And Friend Of Obama, Was Sentenced To Ten And A Half Years In Prison For Corruption And Attempting To Get $7 Million In Kickbacks.

Former NJ Governor Jon Corzine, was investigated by the FBI and not only lost $1.6 billion in private investor funds, but helped craft the $1 trillion failed stimulus. Corzine also played a central role in raising money for Team Obama in 2008 and was a top Obama fundraiser.

Shervin Neman is a convicted Ponzi schemer. Neman has visited the White House at least 8 times.

Another Obama bundler, Abake Assongba, is accused of defrauding a businessman out of $657,000 and impersonating a bank officer. Assongba has raked in $50,000 for Obama's re-election campaign.

Democratic fundraiser and Obama supporter Courtney Dupree was convicted of "engineering a $21 million bank fraud."

Willie Shepherd: Obama bundler plead guilty to assault and got 12 months probation.

Alberto and Carlos Cardona: Obama bundlers with ties to a Mexican fugitive accused of attempted assassinations.

Solyndra: First company to receive taxpayer backed loans from Obama. The FBI raided Solyndra.The Obama Administration loaned over $500 million to Solyndra via an accelerated process; later, of course, Solyndra went bankrupt and had to fire 1,100 employees. Some of Solyndra's biggest stakeholders were major Obama donors George Kaiser, an Oklahoma billionaire, raised between $50,000 and $100,000 in 2008; Steve Westly, an Obama bundler, was linked with Solyndra; so was Steve Spinner, another Obama fundraiser, who pushed the Administration to greenlight the loan, even while his wife's law firm was legally representing the company.

Bill Ayers: Unrepentant domestic terrorist. Early Obama backer. Fellow board-member of the Woods Foundation. 4th of July pal.
Lot Y Tailgate
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texsn95 said:

Lot Y Tailgate said:

How's that "collusion" working out for ya, troll?
I don't know, maybe that is why we have a special counsel, and we should keep him until he is done?
Pure Aggie
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Blue stars x eleventybillion
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THey never thought the texts would come to light. They honestly thought they were covered.
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backintexas2013 said:

THey never thought the texts would come to light. They honestly thought they were covered.
Not in early January 2017. Trump was elected and the EC had voted. Horowitz had announced his investigation. They were both in the cross hairs. Few of their texts between December 2016 and right before Mueller's appointment have been made public yet. Except the ones where Strzok expressed his reservations about jumping on the Titanic that was the Mueller investigation.

There's a reason for why we haven't seen them. Don't know what that reason is.

Why isn't the media camped out in front of Mueller's house? We never see him taking out the trash like the daily clip of Starr. (Okay, just threw up in my mouth a little because of his Baylor fiasco) but we also never see Strzok nor Page doing the walk of shame despite them both still working for the FBI. Why?
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Lot Y Tailgate said:

Of course you want to attack me, becuse you have nothing, it's not a coup, it is an investigation that has already turned up multiple indictments, because Trump surrounds himself with shady individuals.
MSNBC zombie invasion again. Ugh
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I think both are covering their ass. They were staying outside LP house. Have you seen the LP picture? She looked like she handbrake slept in weeks.
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I don't know, maybe that is why we have a special counsel, and we should keep him until he is done?
Oh he's done. Just Don Quixote tilting at windmills now.
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Haha, Lot Y should know better than to bring that liberal BS into this thread. Just got ***** slapped.
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All Russiagate Roads Lead To London As Evidence Emerges Of Joseph Mifsud's Links To UK Intelligence

Over the last few months, Professor Joseph Mifsud has become a feather in the cap for those pushing the Trump-Russia narrative. He is characterized as a "Russian" intelligence asset in mainstream press, despite his declarations to the contrary. However, evidence has surfaced that suggests Mifsud was anything but a Russian spy, and may have actually worked for British intelligence. This new evidence culminates in the ground-breaking conclusion that the UK and its intelligence apparatus may be responsible for the invention of key pillars of the Trump-Russia scandal. If true, this would essentially turn the entire RussiaGate debacle on its head.

To give an idea of the scope of this report, a few central points showing the UK connections with the central pillars of the Trump-Russia claims are included here, in the order of discussion in this article:
  • Mifsud allegedly discussed that Russia has 'dirt' on Clinton in the form of 'thousands of emails' with George Papadopoulos in London in April 2016.
  • The following month, Papadopoulos spoke with Alexander Downer, Australia's ambassador to the UK, about the alleged Russian dirt on Clinton while they were drinking at a swanky Kensington bar, according to The Times. In late July 2016, Downer shared his tip with Australian intelligence officials who forwarded it to the FBI.
  • Robert Goldstone, a key figure in the 'Trump Tower' part of the RussiaGate narrative, sent Donald Trump Jr. an email claiming Russia wanted to help the Trump campaign. He is a British music promoter.
  • Christopher Steele, ex-MI6, who worked as an MI6 agent in Moscow until 1993 and ran the Russia desk at MI6 HQ in London between 2006 and 2009. He produced the totally unsubstantiated 'Steele Dossier' of Trump-Russia allegations, with funding from the Clinton campaign and the DNC.
  • Robert Hannigan, the head of British spy agency GCHQ, flew to Washington DC to share 'director-to-director' level intelligence with then-CIA Chief John Brennan.
  • [/ol]Each of these strands of UK-tied elements of the Russiagate narrative can be substantially dismantled on close inspection. This untangling process leads to the surprising conclusion that UK intelligence services fabricated evidence of collusion in order to create the appearance of a Trump-Russia connection....

    A while back I posted a thread which raised the distinct possibility that Prof Joseph Mifsud was working with British Intelligence:
    Well, this is a more intensive examination of the evidence which paints a rather convincing picture that UK Intelligence played a major role in concocting the Trump Russia Collusion narrative. If you read the article, there is clear evidence that Mifsud had a long working relationship with UK Intelligence authorities. Well worth a read.

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    It. Was. A. Setup.
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    GCP12 said:

    It. Was. A. Setup.
    By Hillary and Bill. Honorable mention to John Podesta,Julian Epstein, Heather Samuelson, Huma Abedin and her hubs, the perv Weiner, Cheryl Mills, Brian Pagliano and all of the rest.

    She never thought she would lose. Clintons just can't keep from shooting themselves in the foot. That paranoid because they know they are breaking all manner of laws. But they know they are like Kennedy's now. Above the law.

    Comey said that.
    Lot Y Tailgate
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    If it was a setup, and she thought she would never lose, then why did this start before she lost?
    marble rye
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    Lot Y Tailgate said:

    If it was a setup, and she thought she would never lose, then why did this start before she lost?

    If you read the Strzok/Page texts...INSURANCE POLICY.
    Long Live Sully
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    Lot Y Tailgate said:

    If it was a setup, and she thought she would never lose, then why did this start before she lost?
    She has been a criminal for so long she knows no other way.
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    Lot Y Tailgate said:

    If it was a setup, and she thought she would never lose, then why did this start before she lost?
    They were going to destroy trump and his family even after he lost. As a warning to anyone else who thought about running from outside the political class.
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    To think for you: the most likely answer is to consolidate power to her faster. Clinton would have come in with a hostile republican congress. Using the doj and fbi she would have been able to crush trump and all those that helped him. The republicans would fold like wet toilet paper for fear of being "trumped" and clinton would quickly take on more power than she would otherwise have been able to.

    This isn't rocket science but you do have to be able to think critically. Of course instead of digesting this post you will either ignore it or quickly rationalize why im wrong using some poor equivalency or straw man. Fight that urge.
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    marble rye said:

    Lot Y Tailgate said:

    If it was a setup, and she thought she would never lose, then why did this start before she lost?

    If you read the Strzok/Page texts...INSURANCE POLICY.

    Don't be so obvious. He doesn't want to know.
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    Lot Y Tailgate said:

    If it was a setup, and she thought she would never lose, then why did this start before she lost?
    Okay, good question. I can walk you through that.

    Polling was all in for Hillary but she had her own polling that said different and wasn't favorable compared to Bernie. The fear was that cheating Bernie out of the nomination with superdelegates would lead to a Dem boycott in the general. So the GOP nominee had to really be Satan incarnate. Even if he wasn't, had to be painted that way.

    Does any of that ring remotely true, possible?
    Larry S Ross
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    Lot Y Tailgate said:

    If it was a setup, and she thought she would never lose, then why did this start before she lost?

    Kill a snake(outsider, swamp drainer)by cutting off the head. All that's left is a a wiggling body(Republican Congress)w no direction or mobility.
    We might have that anyway.
    Lot Y Tailgate
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    aggiehawg said:

    Lot Y Tailgate said:

    If it was a setup, and she thought she would never lose, then why did this start before she lost?
    Okay, good question. I can walk you through that.

    Polling was all in for Hillary but she had her own polling that said different and wasn't favorable compared to Bernie. The fear was that cheating Bernie out of the nomination with superdelegates would lead to a Dem boycott in the general. So the GOP nominee had to really be Satan incarnate. Even if he wasn't, had to be painted that way.

    Does any of that ring remotely true, possible?

    If her internal polling said anything but landslide, she wouldn't have been campaigning in Arizona a week before the election/immediately after the Huma laptop.
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    THE Huma laptop is a perfect example of Comey and the bs. Pro tip. It wasn't Huma's laptop and that shows you how this whole thread makes sense.
    Lot Y Tailgate
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    backintexas2013 said:

    THE Huma laptop is a perfect example of Comey and the bs. Pro tip. It wasn't Huma's laptop and that shows you how this whole thread makes sense.

    Comey's only bs was chastising Clinton, he should have recommended charges or kept his mouth shut.
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    Lot Y Tailgate said:

    backintexas2013 said:

    THE Huma laptop is a perfect example of Comey and the bs. Pro tip. It wasn't Huma's laptop and that shows you how this whole thread makes sense.

    Comey's only bs was chastising Clinton, he should have recommended charges or kept his mouth shut.
    Can you tell us why he didn't do the former, or do you need help?
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    The mods need to put a stop to the ongoing attempt to permanently derail this thread.
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    If her internal polling said anything but landslide, she wouldn't have been campaigning in Arizona a week before the election/immediately after the Huma laptop.

    ARIZONA?????? Why would in the freakin' hell would she be in a solid red state like Arizona?
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    Rapier108 said:

    The mods need to put a stop to the ongoing attempt to permanently derail this thread.
    There's plenty of other threads for him to argue and derail. This has been a pretty clean, argue free thread up to now.
    Lot Y Tailgate
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    aggiehawg said:

    If her internal polling said anything but landslide, she wouldn't have been campaigning in Arizona a week before the election/immediately after the Huma laptop.

    ARIZONA?????? Why would in the freakin' hell would she be in a solid red state like Arizona?

    Because she thought she was going to win, and because she is an idiot.
    Lot Y Tailgate
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    Rockdoc said:

    Rapier108 said:

    The mods need to put a stop to the ongoing attempt to permanently derail this thread.
    There's plenty of other threads for him to argue and derail. This has been a pretty clean, argue free thread up to now.

    Because this thread is one massive echo chamber.
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