Mueller dismisses top FBI agent in Russia probe for anti-Trump texts

7,493,797 Views | 49269 Replies | Last: 10 days ago by aggiehawg
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backintexas2013 said:

Well tell CNN because they say former intelligence agent but I guess they are wrong And you are right.

It's a joke, dude.
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Tailgate88 said:


Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz announced Wednesday he will review potential Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) abuses by both the Justice Department and the FBI, following requests from Congress and Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

The Office of the Inspector General released a statement Wednesday outlining the initiation of a review.

"The OIG will initiate a review that will examine the Justice Department's and the Federal Bureau of Investigation's compliance with legal requirements, and with applicable DOJ and FBI policies and procedures, in applications filed with the U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) relating to a certain U.S. person," the statement obtained by Fox News read. "As part of this examination, the OIG also will review information that was known to the DOJ and the FBI at the time the applications were filed from or about an alleged FBI confidential source."

The OIG statement added that Horowitz will also "review the DOJ's and FBI's relationship and communications with the alleged source as they relate to the FISC applications."

Which means they have been for months already and the word was fixing to get out anyway.
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Code 7 10-42
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Rapier108 said:

You can always tell when the latest talking points have been sent out, because the same three libs show up here to try to scream "GOTCHA!"
I bet they text each other.
Hillary paid for warrant to spy on Trump.
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Lavinsky noted that the investigation was prompted by requests from several members of Congress and Attorney General Jeff Sessions. House Republicans recently released a memo claiming widespread abuse of the FISA process on the part of the DOJ and FBI in order to obtain a surveillance warrant on former Trump campaign associate Carter Page.

The timing of the investigation and the reference to members of Congress point to Page as the U.S. person. The statement's reference to a confidential source similarly floats concerns found in the Republican memo which found that the FBI and the DOJ did not disclose the political origins of the Steele dossier in its FISA application and revealed previously undisclosed testimony from former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe that an investigation into Page would not have occurred without Steele's dossier.

The nature of contacts between DOJ officials and Steele during the opening of an investigation into the 2016 Trump campaign has been the nature of some controversy. The Republican memo especially expressed concern over the nature of meetings between Steele and DOJ official Bruce Ohr, whose wife worked for Steele for some time.
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Here is the actual statement released by the OIG.
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Remember, Horowitz is already operating in tandem with a prosecutor. And there may be a grand jury already in place. Almost all of the people involved with the Carter Page FISA warrant at the FBI are no longer in position to delay, thwart or otherwise destroy evidence. Sessions has lit a fire under Wray to speed things up on the FBI's end.

This could go down pretty quickly.
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Having Wray cooperate will def speed things up. He stalled there for a bit on some issues. To look impartial? To consolidate power? To see which side was winning?

Either way I just want everyone who broke the law brought to justice. R or D. Let's get this crap cleaned up.
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drcrinum said:

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Cody Hiland's office
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Code 7 10-42
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hbtheduce said:

Having Wray cooperate will def speed things up. He stalled there for a bit on some issues. To look impartial? To consolidate power? To see which side was winning?

Either way I just want everyone who broke the law brought to justice. R or D. Let's get this crap cleaned up.
Wray had to prove himself to his employees and to do that he had to meticulously follow procedures with McCabe. Now his people know what to expect and that they won't be fired willy-nilly. Had to get his street cred.

Fair but demanding work wise. Gets their respect he gets their cooperation and open channels for communications.

Management 101. Bosses that people hate tend to be slower in accomplishing their tasks. Those that like their bosses want to please them and work harder.
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But that seems to fly in the face of the FBI rank and file were angry about all the shenanigans going on at the bureau and they wanted to see some people pay for ruining the integrity of the FBI. It seems those guys based on reports a year ago would be clamoring to spill all at this point but I sure don't see it.
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I would agree, except for Rosenstein.

I've vacillated back in forth on the color of his hat, but have come to the conclusion he HAD to be aware of some of this crap. Some how, some way, he's guilty, I just don't know if he would be bold enough to keep obstructing the way it appears he has been.
Hate is how progressives sustain themselves. Without hate, introspection begins to slip into the progressive's consciousness, threatening the progressive with the truth: that their ideas and opinions are illogical, hypocritical, dangerous, and asinine.
This is backed by data.
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BQ78 said:


But that seems to fly in the face of the FBI rank and file were angry about all the shenanigans going on at the bureau and they wanted to see some people pay for ruining the integrity of the FBI. It seems those guys based on reports a year ago would be clamoring to spill all at this point but I sure don't see it.
Not really, think about it. Eight years of Holder and Lynch at DOJ constraining the rank and file FBI agents. Of course they would cast a jaundiced eye towards Wray and Sessions. Eight years is a long time.

Even Strzok and Page said in their texts they couldn't even stomach watching Holder on TV and disparaged Lynch for being "brave" when she already knew that Comey would exonerate Hillary.

Strzok and Page were far from the rank and file but even they knew rats when they smelled them.
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fasthorses05 said:

I would agree, except for Rosenstein.

I've vacillated back in forth on the color of his hat, but have come to the conclusion he HAD to be aware of some of this crap. Some how, some way, he's guilty, I just don't know if he would be bold enough to keep obstructing the way it appears he has been.
I can't believe they continue to let him come to work every day. I think it's a big mistake.
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I guess this is the place for this-

Makes the case that Sessions is REQUIRED to divest Mueller of all prosecutorial functions except those pertaining to the campaign/collusion claims.That would seem like a pretty nifty way of splitting the baby on firing Mueller (a political land mine) and letting him run roughshod over the Constitution and justice with his unending search for impeachible offenses. Haven't really studied the arguments but they seem valid on a supeficial examination.
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Rockdoc said:

fasthorses05 said:

I would agree, except for Rosenstein.

I've vacillated back in forth on the color of his hat, but have come to the conclusion he HAD to be aware of some of this crap. Some how, some way, he's guilty, I just don't know if he would be bold enough to keep obstructing the way it appears he has been.
I can't believe they continue to let him come to work every day. I think it's a big mistake.
My take on Rosenstein still having a job teeters on the fact that any move on him right now and up to this point we give the appearance that POTUS is going after Mueller. Rosenstein hired Mueller and is the only one that can fire him, unless Session un-recuses himself. Rosenstein has deep ties to Mueller going back years as a former US Attorney. Rosenstein is a black hat without a doubt. There are a thousand eyes on Rosenstein since it became aware that he signed off on these FISA warrants on Page. With the heat being turned up on the entire FISC investigation, and it becoming more public, Rosenstein has no wiggle room to be covert in any way anymore. What damage he has done is done, now he is contained as DAG, and fully under the scrutiny of the OIG. Fire him and not only out of the scrutiny of the OIG he's then the martyr for the obstruction of justice crowd, and it's been made very plain that's all Mueller has left to go after. Russia Russia Russia is a dead soldier, regardless of how many reaching attempts the left lobs back into the investigation to revive that narrative. So in a sense Rosenstein is neutered.

People still need to realize that all of these investigations by the OIG, (FISA, HRC Email, Russian Collusion) all lead back to the Obama White House, either directly or indirectly. That is no small fish to catch, and it will take a perfect net to do it. Running roughshod through this investigation will get sloppy and likely will let key figures get away. So this slow methodical approach is as aggravating as watch paint dry, but is necessary. There are a lot of safety buffers between there lower bad actors, that were acting under orders and the origination of those orders. That how corrupt networks work, regardless if it is the mafioso, or the FBI/DOJ. Knowing Barry gave the order to do all this, or even having knowledge that this was going on, and proving he ordered or had knowledge take evidense, and solid evidense, because circumstantial will never hold up. There lies the rub. It's not what you know, it's what you can prove. It's going to take either an email/paper trail, or a flipped witness, that cannot be disqualified by defense counsel because they have already lied on the record, especially under oath. A proven liar is solid gold to any defense attorney. Finding someone to flip on the White House that hasn't already committed perjury at this point is going to be tough, it's going to take corroborative physical evidense to make anything stick.

So this huge cancer that has been grown inside the DOJ over the last administration and very very possibly the administration (GWB) before that, is going to take expert surgery for the operation to be successful to remove all and not lose the patient. And if they want to have any hope of getting Barry, which I personally don't think they ever will, they have to be thorough. My reasoning then never getting Barry are based two factors. Barry lived and survived on the holy grail fact that he was the first black POTUS. Like it or not, that's a fact. And the fact that he had lifelong advisors that were steeped in running corrupt organizations that operate long term in the shadows. They set up his network to buffer him with safety valves, and unless he got sloppy himself, he would be preserved. In organized crime it's SOP for the Boss never to deal directly with soldiers. Under bosses took orders from the boss and passed them down to their captains who then passed them down to the soldiers. It took Sammy the Bull to flip to take down Gotti, that and sloppiness on Gotti's part of failing to stay out of the papers. SO taking down Barry and for the most part Hillary is likely never going to happen. IMHO they will be ruined financially and their legacies destroyed, but that's all that will ever happen to them if everything goes perfect and they get the goods on them. I just don't ever see the first black POTUS or and former POTUS ever seeing a jail cell realistic, and same goes for the former FLOTUS and SoS. Ruined yes, locked up no.

P.S. According to Huckabee, who spilled the beans on Cody Hiland being involved n the HRC/CF investigation, Huck has evidently known this young man his entire life and described him as Trey Gowdy with real teeth. For as a great as Gowdy came off when it came to being anti corruption and being rule of law stringent, he was toothless as a Congressman, for which his reputation took a beating for all the Benghazi fiasco and the IRS fiasco, because no one went to jail and nothing was really done, when the real reason being is the Congress may have oversight they are toothless when it comes to prosecutorial action. All they can do is refer. Cody Hiland has teeth, he has the GJ and prosecutorial powers. I patiently await what becomes of his work in all of this.
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
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Code 7 10-42
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RoscoePColtrane said:

.... Cody Hiland has teeth, he has the GJ and prosecutorial powers. I patiently await what becomes of his work in all of this.
Solid summary. Reading the tea leaves, Hiland's GJ is a recent development ... meaning indictments aren't likely soon. Also, we can only spectulate what Hiland is investigating ... CF pay to play, Clinton Emails, FBI misdeeds, etc?

But it's a start and thank goodness it's in a flyover state.
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Bulldog73 said:

I guess this is the place for this-

Makes the case that Sessions is REQUIRED to divest Mueller of all prosecutorial functions except those pertaining to the campaign/collusion claims.That would seem like a pretty nifty way of splitting the baby on firing Mueller (a political land mine) and letting him run roughshod over the Constitution and justice with his unending search for impeachible offenses. Haven't really studied the arguments but they seem valid on a supeficial examination.

I'm not a lawyer and have never stayed at a Holiday Inn but I bet the argument will be that Mueller needs the power to indict outside of scope in order to compel those indicted to flip on the campaign/collusion targets, namely Trump.
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Bulldog73 said:

I guess this is the place for this-

Makes the case that Sessions is REQUIRED to divest Mueller of all prosecutorial functions except those pertaining to the campaign/collusion claims.That would seem like a pretty nifty way of splitting the baby on firing Mueller (a political land mine) and letting him run roughshod over the Constitution and justice with his unending search for impeachible offenses. Haven't really studied the arguments but they seem valid on a supeficial examination.
I read this opinion article by Barnes via twitter yesterday; it correlates with the thread written by Techno_Fog posted back on Page 231:

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It's refreshing to watch an intelligent discussion on Fox Business with Byron York about what is happening via Mueller, Horowitz & the DOJ -- these people understand what's going on. The MSM should take notes. (York doubts anyone at the FBI goes to jail.)
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Yes, Maria.

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So he would have to exceed his authority to intimidate his own witnesses into compliance? Doesn't sound very solid to me.
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For those that didn't see it

Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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Legal defense fund? Hmmm........
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Sounds like Mueller is up to unethical shenanigans again.

Edit: This doesn't read very well, so I requested a threadreader, much better:
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drcrinum said:

Sounds like Mueller is up to unethical shenanigans again.

Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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drcrinum said:

Legal defense fund? Hmmm........
Get ****ed McCabe
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Wonder why Andy is avoiding the media. I thought he would be running to be interviewed. Is he holding out or hiding?
Long Live Sully
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He is hoping the great meteor lands on the DOJ and FBI buildings.
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Need Roscoe to post the letter below:
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GCP12 said:

drcrinum said:

Legal defense fund? Hmmm........
Get ****ed McCabe

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Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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Thank you!
Long Live Sully
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