Mueller dismisses top FBI agent in Russia probe for anti-Trump texts

7,494,960 Views | 49269 Replies | Last: 11 days ago by aggiehawg
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whatthehey78 said:

No agenda on my part...BUT how can these LE/DOJ people be so adamant about their innocence...IF they are in-fact guilty??? How can they KNOW the law, yet proclaim they haven't broken it???

I'm stunned/shocked/bewildered by their arrogance (?) if they KNOW they've deliberately wandered into criminal activity!!!! How can they remain so pious???? It defies my sense of logic. What has happened to "conscience"?

You're applying rational logic to this.

These people were trying to affect a coup against Trump and get him out of office. They're way past rational thought.
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whatthehey78 said:

No agenda on my part...BUT how can these LE/DOJ people be so adamant about their innocence...IF they are in-fact guilty??? How can they KNOW the law, yet proclaim they haven't broken it???

I'm stunned/shocked/bewildered by their arrogance (?) if they KNOW they've deliberately wandered into criminal activity!!!! How can they remain so pious???? It defies my sense of logic. What has happened to "conscience"?
Because they and their superiors have gotten away with it for so long their egos will be their downfall.
Can I go to sleep Looch?
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Ellis Wyatt said:

Pinche Abogado said:

In all fairness, I think he's referencing Trump. He's kept a super secret diary on their discussions.
I agree with you. He's not going to give up his fellow coup collaborators.
So this *****nozzle thinks he has something on Trump?

There have been THOUSANDS of people - from the DNC, to the FBI, to the MSM, to the Clinton Foundation, to John McCain, to George Soros, to Bob Mueller - since Trump announced he was running for President in 2014, doing everything humanly possible to get something on Trump. Three years and counting.

Literally a BILLION Man-hours of research, digging, pouring, concocting, lying, and WIRETAPPING - and what have they got?

Paul Manafort cheating on his taxes, and a porn star says she screwed him.


HAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA! It's laughable that Andrew McCabe would have "the goods" on Trump. Anything that comes out at this point is pure lies! If there was anything there, it would have come out LONG before the guy took the Oath.

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whatthehey78 said:

No agenda on my part...BUT how can these LE/DOJ people be so adamant about their innocence...IF they are in-fact guilty??? How can they KNOW the law, yet proclaim they haven't broken it???

I'm stunned/shocked/bewildered by their arrogance (?) if they KNOW they've deliberately wandered into criminal activity!!!! How can they remain so pious???? It defies my sense of logic. What has happened to "conscience"?
Leftist has = liar for a long time now. Ellis Wyatt was not far off comparing to taqiyya.

They don't even have the old classical sense of disgrace when outed to leave the stage. They just double-down on the lying and spin. The last admin epitomized it, as does the Hillary group and CNN.
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jjeffers1 said:

Ellis Wyatt said:

Pinche Abogado said:

In all fairness, I think he's referencing Trump. He's kept a super secret diary on their discussions.
I agree with you. He's not going to give up his fellow coup collaborators.
So this *****nozzle thinks he has something on Trump?

There have been THOUSANDS of people - from the DNC, to the FBI, to the MSM, to the Clinton Foundation, to John McCain, to George Soros, to Bob Mueller - since Trump announced he was running for President in 2014, doing everything humanly possible to get something on Trump. Three years and counting.

Literally a BILLION Man-hours of research, digging, pouring, concocting, lying, and WIRETAPPING - and what have they got?

Paul Manafort cheating on his taxes, and a porn star says she screwed him.


HAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA! It's laughable that Andrew McCabe would have "the goods" on Trump. Anything that comes out at this point is pure lies! If there was anything there, it would have come out LONG before the guy took the Oath.

Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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Might be something here. Hakluyt & Company is a larger, more secretive competitor of Orbis Business Intelligence (Steele's company) that was also formed by former MI6 personnel. Hakluyt has political ties to the Clintons via one of it's former board directors (who only resigned because of his political position but remains very active in an unofficial capacity), Australian High Commissioner to the UK Alexander Downer, a long time friend of Bill & Hillary Clinton. Another coincidence??? Downer is the chap who allegedly had the conversation with drunk Trump-foreign-policy-adviser George Papadopoulous in May 2016...which led to the initial FBI investigative efforts into Trump Russian collusion. I smell a rat -- I suspect that Downer & Papadopoulous were involved in a HRC scheme to initiate the investigation into Trump. I also wouldn't be surprised if there were some business exchanges between Orbis & Hakluyt regarding the dossier.
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McCabe is accused of misleading investigators about allegedly giving information to a former Wall Street Journal reporter about the investigation of Hillary Clinton and the Clinton family's charitable foundation. McCabe asserts in his post-firing statement that he not only had authority to "share" that information to the media but did so with the knowledge of "the director." The FBI director at the time was Comey.

"I chose to share with a reporter through my public affairs officer and a legal counselor," McCabe stated. "As deputy director, I was one of only a few people who had the authority to do that. It was not a secret, it took place over several days, and others, including the director, were aware of the interaction with the reporter."
Devlin Barrett was the reporter and Kortan and Page were the leakers???
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If McCabe had ANYTHING on Trump it would have leaked a LONG time ago. We're supposed to believe a guy who hated Trump with a passion would hold anything incriminating back....yeah right.
Line Ate Member
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The only reason why I would argue that they didn't leak anything yet is because of HOW they got the information they gathered.
DeWrecking Crew
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friscodick said:

If McCabe had ANYTHING on Trump it would have leaked a LONG time ago. We're supposed to believe a guy who hated Trump with a passion would hold anything incriminating back....yeah right.

And if he did hold something back, wouldn't that be grounds for termination in and of itself?
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Great points, if McCabe had evidence of Trump collusion regardless of how he acquired it do you really think the media and others would care, he would be hailed as a hero on the left.

Also if he had proof he could still leak it to his trusted sources and once that email or phone call got released into the media it would be all over. Trump impeached and the journalists would never release his name and the media certainly wouldn't be clamoring for it, actually the opposite.

That's why I'm convinced he has nothing.
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Good summary of the 'Big Picture' at TCTH.
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Just a waste of taxpayer $. There was NO collusion. Everything else is just process crimes and somesuch. These libs need to learn to just get out of Trump's way. There is NOTHING they can do. The President has the RIGHT to pardon everyone and everything. And there is NO support in Congress to impeach him!
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They just want to keep the turmoil going strong into the midterms. They know full well trump is not in trouble.
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I just posted this in another thread, but it needs to be said here too. because it's an important point that is being ignored.


What people are not aware of, is the IG report/investigation is done in the initial phase, now it was expanded to include all things Clinton/Clinton foundation and again recently to include improper conduct in the DOJ/FBI. And people are sitting on the edge of their seats wondering where this report is. Well this report has been described as over 2800 pages long, accompanied by 1.2 million unique supportive documents as evidense to support the findings. This was brought forward by Gowdy and Ratcliffe when they were investigating the FISA Warrant issue and preparing the memo that Nunes released. Don't forget it was the IG that provided the heavily redacted FISA application that Gowdy, Ratcliffe, Schiff, and Jim Himes saw in the SCIF, when the dualling memos were produced. The IG also revealed all the text messages that the FBI "couldn't find" and refused to release. The IG is into this investigation going on 2 years.

Think about that 2800 plus pages and 1.2 million individual documents. That's documents not pages. I'm sure there are a large percentage of those documents that are multiple pages long. Lord knows we know how much the USG loves to kill trees. So now we have pages in the multi-millions more than likely. And you should know damn good in well that there are highly classified portion of these documents and this report that will never be seen out of a SCIF. So the redaction and preparation process is running long.

So the public seeing the report and or supportive documentation is taking longer than expected. People neem to take a chill pill. And the media needs to stop whipping up the left saying people are being fired without seeing the report. I promise you Jeff Sessions has seen the report and well as others with that level of access. And McCabe was fired by the internal ethics office, based on the recommendation of the IG. THAT WROTE THE REPORT ITSELF! But the dishonest media glazes over that fact to turn heat on the POTUS which is BS. But that's what the MSM does, they peddle BS, they invent BS, and they report BS.

And the frothing left is in a frenzy to get anything on Trump, knowing full well they are going to be poop-slapped when the actual IG report comes out. People Like Schiff and Swallowswell, Ben Cardin, Blumenthal and Warner, know what's in that report, and the reason the serial leakers have leaked anything in this report to CNN and MSNBC is because there's nothing dirty on the POTUS, because believe me if there was The NYT and WaPo would have it on the front page and MSM would have it running in a loop 24/7. There's no there there involving POTUS in anyway, and only things that bring down the left, and that's why it's such a tightly kept secret. It also reflect very well on the integrity of Horowitz's troops and the outstanding thing they are doing.
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
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Code 7 10-42
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I just need to know when it will be released so I can take the day off.
BMX Bandit
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What ever came of the US marshal read on the FBI building?
Ellis Wyatt
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txwxman said:

Just a waste of taxpayer $. There was NO collusion. Everything else is just process crimes and somesuch. These libs need to learn to just get out of Trump's way. There is NOTHING they can do. The President has the RIGHT to pardon everyone and everything. And there is NO support in Congress to impeach him!
I think you took a wrong turn on this thread. I realize you're mocking us, but this this is the wrong thread.
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I've been thinking about your post, and agreed, initally.

Then I decided he, and all of his cohorts (Democrats), will keep up with the defiant, profound, black and white, statements, even after all of the evidence comes out. This includes any, and all, court proceedings, jail sentences, until the end.

They have the unwavering support from the left--every single one of them. The blindness, hatred, and myopia, will continue no matter what. So I've decided they'll keep this up indefinitely, before and after the election, and through 2020.

Think about it, the FBI investigative unit (OPR) was the one who recommended McCabe be fired. At the very end of each story, if it's even mentioned, the news will mention that SMALL point.

This is the amount of wisdom you come up with when you're working in the yard on Sunday in March.
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fasthorses05 said:

I've been thinking about your post, and agreed, initally.

Then I decided he, and all of his cohorts (Democrats), will keep up with the defiant, profound, black and white, statements, even after all of the evidence comes out. This includes any, and all, court proceedings, jail sentences, until the end.

They have the unwavering support from the left--every single one of them. The blindness, hatred, and myopia, will continue no matter what. So I've decided they'll keep this up indefinitely, before and after the election, and through 2020.

Think about it, the FBI investigative unit (OPR) was the one who recommended McCabe be fired. At the very end of each story, if it's even mentioned, the news will mention that SMALL point.

This is the amount of wisdom you come up with when you're working in the yard on Sunday in March.

Where did I state they would stop? I just stated if McCabe had anything incriminating it would have leaked by now:

I fully expect the media and Dems to continue this nonsense into perpetuity.
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Is lying to the FBI a crime when you are in the FBI? Every keeps using the term less than candid regarding McCabe. To us laymen shouldn't this be perjury and obstruction?
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Agnzona said:

Is lying to the FBI a crime when you are in the FBI? Every keeps using the term less than candid regarding McCabe. To us laymen shouldn't this be perjury and obstruction?
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Another tidbit from the past. So many coincidences. Turns out McCabe is a friend of Oleg Deripaska. Most certainly Mueller is aware of this and it's implications on Manafort, not to mention Steele & Senator Warner.
The rabbit hole is bottomless.
Long Live Sully
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Out of the 7 some odd billion people in the world it sure seems like the Clinton crime family's circle of corruption all seem to know each other.
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RoscoePColtrane said:

I just posted this in another thread, but it needs to be said here too. because it's an important point that is being ignored.


What people are not aware of, is the IG report/investigation is done in the initial phase, now it was expanded to include all things Clinton/Clinton foundation and again recently to include improper conduct in the DOJ/FBI. And people are sitting on the edge of their seats wondering where this report is. Well this report has been described as over 2800 pages long, accompanied by 1.2 million unique supportive documents as evidense to support the findings. This was brought forward by Gowdy and Ratcliffe when they were investigating the FISA Warrant issue and preparing the memo that Nunes released. Don't forget it was the IG that provided the FISA application that Gowdy, Ratcliffe, Schiff, and Jim Himes saw in the SCIF, when the dualling memos were produced. The IG also revealed all the text messages that the FBI "couldn't find" and refused to release. The IG is into this investigation going on 2 years.

Think about that 2800 plus pages and 1.2 million individual documents. That's documents not pages. I'm sure there are a large percentage of those documents that are multiple pages long. Lord knows we know how much the USG loves to kill trees. So now we have pages in the multi-millions more than likely. And you should know damn good in well that there are highly classified portion of these documents and this report that will never be seen out of a SCIF. So the redaction and preparation process is running long.

So the public seeing the report and or supportive documentation is taking longer than expected. People neem to take a chill pill. And the media needs to stop whipping up the left saying people are being fired without seeing the report. I promise you Jeff Sessions has seen the report and well as others with that level of access. And McCabe was fired by the internal ethics office, based on the recommendation of the IG. THAT WROTE THE REPORT ITSELF! But the dishonest media glazes over that fact to turn heat on the POTUS which is BS. But that's what the MSM does, they peddle BS, they invent BS, and they report BS.

And the frothing left is in a frenzy to get anything on Trump, knowing full well they are going to be poop-slapped when the actual IG report comes out. People Like Schiff and Swallowswell, Ben Cardin, Blumenthal and Warner, know what's in that report, and the reason the serial leakers have leaked anything in this report to CNN and MSNBC is because there's nothing dirty on the POTUS, because believe me if there was The NYT and WaPo would have it on the front page and MSM would have it running in a loop 24/7. There's no there there involving POTUS in anyway, and only things that bring down the left, and that's why it's such a tightly kept secret. It also reflect very well on the integrity of Horowitz's troops and the outstanding thing they are doing.

To steal a line from the poster Chipolte, when the IG report comes out "Liberals will rag so hard that rivers will turn red."
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Cow Hop Ag said:

Out of the 7 some odd billion people in the world it sure seems like the Clinton crime family's circle of corruption all seem to know each other.

Kind of like the Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon, huh?
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A very interesting thread on how the Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) operates when investigating DOJ attorneys. Considering how things have been handled, the author suspects that there is an issue of criminality regarding McCabe.
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drcrinum said:

A very interesting thread on how the Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) operates when investigating DOJ attorneys. Considering how things have been handled, the author suspects that there is an issue of criminality regarding McCabe.

Considering that McCabe could have altered General Flynn's 302s (witness testimony), I would hope there is an issue of criminality.

Hell, even a liberal like Turley is saying McCabe could end up in prison.
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After you read the thread about the OPR posted a few minutes ago, then read the above article at TCTH -- they go hand-in-hand. Very, very interesting.
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Good point!

Been at Joe T's in FW for Mom's 83rd while the Aggie's whip NC ass!

Damn good day!

Now if the Republican's can do the same to the IC agencies!!!
Hate is how progressives sustain themselves. Without hate, introspection begins to slip into the progressive's consciousness, threatening the progressive with the truth: that their ideas and opinions are illogical, hypocritical, dangerous, and asinine.
This is backed by data.
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Roscoe, back on page 216 you posted the full pages of the letter from Grassley to Sessions written on 3/15/2018 calling for a new SC. Well, attached to this letter was an older letter from Grassley to Horowitz which I believe we have never discussed on our thread (I hope I am not wrong about this). This earlier letter to Horowitz was classified when originally sent, but now because of the declassification related to the Nunes Memo, this letter is now available. The letter was written on 2/28/2018 and listed 31 detailed questions for IG Horowitz to investigate concerning events occurring before the appointment of Mueller; it also includes some very interesting footnotes. I don't know how to post this letter, but you do. It occurs in pages 4-12 of the following:

What called my attention to this letter was the latest from TCTH:

The questions in this letter address details about Steele and his interactions with the FBI, about Bruce Ohr acting as a cutout regarding passing info between Steele/Fusion GPS and the FBI (yes, in the footnotes it indicates that Bruce Ohr has now been interviewed 12 times by the FBI), Nellie Ohr's employment with Fusion GPS, was Flynn interviewed as part of a criminal investigation or a counter-inteliigence investigation, etc. Grassley is really into the details and knows what to look for. TCTH has a good write up as well about it.

After seeing the depth of Grassley's questions to Horowitz and the February 28 date, it is easy to see why the OIG Report is being delayed; I suspect it is going to be released in a piecemeal fashion as it obviously is continuing to grow larger.
Ellis Wyatt
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Not sure how many agents can work some of these cases, but it's amazing to me that Strzok had his fingers in so many pies and that McCabe had his fingers in so many. For an organization that apparently knows so much about everyone else, they sure did a poor job of keeping up with their own agents.

Horrible mismanagement or worse?
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drcrinum said:

Roscoe, back on page 216 you posted the full pages of the letter from Grassley to Sessions written on 3/15/2018 calling for a new SC. Well, attached to this letter was an older letter from Grassley to Horowitz which I believe we have never discussed on our thread (I hope I am not wrong about this). This earlier letter to Horowitz was classified when originally sent, but now because of the declassification related to the Nunes Memo, this letter is now available. The letter was written on 2/28/2018 and listed 31 detailed questions for IG Horowitz to investigate concerning events occurring before the appointment of Mueller; it also includes some very interesting footnotes. I don't know how to post this letter, but you do. It occurs in pages 4-12 of the following:

What called my attention to this letter was the latest from TCTH:

The questions in this letter address details about Steele and his interactions with the FBI, about Bruce Ohr acting as a cutout regarding passing info between Steele/Fusion GPS and the FBI (yes, in the footnotes it indicates that Bruce Ohr has now been interviewed 12 times by the FBI), Nellie Ohr's employment with Fusion GPS, was Flynn interviewed as part of a criminal investigation or a counter-inteliigence investigation, etc. Grassley is really into the details and knows what to look for. TCTH has a good write up as well about it.

After seeing the depth of Grassley's questions to Horowitz and the February 28 date, it is easy to see why the OIG Report is being delayed; I suspect it is going to be released in a piecemeal fashion as it obviously is continuing to grow larger.

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