Mueller dismisses top FBI agent in Russia probe for anti-Trump texts

7,494,973 Views | 49269 Replies | Last: 11 days ago by aggiehawg
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I watched an interview with Nunes and Jordan yesterday, where they were talking about what going on forward, and that they have in the last 2 months had "hoards" current DOJ/FBI people come forward cooperating, even referred to them as whistleblowers, that are constantly bringing more and more to light. Nunes alluded to the huge amount of cooperation these people are giving Horowitz, because they know that they have a safe haven to report to, unlike they've had in administrations past. He referred to them as the everyday working class agents and lawyers, that are down in the trenches every day risking their own lives at times, only to see their work squandered away by the bureaucratic arm of the upper management, that would rather barter away findings of wrongdoing to gain leverage politically, than to actually deliver justice, and uphold their oath to serve. Jordan was quick to emphasize that

"our system is not designed to work that way, it's just been twisted to meet an agenda, that has been trending for years, really decades."

That really stuck with me hearing it. And you could sense the frustration in both of them, especially Jordan, he's so High strung. Nunes is a pretty cool customer, and you can tell he's been through the gauntlet several times and just buys his time and words carefully. But both seen hell bent determined that they were going to make this stick.

And that got me to thinking, even with all the good things going so far with the economy, and getting law enforcement confident in themselves again. The POTUS needs to be really remembered for stopping this left wing free fall that the country has been in since the 90's. 9/11 disrupted it somewhat, but it didn't really dig in. This POTUS has taken more guff and his family has been demonized more than any in history. And if anyone pays attention to the garbage on social media, it's so far gone to the left it's pathetic. And these platforms are supporting the movement, although they deny it constantly. The blatant censorship of the right, and the left can constantly make the most vile threats you have ever heard in your life and nothing is said. For the POTUS to withstand all this and to still function is nothing short of heroic.
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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RoscoePColtrane said:

I watched an interview with Nunes and Jordan yesterday, where they were talking about what going on forward, and that they have in the last 2 months had "hoards" current DOJ/FBI people come forward cooperating, even referred to them as whistleblowers, that are constantly bringing more and more to light. Nunes alluded to the huge amount of cooperation these people are giving Horowitz, because they know that they have a safe haven to report to, unlike they've had in administrations past. He referred to them as the everyday working class agents and lawyers, that are down in the trenches every day risking their own lives at times, only to see their work squandered away by the bureaucratic arm of the upper management, that would rather barter away findings of wrongdoing to gain leverage politically, than to actually deliver justice, and uphold their oath to serve. Jordan was quick to emphasize that

"our system is not designed to work that way, it's just been twisted to meet an agenda, that has been trending for years, really decades."

That really stuck with me hearing it. And you could sense the frustration in both of them, especially Jordan, he's so High strung. Nunes is a pretty cool customer, and you can tell he's been through the gauntlet several times and just buys his time and words carefully. But both seen hell bent determined that they were going to make this stick.

And that got me to thinking, even with all the good things going so far with the economy, and getting law enforcement confident in themselves again. The POTUS needs to be really remembered for stopping this left wing free fall that the country has been in since the 90's. 9/11 disrupted it somewhat, but it didn't really dig in. This POTUS has taken more guff and his family has been demonized more than any in history. And if anyone pays attention to the garbage on social media, it's so far gone to the left it's pathetic. And these platforms are supporting the movement, although they deny it constantly. The blatant censorship of the right, and the left can constantly make the most vile threats you have ever heard in your life and nothing is said. For the POTUS to withstand all this and to still function is nothing short of heroic.
Can I go to sleep Looch?
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And that got me to thinking, even with all the good things going so far with the economy, and getting law enforcement confident in themselves again. The POTUS needs to be really remembered for stopping this left wing free fall that the country has been in since the 90's. 9/11 disrupted it somewhat, but it didn't really dig in. This POTUS has taken more guff and his family has been demonized more than any in history. And if anyone pays attention to the garbage on social media, it's so far gone to the left it's pathetic. And these platforms are supporting the movement, although they deny it constantly. The blatant censorship of the right, and the left can constantly make the most vile threats you have ever heard in your life and nothing is said. For the POTUS to withstand all this and to still function is nothing short of heroic.
That is why really don't care who all has insulted-- most of them had it coming for years to be so insulted at the very least, for all the damage they have done to this spectacular and historic country.
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drcrinum said:

Counterintelligence 101

Using the Media to Shape public opinion to help assist and agenda or goal. To lay groundwork for future dealings and counter any possible resistance that may come from future moves.

Certain media outlets are 100% complicit in this attempt to take down the POTUS and should be and I hope and pray they are held accountable. Jeff Zucker amd Noah Oppenheim need to be thrown in jail for their part in all of this, their ties to the Clinton Foundation and Soros operations need to be brought to light.
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
Ag with kids
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drcrinum said:

So...ONE of them is definitely lying...
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jjeffers1 said:

dellgriffith said:

aggiehawg said:


These guys are true believers that a person like Trump should never be allowed to be president and that they engaged in a "just war" in trying to bring him down.
And that usually ends in violence.

Sadly, I believe that is where we are headed.
If it does, it won't be that hard to be motivated. The Regressive Left is very easy to dislike---akin to the 9/11 foe in just how backwards and downward the vision they push is.
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McCabe had memos...BFD. Now that we know McCabe lied, that he made a derogatory public statement (F*** Trump) about Trump, and that he plotted to take out Trump with a fraudulently-obtained FISA warrant, nothing he wrote in memos would have any investigative merit.
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What bothers me most is government employees think they can't be fired. The entitlement is off of the charts. More of them should be fired.
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McCabe had memos...BFD. Now that we know McCabe lied, that he made a derogatory public statement (F*** Trump) about Trump, and that he plotted to take out Trump with a fraudulently-obtained FISA warrant, nothing he wrote in memos would have any investigative merit.
Not to mention McCabe was Acting Director for 4 months until Wray was confirmed. He testified on the hill and was asked under oath whether Trump had ever interfered in any FBI investigations to his knowledge. He said, "No." Obviously, that was after Comey had been fired.

I'm beginning to wonder if McCabe has had a nervous breakdown of some sort? He's just begging to be indicted. Connecting the dots, it is obvious he lied to the IG investigators on multiple issues and even under oath. Likely he was unaware that Horowitz had the text messages.
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New thread from TCTH.
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Two interviews here on the same subject, McCabe firing, perfect example of the partisanship. Ben Cardin is a hack, calling this an attack on entitlements.

around the 12:10 mark Cardin says

"His pension is an entitlement, you don't punish him by attacking his entitlements...." maybe paraphrased somewhat

What a load of crap

Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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If we get the same reaction again, it will be Christmas all over again, as glorious as just before midnight Nov 8th 2016.

Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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How could these folks not know what's going on?

First of all, and most important, they're the frickin' IC! They have contacts out the wazoo. After 8-10 years of never ending leaks, I find it hard to believe that one of the 450 attorneys on the IG hasn't opened his/her mouth. We haven't officially caught ANY of the leakers, except for the dumbass true believer girl in the NSA.

To my knowledge, there hasn't been enough repurcussions yet to scare anyone on the left. They still act, and certainly sound like, it's still a free for all.

Sorry for the cynicism, it's just hard to imagine not one single person has picked up a burner phone to call McCabe, et al.
FTAG 2000
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He helped destroy Flynn financially. Why the hell shouldn't he face the same fate if he lied?
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Ag with kids said:

drcrinum said:

So...ONE of them is definitely lying...

Well they are both statements by the same guy...
Ag with kids
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hbtheduce said:

Ag with kids said:

drcrinum said:

So...ONE of them is definitely lying...

Well they are both statements by the same guy...

The left statement is Comey. The right statement is McCabe.
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Crap poor reading on my part. Carry on.
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fasthorses05 said:

How could these folks not know what's going on?

First of all, and most important, they're the frickin' IC! They have contacts out the wazoo. After 8-10 years of never ending leaks, I find it hard to believe that one of the 450 attorneys on the IG hasn't opened his/her mouth. We haven't officially caught ANY of the leakers, except for the dumbass true believer girl in the NSA.

To my knowledge, there hasn't been enough repurcussions yet to scare anyone on the left. They still act, and certainly sound like, it's still a free for all.

Sorry for the cynicism, it's just hard to imagine not one single person has picked up a burner phone to call McCabe, et al.
I'm pretty sure who he is referring to getting blindsided are the sheep, not the wolves. The flock has been living in their bubbles of hope, believing all the crap they are being fed on CNN, MSNBC, and social media, that the end of Trump is near. These twits live by what comes out of the mouths of Rachel Madcow, Jeffrey Toobin, and Lawrence O'Donnell. These idiots have been on the anyday anyday Trump will be impeached for 14 months non stop. And the sheep have no clue.

The wolves know absolutely what's going on, that's why you constantly see prepared rebuttals already in the pipeline every time the next shoe drops. DNC/DNCC rapid response has been in full overdrive to try and maintain a narrative, and stay ahead of the fallout. But when this IG report hits it's going to be an unstoppable landslide. The cockroaches will be scattering for cover and then we will see things really get entertaining.

Former FBI Assistant Director Chris Swecker; "I think you're going to see some pure TNT"

Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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drcrinum said:

More fallout over McCabe's statement -- the MSM has picked up on the above segment:


McCabe just made life tough for Comey and the special counsel

...However, McCabe may have rectified his "singled out" status with his long statement criticizing his termination: In the middle of it is a line that could be viewed as incriminating fired FBI director James Comey, not just in leaking sensitive information but also in lying to Congress.

McCabe is accused of misleading investigators about allegedly giving information to a former Wall Street Journal reporter about the investigation of Hillary Clinton and the Clinton family's charitable foundation. McCabe asserts in his post-firing statement that he not only had authority to "share" that information to the media but did so with the knowledge of "the director." The FBI director at the time was Comey.

"I chose to share with a reporter through my public affairs officer and a legal counselor," McCabe stated. "As deputy director, I was one of only a few people who had the authority to do that. It was not a secret, it took place over several days, and others, including the director, were aware of the interaction with the reporter."

If the "interaction" means leaking the information, then McCabe's statement would seem to directly contradict statements Comey made in a May 2017 congressional hearing. Asked if he had "ever been an anonymous source in news reports about matters relating to the Trump investigation or the Clinton investigation" or whether he had "ever authorized someone else at the FBI to be an anonymous source in news reports about the Trump investigation or the Clinton investigation," Comey replied "never" and "no."

The Justice Department's inspector general clearly saw this "interaction" as problematic in seeking answers from McCabe. If the inspector general considered this to be a leak to the media, any approval by Comey would be highly significant. Comey already faces serious questions over his use of a Columbia University Law School professor to leak information to the media following his own termination as director....

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One minute video.
Long Live Sully
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The funny thing about "taking everybody down" is that means he knew of serious issues and wouldn't spill the beans until he was fired. Doesn't that make him guilty as well?
End Of Message
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In all fairness, I think he's referencing Trump. He's kept a super secret diary on their discussions.
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Told you this woman was no innocent wallflower, like she tried to portray in the HIC meetings, when she claimed she didn't know anything about the 268 unmaskings that were done in her name in 2016. She is a hand picked Soros soldier.

Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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Pinche Abogado said:

In all fairness, I think he's referencing Trump. He's kept a super secret diary on their discussions.
If so, isn't that blackmail?

Seems like Mcabe as always been just barely on the reservation, could be the job offer from the far left members of Congress could be an attempt to calm him down and get him to shut his mouth.
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The left is yucking it up, can't wait for Horowitz to rain in their parade

Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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Cow Hop Ag said:

The funny thing about "taking everybody down" is that means he knew of serious issues and wouldn't spill the beans until he was fired. Doesn't that make him guilty as well?
Yeah. who is he (threatening) talking to? Clintons,? Lynch? Yates? Comey?

He's a smaller operational player as opposed to the bigger names listed. Sounds like a help me plea. or else.
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RoscoePColtrane said:

Told you this woman was no innocent wallflower, like she tried to portray in the HIC meetings, when she claimed she didn't know anything about the 268 unmaskings that were done in her name in 2016. She is a hand picked Soros soldier.

At least she has been an enabler of the anti-Semites.
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RoscoePColtrane said:

The left is yucking it up, can't wait for Horowitz to rain in their parade

Be careful what you ask for, Congressman.
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Pinche Abogado said:

In all fairness, I think he's referencing Trump. He's kept a super secret diary on their discussions.
Too bad the Strzok/Page texts were done in real time after meetings with McCabe. His "super secret diary" will have to square with those. Chances that happens are slim and none.
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aggiehawg said:

Pinche Abogado said:

In all fairness, I think he's referencing Trump. He's kept a super secret diary on their discussions.
Too bad the Strzok/Page texts were done in real time after meetings with McCabe. His "super secret diary" will have to square with those. Chances that happens are slim and none.
I'd be interested to see Mr. McCabe's text history, actually.
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aggiehawg said:

Pinche Abogado said:

In all fairness, I think he's referencing Trump. He's kept a super secret diary on their discussions.
Too bad the Strzok/Page texts were done in real time after meetings with McCabe. His "super secret diary" will have to square with those. Chances that happens are slim and none.
large bet on none
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ccatag said:

Cow Hop Ag said:

The funny thing about "taking everybody down" is that means he knew of serious issues and wouldn't spill the beans until he was fired. Doesn't that make him guilty as well?
Yeah. who is he (threatening) talking to? Clintons,? Lynch? Yates? Comey?

He's a smaller operational player as opposed to the bigger names listed. Sounds like a help me plea. or else.

I took it as he's saying, "Hey, I just took a $1.8 million hickey for y'all. Who's paying up?"
Can I go to sleep Looch?
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No agenda on my part...BUT how can these LE/DOJ people be so adamant about their innocence...IF they are in-fact guilty??? How can they KNOW the law, yet proclaim they haven't broken it???

I'm stunned/shocked/bewildered by their arrogance (?) if they KNOW they've deliberately wandered into criminal activity!!!! How can they remain so pious???? It defies my sense of logic. What has happened to "conscience"?
Ellis Wyatt
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Pinche Abogado said:

In all fairness, I think he's referencing Trump. He's kept a super secret diary on their discussions.
I agree with you. He's not going to give up his fellow coup collaborators.
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