Any FBI agent caught lying is grounds for termination. Period. Intriguing that Ohr (DOJ), Strzok (FBI), Page (DOJ) and likely others are still employed ... therefore probable they've been singing like canary's. It's mid-March already ... where's the IG's report?drcrinum said:
......... For instance: 'lying' would constitute a major/firing infraction at the FBI (such as falsifying a 302), whereas a 'lie' in the other agencies would often be considered a minor offense and only result in a reprimand/warning or a demotion at worst.
...U.S. District Judge T.S. Ellis III, in an order made public Tuesday, wrote that Manafort "poses a substantial flight risk" because of his "financial means and international connections to flee and remain at large."
"Specifically given the nature of the charges against the defendant and the apparent weight of the evidence against him, defendant faces the very real possibility of spending the rest of his life in prison," Ellis wrote....
The court order released Tuesday details Manafort's conditions of release. Ellis ordered a $10 million unsecured bond and home confinement with GPS monitoring.
Manafort, the well-known political operative with a long history of work in Republican circles, is also facing charges at U.S. District Court in Washington. He has been ordered to wear two GPS monitoring anklets, or braceletsone from each court house, and is confined to his house, with exceptions of medical emergencies, doctor appointments court dates, meetings with legal representation or religious worship.
Manafort lives primarily in Alexandria, Virginia, but also has properties in Florida and New York....
I hope Trump, on the last day of his Presidency, pardons Manafort.drcrinum said:
(original article):
...U.S. District Judge T.S. Ellis III, in an order made public Tuesday, wrote that Manafort "poses a substantial flight risk" because of his "financial means and international connections to flee and remain at large."
"Specifically given the nature of the charges against the defendant and the apparent weight of the evidence against him, defendant faces the very real possibility of spending the rest of his life in prison," Ellis wrote....
The court order released Tuesday details Manafort's conditions of release. Ellis ordered a $10 million unsecured bond and home confinement with GPS monitoring.
Manafort, the well-known political operative with a long history of work in Republican circles, is also facing charges at U.S. District Court in Washington. He has been ordered to wear two GPS monitoring anklets, or braceletsone from each court house, and is confined to his house, with exceptions of medical emergencies, doctor appointments court dates, meetings with legal representation or religious worship.
Manafort lives primarily in Alexandria, Virginia, but also has properties in Florida and New York....
"When the full extent of your venality, moral turpitude, and political corruption becomes known, you will take your rightful place as a disgraced demagogue in the dustbin of history," Brennan, an Obama administration CIA director, tweeted in response to Trump's tweet. "You may scapegoat Andy McCabe, but you will not destroy America...America will triumph over you."
Agnzona said:
If Manfort gets life in prison and Obama and Clinton never have their crimes even publicly admitted to, we no longer have freedom and democracy but a Monarchy.
HeardAboutPerio said:
Former CIA Chief Brennan attacks Trump over McCabe firing
The rhetoric is escalating quickly over this. Any prior confusion on Brennan's bias should pretty well be cleared up with this response:Quote:
"When the full extent of your venality, moral turpitude, and political corruption becomes known, you will take your rightful place as a disgraced demagogue in the dustbin of history," Brennan, an Obama administration CIA director, tweeted in response to Trump's tweet. "You may scapegoat Andy McCabe, but you will not destroy America...America will triumph over you."
Pre-judge much?Quote:
"Specifically given the nature of the charges against the defendant and the apparent weight of the evidence against him, defendant faces the very real possibility of spending the rest of his life in prison," Ellis wrote....
LOL. This is McCabe's lawyer.fasthorses05 said:
To me, it's pretty common to see over-the-top comments from defense attorneys, etc..
My question is the hyperbolic nature of McCabe's attorney (not to mention McCafferey, Swalwell, and Brennan), normal for this type of situation? I'm asking because McCabe's attorney is using terms like "never in my life", etc.
The remarks are so fast, it's almost as if it's scripted. Maybe 20% of the people in the country know who McCabe is. Incidentally, Swalwell's comments were border line violent. Would love the SS to visit him.
So yeah, hyperbole seems to be his forte. Lots of words, few results.Quote:
Most recently, Mr. Bromwich has undertaken major projects in evaluating law enforcement agencies and monitoring public companies.
- In January 2016, he published The Durability of Police Reform: the Metropolitan Police Department and the Use of Force: 2008-2015, which analyzed whether DC's police department had sustained the reforms implemented more than a decade earlier.
- In February 2016, he was hired by the City of Chicago and the Chicago Police Department to provide advice and assistance with respect to a broad range of issues involving police department policies, procedures, and training, among many others.
- From 2013 to the present, Mr. Bromwich has served as the independent monitor of one of the largest, publicly-traded companies in the United States, specifically focusing on its domestic ethics program.
- From 2013 to 2015, after being selected by the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, he served as the antitrust compliance monitor for Apple Inc. following a judicial finding of antitrust liability in connection with its entry into the market for ebooks. In connection with that assignment, Mr. Bromwich filed four semi-annual reports assessing Apple's compliance with the provisions of an injunction issued by the Court.
- In 2013, Mr. Bromwich undertook a review of the Houston Police Department Crime Lab as its management was being transferred to the newly created Houston Forensic Science Center. The purpose of the review was to determine whether the Crime Lab had implemented the numerous recommendations made by Mr. Bromwich several years earlier following an exhaustive investigation into the quality of forensic science work performed by the Lab.
"Media is going to go to bat for----" of course. They are pro-swamp. In fact, PART of it.drcrinum said:
Hopefully the evidence supports an indictment. One thing for certain: It is extremely difficult to fire a civil service employee, especially a senior employee with many years of service -- I know from personal experience; the bureaucracy protects itself religiously. My experience though was in the realm of the non-security/non-intelligence agencies that form the bulk of federal civil service employees. The FBI/CIA/DOS agencies have different sets of rules, so perhaps it is easier/simpler in McCabe's case...or the evidence is overwhelming &/or criminal in nature. For instance: 'lying' would constitute a major/firing infraction at the FBI (such as falsifying a 302), whereas a 'lie' in the other agencies would often be considered a minor offense and only result in a reprimand/warning or a demotion at worst.
That really sounds like he is describing the administration he was part of....and WH.HeardAboutPerio said:
Former CIA Chief Brennan attacks Trump over McCabe firing
The rhetoric is escalating quickly over this. Any prior confusion on Brennan's bias should pretty well be cleared up with this response:Quote:
"When the full extent of your venality, moral turpitude, and political corruption becomes known, you will take your rightful place as a disgraced demagogue in the dustbin of history," Brennan, an Obama administration CIA director, tweeted in response to Trump's tweet. "You may scapegoat Andy McCabe, but you will not destroy America...America will triumph over you."
McCabe just seems an odd hill to die on, in my view. Very odd hill. Anyone in the media who appears so emotionally invested in him can be assumed to have a long-standing leaking relationship with him. Which is precisely one of the things that got him fired.BMX Bandit said:
Sadly, they are above the law.
Political elites like that don't go to jail. Sad, but true.
And that usually ends in violence.Quote:
These guys are true believers that a person like Trump should never be allowed to be president and that they engaged in a "just war" in trying to bring him down.
aggiehawg said:And that usually ends in violence.Quote:
These guys are true believers that a person like Trump should never be allowed to be president and that they engaged in a "just war" in trying to bring him down.
Yup.dellgriffith said:aggiehawg said:And that usually ends in violence.Quote:
These guys are true believers that a person like Trump should never be allowed to be president and that they engaged in a "just war" in trying to bring him down.
Sadly, I believe that is where we are headed.
Incredibly short sighted of them. Anyone remember what happened after the last successful assassination of a President? His Veep cloaked himself in the mantle of the fallen leader and ran roughshod over the Congress, the prosecution of the Vietnam War and the next election.dellgriffith said:aggiehawg said:And that usually ends in violence.Quote:
These guys are true believers that a person like Trump should never be allowed to be president and that they engaged in a "just war" in trying to bring him down.
Sadly, I believe that is where we are headed.
Quite a read...a fishing expedition indeed.aggiehawg said:
BTW, Andy McCarthy is on fire today. Rips Mueller a new one.
Yes. Perhaps it explains their very notable failures in the war -- starting with the big one, 9/11. They are too busy being political creatures rather than watching foreign enemies.Quote:
I don't like trump, but these people are unhinged. Our counterintelligence community is obviously filled with some very scary people that want lots of control over the status quo.
The swamp doesn't care if there is a "D" or and "R" after someone's name.fasthorses05 said:
And that's why I asked! Gracias.
Tangent question. As several here have speculated, there's probably 1-2, if not more, who've flipped. Knowing the mob/cartel type of folks that are being investigated (principally Clinton), is it possible some, or all of these folks in the defense side, have had their families threatened?
For that matter, since so many Repubican's have chosen not to run, is it possible to have that happen to them? Better yet, could some of the Republican's be involved? I never considered it, and can't wait for the conspiracy/paranoid comments to come, but it's just a question.
Via HotAirQuote:
Heading to the fall elections, Holder said Democrats need to be more disciplined and focused to match Republicans.
"We have to be ready to, you know, not do anything inappropriate, not do anything improper, certainly not do anything unlawful," he said. "But to the extent that they want to have a fight, let's do it. You want to rumble, let's rumble. You want to have a knife fight, we're gonna do it."
HeardAboutPerio said:
Trump's lawyer calls for 'manufactured' Russia probe to be shut down
And tried to walk it back an hour later, reportedly. I understand why Trump prefers the more flamboyant lawyers since they suit his personality but come on, man!HeardAboutPerio said:
Trump's lawyer calls for 'manufactured' Russia probe to be shut down
They come from a thug culture background and worldview generally --- Chicago being one exhibit. The tendency to sympathize with terrorists another.Quote:
The swamp doesn't care if there is a "D" or and "R" after someone's name.
What is the Dem preoccupation with knives?
dellgriffith said:aggiehawg said:And that usually ends in violence.Quote:
These guys are true believers that a person like Trump should never be allowed to be president and that they engaged in a "just war" in trying to bring him down.
Sadly, I believe that is where we are headed.
People forget but Comey moved quite a number of people around between the FBI and DOJ during his tenure. Looks like he may have gotten one right after all.Quote:
Interesting: Mueller appointed Candice Will, the individual in charge of the FBI's Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) which recommended McCabe be fired.