That's a good assumption. I've thought that all of the surveillance on the Trump team was hops from the Page warrant since we learned it was a Title I warrant.aggiehawg said:Glad Grassley is on it. The reveal in Nunes' memo that Carter Page was surveilled under Title 1 of FISA was the biggest bombshell with many other "bomblets" reaching far and wide.Quote:
Smoke on Flynn case.
The assumption that Flynn was incidentally surveilled due to the bug on Kislyak's communications has long been conventional wisdom. But, if the surveillance was actually on Flynn?? Enabled by the two hop standard under Title 1?? A warrant that is now questionable for misrepresentations to the FISC?? Throw in the personal animus of McCabe towards Flynn??
Obama's bunch would have no reservation using that as an excuse of "following the law." The bare minimum, but certainly still corrupt. I hope they all hang.