Mueller dismisses top FBI agent in Russia probe for anti-Trump texts

7,495,138 Views | 49269 Replies | Last: 11 days ago by aggiehawg
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leftcoastaggie said:

friscodick said:

What is this nonsense?

That if Trump doesn't fire Mueller then it may show that Mueller is actually working for Trump. Trump and Mueller met the night before Mueller being appointed SC.
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Man Cited As Trump's "Russian Link" Actually Works For The FBI..... you can't make this stuff up
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
marble rye
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Poor libs. Unfounded as we all know their claims are, must really burn them that Trump is "getting away with it".

Welcome to the last 8 years of feels for conservatives.
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For all those people that still doubt we have a massive problem of corruption in our government Wake Up!

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RoscoePColtrane said:

Man Cited As Trump's "Russian Link" Actually Works For The FBI..... you can't make this stuff up
Interesting read, but I admit, I've never heard of this man before. Amazing that he is now the focus of Mueller's probe.
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And he was born in Russia, Russia Russia, so bring back collusion for at least one more time around the track.
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Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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Every. Friggin'. Thing. Leads. To. Clintons.

Every. Friggin'. Thing.
The greatest argument ever made against democracy is a 5 minute conversation with the average voter.
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AMAZING isn't it?
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...But it was when CNN published the first report that Trump and Obama had been briefed on the dossier's findings that other news agencies began to report on it. The committee found evidence that Clapper, who is now a contributor at CNN, contacted CNN shortly before the story was published by Tapper, Evan Perez, and Jim Sciutto. The story detailed the briefings given to Trump by the senior officials on the contents of the dossier and "gave the dossier legs and news agencies began to publish its contents because it had now become official news," one congressional source told this reporter. Shortly after CNN published the report, Buzzfeed made the decision to post the entire 35-page dossier and referenced the CNN report in its decision to publish it, according to the website.

More on the Clapper leak to CNN...a good read. It was this leak on the dossier that cemented the 'muh Russia' narrative by giving it an 'official' blessing from the intelligence community. Think it's just a coincidence that Clapper is now a CNN commentator? I think the expression is payback.
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A followup thread from Schweikart in relation to his tweet posted yesterday on our thread.
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friscodick said:

Just think back to Obama's two terms. We know he already politicized the IRS to attack conservative groups. During those LONG eight years the Democrats lost over 1,000 seats of government power.

How does Obama try to combat this from his oval office? His policies and EO's certainly aren't changing voter minds. It wouldn't surprise me in the least if illegal surveillance of his political opponents started WAY before the first FISA warrant request (that was rejected, which RARELY happens).

I could actually see this happening leading up to the 2012 election or sometime thereafter. Remember the hidden camera on Romney ("47% are reliant on government entitlements"). Obama saw how well that worked and probably thought there was plenty more political capital to be mined by surveillance.

Now Justice Roberts changing his vote on Obamacare starts to make sense.

I know...just tin foil conspiracy, there's no way any of this is true.
Looks like I nailed it:

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All of the dots falling into place making a picture of democrat corruption and criminal activity.
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friscodick said:

friscodick said:

Just think back to Obama's two terms. We know he already politicized the IRS to attack conservative groups. During those LONG eight years the Democrats lost over 1,000 seats of government power.

How does Obama try to combat this from his oval office? His policies and EO's certainly aren't changing voter minds. It wouldn't surprise me in the least if illegal surveillance of his political opponents started WAY before the first FISA warrant request (that was rejected, which RARELY happens).

I could actually see this happening leading up to the 2012 election or sometime thereafter. Remember the hidden camera on Romney ("47% are reliant on government entitlements"). Obama saw how well that worked and probably thought there was plenty more political capital to be mined by surveillance.

Now Justice Roberts changing his vote on Obamacare starts to make sense.

I know...just tin foil conspiracy, there's no way any of this is true.
Looks like I nailed it:

Just coming to post it:


REVEALED: Obama Campaign Hired Fusion GPS To Investigate Romney

  • A new book claims former President Barack Obama hired Fusion GPS to dig up dirt on Romney
  • Obama used law firm Perkins Coie to hide payment to Fusion GPS
  • The Clinton campaign would later do the same thing to investigate Trump

"In 2012, Fusion GPS was hired to do opposition research on Mitt Romney for Barack Obama's reelection campaign," reads "Russian Roulette: The Inside Story of Putin's War on America and Donald Trump's Election."

The book is written by Michael Isikoff and David Corn, two veteran reporters who met during the 2016 campaign with Steele and Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson. (RELATED: New Book Raises Questions About Steele Dossier Source)

"As had become standard practice in the shadowy world of 'oppo' research, the Obama campaign's payments to Fusion GPS were never publicly disclosed; the money paid to the investigative firm was reported on campaign disclosure reports as legal bills to the campaign's law firm, Perkins Coie," the book reads.
The Obama for America committee paid Perkins Coie around $3 million during the 2012 election cycle, according to filings with the Federal Election Commission, A vast majority of the payments were earmarked for "Legal Services."

Now we understand how and why Gregg Simpson's wife arranged that meeting in the WH in April 2016. There is now another question to be addressed regarding this shadowy WSJ outfit: Could Fusion GPS be some kind of a CIA affiliated group? Remember, Nellie Ohr had a relationship with the CIA.

Another question: Why would 2 journalists who have 'worked' with Fusion GPS out their former compatriots? This doesn't make sense, unless they are throwing Obama under the bus in an attempt to save Fusion GPS.
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Now we understand how and why Gregg Simpson's wife arranged that meeting in the WH in April 2016. There is now another question to be addressed regarding this shadowy WSJ outfit: Could Fusion GPS be some kind of a CIA affiliated group? Remember, Nellie Ohr had a relationship with the CIA.

Another question: Why would 2 journalists who have 'worked' with Fusion GPS out their former compatriots? This doesn't make sense, unless they are throwing Obama under the bus in an attempt to save Fusion GPS.
Fusion, GPS was a CIA proprietary? Black ops? So all of that "work" for Veselnitskaya and lobbying against the Magnitsky Act was just a cover to infiltrate Putin's inner circle? Not quite buying it but it sure as hell would explain Fusion having 702 access as a private contractor (if that actually occurred).

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aggiehawg said:

Fusion, GPS was a CIA proprietary? Black ops? So all of that "work" for Veselnitskaya and lobbying against the Magnitsky Act was just a cover to infiltrate Putin's inner circle? Not quite buying it but it sure as hell would explain Fusion having 702 access as a private contractor (if that actually occurred).

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Bobcat06 said:

aggiehawg said:

Fusion, GPS was a CIA proprietary? Black ops? So all of that "work" for Veselnitskaya and lobbying against the Magnitsky Act was just a cover to infiltrate Putin's inner circle? Not quite buying it but it sure as hell would explain Fusion having 702 access as a private contractor (if that actually occurred).

Like I said, just not quite buying into that. But Brennan was BSC and completely OOC as CIA Director. It is his involvement that gives me pause to just dismiss it out of hand. Brennan just might have greenlighted such an op.
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Bobcat06 said:

aggiehawg said:

Fusion, GPS was a CIA proprietary? Black ops? So all of that "work" for Veselnitskaya and lobbying against the Magnitsky Act was just a cover to infiltrate Putin's inner circle? Not quite buying it but it sure as hell would explain Fusion having 702 access as a private contractor (if that actually occurred).

Very much so. Just mentioned that the other day.
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
BMX Bandit
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RoscoePColtrane said:

Forget which account you were logged in on?
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aggiehawg said:


Now we understand how and why Gregg Simpson's wife arranged that meeting in the WH in April 2016. There is now another question to be addressed regarding this shadowy WSJ outfit: Could Fusion GPS be some kind of a CIA affiliated group? Remember, Nellie Ohr had a relationship with the CIA.

Another question: Why would 2 journalists who have 'worked' with Fusion GPS out their former compatriots? This doesn't make sense, unless they are throwing Obama under the bus in an attempt to save Fusion GPS.
Fusion, GPS was a CIA proprietary? Black ops? So all of that "work" for Veselnitskaya and lobbying against the Magnitsky Act was just a cover to infiltrate Putin's inner circle? Not quite buying it but it sure as hell would explain Fusion having 702 access as a private contractor (if that actually occurred).

There is something strange about the origin of Fusion GPS. It's parent company (Bean LLC) wasn't formed until late 2010, after Simpson's first venture in lobbying, SNS Global LLC, fell flat on its face after one year in business with zero revenues. How would a company essentially starting with nothing in 2011, eventually be able to attract Perkins Coie in 2012 to perform opposite research on Mitt Romney? Here you have a huge law firm representing the President of the US and it chooses a subcontractor who is a nobody?
Then look at Fusion GPS's track record, about what little we know. First it's work involving Russia and the Magnitsky Act/Bill Browder, and then there is this one involving Venezuela:
Strange controversial dealings. And we also know the Fusion GPS had prior dealings with Orbis Business Intelligence (Steele) before the dossier.
It's a very shadowy outfit.
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Good question. Why would Obama hire these bozos in 2012?
Ellis Wyatt
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captkirk said:

Good question. Why would Obama hire these bozos in 2012?
My guess is someone like Soros funded it in whole or in part.

It's time to start stringing people up for treason
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captkirk said:

Good question. Why would Obama hire these bozos in 2012?
GPS was certainly not an entrepreneurial bootstrap enterprise.

GPS principles were likely recruited and underwritten by others. However, the money trail is likely well covered and we'll probably never know GPS's true genesis.
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DOJ's a joke. Gentleman's agreements will be made, swamp will be given a 'once-over' dusting and a few scape-goats named. No one's going to be prosecuted. It's become the American way.

Rich get richer. You and I...same ole telephone pole, but with more sand.
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Soros backing??

Now that makes more sense than those idiots being a CIA proprietary. And would explain Obama falling into the abyss by paying them many millions to dig up dirt on a Boy Scout Mormon like Romney. All they came up with was dog carrier on top of a station wagon and "binders full of women" candidates qualified for state government positions. Then the infamous "47%".

Of course Hillary called over 50% of the American voting populace "deplorables." Still saying the same thing 16 months after the election.

Soo tired of the double standards.
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blindey said:

Not that I've been asked, but the usual process for picking article 3 judges is via senators from the state with the vacant seat.

For example, during the Obama years, Cornyn and Cruz were able to identify Gregg Costa and get him seated -- first in S.D. Tex. and later on the 5th Circuit. The compromise they reached was finding a palatable judge that was liked by the local bar and was not politically objectionable to the Obama White House.

But when Trump won, all bets were off. Instead of working to identify palatable candidates that the seated executive could get behind, butthurt senators started blue slipping every nominee. Even highly-accomplished people that have succeeded as all of attorneys, jurists, and academics were getting this treatment when no reasonable senator would seriously object to that person on the bench.

So Grassley finally said, "Enough is enough. A blue slip isn't a one-person partisan filibuster. It's for candidates that have real, serious issues. Use them correctly or I will stop listening to you."

Grassley is becoming my favorite Senator.

He's been the most active Senator in addressing the corruption in DC.

He's not grandstanding either. If there is one Senator that is level-headed and professional, it is Grassley.

He is just pissed off.

Reminds me of a year ago when Titan got pissed with Tanya. When mild-mannered people get angry, you know the people that angered them royally screwed up.
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You haven't heard anything about Tony Podesta in a long time. This is a detailed, moderately long thread on where Mueller is likely going with respect to Podesta. Here's the conclusion:


46) It's only a matter of time before more indictments related to Ukraine lobbying/Podesta Group scandal drop.

The Gates Plea agreement means ENDGAME for Tony Podesta, Paul Manafort, et al.

With Rick Gates flipping, the floodgates have opened.
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So I guess Fusion also investigated Roberts to get leverage.
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Wendy 1990 said:

So I guess Fusion also investigated Roberts to get leverage.
Oh God, I hope not. Obama was a POS President but can't let myself believe he blackmailed the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

(Actually the harder part is believing Roberts wasn't decent enough to step down, were that the case.)
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If Roberts had resigned then Obama would have gotten to appoint another liberal. Still prefer a compromised Roberts over a liberal any day.
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Gigem_94 said:

If Roberts had resigned then Obama would have gotten to appoint another liberal. Still prefer a compromised Roberts over a liberal any day.
What's the difference if obama uses him as he needs too?
Can I go to sleep Looch?
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Obama was a POS President but can't let myself believe he blackmailed the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

What other explanation is there for the extrapolation and mental contortions that the conservative chief justice engaged in to find the ACA constitutional??
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Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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RoscoePColtrane said:

Sounds like Trump's wires were tapped. When can we expect a Mea Culpa from the media?
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