Mueller dismisses top FBI agent in Russia probe for anti-Trump texts

7,495,137 Views | 49269 Replies | Last: 11 days ago by aggiehawg
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Remember Mary Jacoby, wife of Glenn Simpson of Fusion GPS fame, who had the mysterious meeting at the WH in April 2016? Or perhaps you remember her Facebook Post where she stated that her husband was responsible for the dossier? Well, this should not come as a shock, but Mary Jacoby has ties guessed it...the Clintons.
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Holy crap!

And now the circle is complete.
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When all this plays out it is going to make Operation Mockingbird look like a amatuer hour
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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drcrinum said:

A new timeline of the Russian collusion story on thread reader including references. Well done. It includes some info and 'angles' on which I was unaware. Good reference document.
Long thread but very interesting.

Is Mueller investigating the Rich murder?
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Really is pretty amazing how confident they were that she would win. And when I say they, I'm not just talking Dems.
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drcrinum said:


.... connections between Mary Jacoby (Glenn Simpsons' wife), the Stephens Group in Arkansas, and the Clintons ....
Remember Mary Jacoby, wife of Glenn Simpson of Fusion GPS fame, who had the mysterious meeting at the WH in April 2016? Or perhaps you remember her Facebook Post where she stated that her husband was responsible for the dossier? Well, this should not come as a shock, but Mary Jacoby has ties guessed it...the Clintons.
Not being obtuse ... is there an executive summary for those of us in the peanut gallery?
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Glenn Simpson's wife, Mary Jacoby, has a large family of Clinton supporters back in Arkansas and she personally worked for Hillary at Rose Law Firm.
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All good and interesting...but, this poster is sadly coming to the conclusion that no one is going to be prosecuted or serve time. I hope someone would write a factual indisputable history of how/when the Justice System became morally bankrupt and a joke among the wealthy elitist. I've grown tired of hollow rhetoric and total absence of legal action by the system.

I nominate aggiehawg.
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whatthehey78 said:

All good and interesting...but, this poster is sadly coming to the conclusion that no one is going to be prosecuted or serve time. I hope someone would write a factual indisputable history of how/when the Justice System became morally bankrupt and a joke among the wealthy elitist. I've grown tired of hollow rhetoric and total absence of legal action by the system.

I nominate aggiehawg.
The Justice System has always been corrupted by unethical lawyers and judges, including Texas. The state bar can only do a small amount of policing.
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Former CIA Officer and whistleblower Kevin Shipp says the reason for all the crime and treason at the FBI and DOJ all boils down to one thing the Clinton's so-called "charity."

Shipp explains, "Hillary Clinton was running and is running a global financial criminal syndicate. She was using these secret servers to conduct Clinton financial money laundering business."

"The shocking thing about that is all the former directors of the CIA that have come out to support her, from Clapper to Brennan to Morell to Robert Gates supporting her being elected, knew about this criminal syndicate. Comey was protecting it. Lynch was protecting it. Weissmann was protecting it. And that is the big why. What's she got on these people? Are they financial ties? They had to be aware of this, especially the counter-intelligence units. We know it was hacked into by foreign intelligence services because it was just hanging out there. Hillary Clinton was running a secret server outside the Department of State for the purposes of laundering money through the criminal Clinton Foundation."
Are the crimes and treason of the Clinton Foundation the anvil that is about to drop? Shipp says,

"It's not just an anvil, I think it is a mountain and the nexus of everything. This "Clinton Global Initiative" (CGI) is worldwide, and it's been out there for a couple of decades. It has now intertwined former Directors of the CIA and FBI. George Soros is a part of it. It's connected to all kinds of global financial institutions...
It is at least a $100 billion...
All these people protecting and defending Hillary Clinton and knowing about her criminal syndicate, this goes into the so-called 'Deep State' of our government, and it is connected, involved and intertwined in the global criminal crime syndicate called the Clinton Foundation. This is probably going to be the biggest scandal in U.S. historyonce it's busted. I think they are quietly working on it now, and I think they have been for the last year. It is so huge the arrests and indictments could cause a Constitutional crisis with some people being removed. Maybe that's why they are moving slowly. It all comes back down to the Clinton Foundation and the criminal syndicate."

You can read the rest at the link.
Long Live Sully
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aggiehawg said:


You know, I hadn't really thought about the lefts passion of Blackwater. It's possible they may not know who Prince is, but most lefties know Blackwater, and associate it with everything they abhor (as if they knew what they abhor).

Prince would be a fine trophy, in lieu of Trump. Prince is pretty shifty, and certainly holds a grudge against the Dems.
Read this Link and then you'll know why anyone even knew about the Seychelles meeting to begin with. And if the "hops" snared Prince? And all of his communications were under surveillance?? Chew on that, for a moment.

ETA: Actually, I'm not going to let you chew on that for a moment. I about had a cow when the Nunes Memo revealed that Carter Page was the subject of a Title I FISA warrant, just for this reason.

Great article, Hawg. I find it very surprising that Obama limited his own spying capabilities.

Subsequent efforts to rein in intelligence-community hopping resulted in some restrictions on the margins, but ultimately in the codification of post-9/11 practice, which was framed as aiming to prevent a terror attack on the US homeland. In 2008, with the FISA Amendments Act, Congress effectively authorized the three-hop rule used under the Patriot Actalthough that point was understood by the public only in hindsight, following the revelations about surveillance practices made by National Security Agency (NSA) contract worker Edward Snowden.

Following the Snowden bombshell in 2013, the Obama administration limited routine access to a two-hop rule, whichafter passage of the FISA Amendments Reauthorization Act in January 2018is where things stand today.
From the last link:

A new analysis led by researchers at Stanford University's Computer Security Laboratory quantifies just what this policy change has meant, discovering that, under the old five-year three-hop rules the NSA could legally recover metadata from about 20 million phones per suspect and "the majority of the entire U.S. population" if it analyzed all its suspects. Now, the stricter 18-month "two hop" rule permits the agency to recover metadata from about 25,000 phones with a single request, according to the Stanford study.
If Obama violated his own "18 month two-hop" rules on the Page warrant, he could have spied on 20 million people. A single warrant could cover spying on over 6% of the US population. That's crazy.
Ellis Wyatt
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Meh_ said:

Great article, Hawg. I find it very surprising that Obama limited his own spying capabilities.

Subsequent efforts to rein in intelligence-community hopping resulted in some restrictions on the margins, but ultimately in the codification of post-9/11 practice, which was framed as aiming to prevent a terror attack on the US homeland. In 2008, with the FISA Amendments Act, Congress effectively authorized the three-hop rule used under the Patriot Act


Now, the stricter 18-month "two hop" rule permits the agency to recover metadata from about 25,000 phones with a single request, according to the Stanford study.
If Obama violated his own "18 month two-hop" rules on the Page warrant, he could have spied on 20 million people. A single warrant could cover spying on over 6% of the US population. That's crazy.
Whatever rules Obama may have ever claimed to abide by, he did what he wanted, whenever he wanted. No rules, even his own, ever stopped him. He is a corrupt sleezebag who undermined America at every turn.
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Charles Ortel has been all over the the Clinton Foundation for a couple of years now. He's dug into how shoddy their legal paperwork is, how they've amassed billions and shuffled it around a merry-go-round entities, that the just piggy backed the paperwork on, which is highly illegal and have gotten away with it for years because no one has called them on it, under the guise of being a charity when it's just a huge slush fund for Bill and Hill. Thing of it is, it's going to end up bringing down a pile of other foundations that have used each other as tax shelters for the mega rich.
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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Hawg, I was taking my mom to get a shot for a pinched nerve this morning about 5:45, and was listening to Hugh Hewitt. I used to listen to him a lot more, but radio times change. Anyway, he was interviewing your friend, our AG Sessions, and it was pretty damned informative. I like hearing Sessions on the radio much more than the tv, that's brutal.

On to the point, they were discussing the 9th circuit judges, the ones that haven't been approved, and all of the district judges. To me, it sounded like the two Cali Senators have a lot to do with who is approved to the seats. So, if you have two lefty Senators in a State, does that make a big difference as to who gets approved to preside over that district, and circuit?

I've always learned quite a bit from Hewitt and Levin, legally. Hewitt seems to ask outstanding questions. Many folks don't like him because they believe he's too centrist, but he's always seemed to be damned informed.
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On to the point, they were discussing the 9th circuit judges, the ones that haven't been approved, and all of the district judges. To me, it sounded like the two Cali Senators have a lot to do with who is approved to the seats. So, if you have two lefty Senators in a State, does that make a big difference as to who gets approved to preside over that district, and circuit?
There's procedure in the Senate where the home state senator can put a hold on confirmation of judges nominated to benches in their state. It is called "blue card." Now, McConnell has recently started ignoring those blue cards and bringing for the nomination for a vote, such as in Minnesota where Franken and Klobuchar had "blue carded" Trump nominees.
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Not that I've been asked, but the usual process for picking article 3 judges is via senators from the state with the vacant seat.

For example, during the Obama years, Cornyn and Cruz were able to identify Gregg Costa and get him seated -- first in S.D. Tex. and later on the 5th Circuit. The compromise they reached was finding a palatable judge that was liked by the local bar and was not politically objectionable to the Obama White House.

But when Trump won, all bets were off. Instead of working to identify palatable candidates that the seated executive could get behind, butthurt senators started blue slipping every nominee. Even highly-accomplished people that have succeeded as all of attorneys, jurists, and academics were getting this treatment when no reasonable senator would seriously object to that person on the bench.

So Grassley finally said, "Enough is enough. A blue slip isn't a one-person partisan filibuster. It's for candidates that have real, serious issues. Use them correctly or I will stop listening to you."
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They should just do away with the procedure altogether. Put it to a vote in committee and then the floor. If a Senator(s) have a real issue with a nominee make the case either to the committee or on the floor or both.

Remember when Bork was nominated for SCOTUS and Biden immediately issued a scathing denunciation? He made his case publicly and sank the nomination. Using a stupid senate procedural rule isn't necessary when senators have a bully pulpit in which to state their case against a nominee.
Ellis Wyatt
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Liberals have proven that they will no longer adhere to laws, much less "gentlemen's traditions." Republicans should also do away with the 60 vote rule. Dims will do it the second they re-gain power.
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Ellis Wyatt said:

Liberals have proven that they will no longer adhere to laws, much less "gentlemen's traditions." Republicans should also do away with the 60 vote rule. Dims will do it the second they re-gain power.
By this point you would hope Republicans would learn from Trump and get down in the muck with the Dems...but I fear too many are still puppets of foreign powers and are being controlled vicariously.
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Thanx, fellers!

Oh, and blindey, I had a moment of weakness. When considering legal edification, I often think of you and Hawg.

OTOH, the thread for "IG expectations" pretty well sums up the Republicans after eight years of Obama's lawlessness. I vacillate between optimism and "the country is doomed". Anyone here have a crystal ball for April?
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friscodick said:

Ellis Wyatt said:

Liberals have proven that they will no longer adhere to laws, much less "gentlemen's traditions." Republicans should also do away with the 60 vote rule. Dims will do it the second they re-gain power.
By this point you would hope Republicans would learn from Trump and get down in the muck with the Dems...but I fear too many are still puppets of foreign powers and are being controlled vicariously.

Past time to replace republicans with conservatives
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The HPSIC has announced that it is closing its probe of the Russian Collusion Investigation and will issue a report: Yes the Russians attempted to interfere with the election, but no evidence was found of Trump or Clinton Russian Collusion. They interviewed 10 persons from each side of the Campaign and reviewed scads of documents, the only relevant individual they did not interview was Manafort because of his indictment.
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drcrinum said:

The HPSIC has announced that it is closing its probe of the Russian Collusion Investigation and will issue a report: Yes the Russians attempted to interfere with the election, but no evidence was found of Trump or Clinton Russian Collusion. They interviewed 10 persons from each side of the Campaign and reviewed scads of documents, the only relevant individual they did not interview was Manafort because of his indictment.
But they had most, if not all, of Manafort's documents. He turned over 400 pages a few days before Mueller did the pre-dawn, no-knock raid on Manafort's home.
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Mike Conaway says they found no evidense of collusion on either campaign. Evidently the definition of collusion has changed. He admits the dossier business is messy but Steele is a British citizen not Russian.

(That rings so empty knowing the ties to FGPS and the whole Trump Tower meeting with the lawyer and JR.)

He makes no mentions of them naming leakers, just a summary of the same crap we see everyday on TV, lip service at best. The left is in a tizzy because Schiff wants to basically re-interview everyone again and Nunes has shut him down. The left is already complaining they "ended the game in the 3rd qtr." and "Nunes is goaltending for the WH". Report will be out in a few days. Sounds empty. They handled over 300,000 documents and hundreds of hours in interviews.

Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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RoscoePColtrane said:

....... Schiff wants to basically re-interview everyone again and Nunes has shut him down. The left is already complaining they "ended the game in the 3rd qtr." and "Nunes is goaltending for the WH"......
Schiff & Co response is so samo samo. Yawn. Proceed regardless ... knowing the end game is OIG report and what follows.
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Here is the Preliminary Summary Report from the HPSIC:


Initial Findings The draft report contains 40+ initial findings that describe:
  • A pattern of Russian attacks on America's European allies;
  • Russian cyberattacks on U.S. political institutions in 2015-2016 and their use of social media to sow discord;
  • A lackluster pre-election response to Russian active measures;
  • Concurrence with the Intelligence Community Assessment's judgments, except with respect to Putin's supposed preference for candidate Trump;
  • We have found no evidence of collusion, coordination, or conspiracy between the Trump campaign and the Russians;
  • How anti-Trump research made its way from Russian sources to the Clinton campaign; and
  • Problematic contacts between senior Intelligence Community officials and the media.

Proposed Recommendations The draft report includes 25+ proposed recommendations for Congress and the executive branch to improve:
  • Election security, including protecting vote tallies;
  • Support to European allies;
  • The U.S. government response to cyber-attacks;
  • Campaign finance transparency; and
  • Counterintelligence practices related to political campaigns and unauthorized disclosures.

There are indications that Clapper will be cited in the Final Report for leaking to CNN last year about the classified briefings given to Trump & Obama on the dossier, thereby giving the dossier credibility.

(Sorry I am on a foreign computer and it doesn't copy correct formats.)
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Why did Obama ignore the Russian meddling?
Zombie Jon Snow
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Agnzona said:

Why did Obama ignore the Russian meddling?

too distracted by all his own crimes and cover-ups to be worried about others.

And if you want the real reasons...

a. because they know it has always gone on and can't do anything about it
b. they figured HRC was a shoe-in... remember there was NO WAY Trump was going to win. It was predetermined.
c. they figured illuminating it would just give Trump an excuse to stir things up...ironically it gave Dems an excuse.

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Agnzona said:

Why did Obama ignore the Russian meddling?
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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What interviews and subpoena responses does Mueller have that the House Select Committee has not had access to?
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Agnzona said:

Why did Obama ignore the Russian meddling?

Because he didn't think Hillary would lose.
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I guess he is another retired military officer that didn't take his oath seriously.

Makes me sick as a vet.
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friscodick said:

What is this nonsense?
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