Mueller dismisses top FBI agent in Russia probe for anti-Trump texts

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Meh_ said:

GCP12 said:

This is the report that is expected to expose crimes related to obtaining the FISA warrant for Page, right?
No. The report on how DOJ and the FBI torpedoed the Hillary email criminal case.
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OK. Thank you for the clarification.
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Meh_ said:

OK. Thank you for the clarification.
You are quite welcome, dear. Happy to help.
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GCP12 said:

D***! We are leaving on vacation tomorrow for a week (actually going to visit The Swamp including a tour of the WH). I've been waiting for months for the OIG Report to be released. With my luck it will come out Monday.
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drcrinum said:

GCP12 said:

D***! We are leaving on vacation tomorrow for a week (actually going to visit The Swamp including a tour of the WH). I've been waiting for months for the OIG Report to be released. With my luck it will come out Monday.
Well if you pay your cards right and your timing is good, you can probably hire on at the WH in some position. I here there's lots of turnover. Then you could leak directly to us here.
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aggiehawg said:

Meh_ said:

GCP12 said:

This is the report that is expected to expose crimes related to obtaining the FISA warrant for Page, right?
No. The report on how DOJ and the FBI torpedoed the Hillary email criminal case.
How public will this report be?
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Rockdoc said:

drcrinum said:

GCP12 said:

D***! We are leaving on vacation tomorrow for a week (actually going to visit The Swamp including a tour of the WH). I've been waiting for months for the OIG Report to be released. With my luck it will come out Monday.
Well if you pay your cards right and your timing is good, you can probably hire on at the WH in some position. I here there's lots of turnover. Then you could leak directly to us here.
Maybe I should wear my red MAGA cap.
Ellis Wyatt
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drcrinum said:

Rockdoc said:

drcrinum said:

GCP12 said:

D***! We are leaving on vacation tomorrow for a week (actually going to visit The Swamp including a tour of the WH). I've been waiting for months for the OIG Report to be released. With my luck it will come out Monday.
Well if you pay your cards right and your timing is good, you can probably hire on at the WH in some position. I here there's lots of turnover. Then you could leak directly to us here.
Maybe I should wear my red MAGA cap.
We can call you "P Anon."
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ccatag said:

aggiehawg said:

Meh_ said:

GCP12 said:

This is the report that is expected to expose crimes related to obtaining the FISA warrant for Page, right?
No. The report on how DOJ and the FBI torpedoed the Hillary email criminal case.
How public will this report be?
Oh, it will be very public, whether intended to be or not. Think Starr Report.
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drcrinum said:

GCP12 said:

D***! We are leaving on vacation tomorrow for a week (actually going to visit The Swamp including a tour of the WH). I've been waiting for months for the OIG Report to be released. With my luck it will come out Monday.

Same. I said a month ago they would release the damn thing over Spring Break and I'd be furiously scanning TexAgs on my way up the ski lift.
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10 days from today is Monday after Spring Break, no?
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drcrinum said:


I want to bring up the above post again, having found out some interesting additional info:


Leading Irish American Shailagh Murray has been named as senior adviser to President Obama. She replaces top Obama figure Dan Pfeiffer.

"For four years, I've relied on Shailagh Murray's strategic advice and keen ability to cut through the Washington noise to focus on what matters to everyday Americans, and I'm proud to have her as a senior adviser," Obama said. "She's been an invaluable asset to Vice President Biden, but fortunately for him and the country she'll still be down the hall."

....She joined Biden's team in 2011 from the Washington Post, where she worked as a Capitol Hill correspondent for six years, covering the 2006, 2008 and 2010 elections. Prior to this, she worked as a political reporter for the Wall Street Journal from 1999 - 2005....

David Axelrod Obama's long-time communications guru praised the appointment saying "I think she's going to be very, very valuable for the president."

So David Axelrod thinks she will be great...Hmmmm....

When Shailagh Murray was named Senior Advisor to Obama, her husband, Neil King, was Deputy Washington Bureau Chief of the Wall Street Journal. But right after the 2016 election, King resigned from the WSJ and joined Fusion GPS (exact date unknown but prior to December 23, 2016), see:

So does this strike you as strange or not? Ever hear of spousal privilege? So down the road the prosecutors attempt to tie Obama to Fusion GPS...Shailagh Murray cannot testify about anything related to Fusion GPS because her husband works for Fusion GPS. Neat, huh? Same deal about Nellie & Bruce Ohr...super neat. You think Fusion GPS was working just for Hillary & the DNC. Are you certain? Suppose Fusion was working with Obama as well. Suppose those private contractors performing 702 Queries at the FBI were there with Obama's blessing. Suppose Obama and Fusion GPS were passing info back & forth for an extended period of time. (Simpson's wife had a special meeting at the WH in April 2016, remember?) What we don't know and may never know.

One final note: The co-founders of Fusion GPS, Simpson, Fritsch & Catan, were all prior journalists for the WSJ. Both Shailagh Murry & husband Neil King were former WSJ journalists. Interesting coincidence.
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Neil King is rabidly anti-Trump. Check out his tweets.

His last WSJ article was dated Nov. 28, 2016.


Global economics editor King among those leaving WSJ

Neil King, The Wall Street Journal's global economics editor, is among those leaving the newspaper this week via a buyout offer.
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ccatag said:

aggiehawg said:

Meh_ said:

GCP12 said:

This is the report that is expected to expose crimes related to obtaining the FISA warrant for Page, right?
No. The report on how DOJ and the FBI torpedoed the Hillary email criminal case.
How public will this report be?

Full Monty.
Hillary paid for warrant to spy on Trump.
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drcrinum said:

scottimus said:

Just heard Catherine Herridge on the Radio:


Mueller has been looking into Nader and UAE personnel since last September. Nader was one of the names unmasked by Susan Rice during the transition period.

Susan Rice requested names of Americans from two meetings with UAE people including a crown prince and Jared Kushner. Rice stated the Trump campaign was engaging in nefarious back channel connections and for the purposes of National Security it was imperative for them to know. She new exactly which meetings, locations, and personnel to unmask. All of which happened within a 3 week period Why was the National Security Adviser actively searching for names of meetings at Trump tower during the transition period for activity that is completely normal and in fact necessary?

I would say to set up the Special Counsel and frame the incoming administration.
Must be something about the UAE, probably HUMINT as well as SIGINT. Here is another Mueller probe that ties in with the UAE:


Erik Prince, founder of the private security firm Blackwater, met with a Russian official close to Russian President Vladimir Putin in Jan. 2017 to set up a channel so the Trump administration could discuss future relations between the two countries. The meeting was a chance encounter not a planned discussion, Prince later described to congressional investigators.

The meeting with Kirill Dmitriev, the head of a Russian government-controlled wealth fund, was an unimportant encounter that happened while he was meeting with officials from the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Prince said to legislators. The UAE officials suggested he visit the hotel bar and meet Dmitriev, Prince told the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence in 2017.

"At the end, one of the entourage says, 'Hey, by the way, there's this Russian guy [who] we've dealt with in the past. He's here also to see someone from the Emirati delegation. And you should meet him, he'd be an interesting guy for you to know, since you're doing a lot in the oil and gas and mineral space,'" he said at the time.

I was listening to fox Thursday evening and Herridge reported that Prince denied he was there in any capacity for the trump administration. He also claimed that the flack over this stemming from Adam Schiff is because he "scolded" the democrats in their closed session for their leaking of classified information.

On the UAE front, I wonder if mueller is going to pin something on Kushner. The story (no clue if verified it not) on him approaching the Qatar finance minister about buying / funding his 666 fifth avenue property seems shady if true.
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TCTH is onto Shailagh Murray & Neil King.


...It's becoming more and more transparently obvious that Fusion-GPS was one of the contractors with access to the FBI and NSA database; and when Admiral Rogers shut down that access (April 2018), Fusion-GPS needed a workaround to access the system through the Dept. of Justice National Security Division (DOJ-NSD), via Bruce Ohr.
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That pic! That's got to be a guy.
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Confirmed: John Brennan Colluded With Foreign Spies to Defeat Trump

...Seeking to retain his position as CIA director under Hillary, Brennan teamed up with British spies and Estonian spies to cripple Trump's candidacy. He used their phony intelligence as a pretext for a multi-agency investigation into Trump, which led the FBI to probe a computer server connected to Trump Tower and gave cover to Susan Rice, among other Hillary supporters, to spy on Trump and his people.

John Brennan's CIA operated like a branch office of the Hillary campaign, leaking out mentions of this bogus investigation to the press in the hopes of inflicting maximum political damage on Trump. An official in the intelligence community tells TAS that Brennan's retinue of political radicals didn't even bother to hide their activism, decorating offices with "Hillary for president cups" and other campaign paraphernalia....

According to the story, Brennan got his anti-Trump tips primarily from British spies but also Estonian spies and others. The story confirms that the seed of the espionage into Trump was planted by Estonia....

The Guardian says that British spy head Robert Hannigan "passed material in summer 2016 to the CIA chief, John Brennan." To ensure that these flaky tips leaked out, Brennan disseminated them on Capitol Hill. In August and September of 2016, he gave briefings to the "Gang of Eight" about them, which then turned up on the front page of the New York Times.

All of this took place at the very moment Brennan was auditioning for Hillary. He desperately wanted to keep his job and despised Trump for his alleged "Muslim ban," a matter near and dear to Brennan's heart. Not only was he an apologist for the Muslim Brotherhood, but Brennan's Islamophilia dated to his days in college, when he spent a year in Cairo learning Arabic and taking courses in Middle Eastern studies. He later got a graduate degree with an emphasis in Middle Eastern studies. In 1996, his ties to the Islamic world tightened after he became the CIA's station chief in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. He once recalled that "during a 25-year career in government, I was privileged to serve in positions across the Middle East as a political officer with the State Department and as a CIA station chief in Saudi Arabia. In Saudi Arabia, I saw how our Saudi partners fulfilled their duty as custodians of the two holy mosques of Mecca and Medina. I marveled at the majesty of the Hajj and the devotion of those who fulfilled their duty as Muslims by making that privilege that pilgrimage."

Out of this Islamophilia came a special dislike of Michael Flynn, who had planned to rip up the Obama-era "reset" with Muslim countries. Furious with Flynn for his apostasy from political correctness, Brennan and other Obama aides couldn't resist the temptation to take him out after rifling through transcripts of his calls with the Russian ambassador. They caught him in a lie to Mike Pence and made sure the press knew about it....
Zombie Jon Snow
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drcrinum said:


...It's becoming more and more transparently obvious that Fusion-GPS was one of the contractors with access to the FBI and NSA database; and when Admiral Rogers shut down that access (April 2018), Fusion-GPS needed a workaround to access the system through the Dept. of Justice National Security Division (DOJ-NSD), via Bruce Ohr.



time travel confirmed.
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With all these revelations coming out, Mueller is probably under great pressure from the Deep State to find at least some type of circumstantial evidence connecting Trump to Russia, in order for the Obama Gang to create a narrative with something to allow them to try to justify their actions in spying on Trump. Otherwise, the Obama Gang will be in deep trouble, at least politically. Mueller is not going to end this anytime soon !
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Maybe it's me but Mueller has one last opportunity to justify his direction to investigate Russian "collusion" and multiple violations of the Hatch Act by the Obama Administration. Hopefully, this new information is being leaked by the Mueller investigation and he's already on it.

Who am I kidding?? Mueller is going after Blackwater CEO in Seychelles and doesn't give a rat's patootie about the origins of the Steele dossier and collusion with the Russians and the Hillary campaign, aided and abetted by the Obama Administration.
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The WSJ used to be in the middle of all kinds of stuff regarding political investigations, and research. In the last six months, or so, I've wondered if that newspaper has taken a little bit of a turn to the left, at least from the op-ed POV. They've always been extremely pro-business, meaning quite conservative.

It seems once, or twice, a month, more ex-employees from the WSJ were involved with Fusion GPS, the Obama administration, or Hillary.

Just an observation, because I used to read the journal every day, but not as much in the last year.
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aggiehawg said:

Maybe it's me but Mueller has one last opportunity to justify his direction to investigate Russian "collusion" and multiple violations of the Hatch Act by the Obama Administration. Hopefully, this new information is being leaked by the Mueller investigation and he's already on it.

Who am I kidding?? Mueller is going after Blackwater CEO in Seychelles and doesn't give a rat's patootie about the origins of the Steele dossier and collusion with the Russians and the Hillary campaign, aided and abetted by the Obama Administration.
If Mueller goes too far down that Blackwater rabbit hole he's going to end up in a point of no return. Erik Prince holds way too many markers to start rocking that boat.
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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aggiehawg said:

Maybe it's me but Mueller has one last opportunity to justify his direction to investigate Russian "collusion" and multiple violations of the Hatch Act by the Obama Administration. Hopefully, this new information is being leaked by the Mueller investigation and he's already on it.

Who am I kidding?? Mueller is going after Blackwater CEO in Seychelles and doesn't give a rat's patootie about the origins of the Steele dossier and collusion with the Russians and the Hillary campaign, aided and abetted by the Obama Administration.
You know, I hadn't really thought about the lefts passion of Blackwater. It's possible they may not know who Prince is, but most lefties know Blackwater, and associate it with everything they abhor (as if they knew what they abhor).

Prince would be a fine trophy, in lieu of Trump. Prince is pretty shifty, and certainly holds a grudge against the Dems.
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You know, I hadn't really thought about the lefts passion of Blackwater. It's possible they may not know who Prince is, but most lefties know Blackwater, and associate it with everything they abhor (as if they knew what they abhor).

Prince would be a fine trophy, in lieu of Trump. Prince is pretty shifty, and certainly holds a grudge against the Dems.
Read this Link and then you'll know why anyone even knew about the Seychelles meeting to begin with. And if the "hops" snared Prince? And all of his communications were under surveillance?? Chew on that, for a moment.

ETA: Actually, I'm not going to let you chew on that for a moment. I about had a cow when the Nunes Memo revealed that Carter Page was the subject of a Title I FISA warrant, just for this reason.
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aggiehawg said:

Read this Link and then you'll know why anyone even knew about the Seychelles meeting to begin with. And if the "hops" snared Prince? And all of his communications were under surveillance?? Chew on that, for a moment.
Thanks. Great read. Wonder if we'll ever learn everyone that was nefariously snared by the 2-hop?
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benchmark said:

aggiehawg said:

Read this Link and then you'll know why anyone even knew about the Seychelles meeting to begin with. And if the "hops" snared Prince? And all of his communications were under surveillance?? Chew on that, for a moment.
Thanks. Great read. Wonder if we'll ever learn everyone that was nefariously snared by the 2-hop?
Trump Campaign Organization
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What am I looking for??
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aggiehawg said:

What am I looking for??
Just a comprehensive list.

I believe that almost everyone in Trump's campaign was surveilled illegally, no matter how insignificant. With Page's FISA warrant, the amount of information gathered on Republicans is probably incalculable, particularly with reference to Manafort and the 500k+ pages of documents. All of Trump's family would be included also. Obama and Clinton were confident that they would find evidence to indict Trump and his campaign staff, since it is nearly impossible to abide with all laws.
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drcrinum said:

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No New Special Counsel
By Andrew McCarthy


...Here is what should be done. Attorney General Sessions should assign a U.S. attorney from outside Washington to conduct a probe of how the Clinton-emails and Trump-Russia investigations were handled by the Justice Department and FBI. A good model would be John Durham, the U.S. attorney for Connecticut just confirmed by the Senate. In 2008, when he was that office's deputy U.S. attorney, he was assigned by Bush Attorney General Michael Mukasey to investigate the Bush administration's program for interrogating high-level terrorist detainees, specifically, the possible destruction of evidence of the CIA's mistreatment of prisoners. Durham, a highly regarded career prosecutor, was permitted to continue in this capacity when the Obama Justice Department expanded his inquiry. The investigation was closed without charges in a credible, professional manner in 2011.

Under my proposal, the designated U.S. attorney would handle this investigation along with the rest of the work of his or her office this would not be a prosecutor whose only assignment is to pursue a single target or set of targets, and who thus faces great pressure to file charges, no matter how far afield from the original focus of the investigation, in order to justify the appointment. Unlike the inspector general, the U.S. attorney would have full jurisdiction to convene a grand jury; investigate any crimes attendant to the Clinton-emails and Trump-Russia probes; issue subpoenas and seek other court process (such as search warrants) to secure evidence; and prosecute any violations of law by persons inside or outside of government.

As in any investigation, the U.S. attorney would also have the discretion not to file charges, and to refer any government officials found to have engaged in misconduct for administrative discipline. The attorney general could further require that the U.S. attorney file a report about the investigation's findings. This report could be shared with Congress; it could also be released to the public to the extent consistent with laws and guidelines that control the disclosure of investigative information regarding uncharged persons. (Obviously, information about charged persons, if any, would be disclosed in connection with their prosecutions.)...

Andrew McCarty lays out his opinion that there should not be a second SC. It's a fairly lengthy read, but he makes good points. Of course he is adamantly opposed to the Mueller was flawed from the beginning in his opinion.

(Edit: Sorry, on a foreign computer with poor internet service in the Swamp, where it is cold.)
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A new timeline of the Russian collusion story on thread reader including references. Well done. It includes some info and 'angles' on which I was unaware. Good reference document.
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drcrinum said:

No New Special Counsel
By Andrew McCarthy

... Here is what should be done. Attorney General Sessions should assign a U.S. attorney from outside Washington to conduct a probe of how the Clinton-emails and Trump-Russia investigations were handled by the Justice Department and FBI .......

If handled in-house instead of by Special Counsel ... my only caveat; there should be multiple DOJ investigations by multiple DOJ attorneys from multiple locations outside Washington. i.e. one probe for Clinton-emails, one probe for FISA abuse, Trump dosier, Clinton Foundation, etc, etc.

Divide and conquer.
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