Mueller dismisses top FBI agent in Russia probe for anti-Trump texts

7,495,778 Views | 49269 Replies | Last: 12 days ago by aggiehawg
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RoscoePColtrane said:

Yes Simpson backed tracked all that talk of a mole in the Trump administration. Simpson is a slimeball POS as well.
Of course 10% saw the retraction and the other 90% still believe there's a mole. Dems are experts at disinformation campaigns. That's really in their wheelhouse.
Ellis Wyatt
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friscodick said:

RoscoePColtrane said:

Yes Simpson backed tracked all that talk of a mole in the Trump administration. Simpson is a slimeball POS as well.
Of course 10% saw the retraction and the other 90% still believe there's a mole. Dems are experts at disinformation campaigns. That's really in their wheelhouse.

Propaganda is always a key component of communism.
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Bannon's legal team includes newly retained lawyer William Burck, who is also representing two other witnesses involved in Mueller's probe into possible contacts between Trump's presidential campaign and Russia.

I don't know if Bannon's testimony before Mueller will amount to anything or not, but he is lawyered up.
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Only an idiot would be interviewed without a lawyer.
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I still think the Bannon/Trump feud is a ruse and I also think the gag order is just a distraction as well. Bannon is getting heavy coverage today. His testimony and Trump's weight have dominated the news.
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GCP12 said:

I still think the Bannon/Trump feud is a ruse and I also think the gag order is just a distraction as well. Bannon is getting heavy coverage today. His testimony and Trump's weight have dominated the news.
Meanwhile, IG Horowitz keeps plugging away...

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The Storm Is the New Pizzagate Only Worse

...According to Q, Trump was never really involved with Russia, and isn't actually under investigation by Mueller & Co. On the contrary, Q insists that it's actually Clinton and Obama who were corrupted by Putin (and are now actually under investigation by Mueller) because they're obviously just evil, money-hungry globalists who'll do anything for the highest bidder. (Oh, yeah, and they're also apparently into raping and killing children, though the crowd is split over whether this is because they're satanists or just part of some weird blackmail scheme involving the CIA.) Q also claims that Trump, the genius that he is, figured all of this out way back when he was just a measly presidential candidate, and has been pretending to love Putin and/or be involved with Russia ever since as a way to force a third party to investigate these horrors without drawing the attention of those evil Dems-who-must-not-be-named, of course because he's just that selfless of a leader.

In this fantasy world, all of the far right's wildest dreams come true: Q promises that Clinton, Obama, Podesta, Abedin, and even McCain are all either arrested and wearing secret police-issued ankle monitors, or just about to be indicted; that the Steele dossier is a total fabrication personally paid for by Clinton and Obama; and that the Las Vegas massacre was most definitely an inside job connected to the Saudi-Clinton cabal.

They believe all of this will be coming to a head any day now. That "The Storm" of arrests, political turmoil, and Republican vindication is coming. Though there have been some, uh, miscalculations as for exactly when.

I know I am not supposed to post Q stuff here, but this article belongs here -- it's not satire. The MSM "disinformation" campaign has decided to cast Q as a far-right 'Black Hat' who is attempting to spread "disinformation" and to misled the public...Obama & HRC are truly saints...don't be misled by Q and his far-right minions. I think this is an amazing turn of events. See, all you who have been posting here regularly (like me) are living in a fantasy world and don't know it.

They must be really worried and grasping for straws.

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Must be something there if the MSM is attacking it.
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For the love of God please keep the Q anon stuff on the Q anon thread.
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IDAGG said:

For the love of God please keep the Q anon stuff on the Q anon thread.
It's ok. He explained why he did it.
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IDAGG said:

For the love of God please keep the Q anon stuff on the Q anon thread.

Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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GCP12 said:

Under Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, FBI Director Mueller and CIA Director Petraeus Grounded Critical Benghazi Rescue Operation

When distress reports reached U.S. Intelligence in Langley and the Pentagon that the American ambassador to Benghazi and dozens of his diplomatic personnel were under terrorist attack in Libya on Sept. 11 2012, CIA and Defense Department officials scrambled an immediate response.

Officials moved quickly to assemble a counter-terrorism team of professionals to dispatch to Benghazi. That little-known but elite squad, known as the Foreign Emergency Support Team (FEST), is in fact the government's sole inter-agency, on call and short notice team trained to respond to any terror-related incident in the world.

But not this time. Not in Benghazi.

FEST agents intent on rescuing the stranded Americans from the siege on the U.S. diplomatic compounds in Benghazi including Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens were told to stand down, according to shocking revelations by FBI agents and CIA sources who spoke to True Pundit.

Robyn Gritz, a decorated FBI agent who previously served as the Bureau's official attach to the CIA prior to Benghazi, recalls the troubling details surrounding the stand-down order.

Gritz details the FBI counter-terrorism division's initial emergency meeting to discuss the unfolding events in Benghazi. In the meeting led by now FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, he briefed agents about the violent attacks in Benghazi. McCabe was assistant director of anti-terrorism at the time but running the FBI's response to Benghazi, sources confirm.

Gritz was already briefed by her Defense Department contacts who instructed her to prepare FBI personnel for the FEST plane.

"I said I got a call from DOD, people that actually put the FEST plane together and I was offered six slots for FBI but I can probably get eight," she said, recalling the FBI's initial Benghazi meeting. "McCabe said: 'No, we don't need your help with that Robyn or help from DOD.'
This is the article teased by Thomas Paine yesterday. Has a named source. I suggest reading the whole thing.
Thread from Rex on this.
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GCP12 said:

I still think the Bannon/Trump feud is a ruse and I also think the gag order is just a distraction as well. Bannon is getting heavy coverage today. His testimony and Trump's weight have dominated the news.
WTF is going on here?
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drcrinum said:


An FBI agent shared the name of former Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos with Trump dossier author Christopher Steele during a meeting in early October 2016.

That new bit of information was revealed in a column published Wednesday by Washington Post columnist David Ignatius.

Ignatius reports that Steele, a former MI6 agent, met with an old FBI contact in Rome around Oct. 1, 2016 to share findings from his investigation into Donald Trump's and the Trump campaign's associations with the Russian government.

"At this meeting, the FBI official asked Steele if he had ever heard of Papadopoulos," reports Ignatius, who cited an official familiar with the meeting as his source.

Papadopoulos had to be a Fusion GPS/HRC plant.

I love that this stuff is being revealed by Ignatius. They are so used to acting without any worry of consequences that they're extremely sloppy.
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Sara Carter's latest

Hillary Clinton confidant was interviewed by FBI in connection to the salacious dossier

A close friend, advisor and confidant of presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was allegedly interviewed by the FBI in connection with the controversial dossier that was used 'in part' as evidence by the bureau to obtain a warrant to investigate members of President Trump's campaign team, according to several sources who spoke to this reporter.

Sidney Blumenthal, a former journalist and a close friend of Clinton, was interviewed by the FBI in 2016 regarding the dossier that alleged Trump colluded with Russia, the sources stated. Department of Justice officials, however, declined to comment on Blumenthal or the dossier.
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In 2015, emails released by the State Department showed the extensive and ongoing working relationship between Clinton and Blumenthal. The emails revealed that then Secretary of State Clinton would seek Blumenthal's advice on foreign policy issues and his role appeared to be more of an advisor than friend, according to the emails. Blumenthal regularly sent Hillary Clinton "vaguely sourced" "intelligence cable style" briefings while she was Secretary of State.
Haha! Blumenthal was emailing Hillary about the dossier?? Sooo, busted!
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Remember this name...... Alexander Downer

This is the Aussie Diplomat that claimed Papadopoulos was drunkenly rattling off to in London.

This guy is going to be named in the Clinton Foundation Scandal that is being reported on right now in Australia. He evidently coordinated some huge money transfers from the Australian government to the Clintons via the Clinton HIV/AIDs Initiative (CHAI) that was suppose to provide HIV/AIDS services in Papua New Guinea on behalf of the Australian government. Not a vile of medicine was ever dispersed and the funds were then moved around the different entities of the CF/CGI and was washed out the door of their Global Carbon Capture and Storage Institute Inc. only the final total after moving around the financial merry go round with in the CF/CGI, was $10 million shy, written off as administrative costs. LOL

These grifters are a real piece of work.

Just a coincidence that this guy Alexander Downer ends up being the one that claims Papadopoulos said what he said, and is also involved with the Clinton Foundation.
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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So Bill Clinton's co-hort in crime in Australia was the source about Papadopoulus?? LOL. This is getting too rich.

ETA: So an agent of the Australian government meddled in the 2016 election on Hillary's behalf??
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Sara Carter is hot
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scoop12 said:

Sara Carter is hot
Since they 86'd Greta not much on Fox isn't. Nothing against Greta she's a great legal journalist, just not a beauty queen.
Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
Code 7 10-42
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Ellis Wyatt said:

friscodick said:

RoscoePColtrane said:

Yes Simpson backed tracked all that talk of a mole in the Trump administration. Simpson is a slimeball POS as well.
Of course 10% saw the retraction and the other 90% still believe there's a mole. Dems are experts at disinformation campaigns. That's really in their wheelhouse.

Propaganda is always a key component of communism.

Propaganda is not just A key component of liberalism/socialism/communism.

Propaganda is THE key component of liberalism/socialism/communism.
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Just a coincidence that this guy Alexander Downer ends up being the one that claims Papadopoulos said what he said, and is alds involved with the Clinton Foundation.
It's like they don't even care if they get caught.
"And liberals, being liberals, will double down on failure." - dedgod
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scoop12 said:

Sara Carter is hot
Yes she is but Lisa Boothe....
"And liberals, being liberals, will double down on failure." - dedgod
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RoscoePColtrane said:

scoop12 said:

Sara Carter is hot
Since they 86'd Greta not much on Fox isn't. Nothing against Greta she's a great legal journalist, just not a beauty queen.
<Sigh> I miss Greta.
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Heard today that that POS Rosenstein was pushing Ryan hard in his effort to not release the FBI documents.

Ryan, to his credit, stood by his guns.

Supposedly it will be shown that the dossier was indeed used to get the FISA warrant on Trump. We already knew this but now we have proof.

Of course, the liberals will then start defending the dossier as being credible.

With liberals, facts never matter. Only the talking points matter to those poor deranged souls.
Long Live Sully
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They think they are so smart and above the law that they get sloppy. When in reality any idiot can follow the money.

It makes the Whitewater land scam and the Whitehouse travel office look like the work of a middle school lunch money thief.
Cow Hop Ag and Bayside both say they are conservatives.
Bayside admits to being pro choice.
Bayside calls Cow Hop Ag a liberal because he's a moral man.

/ Charpie 4-13-18
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akm91 said:


Just a coincidence that this guy Alexander Downer ends up being the one that claims Papadopoulos said what he said, and is alds involved with the Clinton Foundation.
It's like they don't even care if they get caught.

They all thought grandma cabbage farts would win and that none of this would come out.
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scoop12 said:

Sara Carter is hot
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aggiehawg said:

RoscoePColtrane said:

scoop12 said:

Sara Carter is hot
Since they 86'd Greta not much on Fox isn't. Nothing against Greta she's a great legal journalist, just not a beauty queen.
<Sigh> I miss Greta.

Tucker + Ingraham >>>>> Kelly + Van Sustren

I was worried about Fox becoming another CNN. Luckily, it's moved to the right over the past year.
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Cow Hop Ag said:

They think they are so smart and above the law that they get sloppy. When in reality any idiot can follow the money.

It makes the Whitewater land scam and the Whitehouse travel office look like the work of a middle school lunch money thief.
Those were the "work of a middle school lunch money thief." The S&L loan debacle wasn't the result of a bunch of Bernie Madoffs being sly and trying to hide fraud.

Every used car salesman could get that money. The S&Ls were competing with each other handing money out on scurrilous deals. People I knew well were fielding calls from S&Ls all of the time offering them loans for practically anything.
Long Live Sully
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I am contrasting the magnitude of the CF corruption with Hillary's criminality and money grabbing in her earlier years. The S&L aspect is merely background.
Cow Hop Ag and Bayside both say they are conservatives.
Bayside admits to being pro choice.
Bayside calls Cow Hop Ag a liberal because he's a moral man.

/ Charpie 4-13-18
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The thread in the tweet below was posted on Page 50 of our thread:

The theme in the thread was: Why isn't anyone asking questions about how and why so many anonymous leaks have appeared from the IC Community since December exposing the players in the FBI/DOJ corruption scheme?

Here is a followup article from TCTH addressing this topic again. It's a good read -- very intriguing:


...This series of coordinated stories distributed to the media are not random occurrences. The frequency and timing is too well coordinated. The MSM are forced to cover them even though they don't want to. But no-one in MSM asks WHY? Why are these IC reports coming out?...

I just find it interesting that no-one in MSM is looking at the reason we are able to put all of this together. The story, and scale, of corruption inside the FBI and DOJ is obviously important to someone inside the FBI and DOJ.

And whoever it is, for whatever motive they have, they have presented a ton of evidence preparing us for something rather significant. It is remarkable how much the MSM is ignoring it.

We are being led down a path by a powerful person/group? Why?
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