Alrighty.. I'll send you wiring instructions for the first month's payment.VegasAg86 said:
I'm in!
Alrighty.. I'll send you wiring instructions for the first month's payment.VegasAg86 said:
I'm in!
jjeffers1 said:
I didn't think it was possible for me to be MORE cynical about the lack of accountability and nefariousness of our beloved Government.
But after the Horowitz "nothingburger" and this Awan cover-up, I really have no more hope left that any sort of justice will be done. None.
The matrix protects itself.
The House Intelligence Committee released a declassified version of their complete report on Russian election interference Report on Russian Active Measures. It noted the following:
Finding #16: The Intelligence Community Assessment judgments on Putin's strategic intentions did not employ proper analytic tradecraft.
Again, if you haven't read, The Uncovering Mike Rogers' Investigation, Section 702 FISA Abuse & the FBI, I encourage you to do so. It details the incredible level of FISA Abuse uncovered by Admiral Mike Rogers.
VaultingChemist said:
Another article on the NSA dump and the Awan case....A Strange Unsettling DayQuote:
The House Intelligence Committee released a declassified version of their complete report on Russian election interference Report on Russian Active Measures. It noted the following:
Finding #16: The Intelligence Community Assessment judgments on Putin's strategic intentions did not employ proper analytic tradecraft.
Again, if you haven't read, The Uncovering Mike Rogers' Investigation, Section 702 FISA Abuse & the FBI, I encourage you to do so. It details the incredible level of FISA Abuse uncovered by Admiral Mike Rogers.
But today left me unsettled.
The NSA CDR deletion feels remarkably like the end result of some far larger game being played on a field we can't see. Or play on.
In summation, this is the wrong forum for plaintiffs' lawsuit. The Court takes no position
on the merits of plaintiffs' claims. It holds only that plaintiffs have failed to carry their burden to
demonstrate that this Court has jurisdiction and is the appropriate venue. Nor are plaintiffs
entitled to jurisdictional discovery. Therefore, the Court denies plaintiffs' motion for
jurisdictional discovery and dismisses their suit without prejudice.
RoscoePColtrane said:
Case Dismissed so much for interesting discovery of the DNC....
In summation, this is the wrong forum for plaintiffs' lawsuit. The Court takes no position
on the merits of plaintiffs' claims. It holds only that plaintiffs have failed to carry their burden to
demonstrate that this Court has jurisdiction and is the appropriate venue. Nor are plaintiffs
entitled to jurisdictional discovery. Therefore, the Court denies plaintiffs' motion for
jurisdictional discovery and dismisses their suit without prejudice.
Your client further understands that this Agreement is binding only upon the Criminal and Superior Court Divisions of the United States Attorney's Office for the District of Columbia.
1. OK, I think this is a genius move by Jeff Sessions.
The supposed DOJ Awan case 'cover up' has upset many. But when you read the fine print, the plea only applies to DC
2. A Federal prosecutor has power to bring a case against a US citizen anywhere in the US. There's no law against it.
If you break a Federal law in California, a Federal prosecutor can empanel a GJ and take action against you in Florida.
3. In this recent case, a Utah Federal GJ indicted NYC (ex- FBI agent), Connecticut & Massachusetts residents for a breach of Federal law, for bad stuff they did - in Afghanistan.
4. Sessions knew that there was NO WAY that a scandal the enormity of Awan/DWS would EVER get a fair trial in DC. The place is an amoral, corrupt MESS.
So he's using the IG system, to by-pass a corrupt judiciary.
5. Judge Tanya Chutkan is a partisan, Obama ideologue. Any Awan hearing in front of her would have been delayed, choked, throttled - or rigged.
She'd make sure of that.
So Sessions made sure she never got the chance. This plea deal is a masterstroke.
6. The deal is binding ONLY in DC. Nowhere else in the USA.
It allows ANY DOJ Attorney with Federal jurisdiction to take action against the Awans, or DWS, if evidence exists that a Federal crime(s) has occurred.
NOTHING Judge Chutkan can do about it.
7. The evidence can come from pretty much anyone. It can certainly come from the Inspector General of the House of Reps
8. The IG, Mike Ptasienski, has been clear that he's convinced something seriously bad was happening with the Awans.
He's testified to Congress that data was siphoned off the House network by the Awans, two months before the US presidential election
9. Now we don't know if this is being funnelled through US Attorney Huber in Utah, or if Sessions has appointed other US Attorneys, elsewhere in the US.
My instincts suggest the latter.
10. But you can be sure that Sessions has moved this out of DC, to a less corrupt Federal GJ.
And there is sweet FA that DWS, or any of the Democrats, can do about it.
The end.
Imperator Rex is an attorney, and he is talking about federal crimes.BMX Bandit said:
Lots of terrible information there.
The "example" he gives involved things that happened in Utah, not Afghanistan.
And a Florida USA can't have a trial against someone in Florida for a California crime.
That guy is just saying what people want to hear. He has no credibility at all after that nonsense
Judge Chutkan is a she -- Tanya Chutkan -- appointed by Obama and a staunch supporter of abortion in her rulings. Her husband is also a DC judge, appointed by Obama. When she was in private practice, she defended Theranos, the latter's CEO, Elizabeth Holmes, being a major fundraiser for HRC. So she is a Dem favorite for certain.RoscoePColtrane said:
My original question was related to those last two paragraphs where is designates that the plea deal is only binding in the DC District. My question is can they try him in the EDVA which crimes in DC would fall into that jurisdiction like the way they split up Manafort's case. Judge Chutkan is a Obama crony judge. If they had to get him out of the DC courts this is a way to do it right? And isn't DWS brother Steve Wasserman part of that US DC office?
Not that it matters I don't think Steve Wasserman was directly working the case, but with Sessions recused from everything other than Border Security and Marijuana no telling what went on.
HIM = AWANdrcrinum said:Judge Chutkan is a she -- Tanya Chutkan -- appointed by Obama and a staunch supporter of abortion in her rulings. Her husband is also a DC judge, appointed by Obama. When she was in private practice, she defended Theranos, the latter's CEO, Elizabeth Holmes, being a major fundraiser for HRC. So she is a Dem favorite for certain.RoscoePColtrane said:
My original question was related to those last two paragraphs where is designates that the plea deal is only binding in the DC District. My question is can they try him in the EDVA which crimes in DC would fall into that jurisdiction like the way they split up Manafort's case. Judge Chutkan is a Obama crony judge. If they had to get him out of the DC courts this is a way to do it right? And isn't DWS brother Steve Wasserman part of that US DC office?
Not that it matters I don't think Steve Wasserman was directly working the case, but with Sessions recused from everything other than Border Security and Marijuana no telling what went on.
drcrinum said:Imperator Rex is an attorney, and he is talking about federal crimes.BMX Bandit said:
Lots of terrible information there.
The "example" he gives involved things that happened in Utah, not Afghanistan.
And a Florida USA can't have a trial against someone in Florida for a California crime.
That guy is just saying what people want to hear. He has no credibility at all after that nonsense
"Never attempt to murder someone who's committing suicide." Woodrow Wilson, 1916RoscoePColtrane said:
These fear mongering *******s need to STFU
One of the very difficult issues of politics is knowing who's a good, quality, writer, and who's just writing to their teams agenda. Out of all of the writers on threadreaderapp, I've always considered Rex to be one of the most trustworthy. It's taken me a long time to edify myself on writers who bring facts and figures to the page in a readable manner.BMX Bandit said:drcrinum said:Imperator Rex is an attorney, and he is talking about federal crimes.BMX Bandit said:
Lots of terrible information there.
The "example" he gives involved things that happened in Utah, not Afghanistan.
And a Florida USA can't have a trial against someone in Florida for a California crime.
That guy is just saying what people want to hear. He has no credibility at all after that nonsense
I know he's talking about federal crimes. And still full of it.
RoscoePColtrane said:
These fear mongering *******s need to STFU
Generations of brave Americans from servicemembers to civil rights activists have fought to expand the promise of equality for more Americans and move our country forward in its march toward a more perfect union.
Yeah they seemed to have conveniently left out the part about the Susan Rice Stand Down Order, that Obama's Cyber Defense Czar testified about in front of their committee under oath that he was told to not take action to fight off the "Russian" aggression in the 2016 election.drcrinum said:
A critique on the Senate Intel Committee's report on Obama's Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA) report; i.e., a critique on the Senate Snake Committee's report on Obama's Snake Pit report.
Snide comment aside, I think you're wrong on that. I think more and more of us ARE having doubts. I'm all for 5D chess and all, but patience is not one of my strong suits. It seems as though we're moving away from anything actually being done.sam callahan said:
I've had loads of doubts throughout that anything resembling justice will be served.
Having said that, some of you naysayers better be careful. Folks in these parts don't take kindly to having their distorted reality pierced.