Mueller dismisses top FBI agent in Russia probe for anti-Trump texts

7,484,300 Views | 49269 Replies | Last: 2 days ago by aggiehawg
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Lol Obama wasn't a Manchuria candidate he was a lifelong groomed anti American plant.

He knew what he was doing. Luckily his handlers were on the long game and never expected trump. And luckily he was as lazy and narcissistic as most of that crew is. If he had any balls he'd have actually destroyed the country. That was his intent.
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aggiehawg said:

Well, that answers my question about the tango on the tarmac. Lynch and Clinton didn't even need to talk about any of the investigations, just the fact that Lynch agreed to take the meeting told Bill all he needed to know.

If Lynch was on the fence or not sure what was gong to happen with Hillary, she would have begged off of that meeting saying her schedule was too tight or something along those lines.
Agree. Excellent observation. Everyone should read the OIG report pgs 202-213. Clinton was undoubtedly fishing with small talk and probably didn't go away with anything substantive per se ... except the sense that HRC wasn't in jeopardy.
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Ironically, Lynch's Senior Counselor on the plane who was attempting to extract Lynch from the tarmac meeting was Paige Herwig, who is now the Dems Counsel on the Senate Judiciary Committee.
But it was supposed to be Loretta's turn...

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Lot Y Tailgate said:

Is nobody going to mention the fact that we have a Manchurian Candidate right here in this thread?

Who's this?
Line Ate Member
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bobbranco said:

Lot Y Tailgate said:

Is nobody going to mention the fact that we have a Manchurian Candidate right here in this thread?

Who's this?
Don't fall for that. The troll is strong with that one
Long Live Sully
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Please don't reply to the derail.
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The Full Significance of Rosenstein's Statement

We sit down with a team of attorneys from the Department of Justice. All of whom review that and provide a briefing for us for what's in it. And I've reviewed that one in some detail, and I can tell you the information about that doesn't match with my understanding of the one that I signed, but I think it's appropriate to let the Inspector General complete that investigation. These are serious allegations. I don't do the investigation -- I'm not the affiant. I'm reviewing the finished product, sir.......

Goodlatte's letter is all the more intriguing given Rosenstein's statement -- which leaves us with several possibilities:
  • The briefing given to Rosenstein by DOJ lawyers was factually inaccurate (one set of FISA documents).
  • The FISA Application used to brief Rosenstein does not match the FISA Application presented to the FISA Court (two sets of FISA documents).
  • The FISA Application presented to the FISA Court does not match the FISA documents given to Congress (two sets of FISA documents).
  • The FISA Application given to the FISA Court does not match documents given to Congress or Rosenstein (three sets of documents).
  • [/ol]All of the scenarios presented are extremely serious. Options 2-4 are the most serious given the required creation and existence of differing sets of actual documents. Option 4 is probably the least likely.


    A very detailed analysis by Jeff Carlson regarding Rosenstein's statement. Well worth a read.
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    Lot Y Tailgate said:

    The dates and posting styles and content are too similar not to make the assumption.

    Maybe you should start a new thread.
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    Don't respond to Lot Troll. He is trying to derail this thread again so it gets deleted.

    Flag his posts and move on. The mods keep him out of this thread because of the previous nuke attempt.
    Lot Y Tailgate
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    I want this thread to remain up forever so I can bump it when Manafort is behind bars.
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    Lot Y Tailgate said:

    I want this thread to remain up forever so I can bump it when Manafort is behind bars.
    Manafort is slimy and may or may not got to jail. The question is will you bump this thread when no Trump/Russian collusion is found and he is re-elected.

    Ellis Wyatt
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    Lot Y Tailgate said:

    I want this thread to remain up forever so I can bump it when Manafort is behind bars.
    Piss off, troll.
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    Ellis Wyatt said:

    Lot Y Tailgate said:

    I want this thread to remain up forever so I can bump it when Manafort is behind bars.
    Piss off, troll.
    Don't ever leave, Ellis!
    Hate is how progressives sustain themselves. Without hate, introspection begins to slip into the progressive's consciousness, threatening the progressive with the truth: that their ideas and opinions are illogical, hypocritical, dangerous, and asinine.
    This is backed by data.
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    Or option 5: The FISA "application" (not renewal) Rosenstein signed was just like he said, not dealing with people associated with the Trump campaign. Perhaps Glenn Simpson.
    Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
    Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
    Code 7 10-42
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    Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
    Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
    Code 7 10-42
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    What are the ramifications of this?


    he National Security Agency is deleting more than 685 million call records the government obtained since 2015 from telecommunication companies in connection with investigations, raising questions about the viability of the program.

    The NSA's bulk collection of call records was initially curtailed by Congress after former NSA contractor Edward Snowden leaked documents revealing extensive government surveillance. The law, enacted in June 2015, said that going forward, the data would be retained by telecommunications companies, not the NSA, but that the intelligence agency could query the massive database.

    Now the NSA is deleting all the information it collected from the queries.

    The agency released a statement late Thursday saying it started deleting the records in May after NSA analysts noted "technical irregularities in some data received from telecommunication service providers." It also said the irregularities resulted in the NSA obtaining some call details it was not authorized to receive.

    That points to a failure of the program, according to David Kris, a former top national security official at the Justice Department.

    "They said they have to purge three years' worth of data going back to 2015, and that the data they did collect during that time which they are now purging was not reliable and was infected with some kind of technical error," said Kris, founder of Culper Partners, a consulting firm in Seattle. "So whatever insights they were hoping to get over the past three years from this program of collection ... is all worthless. Because of that, they are throwing all the data away and basically starting over."

    Christopher Augustine, an NSA spokesman, disagreed with the claim that the program had failed.
    "This is a case in which NSA determined that there was a problem and proactively took all the right steps to fix it," he said.


    Under law, the government can request information, such as the type of details that might be printed on a phone bill: the date and time of a call or text, a telephone calling card number, the duration of a call and to what phone number it was made. The details provided to the government do not include the content of any communications, the name, address or financial information of a customer, cell site location or GPS information.

    If government investigators have reasonable suspicion that a certain phone number is being used by a terrorist, who might be in the U.S. or overseas, the government asks the phone companies which other numbers have been in touch with the suspicious number something known as the "first hops" and then which numbers are in touch with those numbers, the "second hops."

    The NSA collected more than 534.4 million details of calls and text messages in 2017 from American telecom providers like AT&T and Version, according to the most recent government report covering NSA surveillance activities that year. That was more than three times the 151.2 million collected in 2016.

    The call records were part of an intelligence collection effort aimed at 42 targets in 2016 and 40 targets in 2017, according to the report. It defines a target as an individual, group of individuals, organization or entity.

    Annual reports to Congress from the intelligence community are now required under the 2015 surveillance reform legislation. The law also requires the government to seek a court order to collect call records to obtain intelligence. Requests for records of U.S. citizens must be based on an investigation being conducted to protect against terrorism or clandestine intelligence activities and the probe cannot be conducted solely on activities protected by the First Amendment.

    However, despite the reforms, the NSA still received some data from the telecommunications companies that the agency was not authorized to see and some of that data was erroneous, Augustine said.
    "We cannot go into greater detail because those details remain classified. However, at no point in time did NSA receive the content of any calls, the name, address or financial information of a subscriber or customer, nor cell site location information or global positioning system information," he said.
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    RoscoePColtrane said:

    Almost the entire 7th floor knew of the Clinton emails on Weiner's laptop in late Sept. See OIG Report starting on pg 273.
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    Almost the entire 7th floor knew of the Clinton emails on Weiner's laptop in late Sept. See OIG Report starting on pg 273.
    Oh they knew that long before September, they just didn't look at them until Weiner started sexting again and another FBI office outside of DC found out about them.
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    aggiehawg said:


    Almost the entire 7th floor knew of the Clinton emails on Weiner's laptop in late Sept. See OIG Report starting on pg 273.
    Oh they knew that long before September, they just didn't look at them until Weiner started sexting again and another FBI office outside of DC found out about them.
    Which makes Comey's statement to Brett Baier that he never put together the connection of Weiner's laptop to Huma Abedin and the Clinton investigation more absurd.
    Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
    Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
    Code 7 10-42
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    Unsealed documents detail tactics in Clinton email probe

    Article discusses newly released court documents on the Clinton email investigation which Horowitz had unsealed as part of his investigation...revealing it was a criminal investigation. The documents disclose the requests for search warrants, reasons for & methods on computers &/or google accounts related to:
    top Clinton adviser Jake Sullivan, technology aide Paul Combetta, Clinton personal aide Huma Abedin, Clinton adviser Cheryl Mills, Clinton senior adviser Philippe Reines, & Japan-based venture capitalist Mitch Murata. A link to the documents is provided below; this is where the info originated in the tweet I posted on page 507 from @DawsonSField about Paul Combetta.

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    685 million call records
    On 40 targets? That's a lot of Kevin Bacons
    Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
    Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
    Code 7 10-42
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    RoscoePColtrane said:

    Or option 5: The FISA "application" (not renewal) Rosenstein signed was just like he said, not dealing with people associated with the Trump campaign. Perhaps Glenn Simpson.
    The Schiff Memo on page 3 states that Rosenstein signed one of the renewals.
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    aggiehawg said:

    What are the ramifications of this?


    he National Security Agency is deleting more than 685 million call records the government obtained since 2015 from telecommunication companies in connection with investigations, raising questions about the viability of the program.

    The NSA's bulk collection of call records was initially curtailed by Congress after former NSA contractor Edward Snowden leaked documents revealing extensive government surveillance. The law, enacted in June 2015, said that going forward, the data would be retained by telecommunications companies, not the NSA, but that the intelligence agency could query the massive database.

    Now the NSA is deleting all the information it collected from the queries.

    The agency released a statement late Thursday saying it started deleting the records in May after NSA analysts noted "technical irregularities in some data received from telecommunication service providers." It also said the irregularities resulted in the NSA obtaining some call details it was not authorized to receive.

    That points to a failure of the program, according to David Kris, a former top national security official at the Justice Department.

    "They said they have to purge three years' worth of data going back to 2015, and that the data they did collect during that time which they are now purging was not reliable and was infected with some kind of technical error," said Kris, founder of Culper Partners, a consulting firm in Seattle. "So whatever insights they were hoping to get over the past three years from this program of collection ... is all worthless. Because of that, they are throwing all the data away and basically starting over."

    Christopher Augustine, an NSA spokesman, disagreed with the claim that the program had failed.
    "This is a case in which NSA determined that there was a problem and proactively took all the right steps to fix it," he said.


    Under law, the government can request information, such as the type of details that might be printed on a phone bill: the date and time of a call or text, a telephone calling card number, the duration of a call and to what phone number it was made. The details provided to the government do not include the content of any communications, the name, address or financial information of a customer, cell site location or GPS information.

    If government investigators have reasonable suspicion that a certain phone number is being used by a terrorist, who might be in the U.S. or overseas, the government asks the phone companies which other numbers have been in touch with the suspicious number something known as the "first hops" and then which numbers are in touch with those numbers, the "second hops."

    The NSA collected more than 534.4 million details of calls and text messages in 2017 from American telecom providers like AT&T and Version, according to the most recent government report covering NSA surveillance activities that year. That was more than three times the 151.2 million collected in 2016.

    The call records were part of an intelligence collection effort aimed at 42 targets in 2016 and 40 targets in 2017, according to the report. It defines a target as an individual, group of individuals, organization or entity.

    Annual reports to Congress from the intelligence community are now required under the 2015 surveillance reform legislation. The law also requires the government to seek a court order to collect call records to obtain intelligence. Requests for records of U.S. citizens must be based on an investigation being conducted to protect against terrorism or clandestine intelligence activities and the probe cannot be conducted solely on activities protected by the First Amendment.

    However, despite the reforms, the NSA still received some data from the telecommunications companies that the agency was not authorized to see and some of that data was erroneous, Augustine said.
    "We cannot go into greater detail because those details remain classified. However, at no point in time did NSA receive the content of any calls, the name, address or financial information of a subscriber or customer, nor cell site location information or global positioning system information," he said.
    Per NSA spokesman above:

    "This is a case in which NSA determined that there was a problem and proactively took all the right steps to fix it,".

    My reply:


    Facts are fact...waters wet and liars lie.
    Alexander, Caesar, Charlemagne, and myself founded empires; but upon what foundation did we rest the creations of our genius? Upon force! But Jesus Christ founded His upon love; and at this hour millions of men would die for Him. - Napoleon Bonaparte
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    RoscoePColtrane said:


    685 million call records
    On 40 targets? That's a lot of Kevin Bacons
    Yes, that is patently ridiculous.

    My question though is how the data became "unreliable"?? Are the records themselves erroneous? Or is the analysis skewed by access to additional information and the conclusions are therefore unreliable?

    Sidenote: Would be hysterical if Manafort was one of the so-called 42.
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    drcrinum said:

    RoscoePColtrane said:

    Or option 5: The FISA "application" (not renewal) Rosenstein signed was just like he said, not dealing with people associated with the Trump campaign. Perhaps Glenn Simpson.
    The Schiff Memo on page 3 states that Rosenstein signed one of the renewals.
    Curious to how he came up with that, when supposedly they were only reviewing the initial FISA warrant application. That's the way Gowdy described the viewing. I think he even commented that they needed to see the rest before he could really make a judgement call. I don't know, Nunes never mention multiple applications in his memo.
    Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
    Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
    Code 7 10-42
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    aggiehawg said:

    RoscoePColtrane said:


    685 million call records
    On 40 targets? That's a lot of Kevin Bacons
    Yes, that is patently ridiculous.

    My question though is how the data became "unreliable"?? Are the records themselves erroneous? Or is the analysis skewed by access to additional information and the conclusions are therefore unreliable?

    Sidenote: Would be hysterical if Manafort was one of the so-called 42.
    Maybe unreliable because it is tainted because it was illegally obtained.
    Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
    Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
    Code 7 10-42
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    RoscoePColtrane said:

    drcrinum said:

    RoscoePColtrane said:

    Or option 5: The FISA "application" (not renewal) Rosenstein signed was just like he said, not dealing with people associated with the Trump campaign. Perhaps Glenn Simpson.
    The Schiff Memo on page 3 states that Rosenstein signed one of the renewals.
    Curious to how he came up with that, when supposedly they were only reviewing the initial FISA warrant application. That's the way Gowdy described the viewing. I think he even commented that they needed to see the rest before he could really make a judgement call. I don't know, Nunes never mention multiple applications in his memo.
    Who believes Schiff about anything anyway?

    But you were correct, it was only the original application, the October 2016 one, that Gowdy saw.

    Schiff tried to counter that with the renewals mostly being by Republican appointees of which Rosenstein was one. Which Rosenstein has seemingly confirmed now.

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    Well, this turned out to be a nothingburger. I hope the judge doesn't buy it.
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    drcrinum said:

    Well, this turned out to be a nothingburger. I hope the judge doesn't buy it.

    May not be nothing, this forces Mueller to crap or get off the pot. Once the probation department finishes the pre-sentence investigation, the Judge is going to want to pull the trigger.

    My point being up until now if the 302's are dirty, and Flynn hasn't been sentence, they can withdraw the plea deal and drop charges, and perhaps walk away just bruised. Once Flynn is sentenced and it then turns up they were dirty, it's going to be uglier than can be spun, and Weissmann is once again tied to a conviction involving dirty 302's. If Strzok, Page or McCabe cave and fess up on the 302's or if Pientka isn't going along with the story, don't forget Grassley still wants to interview Pientka. Mueller has been putting this sentencing off for something other than sweating Flynn hoping he'll flip.
    Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
    Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
    Code 7 10-42
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    The FISA application(s) that was rejected in July 2016, basing the PC on the Alfa Bank pinging that was picked up on GCHQ surveillance is still yet to be explained. Curious how far down that road Horowitz goes, especially since denials in the FISC are virtually unicorns. 99.65% approval rate is unbelievable.
    Never take a hostage you aren't willing to shoot,
    Remember, America doesn’t negotiate with terrorists.
    Code 7 10-42
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    My point being up until now if the 302's are dirty, and Flynn hasn't been sentence, they can withdraw the plea deal and drop charges, and perhaps walk away just bruised. Once Flynn is sentenced and it then turns up they were dirty, it's going to be uglier than can be spun, and Weissmann is once again tied to a conviction involving dirty 302's. If Strzok, Page or McCabe cave and fess up on the 302's or if Pientka isn't going along with the story, don't forget Grassley still wants to interview Pientka. Mueller has been putting this sentencing off for something other than sweating Flynn hoping he'll flip.
    Don't forget Rosenstein can stiff arm Grassley as long as Flynn is still a pending matter. Once he's sentenced, game over.

    As to why Flynn's lawyers would go along with this, I have a friend who was one of the premier criminal defense lawyers in Austin (retired now). He liked to say some cases need to sit idle and age like a fine wine, results in a much more "mellow" result.
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    Judge Sullivan holding Team Mueller's feet to the fire. Indeed, that is a "s*** or get off of the pot," order.
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    Meaning, they're not done with Flynn yet. Team Mueller is proposing to do everything ahead so that when they are done with him, he can be sentenced.
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