And is still filing frivolous lawsuits.sicandtiredTXN said:
Elias is just being a pompous arrogant pr*ck as always who thinks he's untouchable, completely leaving out the particularly notable truth is that he's being called by Durham as a prosecutorial witness in the Sussmann case.
On the surface, it sounds like a serious challenge is being waged against an iniquity. Three separate voting groups have filed suit against the Georgia State Elections Board over new rules put in place stemming from the recent voter integrity law the state passed that had the country in an imbalanced uproar, which would appear to indicate there is a severe violation in place threatening.
That is until you read the court filing and see how ludicrous this current claim turns out to be.
The suit has been brought by Democratic Party legal bomb-thrower Marc Elias, helping to file this by a coalition of, the Georgia Alliance of Retired Americans, and Priorities USA. The suit takes issue with the requirement that submissions for absentee ballots must be filled out by the voter and submitted with a written signature by the deadline date in order to receive a ballot in the mail. The issue? As stated in the court filing:What specifically do they have a problem with this filing? This rule prohibits the submission online and the use of a digital signature, something that can aid those looking to submit ballots in bulk or through other nefarious means. What angers these groups is the requirement of a request needing to be submitted with a name and signature appearing with ink that is, what is dubbed to be a "wet signature." The opposition to this most basic operation in document verification is the ridiculous part it is said to be racist.Quote:
The question posed by this lawsuit is simple: can the State of Georgia use arcane rules and administrative traps to deny absentee ballots to eligible voters?