ramblin_ag02 said:
Oddly, most of the world seems to have figured this out pretty easily. The predominant religion in a community is the most visible in public functions. If there isn't a dominant group, then usually several religions have visible expressions in the public square. It's not like Christian missionaries are going to Iran and demanding the right to have a Christian prayer before soccer games in an almost entirely Muslim community. As far as I can tell, only atheists in the US consider public expression of any faith at all to be offensive.
No, Christian missionaries aren't doing that in Iran. They are too busy pouring hundreds of million dollars into political lobbies in Africa to oppose sex education, contraception, and LGBT rights. Because the have so much respect for the predominant cultures and customs of other peoples, I assume.
You can pray when you wake up in the morning in bed. You can pray when you are eating your Cheerios. You can pray during your morning shower. You can gather with your family and pray before work and school. You can pray while you are driving to work. You can meet with your friends in a public park and pray will a bullhorn before work. You can pray at work. You can pray during lunch. You can meet with your friends at lunchtime and hire a skywriter to write "Jesus Is Lord" in the sky. You can pray on your way home. You can meet at the church with friends and family and pray before going home. You can pray at dinner. After dinner you can go into the middle of town and shout, "Jesus is Lord, repent and and be saved" while wearing a WWJD shirt and a tattoo of a crucifix on your forehead.
Atheists are saying, "Lets have tax funded institutions stay out of the prayer business." Monstrous! Demons! What is next, public executions of Christians in the streets?!?! That is obviously the next logical step, right?
Go to a football game and pray in the car. Meet up with your friends and pray in the stands. Pray before the game. Pray during the game. Pray after the game. Circle up in the corner of the bleachers and hold your own little mass. I came for the football game, I don't need to be part of your prayer. I don't want to be part of your prayer. I want you to have your prayer ( I honestly do), but I'd like to not be there for it. I'm not offended by it. My company has a prayer before company meetings. Its a private company and the owner can do what he wants. I don't give a *****
Christians in this country are absolutely on edge about any overstep against their faith and absolutely indifferent to and in denial that overstepping happens to anyone else. THIS is exactly why Christianity will face problems in the future in this country. Its that unbending and unapologetic arrogance of knowing you are right and
only your problems matter. Because the rest of us are 'cultural rot', right? I mean. . . you love us because God tells you to, but we're still 'cultural rot'. Yeah?
. . . . sorry ramblin. . . most of that isn't directed at you specifically. More of a rant that just happened. I'll probably read this again in the morning and feel bad about one part of it or another, but maybe its worth not deleting it.
Maybe I'm still angry that Koepka won yesterday. Derm - I was really pulling for Scottie or Vik to pull something off.