codker92 said:That sounds like your opinion.AgLiving06 said:codker92 said:Ever think that maybe God is bigger than theology?AgLiving06 said:codker92 said:AgLiving06 said:codker92 said:Sound like a conclusion to me. Have anything to support what you are saying other than your opinion? There are many many many passages about Jesus doing the will of Yahweh. The will of Yahweh is found in his law, which cites the King of Israel's duty to read scripture. In Daniel, the Son of Man aka Jesus is given thrones, including the throne of Israel, partially to fulfill God's promise to David.NCNJ1217 said:codker92 said:What about the post is anti-trinitarian?BluHorseShu said:Jesus is commanded by who? Your posts sometimes seem almost anti-trinitariancodker92 said:dermdoc said:Where is the Scripture that says Jesus studied Scripture?codker92 said:BluHorseShu said:I have to be honest, half the time I have no idea what the point of your posts are but I feel bad when you have no replies so I just throw something up to see what sticks. The theological questions you pose are a little too challenging for me bc I often cannot figure out the reason why the question needs an answer in the first place.codker92 said:Catag94 said:
Would His divine nature be too simple an answer?
It has nothing to do with whether the answer is simple or not. Point is Jesus wasn't reading the church fathers. Jesus did read second temple literature. If you aren't reading the New Testament in context you are going to miss major points. You wouldn't use the communist manifesto to decide how the magma carta is interpreted. Why would you use the church fathers to interpret Jesus commentary in OT
The question I posed is not theological. The question I posed is whether Jesus read books or whether he had information beamed into his head under the conclusory label of inspiration. The second temple literature in circulation at the time of Christ included nearly all of the major points in Jesus' sermon on the mount. This fact directly contradicts the idea of inspiration. Jesus did not just make up his sermon from nothing. He read scripture.
The only place I know of Scripture even saying he read Scripture is when he reads Isaiah aloud in the synagogue.
And if Jesus is God, why would he need any info or Scripture beamed into his head.
Jesus is the king of Israel, and the King of Israel is commanded to write for himself a copy of the law, approved by the Levitical priests, and he shall read it all the days of his life.
They took the branches of the palm trees and went out to meet Him, and began to shout, " Hosanna! Blessed in He who comes in the NAME of the LORD, even the King of Israel!! John 12:13
And when he sits on the throne of his kingdom, he shall write for himself in a book a copy of this law, approved by the Levitical priests. And it shall be with him, and he shall read in it all the days of his life, that he may learn to fear the Lord his God by keeping all the words of this law and these statues, and doing them. Deut. 16:18.
Because Jesus is fully human and, at the same time, fully God, which makes the entire thread moot
Edit: you'd have to reject the above idea of the Trinity to take the stance you're taking
What conclusion would you like us to draw?
The best we can tell, you are purposefully being vague to avoid revealing your real position.
Real position about what? A theological concept?
We don't know. That's the point. What theological concepts are you claiming?
You avoided answering my question again.
And yes, the theological concept of God acknowledges that we only have access to what God has revealed to us. There is an unknown amount of information about God that we do not have access to in this life, but we hope in the next life we will truly be able to understand God.
None of that changes anything about Jesus role within the Trinity and His nature.
An opinion would be if someone made the claim that Jesus only knew the scriptures through reading them.
Progressive revelation about God and His desires for us is an undisputable fact of the Bible.
For example, we know more today than any Jew in the OT because Jesus walked this earth. However, to presume that we know everything about God because of that is certainly not a claim that any reasonable person would make because there's no evidence for that claim.