What happened to the dinosaurs?

11,018 Views | 131 Replies | Last: 8 yr ago by Woody2006
Martin Q. Blank
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Only being indoctrinated at a young age to despise science and curiosity could get an adult to this point.
I went to public school. My parents believe in the original ancestor theory and an "old earth", never taught me otherwise. I was taught the theory in school. It sounded far fetched, but accepted it as truth. I questioned it in college, but never really stopped believing it. Until several years ago. It was curiosity as an adult that made me stop believing it.
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It always the other guy who is indoctrinated right?

Martin Q. Blank
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I can understand why someone would want to discount evolution if they are determined to stay a YEC, but why would you be so against the fact that dinosaurs had feathers? Do you have a vintage Jurassic Park collection that won't mean as much to you if you were to accept that they were no longer biologically accurate?
Sapper brought up the feathers as proof the sparrows eating out of my bird feeder were once dinosaurs. His evidence is not proof of anything, especially such a ridiculous tale.
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talk to text again? I've noticed your "idol thoughts" and "makes since" so I figured it had to be that.
Excuse my spelling, it's not my strength. I type fast and don't often have the time or care to proof.

However, if calling that out helps you avoid any factual base arguments, I'm all for it. Many on here are already keen to your repeated avoidance on discussions that truly challenge your beliefs.

Let me know when you want to revisit the other thread where I question your blinding faith in the Catholic Church and their every growing list of homosexual and pedo priest. Because there is really no way for anyone to defend that, I'm sure I will continue to hear nothing but crickets.
Which thread? the one that someone already answered you that we were speaking about theological issues and not the behaviors of a few priests? I would say the list of homosexual and pedo priests are actually shrinking; they're catching more of them and it seems to have been a problem among the older clergy who are dying off than it is with the younger ones who have been formed after stricter rules were put in place. But again; which thread were you thinking of?

I answer literally every question fired at me; if anyone has cause to accuse me of avoiding conversation; let them come forth.
John Maplethorpe
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Only being indoctrinated at a young age to despise science and curiosity could get an adult to this point.
I went to public school. My parents believe in the original ancestor theory and an "old earth", never taught me otherwise. I was taught the theory in school. It sounded far fetched, but accepted it as truth. I questioned it in college, but never really stopped believing it. Until several years ago. It was curiosity as an adult that made me stop believing it.

Stopped believing what? "Old earth"? You haven't even expressed what problem dinosaurs present.

"Original ancestor theory" means what to you? Did you go to a church where questioning evolution entered your conscious at a young age? The evidence for evolution has only gotten stronger over the years, what science could you discover as an adult that would lead you to reject something as well accepted as this?
John Maplethorpe
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It always the other guy who is indoctrinated right?

When it comes to believing in nonsense in the face of overwhelming evidence. Yes.
Citizen Reign
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talk to text again? I've noticed your "idol thoughts" and "makes since" so I figured it had to be that.
Excuse my spelling, it's not my strength. I type fast and don't often have the time or care to proof.

However, if calling that out helps you avoid any factual base arguments, I'm all for it. Many on here are already keen to your repeated avoidance on discussions that truly challenge your beliefs.

Let me know when you want to revisit the other thread where I question your blinding faith in the Catholic Church and their every growing list of homosexual and pedo priest. Because there is really no way for anyone to defend that, I'm sure I will continue to hear nothing but crickets.
Which thread? the one that someone already answered you that we were speaking about theological issues and not the behaviors of a few priests? I would say the list of homosexual and pedo priests are actually shrinking; they're catching more of them and it seems to have been a problem among the older clergy who are dying off than it is with the younger ones who have been formed after stricter rules were put in place. But again; which thread were you thinking of?

I answer literally every question fired at me; if anyone has cause to accuse me of avoiding conversation; let them come forth.
A few? really?

This one

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Those literally look like something I would see if a five year old boy came up with a totally cool new animal. I'm sure Sapper will tell me it's science though.

Weird that you spend a lot of time looking at five year old boys stuff.
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I can understand why someone would want to discount evolution if they are determined to stay a YEC, but why would you be so against the fact that dinosaurs had feathers? Do you have a vintage Jurassic Park collection that won't mean as much to you if you were to accept that they were no longer biologically accurate?
Sapper brought up the feathers as proof the sparrows eating out of my bird feeder were once dinosaurs. His evidence is not proof of anything, especially such a ridiculous tale.

Coelurosaurian dinosaurs are thought to be the closest relatives of birds, in fact, birds are considered to be coelurosaurs. This is based on Gauthier's and others' cladistic analyses of the skeletal morphology of these animals. Bones are used because bones are normally the only features preserved in the fossil record. The first birds shared the following major skeletal characteristics with many coelurosaurian dinosaurs (especially those of their own clade, the Maniraptora, which includes Velociraptor):

1. Pubis (one of the three bones making up the vertebrate pelvis) shifted from an anterior to a more posterior orientation (see Saurischia), and bearing a small distal "boot".
2. Elongated arms and forelimbs and clawed manus (hands).
3. Large orbits (eye openings in the skull).
4. Flexible wrist with a semi-lunate carpal (wrist bone).
5. Hollow, thin-walled bones.
6. 3-fingered opposable grasping manus (hand), 4-toed pes (foot); but supported by 3 main toes.
7. Reduced, posteriorly stiffened tail.
8. Elongated metatarsals (bones of the feet between the ankle and toes).
9. S-shaped curved neck.
10. Erect, digitgrade (ankle held well off the ground) stance with feet postitioned directly below the body.
11. Similar eggshell microstructure.
12. Teeth with a constriction between the root and the crown.
13. Functional basis for wing power stroke present in arms and pectoral girdle (during motion, the arms were swung down and forward, then up and backwards, describing a "figure-eight" when viewed laterally).
14. Expanded pneumatic sinuses in the skull.
15. Five or more vertebrae incorporated into the sacrum (hip).
16. Straplike scapula (shoulder blade).
17. Clavicles (collarbone) fused to form a furcula (wishbone).
18. Hingelike ankle joint, with movement mostly restricted to the fore-aft plane.
19. Secondary bony palate (nostrils open posteriorly in throat).
20. Feathers (article says possible protofeathers because of when it was written; this is no longer in doubt).



If you want the actual articles on the cladistic similarities I can get you those.

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Martin is nothing but an arrogant troll.
Atheists get their dinosaur given feathers all rustled when someone questions their 100% for sure religion.

Actually, no.

You don't rustle anybodies feathers. It is highly amusing watching you respond to facts with things like kids TV shows and the oj Simpson murder.

You provide fantastic entertainment, but that's really about it.
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I can understand why someone would want to discount evolution if they are determined to stay a YEC, but why would you be so against the fact that dinosaurs had feathers? Do you have a vintage Jurassic Park collection that won't mean as much to you if you were to accept that they were no longer biologically accurate?
Sapper brought up the feathers as proof the sparrows eating out of my bird feeder were once dinosaurs. His evidence is not proof of anything, especially such a ridiculous tale.

Your reading comprehension "skills" never cease to amaze me.

I'm still waiting for you to hold your own beliefs up to even a simple standard of verifiability before you do that to somebody else's. Imaginary being that created the world? What a ridiculous tale.
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You don't need evidence when your answer is magic
Martin Q. Blank
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Weird that you spend a lot of time looking at five year old boys stuff.
I'm still waiting for you to hold your own beliefs up to even a simple standard of verifiability before you do that to somebody else's. Imaginary being that created the world? What a ridiculous tale.
Mine is a ridiculous tale because the Bible is ridiculous. Yours shouldn't be because science limits knowledge to what we can see and touch, not what we can imagine as 5 year old boys. And yes I spend a lot of time around a five year old boy because I have one. Psychological projection is another interesting theory in science.
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Weird that you spend a lot of time looking at five year old boys stuff.
I'm still waiting for you to hold your own beliefs up to even a simple standard of verifiability before you do that to somebody else's. Imaginary being that created the world? What a ridiculous tale.
Mine is a ridiculous tale because the Bible is ridiculous. Yours shouldn't be because science limits knowledge to what we can see and touch, not what we can imagine as 5 year old boys. And yes I spend a lot of time around a five year old boy because I have one. Psychological projection is another interesting theory in science.

It certainly is and explains your passive aggressive posting style and how much you "question" everything.

Your doubts have more to do with yourself than everything else. I do agree with you that you should stop projecting your fears.
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You don't need evidence when your answer is magic

Magic+"self-loathing"*lack of critical thinking=mqb
Martin Q. Blank
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Weird that you spend a lot of time looking at five year old boys stuff.
I'm still waiting for you to hold your own beliefs up to even a simple standard of verifiability before you do that to somebody else's. Imaginary being that created the world? What a ridiculous tale.
Mine is a ridiculous tale because the Bible is ridiculous. Yours shouldn't be because science limits knowledge to what we can see and touch, not what we can imagine as 5 year old boys. And yes I spend a lot of time around a five year old boy because I have one. Psychological projection is another interesting theory in science.

It certainly is and explains your passive aggressive posting style and how much you "question" everything.

Your doubts have more to do with yourself than everything else. I do agree with you that you should stop projecting your fears.
More projecting. Come to the Lord Jesus and he will give you rest.
John Maplethorpe
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I really am curious what he thinks the problem with dinosaurs cause. Since he can't articulate, maybe somebody else can summarize what he thinks he thinks....?
Martin Q. Blank
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I guess we've reached the fairy believing science hater posts. And nobody has answered the question other than "K-T event, EOT."
Martin Q. Blank
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I knew some fundamentalist wackos like RetiredAg growing up and they put about as much thought into questions about Christianity. "What the pastor says, if you doubt, you're going to hell."
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I guess we've reached the fairy believing science hater posts. And nobody has answered the question other than "K-T event, EOT."

Actually, it's been explained multiple times: a line of maniraptora theropod Dinosaurs evolved gliding and then flight capacity sometime in the later Jurassic and became modern Aves. These animals still exist with over 1500 distinct species. So, no, Dinosaurs are not extinct but live with us and among us. Nonavian Dinosaurs died out following a cataclysmic meteor impact. To give you an idea of how devastating this impact was, one theory suggests that the ejected particulate crystalized and burned up in the atmosphere, leading to global temperatures of over 700 degrees in a few hours after impact, essentially cooking anything alive on land that did not have some form of natural cover.
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I'm confused on your angle. Your OP can be surmised by two questions

A. Where did the dinosaurs go?
B. Why did everyone else make it?

In answer to question A, people have said the K-T event.

Due to the answer to question A, question B is a question based on a false premise, as everyone else did not make it through the K-T event.

Therefore, it is sort of "EOT", right? Where can we go from here?
Citizen Reign
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I really am curious what he thinks the problem with dinosaurs cause. Since he can't articulate, maybe somebody else can summarize what he thinks he thinks....?
He hates anything related to evolution or that challenges his faith.

Luckily for Adam and Eve they were here long after the dinosaurs. Otherwise, it's likely that some Barosaurus would have plucked that fig tree clean. Then what?

Or, maybe he believes that the serpent that tempted Eve was a dinosaur?
Star Wars Memes Only
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leading to global temperatures of over 700 degrees in a few hours after impact, essentially cooking anything alive on land that did not have some form of natural cover.


How do they explain the 25% of animals that survived under this theory? Global temperatures of 700 degrees seems like it would be immediately deadly to all life. Or am I wrong? What kind of cover could protect you from this?
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leading to global temperatures of over 700 degrees in a few hours after impact, essentially cooking anything alive on land that did not have some form of natural cover.


How do they explain the 25% of animals that survived under this theory? Global temperatures of 700 degrees seems like it would be immediately deadly to all life. Or am I wrong? What kind of cover could protect you from this?

Apparently just a few inches of soil is enough to disperse the heat for an animal to survive. Honestly, I haven't read too much about the theory, but it is an interesting and plausible interpretation given how suddenly the presence of nonavian Dinosaur fossils ends at the KT boundary.
Star Wars Memes Only
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Do you have a link. I'd like to see such an idea explained, because several things sound far fetched to me like: a few inches of soil protecting from global temperatures of 700 degrees, 25 percent of life surviving, I've always heard that a large asteroid would cause a prolonged winter rather than high temperatures, and I was under the impression that whether the dinosaurs died quickly or slowly is not settled.
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What happened to the dinosaurs?

Their show got cancelled.

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This thread confuses me. Is MQB questioning whether or not dinosaurs actually existed? I have no idea what point he's trying to make.
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