Damn this is exciting. 2 honest to goodness whole-hog YE creationists to play with.
quote:It's not millions of years... it's hundreds of thousands.quote:Assuming that you believe that God created Adam, was Adam created as an infant or an adult? If an adult, was that a "fake appearance of age."
Honestly, I don't know how anyone looks at ice layer data and concludes young earth. It makes no sense to worship a God that creates the fake appearance of age.
When God created the plants, there had to be soil. Soil is the result of a process. Is the creation of soil a "fake appearance of age"?
If God creates things with the appearance of age, but tells us explicitly when and how long it took him to do it, in what possible way could the be called "fake"?
And how sure are you about the reliability of ice core data? How do we confirm conclusions that ice core data shows millions of years of age? Do you know what presumptions and assumptions the ice core data aging makes?
quote:Why are the fossils ordered in terms of complexity in exactly the way evolution demands. Why is there not one single human fossil in the Cambrian, why no bunnies in the Precambrian, why no grasses with single celled organisms?
When God created the plants, there had to be soil. Soil is the result of a process. Is the creation of soil a "fake appearance of age"?
How do you explain strata that were laid down in a marine environment as sediment, but cover the entire globe or entire continents?
How do you explain dinosaur fossil beds in Wyoming that contain millions of individuals in sediment that came from Indiana?
How do you explain the exploding number of fossils with organic tissue remaining?
How do you explain the existence of DNA in insects trapped in amber for supposedly hundreds of millions of years?
How do you explain the existence of measurable C14 in all carbon based substances, including diamonds? Don't say "contamination"; that argument has been debunked.
And fossils don't take millions of years to form. It's been shown that they can be created in hours.
If radioisotope dating is so reliable, then why do different dating methods result in dates than can be an order of magnitude different from each other?
How does one verify radioisotope dates that result in billions of years of age?
How do you explain the exploding number of fossils with organic tissue remaining?
quote:Adam was a man, not an infant. Animals were created mature. Plants were created mature. Soil had nutrition for plants to grow. Starlight was visible from earth. But somehow ice should have been "just one big block"? I'm not even sure what rocks "should" appear as...perfect cubes of granite?quote:There would be no need to hundreds of thousands of years worth of seasons be built into ice if that were true. It could have been just one big block. It makes no sense to age to something you just poofed into existence.
I disagree it's fake. Had someone been there for day 6 to look at Adam, how old would they conclude he was? 30 years? 1 day? I guess it depends on your perspective. That's why I don't like the term "young earth." Adam wasn't "young" as in an infant even though he had been alive for only minutes.
quote:quote:Dendrochronology is more art and subjectivity than science. You do know that trees can grow more than one set of rings in a year, given the right conditions?
there are trees that are still alive today that are older than the Flood. How did they survive?
quote:I wouldn't expect sedimentary rocks to exist that suggest an extremely old earth either.quote:Adam was a man, not an infant. Animals were created mature. Plants were created mature. Soil had nutrition for plants to grow. Starlight was visible from earth. But somehow ice should have been "just one big block"? I'm not even sure what rocks "should" appear as...perfect cubes of granite?quote:There would be no need to hundreds of thousands of years worth of seasons be built into ice if that were true. It could have been just one big block. It makes no sense to age to something you just poofed into existence.
I disagree it's fake. Had someone been there for day 6 to look at Adam, how old would they conclude he was? 30 years? 1 day? I guess it depends on your perspective. That's why I don't like the term "young earth." Adam wasn't "young" as in an infant even though he had been alive for only minutes.
quote:quote:Do your homework better, Sapper. You're obviously out of touch.
We have a small handful of fossils with minute amounts of collagen and organic matter preserved in very unique circumstances and cases. The fact that you consider a tiny number of such examples of degraded and preserved organic matter as proof of a young earth is hilarious.
Here's an example of yet another article, from a secular journal, pushing back even further the date of organic matter:
quote:Rocks don't "suggest" anything. People do that.
I wouldn't expect sedimentary rocks to exist that suggest an extremely old earth either.
I'm pretty sure that's not correct. At 60,000 feet, it may appear that way, but not when examining the details. For example, in the Cambrian Explosion, extraordinarily complex critters appear out of nothing.
quote:No it doesn't. Not even a little bit and this is confirmed by DNA. I'm not even sure why you think this is true, much like your assertion about scholarship of the NT, you are operating inside an fundamentalist information bubble. Searching outside of that will reveal to you a great deal more information.
Additionally, the fossil record, rather than reflecting a "tree of life", with everything emerging from a common ancestor, appears to look more like a "lawn of life", with multiple origins of life. Further, rather than increasing numbers of life forms, there are decreasing numbers. In other words, something has been radically pruning that alleged tree.
Who knows?
quote:Same for EVERY SINGLE creature that contradicts the theory? We aren't talking just humans and bunnies, we are talking every single creature period which is irreconcilable with evolution. The list is endless. "not that many" is not a credible solution.
Perhaps because there weren't that many people alive when the Cambrian strata got laid, same with bunnies?
quote:It doesn't show this at all. In fact this is readily debunked with countless examples. The strata are not organized by ecosystem, and just an ounce of curiosity would have shown you this isn't true. The other creationist argument is that it's organized by mobility, this can also readily be shown to be false. When you make a creationist argument spend 30s on google and find out the evidence against it. As for these assertions its trivially easy to show they are false.
Perhaps because the strata evidence a sequence of destruction and death of various eco-systems? Why do you assume that such evidence should exist?
If evolution is inevitable, why don't we have even a single shred of evidence of life outside of earth?
quote:It's pretty easy. Making copies doesn't just destroy information, it also creates it. We've watched this happen.
If evolution has occurred over billions of years, why do we have even a single meaningful bit of biological information available? Everything we have observed shows that making copies destroys information. Evolution over billions of year requires literally trillions of copies to have been made. Rather than information being destroyed or damaged, billion-year evolution shows that information has been magically created. Explain that.
quote:Because God willed all of that. Isn't important.
Now you explain starlight, boiling the oceans, lake varves, and all the other examples I gave. Why is it only the scientist need to explain evidence and you can just ignore it.
quote:Are you always this abrasive? Do you honestly believe that the way you communicate on here is Christ-like?
08~Explain where we came from monkey breath
quote:quote:Are you always this abrasive? Do you honestly believe that the way you communicate on here is Christ-like?
08~Explain where we came from monkey breath
Round two of this thread just may be more entertaining than round one was.
quote:I'm getting tons of laughs myself!
Damn this is exciting. 2 honest to goodness whole-hog YE creationists to play with.
As for this:quote:
How do you explain the exploding number of fossils with organic tissue remaining?
We have a small handful of fossils with minute amounts of collagen and organic matter preserved in very unique circumstances and cases. The fact that you consider a tiny number of such examples of degraded and preserved organic matter as proof of a young earth is hilarious. Why don't we have much better preserved Dinos? Why do we have mammoth bones (not fossils, bones), and zero Dinosaur bones.